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  1. H

    WIP Warcraft Party(6)

    Warcraft Party Game Description: Warcraft party follows the same idea as games such as Uther Party, Pains Party and other minigame compilations. The very goal of this map is create a polished and fun experience. The game features various modes and settings to customize your gameplay. Game...
  2. H

    Issue with Sin and Cos

    When ever i convert the data to integer it does not work and sets it to 0. What am i doing wrong here? function Trig_maze_init_Actions takes nothing returns nothing //local integer array g_grid local integer array start local integer array end local integer x = 0 local integer y = 0...
  3. H

    Polled waits causing the thread to break?

    Here are my functions Spawns heroes to select from and initiates at timer. function Selection_time takes nothing returns nothing local integer i = 1 local unit u = null set i = 1 loop exitwhen i > udg_numberofplayers if (CheckPlayer(i-1)) then if...
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    I've never used them before and I have a question. How would i trigger a scope to run from outside the scope(via another function or trigger). function testing takes nothing returns nothing //call start scope test endfunction scope test initializer start private function start takes nothing...
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    Issue with wc3 crashing

    I have this code that I'm working on. And It seems that it keeps crashing when i try to remove the unit. jass below This works when I comment in the remove unit function. set i = 0 loop exitwhen i>0 if (GetPlayerSlotState(Player(i)) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING) then...
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    Code acting strange

    Its a fairly simple function. Anyways, everything above the loop seems to work, and anything below it does not. Here the destroy part works( i dont even want to destroy, but it was the easiest way to make sure everything was working). function UpdateSelector takes nothing returns nothing...
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    vjass multi arrays

    I keep getting a syntax error with Jass helper. I am using Newgen. globals constant string GAMETITLE = "0096FF96" constant string GAMEDESCRIPTION = "00C19D67" constant string EVENT = "00FF7F00" constant string HINT = "006969FF" constant string GOOD = "0000FF00" constant string BAD = "00FF0000"...
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    What's causing the slow down?

    Can anyone help me optimize this function? It is weird, because when like 8 things at the same time it slows down. and stays slow until the unit is removed. Not sure what is exactly causing it. function UnitDies takes nothing returns nothing local unit u = GetDyingUnit() local unit tempu =...
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    Use timer with struct methods

    Is there a way to use TimerStart with a struct method? TimerStart(t,.01,true, this.method timeraction) ? thanks Edit can som1 move this to jass? I accidently posted it here
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    Find angle of triangle(or polar projection)

    Its been awhile since I've used Acos and Asin to find an angle. Here is what I am doing as of now set mag=SquareRoot((this.xforce*this.xforce)+(this.yforce*this.yforce)) if mag!=0 then if this.yforce!=0 then set dir =...
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    Whats wrong here?

    Whats wrong here? New problem I've been working on this code and i cant figure out why it is not triggering. problem solved Any ideas? Edit: New problem scroll down to post 7. or click this
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    vjass doesn't work?

    When ever I do anything related to vjass it does not run. Is there something I need to do to get it working? I have not used newgen in awhile and I am just booting it up again. Any help is appreciated.(Ps. I had it working awhile ago, during the early summer)
  13. H

    is there a way to hide unit info?

    Is there a way to hide the info that is displayed when your mouse hovers over a unit. Like the player name and what not. Or on an unseemingly related note a way to remove messages from showing in the chat log.(i know the space trick, but that leaves much to be desired when you scroll over a...
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    Black out minimap for certain players

    is this possible? Just need to black out the minimap for some players.
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    3d sound issue

    Heres my trigger Im trying to make the heart beat play at the location of the killer. However I cannot make it play as a 3d sound. I can do a normal sound fine. But when I check the 3d sound option and do this it does not work. Any suggestions? any tutorials I can be linked to?
  16. H

    My map desyncs as soon as some one...

    My map keeps server splitting as soon as someone does the first toss. It splits into twos. Can anyone help me here?:banghead: Heres the toss code
  17. H

    Cannot open up a WE unlimited map.

    I used WE Unlimited a long time ago and I wanted to open the map up with newgen but I get an error about colored strings not in the database. Then it shuts down. Any help to load it into newgen?
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    getimagesize issues

    Nevermind haha wow.(was in a loop)
  19. H

    Tower makes a beeping noise

    Hey, not sure if this is the correct place to post this however, this beeping is starting to scare me and I don't know what the cause is. Basically the tower makes a siren noise usually when I'm playing a game, however it doesn't do it right away. It seems dependent on how long I've had the...
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    Problem with function

    Alright, I'm stumped to why one of the functions is not working. I have three functions dealing with items(part of an item stacking script) They all have the same three arguements and I know for a fact the third one(AddItem) works as it triggers as a result of the first...