Recent content by SomaZ

  1. SomaZ

    can food limit be set above 300?

    This one was epic :D Although I have to agree that I would've done it the same way as Windex described. Just use 1 and 2 as integer numbers instead of 0.5 and 1, and check if it's 2 - count as 1.
  2. SomaZ

    Check if water is in range of unit

    Fist of all amphibious units can walk on normal ground. Second: if you think the thing I suggested is too complicated (and other things suggested) then you're better off without this skill/w/e as it is too advanced for you.
  3. SomaZ

    Check if water is in range of unit

    This is a tough one. I suggest you take a rectangle, and divide it into many squares. Make it of some size you want (like 50x50 or something) and make a point in every of those squares. Then check every point wether "Amphibious" pathing (or walking, or something like that) is available in that...
  4. SomaZ

    Defense Dead Rampage - A zombie survival

    Thaks a lot for all the replies guys! Made me feel a lot better ^^ Well, yeah, having more heroes for the first release would be a lot better, but it would take a lot more time, considering that as I sayd, I put a lot into hero skills. Ofc. is that I want to release this faster. But the...
  5. SomaZ

    Defense Dead Rampage - A zombie survival

    Thanks for the comment. Yeah it's interesting. Otherwise I wouldn't have been doing it lol. About the I read the rules and didn't find anything about it, BUT! If it is against the rules, which I couldn't find, then I appologize. Also, as I sayd it doesn't cost anything, but I could...
  6. SomaZ

    Defense Dead Rampage - A zombie survival

    I am going to make this map from zero (open the world editor and start doing stuff). This map is inspired by games Left 4 Dead and Natural Selection. :thup: Dead Rampage Short: This map will be a somewhat classical zombie survival. You choose one of several heroes and start in a...
  7. SomaZ

    How can I detect if a unit was hit it or damage by the Shockwave?

    Trigger the shockwave yourself. Then you'll know when you hit someone with it.
  8. SomaZ

    Neutral Units Spell Casting

    Yes it can -_- seriosly. (I mean with the use of waits, not at the same moment, but can run different actions).
  9. SomaZ

    Neutral Units Spell Casting

    The game can run multiple triggers at the same time, no? So why not run functions ? :( Anyway, +rep thx :)
  10. SomaZ

    Tech for other players

    Make sure that all green's units are using the upgrade in the unit properties in "Techtree - Upgrades Used" and that the damage upgrade actualy gives damage and has enough levels. Edit: I quickly removed the idea about research, because I saw you used it in the first post, but you were fast...
  11. SomaZ

    Tech for other players

  12. SomaZ

    Tech for other players

    Your trigger is run as many times as the ammount of units that green player has. I think that's not your intension. Right now it's not working because player 7 doesn't have any units I suppose.
  13. SomaZ

    Neutral Units Spell Casting

    I FOUND THE PROBLEM BUT I NEED NEW HELP! Here's a custom Jass function that I made: function CreepAbility takes unit u, integer i returns nothing local real r call GroupRemoveUnitSimple( u, udg_Creep_Ability_Group[i] ) if i == 1 then set r = 13 else if i == 2 then...
  14. SomaZ

    Visibility Cheat

    Use Visibility Modifiers (through triggers). EDIT: WTF WHY IS MY POST LAST? IT WAS SECOND! Edit 2: Topic merge? Pfff...