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  1. P

    Smoke grenade ability

    hi, im making a map where a unit can throw a smoke grenade. i already have it so it creates the cloud and deletes it over x seconds, but what is the easiest way to make it so if any unit is in the cloud, they move 25% slower?
  2. P

    Loading Screen Image

    How do you get it so that you can see the other players loading the map (when they are finished loading they have a green bar) but also have a small image somewhere on the screen? Like Metastasis, if you've ever played that...
  3. P

    White colored wisps?

    Is it possible to make a white-colored wisp?:nuts:
  4. P


    In a body of water, can you raise the terrain somehow to create an island? If so, what is the action? It has to be in a trigger.
  5. P

    Units - Collisions

    I have a bunch of neutrality-marker units that block off units if the player is neutral in a war, but you can walk past the neutrality-markers... I am sure they work as a building, but there are a whole bunch of them; over the limits... So can anybody help me make neutrality-markers not...
  6. P

    Cluster Rockets/Ability

    Here's the question: is it possible to make a non-trigger-based cluster rocket ability so that it never ends until the unit is given another order? If no, then how do you make a trigger-based cluster rockets ability that never ends? Note: Multiple units will have the ability! Also, this is...
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    How do I make a leaderboard that changes what imformation it displays? I want to make a leaderboard that changes between Kills and Deaths every 15 seconds, how do I do this simply? ~Thanks +Rep :D
  8. P

    Triggers: Abilities, Variables, Floating Text...

    I'm having trouble with these two triggers; first off, only thr first city can be named and if I name a second city, the city doensn't have a floating text and it actually doesn't have a name... Name Events Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability Conditions...
  9. P

    Where Can I Find This Option?

    Where can I find the 'Enforce Water Height Limits' option? P.S. Happy Easter ( If you celebrate it )! :) Thanks ~Paladin
  10. P

    Imported Icons

    Say I import an icon to replace the Footman's icon. If I select a Barracks and then go to the Main Menu (F10), the icon would turn all bright green... How can I fix this?
  11. P

    Show Damage

    I was playing a map and I saw that when a unit dealt damage to another unit, it showed the amount of damage it did in a nice little floating text that went up and then disappeared. I want to know how to make a nice system like that, since the map is protected :( :( :( I'm not so good with...
  12. P

    Small Buildings

    It's easier to explain when I say this: You know how big the green square under the farm is when you go to build it? :confused: Well, I need to know how to make it so that the green box is about half that size so that it accomponies a small building. I don't want a huge box around a tiny...
  13. P

    Item Combination

    Hey, I just have a quick question... Ok...I need help to write the GUI for combining two or three items. I've tried it but it doesn't work. For Ex. Cheese - Slot 1 + Orb Of Frost - Slot 2 = Frosty Cheese or for an already existant orb of Thank you!
  14. P


    I want a simple system for making it so that if a unit hits another unit it shows the damage. I don't want a critical strike ability that has 0% bonus damage and 100% chance to happen, since it plays the attacking unit's spell slam animation. Thank you! :) :eek: :D ;) :rolleyes:
  15. P

    Unit Comes Withing Range

    If the "Triggering Unit" is the unit that is entering the range of the other unit, than who is the other unit? :confused: :confused: :confused:
  16. P

    Simple Bouncing

    I know how to make a trigger so that when a ball hits a wall, it bounces off at the same angle it came in, like this picture. It is very simple as you can see. However, how do I make a system like this where the "ball" isn't already placed and there are many units ( Walls ) that it can bounce...
  17. P

    Units, Bouncing...

    I know how to make a unit bounce off of a wall... But how do you make a unit bounce off of a wall when the ball isn't placed in WE ( It's an ability ) and when there are so many places where it can bounce off of. I know it might sound confusing... But, if you answer this and it works, I will...
  18. P

    How do you get the point that a unit moved to?

    How do you get the point that a unit moved to?
  19. P


    I want to make a variable that gets added by one every time a unit enters the game. But, I also want to catch the person who made it and what type of unit it is. How do I do this without making so many variables? Thanks to anyone who helps and +rep :)
  20. P

    Region Question

    How do you get the region in which an order was given? For example move or rally-point. Also, happy New Years! +rep to anyone who helps!