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  1. Xebarsis


    I want to remove Hydralisk Attack as an actor and replace it with a different actor. How do I unlink the current actor and link a different actor to this weapon?
  2. Xebarsis

    Ridiculous Crashing Bug

    I created a weapon (duplicated from the Hydralisk weapon) that causes Starcraft 2 to crash. If I kill any biological unit with it, there are no problems. But if I kill a unit that has no impact animation (for example, flying machine units like banshees, battlecruisers, and science vessels) the...
  3. Xebarsis

    Can't Increase Sound Volume

    I'm trying to modify a sound effect that a weapon makes when it makes contact with an enemy, but I can't go over 0 decibels. It's ridiculously quiet, if not impossible to hear. I've attached a picture of the screen I'm on to modify the sound effect's volume, and it shows 0 being the max. I've...
  4. Xebarsis

    Modifying a Missile's Impact Animation

    I want to make it so that when a Hydralisk range attacks a unit, when the missile hits the target the impact visual effect squirts out a lot of blood. I'm not sure what to modify in the editor to change this; I've tried changing the HydraliskAttackImpactModel Actor's model from "Hydralisk Air...
  5. Xebarsis

    Nuclear Strike Problem

    Here is what I'm trying to achieve: I want a dummy unit to spawn and set a HERO nuclear strike at the center of the playable map area. Unfortunately I can't get this to work; in order to place a nuke I have to have it armed, but I'm not sure how to arm it. Even if I add the nuke arming ability...
  6. Xebarsis

    Dummy Unit

    I want to make a dummy unit, but there are two aspects I want to add to it that I don't know how to do. 1. I want to make the dummy unit untargetable. 2. I want to make the dummy unit completely invisible. I tried giving the dummy unit no actor, but that just made it a giant blob. How do...
  7. Xebarsis

    Unit - Issue Order Targeting a Unit/Point

    I want to be able to order a unit to cast an ability on a unit. I also want to be able to order a unit to cast an ability on a point. However, I don't see either of these features in Starcraft 2. I can order a unit to cast an ability that involves only pushing one button (Cloak, for example)...
  8. Xebarsis

    Duplicating a Unit

    I need some help, I followed a tutorial word for word and the marine I tried duplicating is missing attack sound effects, the visual effects coming out of the gun when attacking, and no blood comes out of the enemy I'm shooting at...
  9. Xebarsis

    Enabling Research

    This thread comes with three questions! Whoo! 1. How do I research an ability (such as Burrow) via the editor? 2. Is there an easy way to enable research for everything? 3. How do I research something with a trigger? Thanks in advance.
  10. Xebarsis

    Okay, there's gotta be an easier way to do this..

    In Warcraft 3 I could use For each (Integer A) from 1 to 14, do (Actions)... but I don't understand how to do that in Starcraft 2. So, I made this ridiculous trigger: Camera - Pan the camera for player 1 to (Center of (Playable map area)) over 0.2 seconds with Existing...
  11. Xebarsis

    Issues With Variables

    I have a variable set for 0 on a trigger, and I want a different trigger to set the variable to 1. Unfortunately when I have Trigger 1 set the variable to 1, Trigger 2 does not recognize the change. Trigger 1 Events Game - Player 1 types a chat message containing "Hell"...
  12. Xebarsis


    I'd like to add an inventory to the last created unit via triggering, but I don't see any options on how to do that. Does anyone know how to do this?
  13. Xebarsis

    Unit Tint

    I want to modify the tint of a unit without using triggers; could someone please explain how to do this?
  14. Xebarsis

    Simple Question

    Once I set a player to be a variable, how do I make that player no longer have the variable? Set Person = (Owner of (Triggering unit)) I want the owner of triggering unit to no longer be set as "Person."
  15. Xebarsis

    Adding a "wait" kills my code

    In my game, every time you die you immediately respawn with a new unit. I want to make it so that if you're killed by the unit called "Dummy killer" that the new unit you respawn with will be invulnerable for a split second, and then have the invulnerability removed. Adding invulnerable isn't...
  16. Xebarsis

    Unit Spawning Problem

    In my map, every time you die you respawn on a random point in the playable map area. However, there are four regions I NEVER want a unit to respawn in. I have some conditions that are supposed to prevent this, but units are still occasionally spawning in the regions and I'm not sure why...
  17. Xebarsis

    Model Portraits

    I used a program called MDX squisher to reduce the size of all the models in my game, but to do that I had to replace the original files. Now every model I have doesn't use any of the portraits I have imported. I have the files, but how do I make a model associate itself with a specific portrait...
  18. Xebarsis

    Games With Camera Options

    I'm going to add some commands in my map that will make the camera zoom out. I want to use some universal commands to do this, so what kind of commands are most commonly used to change the camera? -Cam1 -Cam 1 -Camera1 -Camera 1 Those are the only 4 I know, which one of those is most...
  19. Xebarsis

    Dummy Caster Graphical Problem

    I want to convert Archimonde's Finger of Death to be done by a dummy caster. The problem is, when Archimonde uses Finger of Death and moves, the red lazer graphic is stationary since the dummy caster isn't moving with him. In short, it makes it look like Archimonde isn't casting the ability...
  20. Xebarsis

    Bird's Eye View

    I'm new to the whole camera thing, so I apologize if this is common knowledge. I want to rotate the camera so that I can see the entire map with the camera facing completely down. How do I do this? Note: My map is small.