World Iraqi teenagers stoned to death for "emo" haircuts


The Case of the Mysterious Camel.
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Meh, in my country (can't say about others), teenagers act emo (think they're "emo", at least) all the time and think they're so cool.
They post faux philosophy they thought up or got from tumblr, post horribly edited photos of themselves (guys do that, too) and even mix the quotes and photos into one!
The teenagers don hairstyles with fringes so long it covers their eyes or half their faces and walk about sluggishly (oh, look at me, my life sucks).

Herds of "emo" people band together if one of them gets in trouble.
If anyone needs to be stoned, it's the ones from my country, not these Iraqis =P
(Maybe, just not to death)


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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They should stop this insanity ! If they can't do that then they are fucked in the **** No matter what!
Do you think it's okay to kill teenagers to death, Just because they wear Jeans and different haircuts ? Do you?

Did I say that? No. I didn't. If you had bothered to read any of what I posted you would be aware of what I said (in which I agreed with you in that I don't like what's happening there, but I'm content that it's the way it is), and wouldn't be trying to avoid confronting the actual issue that I posed to you, which is: what do you want? This, or war? Those are your choices, because nothing else will work. Do you expect them to suddenly decide what they're doing isn't ethical out of the blue? I just told you they won't change. They do not want to, and that's all there is to it. So answer the actual question, or don't as I don't really care and am fairly certain that you won't, and will likely reject responding to the majority of this for whatever reason.

And why are you censoring what I assume is the word head instead of fuck? I am really confused by the things you do...


2D-Graphics enthusiast
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And why are you censoring what I assume is the word head instead of fuck? I am really confused by the things you do...

I assume he doesnt mean they are fucked in the head but rather they are fucked in the ****. If you know what i mean.


ɹoʇɐɹǝpoɯ ɹǝdns
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They should stop this insanity ! If they can't do that then they are fucked in the **** No matter what!
Do you think it's okay to kill teenagers to death, Just because they wear Jeans and different haircuts ? Do you?

"They should think the exact same as me, because my opinions are always the right ones!"
Fixed for you. Not everyone has the same morals and views on life. Varine summed it up pretty nicely in this thread.

Meh, in my country (can't say about others), teenagers act emo (think they're "emo", at least) all the time and think they're so cool.
They post faux philosophy they thought up or got from tumblr, post horribly edited photos of themselves (guys do that, too) and even mix the quotes and photos into one!
The teenagers don hairstyles with fringes so long it covers their eyes or half their faces and walk about sluggishly (oh, look at me, my life sucks).

Herds of "emo" people band together if one of them gets in trouble.
If anyone needs to be stoned, it's the ones from my country, not these Iraqis =P
(Maybe, just not to death)

Once again, what justifies someone as "emo", which is short for "emotional"? The tight pants? I wear tight pants on a daily basis(those in the pic are from Hot Topic too! :p), ones that most people call "chick pants". I'm hardly emo. I used to rock an "emo"-stereotyped haircut, but hardly acted "emo". In short, what someone chooses to wear shouldn't stereotype them into some group because of the style.

Wear what you like and what YOU think looks good, and stop trying to fit into some stereotypical mold.

And why are you censoring what I assume is the word head instead of fuck? I am really confused by the things you do...

Aren't we all...
The complete lack of making it look like s/he read anything relating to the topic more than the topic name is quite annoying.

Fine and Maybe the censoring thing, it doesn't mean anything ?

What did you mean?



Oh Shi.. Don't wake the tiger!
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Not at all, I was Just wondering what the thought/word behind that was?

Anyways: It's Just an exemple: But what about "9/11" that it's the way it is to?


ɹoʇɐɹǝpoɯ ɹǝdns
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Anyways: It's Just an exemple: But what about "9/11" that it's the way it is to?

What are you asking? If the 9/11 attacks had something to do with emos? I'm at a loss completely with this post...


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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Would anyone counter me if I said my point was proven?


The Case of the Mysterious Camel.
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Once again, what justifies someone as "emo", which is short for "emotional"? The tight pants? I wear tight pants on a daily basis(those in the pic are from Hot Topic too! :p), ones that most people call "chick pants". I'm hardly emo. I used to rock an "emo"-stereotyped haircut, but hardly acted "emo". In short, what someone chooses to wear shouldn't stereotype them into some group because of the style.

Wear what you like and what YOU think looks good, and stop trying to fit into some stereotypical mold.

I'd be all right if it's just the way they dress but it's the general way they behave that's annoying to me =P
Sometimes, I wonder if I'm just unlucky =/
No programmers in my social circle, everyone I know is pretty much filled with angst and the need to spout faux philosophy =/


ɹoʇɐɹǝpoɯ ɹǝdns
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it's the general way they behave that's annoying to me =P

Everyone is emotional. :p
However, what do you define as "emo"? Oh highschool stereotypes, you so sillly. All this stuff goes away almost completely once you're adult. No one cares about your social group, you're just "an adult". There are very few stereotypes outside of highschool. :p


Oh Shi.. Don't wake the tiger!
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If it doesn't affect you directly, don't give a shit...
That's why I asked about "9/11" should we give a shit about this to?
Well, people been killed and this teenagers also been killed in cruel way. Just because of someone's insanity idea and nothing else.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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Everyone is emotional. :p
However, what do you define as "emo"? Oh highschool stereotypes, you so sillly. All this stuff goes away almost completely once you're adult. No one cares about your social group, you're just "an adult". There are very few stereotypes outside of highschool. :p

There are the occasional kids who keep up the weird shit after high school. But no one likes them but new high school kids.

Firecat: That didn't make any sense and is probably wrong.


ɹoʇɐɹǝpoɯ ɹǝdns
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There are the occasional kids who keep up the weird shit after high school. But no one likes them but new high school kids.

That's why I asked about "9/11" should we give a shit about this to?
Well, people been killed and this teenagers also been killed in cruel way. Just because of someone's insanity idea and nothing else.

I do not even remotely see how you're trying to tie in 9/11 with emo kids getting killed. Wow.


ɹoʇɐɹǝpoɯ ɹǝdns
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I'm done here...



Oh Shi.. Don't wake the tiger!
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Seriously, it seems what they "**** bastards" have done or doing. It's okay and the same for what happened 9/11
So tell me why the innocent people are dead? "been murdered" Just because it's the right thing to do or what?


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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Seriously, it seems what they "**** bastards" have done or doing. It's okay and the same for what happened 9/11
So tell me why the innocent people are dead? "been murdered" Just because it's the right thing to do or what?

Are you asking why we went to war after 9/11 and not after this?

9/11: several thousand people killed who were citizens of the US, billions of dollars in damage to New York City, and was followed by what was basically an open declaration of war against the US. Also a really good excuse to go to war in Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban because it turns out they weren't very good at being allies.

This: A couple of Iraqi kids were killed. No damage done to US. More or less insignificant in the whole scheme of things. Probably less. Even our resident emo spokesperson, DDR, doesn't really care.

And as I said: We at one point were at war in Iraq to stop shit like this and westernize the country. Then everyone freaked out and said it was illegal, not our problem, whatever. And now you're turning around and saying we should go back to war there, after you personally attempted, in your awkward, roundabout methods, to say that we shouldn't be at war there when we were. Which brings us back to the question you seem to disregard: WHAT DO YOU WANT? The entire world is unjust and cruel. And in the rare event that someone tries to do something about it (which, by the way, requires a war for reasons I already explained, even though I shouldn't have to...), even if their endgame is irrelevant (as Iraq and Afghanistan were, however it's hard to deny that there wasn't an attempt to put a government into place that was more westernized and wouldn't encourage things like this. If you do then you probably don't know what you're talking about), then everyone hates them because no one can seem to handle the simple fact that people die war. It's unfortunate, but it's going to happen, and let's be honest, a lot of them would have died because we weren't at war there anyway. Why? Because they didn't agree with the government, and as I've told you, that's the only way to ensure control and peace in any society.

Ever been to Detroit or Baltimore, where every other gas attendant is a refugee that fled from the Middle East or something? Do you have any idea how fucked up where ever they were before had to have been for Detroit to look like a step up?


Oh Shi.. Don't wake the tiger!
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Are you asking why we went to war after 9/11 and not after this?

9/11: several thousand people killed who were citizens of the US, billions of dollars in damage to New York City, and was followed by what was basically an open declaration of war against the US. Also a really good excuse to go to war in Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban because it turns out they weren't very good at being allies.

This: A couple of Iraqi kids were killed. No damage done to US. More or less insignificant in the whole scheme of things. Probably less. Even our resident emo spokesperson, DDR, doesn't really care.

And as I said: We at one point were at war in Iraq to stop shit like this and westernize the country. Then everyone freaked out and said it was illegal, not our problem, whatever. And now you're turning around and saying we should go back to war there, after you personally attempted, in your awkward, roundabout methods, to say that we shouldn't be at war there when we were. Which brings us back to the question you seem to disregard: WHAT DO YOU WANT? The entire world is unjust and cruel. And in the rare event that someone tries to do something about it (which, by the way, requires a war for reasons I already explained, even though I shouldn't have to...), even if their endgame is irrelevant (as Iraq and Afghanistan were, however it's hard to deny that there wasn't an attempt to put a government into place that was more westernized and wouldn't encourage things like this. If you do then you probably don't know what you're talking about), then everyone hates them because no one can seem to handle the simple fact that people die war. It's unfortunate, but it's going to happen, and let's be honest, a lot of them would have died because we weren't at war there anyway. Why? Because they didn't agree with the government, and as I've told you, that's the only way to ensure control and peace in any society.

Ever been to Detroit or Baltimore, where every other gas attendant is a refugee that fled from the Middle East or something? Do you have any idea how fucked up where ever they were before had to have been for Detroit to look like a step up?
I never said we should go to war. "So I didn't turn it around" But there must be other way to stop this madness! I know what you saying Varine.
But It's kind of hard not to care really Well, we should at least try a little bit harder to stop this Without a War?


ɹoʇɐɹǝpoɯ ɹǝdns
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But there must be other way to stop this madness! I know what you saying Varine.

Lets hear your bright idea, then.
Lets use a bit of deductive reasoning here...

Don't you think that if there was actually a way to "stop the madness", that we would have done it already...? Do you think the US is just sitting back being lazy about stopping wars? If it was that easy, it would have already happened.

But It's kind of hard not to care really

That all depends on how you think of things. Why -should- you care? Your life goes on the same either way, why make it more stressful and stress out about things that you can't even do much, if anything at all, about? It's stupid. Live your life, have fun!

Well, we should at least try a little bit harder to stop this Without a War?

"Guys, we don't like what you're doing to us."
"Oh okay, we better stop."
"Cool, thanks"

Do you think thats how things would go down? What imaginary world do you live in my friend? I'd love for you to march over to Iran or one of those types of countries and let them know that we don't like what they're doing and want them to stop, but don't want a war. Lets see how that goes. :thup:


2D-Graphics enthusiast
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Don't you think that if there was actually a way to "stop the madness", that we would have done it already...? Do you think the US is just sitting back being lazy about stopping wars? If it was that easy, it would have already happened.
No to the first one and yes to the second.
But seriously, its not the duty of the US to stop wars or help people. If people in iraq are treated miserably they have to step up against it themselfs.

That all depends on how you think of things. Why -should- you care? Your life goes on the same either way, why make it more stressful and stress out about things that you can't even do much, if anything at all, about? It's stupid. Live your life, have fun!

Agree. Imagine the newspapers would print that this has stopped due to some country going there and interfering. Even if its all lies and nothing happened you couldnt tell the difference and would live happily thereafter.
Maybe this whole story is made up too.

"Guys, we don't like what you're doing to us."
"Oh okay, we better stop."
"Cool, thanks"

Do you think thats how things would go down? What imaginary world do you live in my friend? I'd love for you to march over to Iran or one of those types of countries and let them know that we don't like what they're doing and want them to stop, but don't want a war. Lets see how that goes. :thup:
Thats what the UNO is doing to syria right now isnt it?
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