Snippet GetRandomId

Tom Jones

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A snippet that'll return a random unit id. I ported it from a tower defence I've long given up on. I admit that it may be a little big for a snippet, but one can hardly call it a system.

library GetRandomId initializer Init
//#GetRandomId by Tom Jones.
//#1) NewGen Editor.
//#1) Copy this GUI trigger from this map to your map.
//#   call GetRandomId(A_UNIT_TYPE,ONCE)
//#   Returns a random unit id.
//#   A_UNIT_TYPE must be one of the following:
//#    c) UNIT_TYPE_HERO
//#   ONCE is a boolean and determines if a unit id can be randomized more then
//#   once. If ONCE is true a unit id can only be randomized once.
//#1) Enabling Debug mode will display errors, warnings, and possible fixes.
//#2) Typing -getlastindex will return the index of the last randomized
//#   id. This is usefull if for some reason the id doesn't work, etc.  units
//#   without movement. If you find unit id that doesn't work, please PM me on 
//#   <a href="" target="_blank" class="link link--external" rel="nofollow ugc noopener"></a>.

    //If you randomize an entire array, the below will reset the array so it can be
    //randomized again.
    private constant boolean RESET_ARRAYS       = true
    //Enabling the below boolean will check randomized ids for invisiblity, 
    //invulnerbility, and locust, if Debug mode is enabled.
    private constant boolean CHECK_ABILITIES    = true

//#GetRandomId Code - Do not modify below here unless you know what your doing.
    constant unittype        UNIT_TYPE_RANDOM = ConvertUnitType(26) //No idea if this messes with anthing, so far I haven&#039;t been able to produce an error.
    private constant integer NO_ID = 0
    private integer          LAST_INDEX
    private integer array    GROUND
    private integer          GROUND_INDEX
    private integer array    AIR
    private integer          AIR_INDEX
    private integer array    HERO
    private integer          HERO_INDEX
    private constant string  ERROR = &quot;|cffff0000GetRandomId() Error:|r &quot;
    private constant string  WARNING = &quot;|cffff0000GetRandomId() Warning:|r &quot;
    private constant string  FIX = &quot;|cff00ff00GetRandomId() Fix:|r &quot;

private function Init_Heroes takes nothing returns nothing
    set HERO[0] = &#039;Hamg&#039;
    set HERO[1] = &#039;Hblm&#039;
    set HERO[2] = &#039;Hmkg&#039;
    set HERO[3] = &#039;Hpal&#039;
    set HERO[4] = &#039;Obla&#039;
    set HERO[5] = &#039;Ofar&#039;
    set HERO[6] = &#039;Oshd&#039;
    set HERO[7] = &#039;Otch&#039;
    set HERO[8] = &#039;Edem&#039;
    set HERO[9] = &#039;Edmm&#039;
    set HERO[10] = &#039;Ekee&#039;
    set HERO[11] = &#039;Emoo&#039;
    set HERO[12] = &#039;Ewar&#039;
    set HERO[13] = &#039;Ucrl&#039;
    set HERO[14] = &#039;Udea&#039;
    set HERO[15] = &#039;Udre&#039;
    set HERO[16] = &#039;Ulic&#039;
    set HERO[17] = &#039;Nal2&#039;
    set HERO[18] = &#039;Nal3&#039;
    set HERO[19] = &#039;Nalc&#039;
    set HERO[20] = &#039;Nalm&#039;
    set HERO[21] = &#039;Nbrn&#039;
    set HERO[22] = &#039;Nbst&#039;
    set HERO[23] = &#039;Nfir&#039;
    set HERO[24] = &#039;Nngs&#039;
    set HERO[25] = &#039;Npbm&#039;
    set HERO[26] = &#039;Nplh&#039;
    set HERO[27] = &#039;Nrob&#039;
    set HERO[28] = &#039;Ntin&#039;
    set HERO[29] = &#039;Ecen&#039;
    set HERO[30] = &#039;Eevi&#039;
    set HERO[31] = &#039;Eevm&#039;
    set HERO[32] = &#039;Efur&#039;
    set HERO[33] = &#039;Eidm&#039;
    set HERO[34] = &#039;Eill&#039;
    set HERO[35] = &#039;Eilm&#039;
    set HERO[36] = &#039;Ekgg&#039;
    set HERO[37] = &#039;Emfr&#039;
    set HERO[38] = &#039;Emns&#039;
    set HERO[39] = &#039;Etyr&#039;
    set HERO[40] = &#039;Ewrd&#039;
    set HERO[41] = &#039;Hant&#039;
    set HERO[42] = &#039;Hapm&#039;
    set HERO[43] = &#039;Harf&#039;
    set HERO[44] = &#039;Hart&#039;
    set HERO[45] = &#039;Hdgo&#039;
    set HERO[46] = &#039;Hgam&#039;
    set HERO[47] = &#039;Hhkl&#039;
    set HERO[48] = &#039;Hjai&#039;
    set HERO[49] = &#039;Hkal&#039;
    set HERO[50] = &#039;Hlgr&#039;
    set HERO[51] = &#039;Hmbr&#039;
    set HERO[52] = &#039;Hmgd&#039;
    set HERO[53] = &#039;Hpb1&#039;
    set HERO[54] = &#039;Hpb2&#039;
    set HERO[55] = &#039;Huth&#039;
    set HERO[56] = &#039;Hvsh&#039;
    set HERO[57] = &#039;Hvwd&#039;
    set HERO[58] = &#039;Naka&#039;
    set HERO[59] = &#039;Nbbc&#039;
    set HERO[60] = &#039;Nkjx&#039;
    set HERO[61] = &#039;Nklj&#039;
    set HERO[62] = &#039;Nmag&#039;
    set HERO[63] = &#039;Nman&#039;
    set HERO[64] = &#039;Npld&#039;
    set HERO[65] = &#039;Nsjs&#039;
    set HERO[66] = &#039;Ocb2&#039;
    set HERO[67] = &#039;Ocbh&#039;
    set HERO[68] = &#039;Odrt&#039;
    set HERO[69] = &#039;Ogld&#039;
    set HERO[70] = &#039;Ogrh&#039;
    set HERO[71] = &#039;Opgh&#039;
    set HERO[72] = &#039;Orex&#039;
    set HERO[73] = &#039;Orkn&#039;
    set HERO[74] = &#039;Osam&#039;
    set HERO[75] = &#039;Otcc&#039;
    set HERO[76] = &#039;Othr&#039;
    set HERO[77] = &#039;Uanb&#039;
    set HERO[78] = &#039;Ubal&#039;
    set HERO[79] = &#039;Uclc&#039;
    set HERO[80] = &#039;Udth&#039;
    set HERO[81] = &#039;Uear&#039;
    set HERO[82] = &#039;Uktl&#039;
    set HERO[83] = &#039;Umal&#039;
    set HERO[84] = &#039;Usyl&#039;
    set HERO[85] = &#039;Utic&#039;
    set HERO[86] = &#039;Uvar&#039;
    set HERO[87] = &#039;Uvng&#039;
    set HERO[88] = &#039;Uwar&#039;
    set HERO_INDEX = 88

private function Init_Ground takes nothing returns nothing
    set GROUND[0] = &#039;hfoo&#039;
    set GROUND[1] = &#039;hmil&#039;
    set GROUND[2] = &#039;hmpr&#039;
    set GROUND[3] = &#039;hmtm&#039;
    set GROUND[4] = &#039;hmtt&#039;
    set GROUND[5] = &#039;hpea&#039;
    set GROUND[6] = &#039;hpxe&#039;
    set GROUND[7] = &#039;hrif&#039;
    set GROUND[8] = &#039;hrtt&#039;
    set GROUND[9] = &#039;hspt&#039;
    set GROUND[10] = &#039;hwat&#039;
    set GROUND[11] = &#039;hwt2&#039;
    set GROUND[12] = &#039;hwt3&#039;
    set GROUND[13] = &#039;nlv1&#039;
    set GROUND[14] = &#039;nlv2&#039;
    set GROUND[15] = &#039;nlv3&#039;
    set GROUND[16] = &#039;hkni&#039;
    set GROUND[17] = &#039;hsor&#039;
    set GROUND[18] = &#039;ncat&#039;
    set GROUND[19] = &#039;nsw1&#039;
    set GROUND[20] = &#039;nsw2&#039;
    set GROUND[21] = &#039;nsw3&#039;
    set GROUND[22] = &#039;nwad&#039;
    set GROUND[23] = &#039;ocat&#039;
    set GROUND[24] = &#039;odoc&#039;
    set GROUND[25] = &#039;oeye&#039;
    set GROUND[26] = &#039;ogru&#039;
    set GROUND[27] = &#039;ohun&#039;
    set GROUND[28] = &#039;ohwd&#039;
    set GROUND[29] = &#039;opeo&#039;
    set GROUND[30] = &#039;oshm&#039;
    set GROUND[31] = &#039;osp1&#039;
    set GROUND[32] = &#039;osp2&#039;
    set GROUND[33] = &#039;osp3&#039;
    set GROUND[34] = &#039;osp4&#039;
    set GROUND[35] = &#039;ospm&#039;
    set GROUND[36] = &#039;ospw&#039;
    set GROUND[37] = &#039;osw1&#039;
    set GROUND[38] = &#039;osw2&#039;
    set GROUND[39] = &#039;osw3&#039;
    set GROUND[40] = &#039;otau&#039;
    set GROUND[41] = &#039;otbk&#039;
    set GROUND[42] = &#039;otot&#039;
    set GROUND[43] = &#039;okod&#039;
    set GROUND[44] = &#039;orai&#039;
    set GROUND[45] = &#039;earc&#039;
    set GROUND[46] = &#039;ebal&#039;
    set GROUND[47] = &#039;edcm&#039;
    set GROUND[48] = &#039;edoc&#039;
    set GROUND[49] = &#039;edot&#039;
    set GROUND[50] = &#039;edry&#039;
    set GROUND[51] = &#039;efon&#039;
    set GROUND[52] = &#039;emtg&#039;
    set GROUND[53] = &#039;esen&#039;
    set GROUND[54] = &#039;espv&#039;
    set GROUND[55] = &#039;even&#039;
    set GROUND[56] = &#039;ewsp&#039;
    set GROUND[57] = &#039;uabo&#039;
    set GROUND[58] = &#039;uaco&#039;
    set GROUND[59] = &#039;ucrm&#039;
    set GROUND[60] = &#039;ucry&#039;
    set GROUND[61] = &#039;ucs1&#039;
    set GROUND[62] = &#039;ucs2&#039;
    set GROUND[63] = &#039;ucs3&#039;
    set GROUND[64] = &#039;ucsB&#039;
    set GROUND[65] = &#039;ucsC&#039;
    set GROUND[66] = &#039;ugho&#039;
    set GROUND[67] = &#039;ugrm&#039;
    set GROUND[68] = &#039;umtw&#039;
    set GROUND[69] = &#039;unec&#039;
    set GROUND[70] = &#039;uobs&#039;
    set GROUND[71] = &#039;uske&#039;
    set GROUND[72] = &#039;uskm&#039;
    set GROUND[73] = &#039;uban&#039;
    set GROUND[74] = &#039;ushd&#039;
    set GROUND[75] = &#039;nanb&#039;
    set GROUND[76] = &#039;nanc&#039;
    set GROUND[77] = &#039;nane&#039;
    set GROUND[78] = &#039;nanm&#039;
    set GROUND[79] = &#039;nano&#039;
    set GROUND[80] = &#039;nanw&#039;
    set GROUND[81] = &#039;narg&#039;
    set GROUND[82] = &#039;nass&#039;
    set GROUND[83] = &#039;nba2&#039;
    set GROUND[84] = &#039;nbal&#039;
    set GROUND[85] = &#039;nban&#039;
    set GROUND[86] = &#039;nbda&#039;
    set GROUND[87] = &#039;nbdm&#039;
    set GROUND[88] = &#039;nbdo&#039;
    set GROUND[89] = &#039;nbds&#039;
    set GROUND[90] = &#039;nbdw&#039;
    set GROUND[91] = &#039;nbnb&#039;
    set GROUND[92] = &#039;nbrg&#039;
    set GROUND[93] = &#039;ncea&#039;
    set GROUND[94] = &#039;ncen&#039;
    set GROUND[95] = &#039;ncer&#039;
    set GROUND[96] = &#039;nchp&#039;
    set GROUND[97] = &#039;ncim&#039;
    set GROUND[98] = &#039;ncks&#039;
    set GROUND[99] = &#039;ncnk&#039;
    set GROUND[100] = &#039;ndqn&#039;
    set GROUND[101] = &#039;ndqp&#039;
    set GROUND[102] = &#039;ndqs&#039;
    set GROUND[103] = &#039;ndqt&#039;
    set GROUND[104] = &#039;ndqv&#039;
    set GROUND[105] = &#039;ndtb&#039;
    set GROUND[106] = &#039;ndth&#039;
    set GROUND[107] = &#039;ndtp&#039;
    set GROUND[108] = &#039;ndtr&#039;
    set GROUND[109] = &#039;ndtt&#039;
    set GROUND[110] = &#039;ndtw&#039;
    set GROUND[111] = &#039;nelb&#039;
    set GROUND[112] = &#039;nele&#039;
    set GROUND[113] = &#039;nenc&#039;
    set GROUND[114] = &#039;nenf&#039;
    set GROUND[115] = &#039;nenp&#039;
    set GROUND[116] = &#039;nepl&#039;
    set GROUND[117] = &#039;nerd&#039;
    set GROUND[118] = &#039;ners&#039;
    set GROUND[119] = &#039;nerw&#039;
    set GROUND[120] = &#039;nfel&#039;
    set GROUND[121] = &#039;nfgb&#039;
    set GROUND[122] = &#039;nfgt&#039;
    set GROUND[123] = &#039;nfgu&#039;
    set GROUND[124] = &#039;nfod&#039;
    set GROUND[125] = &#039;nfor&#039;
    set GROUND[126] = &#039;nfot&#039;
    set GROUND[127] = &#039;nfov&#039;
    set GROUND[128] = &#039;nfpc&#039;
    set GROUND[129] = &#039;nfpe&#039;
    set GROUND[130] = &#039;nfpl&#039;
    set GROUND[131] = &#039;nfps&#039;
    set GROUND[132] = &#039;nfpt&#039;
    set GROUND[133] = &#039;nfpu&#039;
    set GROUND[134] = &#039;nfra&#039;
    set GROUND[135] = &#039;nfrb&#039;
    set GROUND[136] = &#039;nfre&#039;
    set GROUND[137] = &#039;nfrg&#039;
    set GROUND[138] = &#039;nfrl&#039;
    set GROUND[139] = &#039;nfrp&#039;
    set GROUND[140] = &#039;nfrs&#039;
    set GROUND[141] = &#039;nfsh&#039;
    set GROUND[142] = &#039;nfsp&#039;
    set GROUND[143] = &#039;nftb&#039;
    set GROUND[144] = &#039;nftk&#039;
    set GROUND[145] = &#039;nftr&#039;
    set GROUND[146] = &#039;nftt&#039;
    set GROUND[147] = &#039;nggr&#039;
    set GROUND[148] = &#039;ngir&#039;
    set GROUND[149] = &#039;nglm&#039;
    set GROUND[150] = &#039;ngna&#039;
    set GROUND[151] = &#039;ngnb&#039;
    set GROUND[152] = &#039;ngno&#039;
    set GROUND[153] = &#039;ngns&#039;
    set GROUND[154] = &#039;ngnv&#039;
    set GROUND[155] = &#039;ngnw&#039;
    set GROUND[156] = &#039;ngrk&#039;
    set GROUND[157] = &#039;ngsp&#039;
    set GROUND[158] = &#039;ngst&#039;
    set GROUND[159] = &#039;ngza&#039;
    set GROUND[160] = &#039;nhdc&#039;
    set GROUND[161] = &#039;nhfp&#039;
    set GROUND[162] = &#039;nhhr&#039;
    set GROUND[163] = &#039;nhym&#039;
    set GROUND[164] = &#039;nina&#039;
    set GROUND[165] = &#039;ninc&#039;
    set GROUND[166] = &#039;ninf&#039;
    set GROUND[167] = &#039;ninm&#039;
    set GROUND[168] = &#039;nith&#039;
    set GROUND[169] = &#039;nitp&#039;
    set GROUND[170] = &#039;nitr&#039;
    set GROUND[171] = &#039;nits&#039;
    set GROUND[172] = &#039;nitt&#039;
    set GROUND[173] = &#039;nitw&#039;
    set GROUND[174] = &#039;njg1&#039;
    set GROUND[175] = &#039;njga&#039;
    set GROUND[176] = &#039;njgb&#039;
    set GROUND[177] = &#039;nkob&#039;
    set GROUND[178] = &#039;nkog&#039;
    set GROUND[179] = &#039;nkol&#039;
    set GROUND[180] = &#039;nkot&#039;
    set GROUND[181] = &#039;nlds&#039;
    set GROUND[182] = &#039;nlkl&#039;
    set GROUND[183] = &#039;nlpd&#039;
    set GROUND[184] = &#039;nlpr&#039;
    set GROUND[185] = &#039;nlps&#039;
    set GROUND[186] = &#039;nlsn&#039;
    set GROUND[187] = &#039;nltc&#039;
    set GROUND[188] = &#039;nltl&#039;
    set GROUND[189] = &#039;nlur&#039;
    set GROUND[190] = &#039;nmam&#039;
    set GROUND[191] = &#039;nmdr&#039;
    set GROUND[192] = &#039;nmfs&#039;
    set GROUND[193] = &#039;nmgd&#039;
    set GROUND[194] = &#039;nmgr&#039;
    set GROUND[195] = &#039;nmgw&#039;
    set GROUND[196] = &#039;nmit&#039;
    set GROUND[197] = &#039;nmmu&#039;
    set GROUND[198] = &#039;nmpg&#039;
    set GROUND[199] = &#039;nmrl&#039;
    set GROUND[200] = &#039;nmrm&#039;
    set GROUND[201] = &#039;nmrr&#039;
    set GROUND[202] = &#039;nnwa&#039;
    set GROUND[203] = &#039;nnwl&#039;
    set GROUND[204] = &#039;nnwq&#039;
    set GROUND[205] = &#039;nnwr&#039;
    set GROUND[206] = &#039;nnws&#039;
    set GROUND[207] = &#039;noga&#039;
    set GROUND[208] = &#039;nogl&#039;
    set GROUND[209] = &#039;nogm&#039;
    set GROUND[210] = &#039;nogn&#039;
    set GROUND[211] = &#039;nogo&#039;
    set GROUND[212] = &#039;nogr&#039;
    set GROUND[213] = &#039;nomg&#039;
    set GROUND[214] = &#039;nowb&#039;
    set GROUND[215] = &#039;nowe&#039;
    set GROUND[216] = &#039;nowk&#039;
    set GROUND[217] = &#039;npfl&#039;
    set GROUND[218] = &#039;npfm&#039;
    set GROUND[219] = &#039;nqbh&#039;
    set GROUND[220] = &#039;nrog&#039;
    set GROUND[221] = &#039;nrzb&#039;
    set GROUND[222] = &#039;nrzg&#039;
    set GROUND[223] = &#039;nrzm&#039;
    set GROUND[224] = &#039;nrzs&#039;
    set GROUND[225] = &#039;nrzt&#039;
    set GROUND[226] = &#039;nsat&#039;
    set GROUND[227] = &#039;nsbm&#039;
    set GROUND[228] = &#039;nsc2&#039;
    set GROUND[229] = &#039;nsc3&#039;
    set GROUND[230] = &#039;nsca&#039;
    set GROUND[231] = &#039;nscb&#039;
    set GROUND[232] = &#039;nsce&#039;
    set GROUND[233] = &#039;nsgg&#039;
    set GROUND[234] = &#039;nsgt&#039;
    set GROUND[235] = &#039;nska&#039;
    set GROUND[236] = &#039;nske&#039;
    set GROUND[237] = &#039;nskf&#039;
    set GROUND[238] = &#039;nskg&#039;
    set GROUND[239] = &#039;nskm&#039;
    set GROUND[240] = &#039;nsko&#039;
    set GROUND[241] = &#039;nslf&#039;
    set GROUND[242] = &#039;nslh&#039;
    set GROUND[243] = &#039;nsll&#039;
    set GROUND[244] = &#039;nslm&#039;
    set GROUND[245] = &#039;nsln&#039;
    set GROUND[246] = &#039;nslr&#039;
    set GROUND[247] = &#039;nslv&#039;
    set GROUND[248] = &#039;nsoc&#039;
    set GROUND[249] = &#039;nsog&#039;
    set GROUND[250] = &#039;nspb&#039;
    set GROUND[251] = &#039;nspd&#039;
    set GROUND[252] = &#039;nspg&#039;
    set GROUND[253] = &#039;nspp&#039;
    set GROUND[254] = &#039;nspr&#039;
    set GROUND[255] = &#039;nsqa&#039;
    set GROUND[256] = &#039;nsqe&#039;
    set GROUND[257] = &#039;nsqo&#039;
    set GROUND[258] = &#039;nsqt&#039;
    set GROUND[259] = &#039;nsra&#039;
    set GROUND[260] = &#039;nsrh&#039;
    set GROUND[261] = &#039;nsrn&#039;
    set GROUND[262] = &#039;nsrw&#039;
    set GROUND[263] = &#039;nssp&#039;
    set GROUND[264] = &#039;nsth&#039;
    set GROUND[265] = &#039;nstl&#039;
    set GROUND[266] = &#039;nsts&#039;
    set GROUND[267] = &#039;nstw&#039;
    set GROUND[268] = &#039;nsty&#039;
    set GROUND[269] = &#039;nthl&#039;
    set GROUND[270] = &#039;ntka&#039;
    set GROUND[271] = &#039;ntkc&#039;
    set GROUND[272] = &#039;ntkf&#039;
    set GROUND[273] = &#039;ntkh&#039;
    set GROUND[274] = &#039;ntks&#039;
    set GROUND[275] = &#039;ntkt&#039;
    set GROUND[276] = &#039;ntkw&#039;
    set GROUND[277] = &#039;ntor&#039;
    set GROUND[278] = &#039;nubk&#039;
    set GROUND[279] = &#039;nubr&#039;
    set GROUND[280] = &#039;nubw&#039;
    set GROUND[281] = &#039;nwen&#039;
    set GROUND[282] = &#039;nwiz&#039;
    set GROUND[283] = &#039;nwld&#039;
    set GROUND[284] = &#039;nwlg&#039;
    set GROUND[285] = &#039;nwlt&#039;
    set GROUND[286] = &#039;nwna&#039;
    set GROUND[287] = &#039;nwnr&#039;
    set GROUND[288] = &#039;nwns&#039;
    set GROUND[289] = &#039;nwrg&#039;
    set GROUND[290] = &#039;nwwd&#039;
    set GROUND[291] = &#039;nwwf&#039;
    set GROUND[292] = &#039;nwwg&#039;
    set GROUND[293] = &#039;nwzd&#039;
    set GROUND[294] = &#039;nwzg&#039;
    set GROUND[295] = &#039;nwzr&#039;
    set GROUND[296] = &#039;nzom&#039;
    set GROUND[297] = &#039;nbld&#039;
    set GROUND[298] = &#039;nahy&#039;
    set GROUND[299] = &#039;ncfs&#039;
    set GROUND[300] = &#039;nehy&#039;
    set GROUND[301] = &#039;nhyc&#039;
    set GROUND[302] = &#039;nhyd&#039;
    set GROUND[303] = &#039;nhyh&#039;
    set GROUND[304] = &#039;nmbg&#039;
    set GROUND[305] = &#039;nmcf&#039;
    set GROUND[306] = &#039;nmrv&#039;
    set GROUND[307] = &#039;nmsc&#039;
    set GROUND[308] = &#039;nmsn&#039;
    set GROUND[309] = &#039;nmtw&#039;
    set GROUND[310] = &#039;nmyr&#039;
    set GROUND[311] = &#039;nmys&#039;
    set GROUND[312] = &#039;nnmg&#039;
    set GROUND[313] = &#039;nnrg&#039;
    set GROUND[314] = &#039;nnrs&#039;
    set GROUND[315] = &#039;nnsu&#039;
    set GROUND[316] = &#039;nnsw&#039;
    set GROUND[317] = &#039;nplb&#039;
    set GROUND[318] = &#039;nplg&#039;
    set GROUND[319] = &#039;nrel&#039;
    set GROUND[320] = &#039;nsbs&#039;
    set GROUND[321] = &#039;nsel&#039;
    set GROUND[322] = &#039;nsgb&#039;
    set GROUND[323] = &#039;nsgh&#039;
    set GROUND[324] = &#039;nsgn&#039;
    set GROUND[325] = &#039;nsnp&#039;
    set GROUND[326] = &#039;nsns&#039;
    set GROUND[327] = &#039;ntrd&#039;
    set GROUND[328] = &#039;ntrg&#039;
    set GROUND[329] = &#039;ntrh&#039;
    set GROUND[330] = &#039;ntrs&#039;
    set GROUND[331] = &#039;ntrt&#039;
    set GROUND[332] = &#039;ntws&#039;
    set GROUND[333] = &#039;ndrv&#039;
    set GROUND[334] = &#039;ngh1&#039;
    set GROUND[335] = &#039;ngh2&#039;
    set GROUND[336] = &#039;nlrv&#039;
    set GROUND[337] = &#039;nrvd&#039;
    set GROUND[338] = &#039;nrvf&#039;
    set GROUND[339] = &#039;nrvi&#039;
    set GROUND[340] = &#039;nrvl&#039;
    set GROUND[341] = &#039;nrvs&#039;
    set GROUND[342] = &#039;nsrv&#039;
    set GROUND[343] = &#039;ntrv&#039;
    set GROUND[344] = &#039;nvde&#039;
    set GROUND[345] = &#039;nvdg&#039;
    set GROUND[346] = &#039;nvdl&#039;
    set GROUND[347] = &#039;nvdw&#039;
    set GROUND[348] = &#039;ncrb&#039;
    set GROUND[349] = &#039;nder&#039;
    set GROUND[350] = &#039;ndog&#039;
    set GROUND[351] = &#039;ndwm&#039;
    set GROUND[352] = &#039;nech&#039;
    set GROUND[353] = &#039;necr&#039;
    set GROUND[354] = &#039;nfbr&#039;
    set GROUND[355] = &#039;nfro&#039;
    set GROUND[356] = &#039;nhmc&#039;
    set GROUND[357] = &#039;npig&#039;
    set GROUND[358] = &#039;nrac&#039;
    set GROUND[359] = &#039;nrat&#039;
    set GROUND[360] = &#039;nsea&#039;
    set GROUND[361] = &#039;nshe&#039;
    set GROUND[362] = &#039;nskk&#039;
    set GROUND[363] = &#039;nvil&#039;
    set GROUND[364] = &#039;nvk2&#039;
    set GROUND[365] = &#039;nvl2&#039;
    set GROUND[366] = &#039;nvlk&#039;
    set GROUND[367] = &#039;nvlw&#039;
    set GROUND[368] = &#039;npng&#039;
    set GROUND[369] = &#039;nsha&#039;
    set GROUND[370] = &#039;eilw&#039;
    set GROUND[371] = &#039;enec&#039;
    set GROUND[372] = &#039;ensh&#039;
    set GROUND[373] = &#039;eshd&#039;
    set GROUND[374] = &#039;hbew&#039;
    set GROUND[375] = &#039;hcth&#039;
    set GROUND[376] = &#039;hhes&#039;
    set GROUND[377] = &#039;hprt&#039;
    set GROUND[378] = &#039;nbee&#039;
    set GROUND[379] = &#039;nbel&#039;
    set GROUND[380] = &#039;nbsp&#039;
    set GROUND[381] = &#039;nchg&#039;
    set GROUND[382] = &#039;nchw&#039;
    set GROUND[383] = &#039;ncpn&#039;
    set GROUND[384] = &#039;ndmu&#039;
    set GROUND[385] = &#039;ndrd&#039;
    set GROUND[386] = &#039;ndrf&#039;
    set GROUND[387] = &#039;ndrh&#039;
    set GROUND[388] = &#039;ndrj&#039;
    set GROUND[389] = &#039;ndrl&#039;
    set GROUND[390] = &#039;ndrm&#039;
    set GROUND[391] = &#039;ndrn&#039;
    set GROUND[392] = &#039;ndrp&#039;
    set GROUND[393] = &#039;ndrs&#039;
    set GROUND[394] = &#039;ndrt&#039;
    set GROUND[395] = &#039;ndrw&#039;
    set GROUND[396] = &#039;ndsa&#039;
    set GROUND[397] = &#039;negz&#039;
    set GROUND[398] = &#039;nemi&#039;
    set GROUND[399] = &#039;nfgl&#039;
    set GROUND[400] = &#039;ngbl&#039;
    set GROUND[401] = &#039;nhea&#039;
    set GROUND[402] = &#039;nhef&#039;
    set GROUND[403] = &#039;nhem&#039;
    set GROUND[404] = &#039;nhew&#039;
    set GROUND[405] = &#039;njks&#039;
    set GROUND[406] = &#039;nmed&#039;
    set GROUND[407] = &#039;nmsh&#039;
    set GROUND[408] = &#039;nspc&#039;
    set GROUND[409] = &#039;nssn&#039;
    set GROUND[410] = &#039;nw2w&#039;
    set GROUND[411] = &#039;nwat&#039;
    set GROUND[412] = &#039;nzlc&#039;
    set GROUND[413] = &#039;odkt&#039;
    set GROUND[414] = &#039;ogrk&#039;
    set GROUND[415] = &#039;omtg&#039;
    set GROUND[416] = &#039;oosc&#039;
    set GROUND[417] = &#039;ovlj&#039;
    set GROUND[418] = &#039;owar&#039;
    set GROUND[419] = &#039;uabc&#039;
    set GROUND[420] = &#039;uktg&#039;
    set GROUND[421] = &#039;uktn&#039;
    set GROUND[422] = &#039;hhdl&#039;
    set GROUND[423] = &#039;hrdh&#039;
    set GROUND[424] = &#039;nchr&#039;
    set GROUND[425] = &#039;nckb&#039;
    set GROUND[426] = &#039;onzg&#039;
    set GROUND[427] = &#039;nmpe&#039;
    set GROUND[428] = &#039;uswb&#039;
    set GROUND_INDEX = 428
private function Init_Air takes nothing returns nothing
    set AIR[0] = &#039;hdhw&#039;
    set AIR[1] = &#039;hgry&#039;
    set AIR[2] = &#039;hgyr&#039;
    set AIR[3] = &#039;hphx&#039;
    set AIR[4] = &#039;otbr&#039;
    set AIR[5] = &#039;owyv&#039;
    set AIR[6] = &#039;echm&#039;
    set AIR[7] = &#039;edtm&#039;
    set AIR[8] = &#039;efdr&#039;
    set AIR[9] = &#039;ehip&#039;
    set AIR[10] = &#039;ehpr&#039;
    set AIR[11] = &#039;ubsp&#039;
    set AIR[12] = &#039;ufro&#039;
    set AIR[13] = &#039;ugar&#039;
    set AIR[14] = &#039;uloc&#039;
    set AIR[15] = &#039;nadk&#039;
    set AIR[16] = &#039;nadr&#039;
    set AIR[17] = &#039;nadw&#039;
    set AIR[18] = &#039;nbdk&#039;
    set AIR[19] = &#039;nbdr&#039;
    set AIR[20] = &#039;nbwm&#039;
    set AIR[21] = &#039;nbzd&#039;
    set AIR[22] = &#039;nbzk&#039;
    set AIR[23] = &#039;nbzw&#039;
    set AIR[24] = &#039;ngdk&#039;
    set AIR[25] = &#039;ngrd&#039;
    set AIR[26] = &#039;ngrw&#039;
    set AIR[27] = &#039;nhar&#039;
    set AIR[28] = &#039;nhrh&#039;
    set AIR[29] = &#039;nhrq&#039;
    set AIR[30] = &#039;nhrr&#039;
    set AIR[31] = &#039;nhrw&#039;
    set AIR[32] = &#039;nndk&#039;
    set AIR[33] = &#039;nndr&#039;
    set AIR[34] = &#039;nnht&#039;
    set AIR[35] = &#039;nrdk&#039;
    set AIR[36] = &#039;nrdr&#039;
    set AIR[37] = &#039;nrwm&#039;
    set AIR[38] = &#039;nwgs&#039;
    set AIR[39] = &#039;nws1&#039;
    set AIR[40] = &#039;nzep&#039;
    set AIR[41] = &#039;nalb&#039;
    set AIR[42] = &#039;now2&#039;
    set AIR[43] = &#039;now3&#039;
    set AIR[44] = &#039;nowl&#039;
    set AIR[45] = &#039;nshf&#039;
    set AIR[46] = &#039;nsno&#039;
    set AIR[47] = &#039;nvul&#039;
    set AIR[48] = &#039;nmdm&#039;
    set AIR[49] = &#039;nser&#039;
    set AIR[50] = &#039;nthr&#039;
    set AIR[51] = &#039;oswy&#039;
    set AIR[52] = &#039;ownr&#039;
    set AIR[53] = &#039;uarb&#039;
    set AIR[54] = &#039;ubdd&#039;
    set AIR[55] = &#039;ubdr&#039;
    set AIR[56] = &#039;nwe1&#039;
    set AIR[57] = &#039;nwe2&#039;
    set AIR[58] = &#039;nwe3&#039;
    set AIR[59] = &#039;zjug&#039;
    set AIR_INDEX = 59

private function Display_Index takes nothing returns nothing
    call BJDebugMsg(&quot;|cffffd700GetRandomId() Index:|r &quot;+I2S(LAST_INDEX))

private function Reset_Array takes nothing returns nothing
    if HERO_INDEX &lt; 0 then
        call Init_Heroes()
    elseif GROUND_INDEX &lt; 0 then
        call Init_Ground()
    elseif AIR_INDEX &lt; 0 then
        call Init_Air()

private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger trig 
    call Init_Heroes()
    call Init_Ground()
    call Init_Air()
    if bj_isSinglePlayer then
        set trig = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(trig,Player(0),&quot;-getlastindex&quot;,true)
        call TriggerAddAction(trig,function Display_Index)
    if RESET_ARRAYS then
        set trig = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterVariableEvent(trig,SCOPE_PRIVATE+&quot;HERO_INDEX&quot;,LESS_THAN,0)
        call TriggerRegisterVariableEvent(trig,SCOPE_PRIVATE+&quot;GROUND_INDEX&quot;,LESS_THAN,0)
        call TriggerRegisterVariableEvent(trig,SCOPE_PRIVATE+&quot;AIR_INDEX&quot;,LESS_THAN,0)
        call TriggerAddAction(trig,function Reset_Array)

private function CheckAbilities takes integer id returns nothing
    local unit u = CreateUnit(Player(15),id,0,0,0)
    local boolean b = false
    if IsUnitInvisible(u,Player(0)) == true then
        set b = true
        call BJDebugMsg(WARNING+&quot;Unit type &quot;+UnitId2String(id)+&quot; is invisible.&quot;)
        if GetUnitAbilityLevel(u,&#039;Agho&#039;) &gt; 0 then
            call BJDebugMsg(FIX+&quot;Remove ability &#039;Agho&#039; from created units.&quot;)
        elseif GetUnitAbilityLevel(u,&#039;Ashm&#039;) &gt; 0 then
            call BJDebugMsg(FIX+&quot;Remove ability &#039;Ashm&#039; from created units.&quot;)
        elseif GetUnitAbilityLevel(u,&#039;Ahid&#039;) &gt; 0 then
            call BJDebugMsg(FIX+&quot;Remove ability &#039;Ahid&#039; from created units.&quot;)
        elseif GetUnitAbilityLevel(u,&#039;Sshm&#039;) &gt; 0 then
            call BJDebugMsg(FIX+&quot;Remove ability &#039;Sshm&#039; from created units.&quot;)
    if GetUnitAbilityLevel(u,&#039;Avul&#039;) &gt; 0 then
        set b = true
        call BJDebugMsg(WARNING+&quot;Unit type &quot;+UnitId2String(id)+&quot; is invulnerable.&quot;)
        call BJDebugMsg(FIX+&quot;Remove ability &#039;Avul&#039; from created units.&quot;)
    if GetUnitAbilityLevel(u,&#039;Aloc&#039;) &gt; 0 then
        set b = true
        call BJDebugMsg(WARNING+&quot;Unit type &quot;+UnitId2String(id)+&quot; is locusted.&quot;)
        call BJDebugMsg(FIX+&quot;Remove ability &#039;Aloc&#039; from created units.&quot;)
    if IssuePointOrder(u,&quot;move&quot;,0,0) == false then
        set b = true
        call BJDebugMsg(WARNING+&quot;Unit type &quot;+UnitId2String(id)+&quot; has no movement.&quot;)
    if b then
        if IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_HERO) == true then
            call BJDebugMsg(FIX+&quot;Alternatively set HERO[&quot;+I2S(LAST_INDEX)+&quot;] = NO_ID.&quot;)
        elseif IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_FLYING) == true then
            call BJDebugMsg(FIX+&quot;Alternatively set AIR[&quot;+I2S(LAST_INDEX)+&quot;] = NO_ID.&quot;)
        elseif IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_GROUND) == true then
            call BJDebugMsg(FIX+&quot;Alternatively set GROUND[&quot;+I2S(LAST_INDEX)+&quot;] = NO_ID.&quot;)
    call RemoveUnit(u)
    set u = null

function GetRandomId takes unittype whichtype, boolean remove returns integer
    local integer id = NO_ID

        exitwhen id != NO_ID
        if GROUND_INDEX &gt;= 0 and (whichtype == UNIT_TYPE_GROUND or (whichtype == UNIT_TYPE_RANDOM and GetRandomInt(1,3) == 1)) then
            set LAST_INDEX = GetRandomInt(0,GROUND_INDEX)
            set id = GROUND[LAST_INDEX]
            if remove or id == NO_ID then
                set GROUND_INDEX = GROUND_INDEX-1
        elseif AIR_INDEX &gt;= 0 and (whichtype == UNIT_TYPE_FLYING or (whichtype == UNIT_TYPE_RANDOM and GetRandomInt(1,2) == 1)) then
            set LAST_INDEX = GetRandomInt(0,AIR_INDEX)
            set id = AIR[LAST_INDEX]
            if remove or id == NO_ID then
                set AIR[LAST_INDEX] = AIR[AIR_INDEX]
                set AIR_INDEX = AIR_INDEX-1
        elseif HERO_INDEX &gt;= 0 and (whichtype == UNIT_TYPE_HERO or whichtype == UNIT_TYPE_RANDOM) then
            set LAST_INDEX = GetRandomInt(0,HERO_INDEX)
            set id = HERO[LAST_INDEX]
            if remove or id == NO_ID then
                set HERO[LAST_INDEX] = HERO[HERO_INDEX]
                set HERO_INDEX = HERO_INDEX-1
            debug if HERO_INDEX &lt; 0 then
                debug call BJDebugMsg(ERROR+&quot;UNIT_TYPE_HERO array is empty.&quot;)
                debug call BJDebugMsg(FIX+&quot;Set RESET_ARRAYS = true.&quot;)
            debug elseif AIR_INDEX &lt; 0 then
                debug call BJDebugMsg(ERROR+&quot;UNIT_TYPE_FLYING array is empty.&quot;)
                debug call BJDebugMsg(FIX+&quot;Set RESET_ARRAYS = true.&quot;)
            debug elseif GROUND_INDEX &lt; 0 then
                debug call BJDebugMsg(ERROR+&quot;UNIT_TYPE_GROUND array is empty.&quot;)
                debug call BJDebugMsg(FIX+&quot;Set RESET_ARRAYS = true.&quot;)
            debug else
                debug call BJDebugMsg(ERROR+&quot;Unrecognized unit type passed to function.&quot;)
                debug call BJDebugMsg(FIX+&quot;Use UNIT_TYPE_GROUND, UNIT_TYPE_FLYING, UNIT_TYPE_HERO, or UNIT_TYPE_RANDOM.&quot;)
            debug endif
            return NO_ID
    debug if CHECK_ABILITIES then
        debug call CheckAbilities(id)
    debug endif
    return id

function ...
    local unit u_flying = CreateUnit(Player(0),GetRandomId(UNIT_TYPE_FLYING,true),0,0,0)
    local unit u_ground = CreateUnit(Player(0),GetRandomId(UNIT_TYPE_GROUND,true),0,0,0)
    local unit u_hero = CreateUnit(Player(0),GetRandomId(UNIT_TYPE_HERO,true),0,0,0)
    local unit u_random = CreateUnit(Player(0),GetRandomId(UNIT_TYPE_RANDOM,true),0,0,0)
Also have a look at the example that comes with the map.


  • GetRandomId.w3x
    36 KB · Views: 319


(Evol)ution is nothing without love.
Reaction score
This is a nice snippet that could be used for an All-random purpose, but how long did it take to type that up. o_O


Make a wish
Reaction score
That's a lot of of ID's. So I think you should add a tutorial if people want to add their own ID's.


Super Moderator
Reaction score
That's a lot of of ID's. So I think you should add a tutorial if people want to add their own ID's.

It's not really worth a tutorial how simple it is...


Super Moderator
Reaction score
This could indeed be very useful for many maps. CheckAbilities() is a useful addition. :D

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  • WildTurkey WildTurkey:
    is there a stephen green in the house?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    What is up WildTurkey?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Looks like Google fixed whatever mistake that made the recipes on the site go crazy and we are no longer trending towards a recipe site lol - I don't care though because it motivated me to spend alot of time on the site improving it and at least now the content people are looking at is not stupid and embarrassing like it was when I first got back into this like 5 years ago.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Plus - I have a pretty bad ass recipe collection now! That section of the site is 10 thousand times better than it was before
  • The Helper The Helper:
    We now have a web designer at my job. A legit talented professional! I am going to get him to redesign the site theme. It is time.
  • Varine Varine:
    I got one more day of community service and then I'm free from this nonsense! I polished a cop car today for a funeral or something I guess
  • Varine Varine:
    They also were digging threw old shit at the sheriff's office and I tried to get them to give me the old electronic stuff, but they said no. They can't give it to people because they might use it to impersonate a cop or break into their network or some shit? idk but it was a shame to see them take a whole bunch of radios and shit to get shredded and landfilled
  • The Helper The Helper:
    whatever at least you are free
  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    How are you all? :D
  • Ghan Ghan:
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Still lurking
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am great and it is fantastic to see you my friend!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    If you are new to the site please check out the Recipe and Food Forum
  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    How come you're so into recipes lately? Never saw this much interest in this topic in the old days of
  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    Hmm, how do I change my signature?
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    Signatures can be edit in your account profile. As for the old stuffs, I'm thinking it's because Blizzard is now under Microsoft, and because of Microsoft Xbox going the way it is, it's dreadful.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am not big on the recipes I am just promoting them - I use the site as a practice place promoting stuff
  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    @tom_mai78101 I must be blind. If I go on my profile I don't see any area to edit the signature; If I go to account details (settings) I don't see any signature area either.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    You can get there if you click the bell icon (alerts) and choose preferences from the bottom, signature will be in the menu on the left there
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I think I need to split the Sci/Tech news forum into 2 one for Science and one for Tech but I am hating all the moving of posts I would have to do
  • The Helper The Helper:
    What is up Old Mountain Shadow?

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