Ability help


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hi guys, i need some help right here...
I want to make a passive ability that gives a certain amount of MANA by enemy killed...
I have no idea what Standard Ability to use, and i need the triggers.
(Maybe this is a bad english, cuz english isnt my main language, so thanks.)
there is an item ability that add mana and life
I supposed that u want to increase max mana of killing unit by x for exemple per kill.
In order to do this u need plenty of mana ability (item) to add to your unit.
Short ex:
where Ab[1]/[2] is a variable and 20/40 mana is the item ability that add mana
Ab[1] = 20 mana
Ab[2] = 40 mana
A unit dies
Level of ability (mana increase) for killing unit >= 1
set count_lvl = count_lvl+1
Unit add to killing unit Ab[count_lvl]
Sience the ability that add mana/life cant be reached on lvl or dont works propelly onlyy at lvl 1 you cant make a system to make it more reliable.And as I know so far there is no function to increase max mana or max hp to a unit.
I want just recover a certain amount of mana. I dont want to increase max mana per kill, on a passive skill.
Choose any passive and set its values so 0, so like movespeed aura with 0% increase and such

A unit dies

Killing unit = your hero
Killing has your mana passive spell

Set current mana of Killing unit to : current mana + (20 x level of passive ability)
So if your hero had this ability at level 4 or whatever then it would add
20x4 = 80 mana back after every kill he makes.

I don't have an editor with me, so you'll have to try finding those triggers, if you can't
let us know, someone will have the correct names for them

And don't worry your English understandable:p
'Killing unit = your hero' I'll need to place my hero on the map for set him on that condition?
well it will be of your hero type OR any killing unit with the passive ability
well, i got it.
but i have a problem...

I make 2 triggers:
Trigger 1 - [x] Initially on :

- Events:
Unit - A Unit Learns a skill
- Conditions:
(Learned Hero Skill) Equal to "Mana Skill Name"
- Actions:
Trigger - Turn on "Trigger 2"

Trigger 2 - [ ] Initially on:

- Events:
Unit - A Unit Dies
- Conditions:
(Unit-Type of (Killing unit)) Equal to "My Hero Name"
- Actions:
Unit - Set mana of (Killing unit) to ((Pecentage mana of (Killing unit)) + 20%

Its working for auto-attack, but when I kill many units with another skill I do not get the mana bonus.
I need some help.
The mana recovery does not work with a skill that has damage with trigger. I did and it worked with normal skills. When the damage of the skill is given by a trigger is as if the death of the unit were not accounted for my hero.
If you are planning to do this MUI, you are doing it wrong, because as soon as <Hero> learns the skill any hero of that type will benefit from the passive ability.
If you are not planning to do it MUI, then just save <Hero> in a variable and in the second trigger check
varHero equal to Killing unit.

You might be doing something wrong. Because "Damage target" just tracks the killer and rewards him correctly, also if any trigger are associated to it, it will work.
So maybe you are using the wrong Dmg dealer.

I tested it myself. Killed a unit via "damage target"
and associated any kind of triggers (create unit, display text, set mana, set hp etc.)
And everything worked. So it might be a problem in your "damage target" triggers, you might be using the wrong dmg dealer.
Im using AOE damage.
In my map I want to use just 1 hero for every player, and can't repeat heroes for other players, its like DotA picks. I just dont know another condition to use.
- Events:
Unit - A Unit Dies
- Conditions:
(Killing unit) has ENDURANCEAURABUFF buff Equal to True <--- This is a Boolean Comparison
- Actions:
Unit - Set mana of (Killing unit) to ((Mana of (Killing unit)) + 0.2 x (Mana of (Killing unit)))

Something like the above. Only one trigger needed. If you want different mana increment for different levels, just use different buffs for different level. Then create separate trigger for each buff to detect level (this is the tedious way, buy easier for you understand I guess).
@ ^
He can do it with different levels in one trigger.
Using just one buff.
Unit dies.

Unit has buff <buff> equal to true

Set mana for Killing unit to mana of killing unit * (0.2*(level of <mana spell> / 2 for killing unit)) * mana of (killing unit)

If done this way it will give 0.1x, 0.2x, 0.3x etc.

Either way. If you are using "damage target" or "damage area" every trigger will work. The triggers will find the "killing unit" You might be doing something wrong.
Thank you guys. I know how to make the Actions (% per lvl and another things), my problem was only the condition, and winch standard skill to use.
So thank you all.
you can just use any passive skill then change all of it's data to zero, you can even remove the buff then you can have the condition Level of (Your Ability) for (Killing Unit) is greater than zero... or if you are using an AoE passive with buff, modify auras like thorns aura, devotion aura, etc.. then use the condition mentioned by Juggernaut.. Unit has buff <buff> equal to true...
> He can do it with different levels in one trigger.
Buffs do not allow you to check the level of the ability. You would need several different types of buff to be able to check the level differences.
I remember something about buff levels being detectable the same way as ability levels. Something to do with changing the rawcode in the trigger.
Isn't that using different buff for different level of ability? If that's the case, it's indeed do-able even with GUI. Then again, to prevent further confusion, you can use however way you'd prefer to do your triggering. It doesn't matter how you do it, so long as it works.
wait wait wait...
I'm using just one buff, like that:


the % of mana will be the same anyways?
Since the % is based on the level of the ability, the buff doesn't matter.
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    Would love to go to Vegas I have never been and it would be an adventure! Who is in?
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  • jonas jonas:
    I'm sure my wife would not be happy if I went to Vegas, but don't let that stop you guys - would be hard for me to attend anyways
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    Do you know why the bot attack stopped?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    maybe they finally got everything lol
  • Ghan Ghan:
    There's lots of good food in Vegas.
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    Everything tends to be pretty expensive though so bring your wallet.
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    I have to wait longer if I am going for food because my teeth are still messed up from the work and I still cannot eat right. Going to be a couple more months before that gets better
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    I would immediately hitting the dispensary though :)
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    They should not allow you to put a credit card on a account that does not have human customer service you can call
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    That's the only thing that got hijacked at least. I don't totally know how these integrate together, but it seems like I should be able to do this via the gamertag. Like my email is still mine, but they changed the email to that account I'm guessing.
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    I went to Vegas a few weeks ago to visit my mom. I had never been either, lol! But I'm working in Salt Lake City at the moment so it's not a far trip.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I have never been to Vegas and it is on the bucket list so...

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