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  1. J

    Disabled Triggers

    Hey i cant seem to disable my triggers from the beginning of the match until they are enabled, how would i go about having them off ill show you the triggers i already have. Im only going to show one of the triggers that are supposed to be off until activated. Final resitance spawn...
  2. J

    Buffing spells

    Hey im confused isnt buffs only for looks or if lets say i added a poisen cloud to carion swarm would both effects be use?
  3. J

    Activating a trigger

    Hey i have two triggers im about to post. i want the first trigger to when activated activate the 2nd. What am i missing. Stage 1 Events Unit - A unit enters End Stage 1 <gen> Conditions (Triggering unit) Equal to The Exiled 0054 <gen> Actions Set...
  4. J


    ok i have a simple question... If i have the tempPoint1 set as the region Attack point in trigger 1 Then would it interfer to have temppoint1 in another trigger be stage end?
  5. J

    Aquired spells

    Hey is it possible make it so that when killing a unit is killed you acquire a new spell? And how would i go about doing it, it seems simple, but before i go off doing all of this i rather no if its doable.
  6. J

    Campaign storing

    Hey i wanted to make sort of a campaign in which every time u move to the next level (New map) your lead hero keeps all of his upgrades that he had... For example a level 6 hero beats the first map he is holding a mana potion. He goes to next level (map) and still has all of that. Is this...
  7. J

    Multiple waypoints

    Ive got Two questions... For the first i was wondering how i make it so a spawned unit (vehicle) would follow a path repeatedly over and over again until killed. For instance a road. For the second question i was woundering if its possible to have make it where a spawned unit would go to a...
  8. J

    Infection and building replacement

    Hey, first in order to explain my questions i need to explain my map... For those of you who have played the game prototype, im looking to make somewhat of a knock off of it where your a single person, the prototype, and there are multiple cities on the map that you can travel to as you want...
  9. J

    Bomber command from Blizzard

    Hey i was just looking at the pre-made games blizzard had created when making the game and bomber command showed up and i was very surprised at the detail and level of difficulty this one must have taken. The first thing that caught my attention was the ability to press a button that sent a unit...
  10. J

    Unit waypoint help

    I know this is probably considered an amature question but how would i make it so that when a unit spawns via trigger, that it automatically starts traveling towards its enemies, like an automatic way point?
  11. J

    Need of help with spawn triggering

    Being the mediocre "triggerer" I don't have the knowledge of how to create a game that has wave spawning. In order for me to really explain what im going for im going to need to explain the game im working on: The game consists of two armies fighting each other via the use of todays warfare...
  12. J

    Spell Triggering?

    I cant really find a tutorial that shows how and why to make triggers for spells because I've found that just going to the object editor allows you to make a spell thats completely usable in the game. So what's the point of spell triggering?
  13. J

    Newgen installation problem

    As my title says; I'm having a problem with the installation of GUI newgen installation. Ive only gotten one tutorial, (which was badly written) and i did everything in it except shutting off the grimoire because i was unable to...
  14. J

    Quick newgen help

    Hey i just downloaded newgen. Is there anything else i have to do or can i just start map building and everything will be there?
  15. J

    AI and Unit help

    First I must explain the map in which I'm constructing. It is a scenario in which zombies are invading nearby cities and so a group of soldiers must go out and take on the invaders. Though in my map I have separate islands consisting of different climates and so i wanted the zombies to attack...
  16. J

    Map and unit upgrades

    Hey i have two questions... How do u make so that you can place multiple types of terrains on your map, for instance having snow with lava, or citadel streets with sunken ruins sand? Second, how do have it so a player buys a weapon or upgrade that causes a physical change to the unit, for...
  17. J

    unit transformation

    I need help because i tried having a person(unit) be able to transform into another, but metamorphes screwed up because the new people couldn't gain new abilities such as the ability to build buildings; even though i set them to have the ability. Any help would be appreciated.
  18. J

    Trigger commands

    Hey i forgot how to allow players to give commands such as the ability to open or close a door. so if i anyone could help it'd be much appreciated.
  19. J

    Unit evolution help

    I'm trying to set up my game so that a certain unit, a "child", will over game time evolve to become a new unit, an adult. I don't even know where to start with this one so if i could get any help that'd be greatly appreciated.