Hero spells [Lord of the rings]


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Name: Glory of the Dead
Icon: Raise dead (or something else)
Tooltip: Aragon calls for aid from the dead to fight for him in battle, to regain there honor.
What it does: (Same as above)
Hotkey: A
Triggered: No
Kind of spell: Normal
Based on: Summon Water Elemental(or something else)
Hero: Aragon


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Thanks alot! especially Thewrongvine ! added them all to the list im gonna make evry spell now



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Name: Nature Protection
Icon: Nature's Blessing
Tooltip: Every tree protects every tree. Whenever Treebeard is near a tree he becomes invisible, gains increased armor and increased regenation. Lasts until Treebeard goes away from a tree.
What it does: Same as above
Hotkey: N
Kind of spell: Normal
Based on: Whatever passive skill.
Hero: Treebeard


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Name: Athelas
Icon: something with a leaf
Tooltip: Aragorn uses the so called "useless herb" Athelas to heal nearby allies. Heals 40% of the units maximum hp.
what it does: Heals
Hotkey: L or E
Triggered: I did the trigger bellow
kind of spell: Normal
Based on : Fan of knives
Hero: Aragorn

the trigger:

        Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
        (Ability being cast) Equal to (==) Athelas 
        Set Caster1[0] = (Casting unit)
        Set point[0] = (Position of Caster1[0])
        Set UnitGroup[0] = (Units within 500.00 of point[0])
        Set Player[0] = (Owner of Caster1[0])
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in UnitGroup[0] and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                 Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        ((Picked unit) belongs to an ally of Player[0]) Equal to (==) True
                    Then - Actions
                        Unit - Set life of (Picked unit) to ((Life of (Picked unit)) + ((Max life of (Picked unit)) x 0.40))
                        Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the chest of (Picked unit) using Abilities\Spells\Orc\HealingWave\HealingWaveTarget.mdl
                        Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
                    Else - Actions
                        Do nothing
        Sound - Play ArthasPissed4 <gen> at 100.00% volume, located at point[0] with Z offset 0.00
        Sound - Destroy (Last played sound)
        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation(udg_point[0])
        Custom script:   call DestroyGroup(udg_UnitGroup[0])

I hope you know how to use variables. Also.. This is leakless ( i think ) ... Take fan of knives as base and set the model to custom .mdl ... Also the sound is just for show.. if you don't want it just delete it from the trigger. Also about the arrays.. Don't do it with arrays like that.. well its not like it won't work with arrays but i just did it with arrays because that's the kind of variables i had alrdy made in my map... Also remove the damage from fan of knives. I tested this.. it works.. It might of been a wrong decision of there alrdy was an aoe heal ( besides healing spray wich needs you to target a point ).

EDIT::: again.. I gota test before writing.. still bad. dont use it yet... If anyone knows what did i do wrong please tell :D Because now it heals to the maximum health.

EDIT AGAIN : Now its good.. the problem was that i used the action set unit life to percentage.. i had to do the set unit life to value instead... Also i noticed a bug.. The first time you use the spell the sound occurs... the second and other times the sound doesnt occur.. So better not use the sound.. just a waste.. Unless you know how to fix it.. i'm too lazy now to think.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Ugh, Hasslarn, I'm going camping for the next few days until the end of the week or so... and I don't have time right now. Sorry, I'll have to do it when I come back. :( Good luck though! :thup:


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it workes perfectly thanks alot!! man nice that was a awsome idea

EDIT ; no problem vine! thanks anyway


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Here's some spells. I don't know if they were already made, there were so many to check :p

Name: Cavalry Charge
Icon: Riderless Horse
Tooltip: Calls a massive charge of riders from Rohan, hitting any enemies in sight.
Triggered: No
Based On: Stampede
Ultimate: Yep/Maybe
Hero: Theoden/Eoden

Elven Cloaks: When activated, hides the unit for 7 seconds. In that duration they may not move, but cannot be seen.

Icon: Not sure
Triggered: see below (yes)
Based On: Probably Summon Bear, remove the duration set it to 0.
For: All hobbits used?

(Basically just pause/hide them for 7 seconds.)

Name: Eternal Vanguard
Icon: Not sure :(
Triggered? Yes.
Info: Gives a chance when hit for the hero to become more powerful, becoming larger and attacking with greater speed.
Hero: any melee hero

That would be the action code, though it may leak.
Random Integer Between 1 and 100 less than or equal to 5
Create Dummy at position of attacked unit owned by owner of attacked unit
Set Dummy = DumVan
Add a 6 second expiration timer on DumVan
add bloodthirst to DumVan
Order Dumvan to Orc Shaman - Bloodthirst Attacked Unit


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I know this is off-topic but there's a program for checking leaks.


Also you might get an error when your opening because your missing an ocx file.. So one guy in that thread gave a web where there are many ocx files that you need to put into system32 folder(xp) ... You shuold find the one that's missing in that web.


Redirect your complaints to the nearest wall
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Another spell..

Thanks for Larcenist with helping me fix this spell :thup:

Name: Leap Attack
Tooltip: Gimli Leaps into the air and when he touches the ground he stomps it with incredible force damaging nearby units in 500aoe.
What does it do: Creates a "flying" animation of gimli and damages units.
Triggered: Yes.. Trigger Bellow :)
Hotkey: T or C or K
Kind of spell: Normal
Hero: Gimli

Okay now for the tricky part. Base it off shockwave ( well thats what i did.. i could of based of channeling but its too much trouble doing it ) .. Set the model to custom .mdl .. Remove buffs or anything related to a model. Set dmg to 0. And just do this trigger:

Leap Attack
        Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
        (Ability being cast) Equal to (==) Leap Attack 
        Set point[0] = (Target point of ability being cast)
        Set Caster1[0] = (Casting unit)
        Set Player[0] = (Owner of Caster1[0])
        Set UnitGroup[0] = (Units within 500.00 of point[0])
        Unit - Add Crow Form to Caster1[0]
        Unit - Remove Crow Form from Caster1[0]
        Animation - Change Caster1[0] flying height to 300.00 at 150.00
        Unit - Order Caster1[0] to Move To point[0]
        Wait 1.40 seconds
        Animation - Change Caster1[0] flying height to 0.00 at 200.00
        Unit - Pause Caster1[0]
        Unit - Unpause Caster1[0]
        Wait 0.50 seconds
        Special Effect - Create a special effect at point[0] using Abilities\Spells\Human\ThunderClap\ThunderClapCaster.mdl
        Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in UnitGroup[0] and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                 Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        ((Picked unit) belongs to an enemy of Player[0]) Equal to (==) True
                    Then - Actions
                        Unit - Cause Caster1[0] to damage (Picked unit), dealing ((Real((Level of Leap Attack  for Caster1[0]))) x 100.00) damage of attack type Spells and damage type Normal
                    Else - Actions
                        Do nothing
        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation(udg_point[0])
        Custom script:   call DestroyGroup(udg_UnitGroup[0])

This is leakless .. i think.. You can change the damage done to anything you like.. I did i with level you can do it with x*str....

WARNING: Dont think that this will look very smoothly <_< :D .. Well it isint ugly but it is not precisely a "superman's flight" .. Also if you fly to a target that is VERY CLOSE to you.. Then it will not look very nice ;D

Also Hasslarn you should add a list of skills that the hero has alrdy.. Because it would suck if we would make a spell only to find out that the hero the spell is made for is full.


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Strangth of fellowship

Name: Strenght of fellowship
Tooltip: By losing 50% of our health,Gimli goes rage and gets +350 damage for 5 seconds
What does it do?: Gimli loses 50% but gets 350 attack + for 5 seconds
Triggered: Yes but for trigger you need make your map like only one can be gimmli
Hotkey: S
Kind of spell: Ultimate
Hero: Gimmli
use avatar spell :D set duration: 5.00 seconds and attack + 350 ^^

Events: gimmli begins casting ability
Conditions ability being casted equal to Strenght of Fellowship
Actions:Set life of gimmli to 50%


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i modified the trigger a bit so now it looks abit smoother.

Leap Attack
        Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
        (Ability being cast) Equal to (==) Leap Attack 
        Set point[0] = (Target point of ability being cast)
        Set Caster1[0] = (Casting unit)
        Set Player[0] = (Owner of Caster1[0])
        Set UnitGroup[0] = (Units within 500.00 of point[0])
        Unit - Add Crow Form to Caster1[0]
        Unit - Remove Crow Form from Caster1[0]
        Animation - Change Caster1[0] flying height to 300.00 at 200.00
        Unit - Order Caster1[0] to Move To point[0]
        Wait 1.40 seconds
        Animation - Change Caster1[0] flying height to 0.00 at 250.00
        Unit - Pause Caster1[0]
        Unit - Unpause Caster1[0]
        Wait 0.50 seconds
        Special Effect - Create a special effect at point[0] using Abilities\Spells\Human\ThunderClap\ThunderClapCaster.mdl
        Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in UnitGroup[0] and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                 Multiple FunctionsIf (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        ((Picked unit) belongs to an enemy of Player[0]) Equal to (==) True
                    Then - Actions
                        Unit - Cause Caster1[0] to damage (Picked unit), dealing ((Real((Level of Leap Attack  for Caster1[0]))) x 100.00) damage of attack type Spells and damage type Normal
                    Else - Actions
                        Do nothing
        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation(udg_point[0])
        Custom script:   call DestroyGroup(udg_UnitGroup[0])



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thanks alot!! for the trigger and evrybody else

EDIT: What spell shall i base it on i tried channel it just goes up and down adn does no damage :/

The Mapmaker

By the way, the correct spelling is: Denethor, Theoden, and Eowyn.


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Name: Blitz Attack.
Icon: Whatever it is.
Tooltip: Do some amount of damage to the attacker while the hero is evading the attack.
What it does: Do ((2 x Agility) + 100) damage to the attacker (enemy) while Pippin is evading.
Hotkey: A
Kind of spell:Normal.
Based on: Any passive skill with Buff (I use evasion for example).
Hero: Pippin (or any other else with small body and slim (not Sam Lol)).


Blitz Attack
        Unit - A unit Is attacked
        (Attacked unit) has buff Blitz Attack
        Set Attacker = (Attacking unit)
        Set AttackedUnit = (Attacked unit)
        Unit - Cause AttackedUnit to damage Attacker, dealing ((((Real((Agility of AttackedUnit (Include bonuses)))) x 2.00) + 100.00) + 0.00) damage of attack type Chaos and damage type Universal
        Floating Text - Create floating text that reads (((String(((2 x (Agility of AttackedUnit (Include bonuses))) + 100))) + !) +  ) above (Attacking unit) with Z offset 0.00, using font size 10.00, color (100.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%), and 0.00% transparency
        Floating Text - Set the velocity of (Last created floating text) to 64.00 towards 90.00 degrees
        Floating Text - Change (Last created floating text): Disable permanence
        Floating Text - Change the fading age of (Last created floating text) to 2.00 seconds
        Floating Text - Change the lifespan of (Last created floating text) to 2.00 seconds

Oh, I almost forgot. For just a first try use 100% on evasion. Good Luck.:):):)


Don't Ever Categorize Yourself.
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the EYE of the tower? forgot name....

Petrifies Unit that is gaze upon by the tower!?

what does it do~ makes the unit unable to move(entangle)
for X seconds.

hero: the tower.~


It's not the wintercold that's killing me
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Haven't readed through all so I don't know if someone already come up with this idea:

Whip of the Balrog
Unleash a powerful fiery whip that will drag the targeted unit to you.
Deals x damage.

It's a simple hook spell. And I think it's in the first movie? The balrog dragged Gandalf in the pit.
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