Need Help Creating a Roll System


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Okey, so on my latest project, which happens to fall into the category of a 5 to 10 player instance map (much like the Molten Core map that probably some of you have played), now I've stumbled across the rolling system.

Basically when a boss dies (or a trash mob for that matter, they have a low chance to drop items as well) I want a message to pop up on everyone's screen; _Item_ has dropped! You have 30 seconds to roll on it.
If a player types roll within the timespan, a message will be shown that displays the number he rolled (integer between 1 and 100), and the highest one at the end of the in-this-case-called timer, wins the item.

Then I thought of making a command that you can type in when items have been dropped (gonna check that with a boolean), probably something like -item, or -is (itemstats) that will show the stats of the item (Agility, Damage, Spell Power, Critical Chance, Dodge Chance and so on) along with the item name on top, along with a 'Recommended for: _Hero_, _Hero_ and _Hero_.'

The tricky part is probably the rolling part and identifying the item that has dropped, the rest I can figure out myself, but that's what I need help with (figured I could post the entire idea here, just to give you some information).

Thanks in advance for anyone who take their time to respond with helping answers, and +rep to them!


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To be honest, making such a system would be far more easier making it in JASS at the least. While coding in JASS, you can simply make a function that takes in the item as an argument, then generate the timer spanned for the particular item parsed in. Then if a player types -roll or something while this timer is running, show to all players the rolled integer and store it in an array or something. When this timer expires, give the item to the player who rolled the highest integer. Dealing with same numbers could be a problem though, depending on how you want it to be. Well, if you have no idea how to do it with JASS, it could be a pain to do with GUI, but I am not sure.

Maybe at the part of your trigger where dropped item is created, store the created item into a variable, the stats of the items into another variable, and create a countdown timer.

Are you asking for answers or guidelines to create such a system?

Edit: To effectively create this system, you should at least have some sort of item indexing system already in your map.


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More like guidelines, I can comprehend JASS but I cannot code it, from my point of view, it'd be possible to do in GUI, since I can preset the stats on every item easily and then show that text to the player, the problem is the rolling part.


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More like guidelines, I can comprehend JASS but I cannot code it, from my point of view, it'd be possible to do in GUI, since I can preset the stats on every item easily and then show that text to the player, the problem is the rolling part.

I would be very hard to make MII in GUI. (Multiple Item Instancable)


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Fortunately, I've got a lot of time. :)

Would I be able to create 10 (max players) triggers that turn on whenever an item drops that, when a player types -roll, it gives a random number between 1 and 100, then stores that number in an array and when the time expires, it takes the highest real (can use real numbers for it, just displayed as integers when rolling to have a VERY small chance to roll the same)?


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I took a few hours to write it in JASS. All you gotta do is make a trigger called Roll and convert it to custom text (Edit->convert), and then paste this code into it. Read the comments in the code if you want to edit anything. The attached map has an example of something you may want to do.

//To find the time left on the current roll:
//in GUI, Action->Custom Script->
//set udg_VARNAME = Roll_getTimeLeft()          Note that VARNAME should be a real variable,
//                                              where VARNAME is the name of the variable in GUI
//set udg_VARNAME = Roll_getTimer()             Note that VARNAME should be a timer variable.^
//                                              Useful for creating countdown timers
//You may edit the section labeled "CONFIGURABLES" below.  Edit everything else at your own risk
scope Roll initializer init
    private constant integer MAXPLAYERS = 10  //number of user players
    private constant string MESSAGE = "-roll"  //this is the text users type to roll
    private constant string ROLLNEXT = "You may now roll for the item: "  //This text is displayed before the item name
    private constant string WINTEXT = " has won the item: " //This text is displayed after the player name and before the item name
    private constant string ROLLTEXT = " has rolled "  //player name + ROLLTEXT + roll num.
    private constant real TIME = 30  //number of seconds to roll  must be a whole number (not fraction or decimal)
    private integer array rollval[MAXPLAYERS]
    private boolean array hasrolled[MAXPLAYERS]
    private item array items
    private real timeleft = TIME
    private integer numrolled = 0
    private integer index = 0
    private timer periodic = CreateTimer()
    private timer absolute = CreateTimer()
    private trigger text = CreateTrigger()
    private item currentitem
    private integer maxplayers = 0

public function getTimeLeft takes nothing returns real
    return timeleft

public function getTimer takes nothing returns timer
    return absolute

private function get takes nothing returns item
    set index = index - 1
    if index == 0 then
        call DisableTrigger(text)
        call PauseTimer(periodic)
        call PauseTimer(absolute)
        call BJDebugMsg(ROLLNEXT + GetItemName(items[index+1]))
    return items[index+1]

private function countdown takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer i = 0
    local integer winner = 0
    set timeleft = timeleft - 1
    //call BJDebugMsg(I2S(R2I(timeleft)))       //Take away slash marks at the beginning to show amount of time left
    if numrolled == maxplayers or timeleft == 0 then
        set timeleft = TIME
            exitwhen i == MAXPLAYERS
            set hasrolled<i> = false
            if rollval<i> &gt; rollval[winner] then
                set winner = i
            elseif rollval<i> == rollval[winner] then
                if GetRandomInt(1,2) == 1 then
                    set winner = i
            set i = i + 1
        set numrolled = 0
        call BJDebugMsg(GetPlayerName(Player(winner)) + WINTEXT + GetItemName(currentitem) )
        call SetItemPlayer(currentitem, Player(winner), false)
        set currentitem = get()

private function add takes item i returns nothing
    set index = index + 1
    set items[index] = i
    if index == 1 then
        set currentitem = items[index]
        call BJDebugMsg(ROLLNEXT + GetItemName(currentitem))
        call EnableTrigger(text)
        call TimerStart(periodic, 1, true, function countdown)
        call TimerStart(absolute, TIME, false, null)

private function act takes nothing returns nothing
    local item i = GetManipulatedItem()
    local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
    local boolean canadd = true
    local integer ii = 0
    //call TriggerSleepAction(.12)
    if index != 0 then
        exitwhen ii == index
        set ii = ii + 1
        if items[ii] == i then
            set canadd = false
    if GetPlayerId(GetItemPlayer(i)) &gt; MAXPLAYERS and GetItemPlayer(i) != GetOwningPlayer(u) then
        call UnitRemoveItem(u, i)
        call SetItemPlayer(i, Player(MAXPLAYERS+1), false)
        if canadd == true then
            call add(i)

private function roll takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer p = GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())
    if hasrolled[p] == false and index &gt; 0 then
        set numrolled = numrolled + 1
        set rollval[p] = GetRandomInt(1, 100)
        call BJDebugMsg(GetPlayerName(Player(p)) + ROLLTEXT + I2S(rollval[p]))
        set hasrolled[p] = true

private function assign takes nothing returns nothing
    call SetItemPlayer(GetSoldItem(), GetOwningPlayer(GetBuyingUnit()), false)

private function init takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
    local trigger tt = CreateTrigger()
    local integer i = 0
    call TriggerAddAction(t, function act)
    call TriggerAddAction(text, function roll)
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(tt, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELL_ITEM)
    call TriggerAddAction(tt, function assign)
        exitwhen i == MAXPLAYERS
        if GetPlayerSlotState(Player(i)) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING then
            set maxplayers = maxplayers + 1
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM, null)
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(text, Player(i), MESSAGE, true)
        set i = i + 1



  • Roll.w3x
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Wow thanks, gonna try it out now, +rep!

Edit: it works, but whenever I roll on a second item, my roll is not reset (I win it automatically), also, will it wait until the time is up and then give the item to the hero?


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oh. guess i didnt catch that. I'll update the code in like 2 seconds.

EDIT: updated the code (not the map tho). just copy the code in my post into the map if you want to test


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So, by the way, is everything needed for it in that JASS code, meaning I don't have to use any GUI to complement it?


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you would only need GUI if you want to do something like display the remaining time for the roll in a timer window (given in the example code in the map), but it should work perfectly by itself.


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So, this works for every item that is picked up from the ground? Will it trigger from buying items? Will the items stack up while rolling -- so that one item is only rolled at a time, and when it is won, roll on the next one?


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Okey, that's nice, could you re-upload the map, since I can't use vJass, only normal Jass. :p


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done, and i found out that it does trigger when the unit buys an item, so I'm recoding now to try to find a way around it.


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Okey, thought so since acquiring an item counts as both buying and picking things up. It's very nice of you taking your time. :)


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i was able to find a workaround, and I've updated the map and the new code. Goin to bed now lol >.> midnight, I'll check thread in the mornin


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Just found out the the text is going crazy after rolling on more than one item, it stops saying the 'You can now roll on: ____' when the item is picked up, but instead says it after the roll.


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just got home, looking into that now..

EDIT: It seems to work fine for me. I will reupload the map to make sure you have the same one.

EDIT: Yes, it seems I had forgotten to upload the correct map, so it is now up.
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