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  1. R

    Requesting spell ideas for a singleplayer completely freeform rpg

    Hey TheHelper community, rtatpi here again. Right now, my primary project is a completely freeform rpg. Everything is available from the start, and its up to the player to figure out what they want to do. At the beginning of the map, the player chooses his or her combat class: druid...
  2. R

    sorry, but can you have mulitple spellbooks with different IDs?

    Ive searched the forum, and I've seen mixed answers. I want to make a hero, who has four spellbooks. If i give them different order IDs, will I be able to use four different spellbooks on the same hero? Or is it impossible? If it is impossible, can i give the hero four spellbook items that he...
  3. R

    a "third-person shooter: in Warcraft?

    Hi, one of my game ideas is a third-person action game set in warcraft 3. It would kind of play out like the Star Wars Battlefront and Battlefield series. My main question is, is it possible to make it so the camera is locked behind the hero and rotates when the hero rotates as well, so the...
  4. R

    How do you force a player to be a certain race?

    Ok, I'm not sure of how dumb a question like that is, but here it goes. In my campaign, the player should always be human race, meaning the look of the interface (the castle theme with a metal glove as the pointer). So, on all the maps, I went to player properties, and selected human. I also...
  5. R

    Game crashes or does nothing after using load action

    I have gotten a game cache to transfer between two maps. The first map saves correctly and changes the level to the second map. However, when the second map is done, it does one of two things: 1: The game crashes and goes to the main screen 2: It lags for a second, but doesn't change levels...
  6. R

    detecting when a game cache is loaded?

    In my single player RPG, the hero is stored into a game cache and brought to another map. When that map is completed, he is stored into the cache and brought into the first map. When he gets back to the first map, it is suppose to play a victory cinematic and have more quests and things...
  7. R

    need help with this game cache trigger.

    hey, Ill get straight to the point and say yes, I have read and followed game cache tutorials. but, they seem to not want to work. can you guys check my triggers and see whats wrong? thanks trigger in first map. silibi_the_game.w3x entersilibisiege Events Player - Player 1...
  8. R

    Announcing Silibi, a game in development

    Hey guys, I am nearing completion of the first segment of my single-player rpg, Silibi. Its a SSLRPG (single-player semi-linear rpg). Its also the first RPG I've ever made that has gotten this far off of the paper. So far, here's what will be included in this (alpha? not sure how you code...
  9. R

    Anyone have quest ideas for a single player rpg?

    Hey, so I've basically debugged most of the current problems with my single player rpg. And, now i want to start working on some side quests that are irrelevant to the story. At this point, I need quests suitable for a player whose hero is around level 4. If you have any suggestions, I would...
  10. R

    An evasion spell that hurts an enemy when he misses?

    Hello again, for my hitman hero, I want to make a spell like evasion. The effect is that when an enemy misses because of evasion, they take damage. I was wondering if a trigger like this would work. Im about to test it. Events Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability Conditions...
  11. R

    need help with the play animation action

    Every 3 seconds of game time, I want three riflemen to play their attack animation. this is what the trigger looks like Event - Every 3.00 seconds of game time Condition - Actions - Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in riflemen shots <gen> matching ((Unit-type of (Picked unit))...
  12. R

    What is a good amount of starting atrribute points?

    So, I was reading and I noticed an easy way to work on hero balancing is to have each hero have the same number of starting attribue points (ex. 55 points to be spread throughout str, int, and agi based on how the character is supposed to be played) Does anyone have any recommendations on...
  13. R

    Attribute Based Damage, how is it done?

    I want to make an ability that does base damage and bonus damage depending on a hero's attribute (strength, intelligence, agility). I dont think there is an ability or buff i could use to make this, so how would you make a trigger spell that does this? Or, is there a buff I can base it on, and...
  14. R

    how do u disable attacking through right-clicking?

    I am making a sort Aeon of Strife map, but i need help on something. I don't want to allow the players to attack using the standard right-clicking. I need them to only be able to attack buy clicking their weapon (spell) and then click the target area. Is their an action that disables right click...