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  1. K

    Cause "unitA" to damage circular area, damages (unitA) too?

    Is it just me or does the damages Triggering Unit too :P Unit - Cause (Triggering unit) to damage circular area after 0.00 seconds of radius 450.00 at Temp_Point, dealing ((Real(Dmgtaken)) / 10.00) damage of attack type Hero and damage type Universal
  2. K

    Damage Taken Condition?

    Hi, is there an Damage Taken Condition? Like, ''Damage taken equal to or more then 1''. The reason is i have a damage show floating text, and it sometimes shows ''0!'' which is annoying. Edit: Nevermind i did it this way Show Damages Events Conditions (Unit-type of...
  3. K

    Deathmatch triggers

    Hi, im gonna add a deathmatch system to my map and I want to get some advice. But first, how I want it to work. There is 2 teams of 5 players from the start. If red types -normal or doesn't type anything in 30 sec of the game, normal 5v5 mode will be enabled. Ive got this part. Now the DM...
  4. K

    Item Upgrade Messup

    Hello, ive just created this item upgrade trigger but when i buy the Spyglass - Level 1 item, it directly upgrades to level 3. Spyglass upgrade Events Unit - A unit Acquires an item Conditions (Item-type of (Item being manipulated)) Equal to Spyglass -...
  5. K

    Items sold - Items made? What the difference?

    There are in 2 fields in object editor named Items made and Items sold, what's the difference between them?
  6. K

    Why wont this work? Victory/Defeat

    Ok, so i got this trigger for initializing. and then this and this for team 2 why wont it work =(? oh, forgot the death detect
  7. K

    Will this leak?

    Is this going to leak? I've only read the leak removal tutorial on this site today, so I'm not very good at leak removal, yet :P.
  8. K

    Hide the hero icon on the left side?

    Hello, is there any way to hide the hero icon(s) that shows up on the left top side of the screen? And if it's possible can i access the hero thru the F1 , F2 ... hotkey then? Thanks!
  9. K

    Spellbook problems...

    Hello, im working on a map called Druid War (name pending, w/e). It's a map with 2 teams of 5 players (no it's not AoS). Each player gets same hero, a druid, which has several spells in a spellbook. Then you can research some forms for the druid in a research center. Each form has it's own...
  10. K

    Order Neutral units to harvest tree?

    Hi, im trying to make a trigger that will send 3 Goblin Shredders to harvest some trees. The Goblins neutral, i also put a Goblin Laboratory on the map and gave it ''Return Gold and Lumber'' ability. But when i start the map Shredders just move to the tree, and stand still there. Here is the...
  11. K

    Replace trigger help

    Hi, i need some help with a repalce trigger when one unit casts a spell on another unit they switch places. My problem is that caster unit just moves to target unit! What have i done wrong ? Replace Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions...
  12. K

    Making stuff fall from sky...

    Hi. Ive seen some maps where there spells like Hammer fall or something, where a stormbolt fell down. So i wonder who to make different things fall from sky... sry for my bad English.
  13. K

    Weu Importin/Exporting

    Hi.I dled a map with hero and i Exported all spells from it, and when i imported them to my map abillitys have kinda weird tooltips... it says like on hotkeys ''// Abilities: A000 (Poisonstar), Researchhotkey (Hotkey - Learn) I'' while normaly it would just say ''I''. Is there any way around...
  14. K

    WEU error

    Hi. I just downloaded WEU from this site and when i click on the ''Create new map'' button, is says that Runtime error '713' : Class not registred. You need the following file to be installed on your machine. MSSTDFMT.DLL I downloaded it again but it didnt help..
  15. K

    How to make Disease cloud dispell able?

    How to make Disease cloud dispell able? When i give dispell to a unit and he cast it on another unit that have Disease Cloud, nothing happens. Thank you.
  16. K

    Some questions about unit/ally editor

    Hi.I wonder what ''Animation backswing point'' and ''Animation damage point'' do in unit editor? And what ally priorities do, what is difference between none, low and high? Thx for help.
  17. K

    Impale-move wont work :( ?

    Hi.Im new to all this triggering stuff :) Now i was trying to make an ability that do so when my hero (Crypt lord) cast impale he moves to the point where i targeted. Here is my trigger: Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to...