Other Final Conquest


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Final Conquest

Final Conquest is a RTS map where players take control 1 of 12 different factions, in a attempt to capture and destroy your enemies outposts and main base. In this map you fight by using large quantities of forces, while also using a tier system.
Current Features:

- Take control of 1 out of 12 races.

- Get income by killing units for 125% of there cost!(Bounties basically)

- A allying system where you can type -ally or -unally.

- Outpost System~ This is where you have 2 outposts and a main base at start that each train various units!

- All upgrades have extra levels now, some unit beneficial upgrades that had 1, now have 3, and weapon/armor upgrades having 6 total levels!

- Play as the Orcish Horde~Lordaeran Refuges~Stormwind Brigade~High Elves~Blood Elves~Undead Scourge~~ Night Elves~ Fel Horde~Burning Legion~Dwarves.

-Powerful Elite units for all races.

-Heroes are not the focus of this, they have weakend damage, but gain higher HP and have very useful or powerful spells.


In the beginning you have a main base and 2 outposts, each outpost trains 3 units from your faction, while your main base trains several along with your elites.
You must fight your way to other outposts, destroy them and capture them(Destroying them respawns them under your control) Until you get to there main base, which once that is destroyed, that player loses.

This project currently has gotten tremendous progress, and is infact very close to completion. After everything weas completed I decided to make a new map(terrain) That looked clean and everything, and its going VERY well... Once that is finished, the full complete version of Final Conquest will be released...

Since this thread had no attention on the.helper or hive, I never bothered to update here, unlike my 2 boards on pollama.com and wc3haven.com and a large thread in Gamerisle.org

I will post what I posted there....

I present to you... A Preview of

Yes... NEW terrain... On the other one I worked on everything at once, including terrain, so it was destroyed and remade, and lot of it looked sloppy or messy... Now I am starting clean, I transferred everything from the last map, and I'm even adding the outpost system, which is you no longer have to build barracks and shit. Each outpost creates 3 units, normally 1 will be tier 1/2 second outpost spellcasters and Tier 3, Main base is normally the left overs and your elite unit... I will also add creep outposts that can be captured.

As you can see most of the northern and eastern part of the map is very basic, outlining where im going to terrain... So far the few who have seen it up and close love it and think its way better then the last map, its even more clean looking... And since most data is done, I just have to finish up a couple races(we have 12 now!)

Oh before I forget... I Introduce to you...


Yes... Dwarves...Those who play them will LOVE there elite unit... Burning Legion is also on the list.

With the new system I'm adding, no more requirement issues, and this also fixes other bugs.

I may post some close up screenies later...


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First, let me say I am an Azeroth Wars nazi.

Sometime during the second war, something happend, the old gods seeked to ruin reality itself, in a attempt to be free themselves. Things didn't quite go as expected... The world changed drastically, the elves leave the alliance to seek a darker future, the horde is well in its prime, and the world itself has twisted, waters have become red as blood, time itself is shattered... The Lich King still thrives... And the door to outland is still open... Each faction is determined for global conquest, whether for peace, or decimation of other races... The war has begun..

So, this isn't taking place during the second war right? Because if so you have some lore problems.

There will be a total of 5 factions, only 3 are currently complete and available. These which are:

Elves of Quel'thalas
Orcish Horde

You might need more than 5 factions to be lore appropriate. Wait, can more than one person be on a faction?

Also, nearly every unit will have a unique spell or buff that benefit themselves, and those kinds of buffs are determined by your faction. Here are some examples

If it's a big army game and there are a lot of abilities, it could get macro intensive. I think you should focus more on strategy between groups of units if you know what I mean. Just my opinion.

Each faction should have around the same type of units. As in all three have Knight type units, Alliance has there Human Knights, Elves have Elven Knights, then theres Orcish Knights, each serving roles, and have different buffs.

I hope those aren't the names of the units.

Tech trees are still in, I have taken and added buildings, units etc to the tech trees, all times on buildings and units greatly decreased to keep it fast paced. Buildings have double HP, units and buildings can be stacked. Including cannon towers.

Way - it's just an edited version of the tech tree for normal melee? Also, you shouldn't stack buildings it doesn't allow strategic placement of bases.

The first thing you will notice while playing any of the three factions is you start out with 2 outposts and a main base, with mainly tier 1 buildings. the three factions can be isolated well, but no base can be safe, they can be raided by sea, by air, or by ground.

The bases should fit to lore.


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I just had to add some type of story lol, every map need some type of story. I'm a lore fanatic xD, I know it doesn't fit the lore, eventually I'll make sure it fits perfectly, I would have said the same thing in your shoes. I had to think of something that would make sense with the map theme, and I thought of a quicky in a couple minutes

Yea, I'll fix the stacking... I hated having 30 cannon towers kill my army, then I have to buy siege =P, so I should kinda fix that, though siege takes it out with ease, it just shows you werent prepared.

Well, the whole tech trees are in there, they are heavily modified.

haha, yea actually those are the names lol, takes time to improve, And it will greatly with every release, over time I will think of better names and such.

Eventually there will be 5 fully functional factions, with hopefully 2 people per faction, so its more intense. Like I said, just a beta release, to check out the factions and such. 3 fully functional is good enough for that.

Just think of battles kinda like azeroth wars, only bigger, as in the armies are bigger. Its not gonna be control 5-6 units vs 5-6 units, its gonna be quad that.. and fight that way. Its not just edited melee. Features, modes, etc will be added. This beta is mainly to check out the races, and to show the progress on what the races will be like.

Ok, now that you critisized what you have seen so far in the thread but not yet played, try playing it then make a longer post, which judging from what you said so far, it prob will be.


What do you mean bases have to fit the lore o_O I'm not making stormwind and shit xD


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Terrain is interesting, there is much diversity among the types of units, each faction has their own strengths that the player should focus on, the overall gameplay is very addicting, and it requires skill along with practice to become good at. In response to wc3shady, the game IS macro intensive, and for that there's a lot less massing of tier 1's to be done and a lot more strategy alongside with skill and knowledge of the game to be had here. This game does have massing, but the unique unit spells add diversity to each unit that allows them to act upon specific situations, creating an immense amount of strategy among choosing the right units for the right job. Many games have tried to create an environment that doesn't decide the winner through luck or unfair opposition to a certain player/group of players, and this is one of the few who has actually accomplished that goal. Good job, I'm looking forward to playing this game again tonight :)


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Terrain is interesting, there is much diversity among the types of units, each faction has their own strengths that the player should focus on, the overall gameplay is very addicting, and it requires skill along with practice to become good at. In response to wc3shady, the game IS macro intensive, and for that there's a lot less massing to be done and a lot more strategy alongside with skill and knowledge of the game to be had here. Many games have tried to create an environment that doesn't decide the winner through luck or unfair opposition to a certain player/group of players, and this is one of the few who has actually accomplished that goal. Good job, I'm looking forward to playing this game again tonight :)

Yea, I kinda suck at explaining shit, so my first post is a bit messy and I guess not so clear to get to the point. Cow is the one that helped me test it, and offered more ideas and such.

In this, you can't mass any one unit and expect to win, you need a strategy, a diversity in armies, Shit if you try massing battleships, and there very powerful, strongest actually, you still couldnt win, because glaives can kill them fast. Everything has a weakness, you can tower your base with cannons, siege can kill it, you cant mass with the strongest units and win =P Unlike most games where if you mass a army of footman or the strongest unit, you win.

And like I said in this, you always have a chance to hit back. As long as you have money and a builder. Cow knows that first hand =)


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I listed them lol, its under current features

Orcish Horde-2 player

Alliance-2 player

Elves-2 player

undead-2 player

Night Elves-1 player

Fel Horde-2 player

Naga-1 player


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lol I know how you feel. Anyways I tried it - honestly, I wasn't impressed but I couldn't actually try it since I can't host and I was just looking at race design. It has potential but you should really try and create your own tech trees.


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I'm currently working on tech trees, including how theres extra 2-3 races I made.

Its pretty boring when theres 1-2, its lot funner with a full game..

I know the terrain isn't that great, im trying to get a terrainer to redo it.

EDIT: Also that version you played was kinda old =P


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Also, I have terrain complete on the other map, I just decided to make a better/newer one.. It only took me a few hours to make all of this, and lot of it looks good ingame.


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The Terrain is looking very interesting and unique, keep up the good work!

As for the gameplay, I have too much time on my hands at this moment, but when I can I will definitely give it a try. Good Luck :)


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=P ty.

I'm actually doing very well with the new terrain and its going good.. I've also tested different things and works out quite well.. I just need to think of things to fill up space, like capturable Control points that can make units and crap.

But the original map, everyone but a couple loved it. I've hosted it 16 times, 12 in public.


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Ooh terrain looks a LOT better from the overview. I'm looking forward to trying this, +rep. Any chance you can upload it?


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Once I can finish up the bottom right im planning on having a small beta test for the full version

And quite a lot has changed sicne last time you posted, things work different on the map now =)

Oh wait my new pic isnt up yet >.>

Thats the last one I have up, I dont get much posts here so this doesnt get that much attention rofl, though I updated the first psot to current standards I think.

Anyway thats the new one. The north western part of the bottom right s finished, and im working my way downward then ill finish up the east side, then its all done.. Also here are some ingame screenies


Also if anyone is wanting full info on the map then here, its my FAQ description
What is this? Is it a spawn? Build?

Its not a spawn, more of a build. You have 2 outposts and a main base that produce various units(you have to build them).

What are the objectives? Purpose?

In Final Conquest, you must fight to destroy and capture enemy bases. When you destroy someones main base, it respawns under your control. And when you destroy someones main base, they lose. Ouposts do give the losing part, so Main base is th kill point. The point is to use large amount of forces strategly to win.

What are the races like? Are we teamed?

There are 12 factions, which before the game starts they choose there faction, like azeroth wars. Each faction has different kinds of units, no unit is same as another, they will differ in some drastic way. Here are the factions

Orcish Horde

Lordaeran Refuges

Stormwind Brigade

Fel Horde

Burning Legion



Undead Scourge


High Elves

Blood Elves

Night Elves

How does the money system work in this?

Bounties. The main income source is bounties(Very rare in non spawn maps actually) Each unit should give 125% of there cost. Such as 200/250, 25/50. Theres also a side income system, where you get 150g every 2 minutes.

How does the game start out?

Well you start with 2000 gold(currently). You start with 2 outposts, a main base, and a bunch of units. First thing you'll want to do is check to see what outposts you have and what they can produce. Next you'll want to expand your borders by capturing Neighboring outposts/bases.

Have the upgrades or heroes been tweaked?

Yes! I have changed how the upgrades work. Max levels is 6, and there is ranged/melee/light armor/heavy armor/Magically enhanced weapons. Ranged and Heavy Armor give double the stats then light armor and melee. Then the new upgrade called Magicly Enhanced Weapons, its meant for Spellcasters.

Because this isnt hero based and cap is 25, I nerfed heroes damage and such.. Facing a level 20-25 is near impossible to kill when there normal. In this map there meant for there spells, which in most cases are very powerful.

Has the interface been tweaked?

yes it has! I had fun with this, I changed Chaos to Demonic Magic, Magic to Arcane Magic, and I also nerfed Chaos damage. I also Changed the unit interface buttons, you know the attack/move/stop/patrol? Changed the icons. I also changed chaos icons

Anything else you want to add?

I color coded units and there tiers.. As in Tier 1(footman/archers) are blue, green is tier 2(Raiders/Knights), Tier 3 is red(Orcish Knights/Paladins), Lastly Gold is Tier 4, Elites. Later on I'll make Tier 5, which are super Elites.

When can we expect a full release?

Soon actually. I'll either release it when I get back to missouri august 12(I can host there >.<) Or release it early and have others host it. But the full version is VERY close to finished.

Are there any features we could expect in the future?

Yes! I always get new ideas, or ideas from others, and theres some things I want to add for future versions, side features such as some Control Points that unlock other things like special units and such


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Well its been a little while since I updated this. Currently the map is nearly complete, I'm still balancing and fixing some things while my triggerer is putting in the major triggers, such as various modes. and these are the current ones

-Income (outposts give 50g, main abses 150g every 2 mins)

-Bounties (Pure unit bounties)

-Starting X( a choice between 500/700/1000/1500/2000)

-FFA (No allying)

-Allies (you can ally)

These are the current modes being put it, if anyone has suggestions for various events or anything, go ahead. I'm all ears.

Also here is another Mass view, I have added spots and im still working on some spots

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