Need Ideas for Quests into an Eye of the Storm Map :)


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Need Ideas Of Eye of the Storm ''Achievements''

Hello, I'm making an Eye of the Storm map (WoW PvP Battleground) and I decided to implant some achievements (mostly custom ones). Now, I have added each one I could think of, so I need YOUR help now :)

If you want to help me, follow the ''patterns'' listed above. Each person that helps me will be rewarded with rep (and credit if I add a credit section, that depends on how many I will need to credit).
Another way to help, is report if you find any grammar mistakes, or if you find a better name / description / solution of the achievements that is already in the list (this will also be rewarded with +rep, and cred if I add a credit section.

Currently, I really need class achievements, but all achievements are warmly welcome!
Remember: If you make an achievement, try to make it so that it adds to the game play and teamwork. For example: Doctor's Cure - Use first aid at two friendly players. (Repeatable)

Thanks in advance!

  • Achievements that applies to all:
  • We Hate Them! - Kill 1 player. (Repeatable)
  • Doctor's Cure - Use first aid at two friendly players. (Repeatable)
  • Offense - Assault one enemy base. (Repeatable)
  • Defense - Defend a base. (Repeatable)
  • Those Who Stays in the Rear, Takes it in the Rear - Capture the Flag. (Repeatable)
  • Stormtrooper - Kill a flag carrier. (Repeatable)
  • The More, The Better - Slay a enemy, having 3 friendly players within 700 range. (Repeatable)
  • Bloodbath (1) – Kill 10 players.
  • Bloodbath (2) – Kill 20 players.
  • Bloodbath (3) – Kill 30 players.
  • Bloodbath (4) – Kill 40 players.
  • Bloodbath (5) – Kill 50 players.
  • Killing Spree (1) - Kill 10 enemies without dying.
  • Killing Spree (2) - Kill 20 enemies without dying.
  • Killing Spree (3) - Kill 30 enemies without dying.
  • Above all the Rest - Kill all enemies at least once.
  • Underdog - Slay any enemy with at least 4 more kills than you. (Repeatable)
  • Humiliation - Kill the same player trice without letting him kill you.
  • The Perfect Kill - Kill 1 enemy without losing any health or having an ally nearby.
  • Flexibility - Kill one player at each base.
  • Survival of the fittest - Be the only player alive
  • No Rest For The Wicked (1) - Slay two players under 5 seconds.
  • No Rest For The Wicked (2) - Slay two players under 4 seconds.
  • No Rest For The Wicked (3) - Slay two players under 3 seconds.
  • No Rest For The Wicked (4) - Slay two players under 2 seconds.
  • No Rest For The Wicked (5) - Slay two players at the same time.
  • In the Brink of Death, it's Either All or Nothing - Kill an enemy that has 5% of its max HP or less, at the same time as you also have 5% of max HP or less. You must kill the enemy alone, if any ally is in 600 range this achievement will not be accomplished.
  • Cheat Death - Stay alive for 3 minutes after your health have dropped below 5% of your max HP. (Repeatable)
  • Bound for Glory - Capture the flag trice without dying.
  • Toughness, Hardness - Survival (1) - Stay alive for 8 minutes in a row. (Without being AFK)
  • Toughness, Hardness - Survival (2) - Stay alive for 15 minutes in a row. (Without being AFK)
  • Toughness, Hardness - Survival (3) - Stay alive for 25 minutes in a row. (Without being AFK)
  • Toughness, Hardness - Survival (4) - Stay alive for 30 minutes in a row. (Without being AFK)
  • Toughness, Hardness - Survival (5) - Stay alive for 50 minutes in a row. (Without being AFK)
  • That Takes Class - Slay one enemy of each class (If a class is unplayed by the enemy, that class will not be required).
  • Hold each tower for 30 seconds.
  • Superiority (1) - Have 500 resources while your opponents have 0.
  • Superiority (2) - Have 1000 resources while your opponents have 0.
  • Superiority (3) - Have 1500 resources while your opponents have 0.
  • Veteran of Eye of the Storm (1) - Complete 4 unrepeatable achievements.
  • Master of Eye of the Storm (2) - Complete 8 unrepeatable achievements.
  • Grandmaster of Eye of the Storm (3) - Complete 12 unrepeatable achievements.
  • Legend of Eye of the Storm (4) - Complete each unrepeatable achievement.

    Periodic Achievements (occurs every 10 minutes) :
  • The Master Survivalist - Be the player with least deaths.
  • Grand Slayer - Be the player with the most kills.
  • It's Hard For the Hard - Be the player that has taken the most damage the last 10 minutes.
  • The Lord of Pain - Be the player who has dealt the most damage the last 10 minutes.
  • Beloved - Be the player who has healed most people the last 10 minutes. (This achievement will be removed if the number of healers is less than one in each team).
  • Team's Choice Awards - Be the (by the team selected) best player. (occurs every 20 minutes)

    Achievements that applies to healers:
  • A Helping Hand (1) - Heal five friendly players.
  • A Helping Hand (2) - Heal ten friendly players. (Repeatable)
  • A Final Gift - Heal a ally while your HP is at 10% of max or below.
  • Beloved - Be the player who has healed most people the last 10 minutes. This achievement is possible to reach every 10 minutes.

    Achievements that applies to genuine DMG dealers:
  • Make them Suffer! (1) - Deal 1500 DMG
  • Make them Suffer! (2) - Deal 2800 DMG
  • Make them Suffer! (3) - Deal 4000 DMG (Repeatable)
  • Quick but Painful - Deal 3500 DMG within 20 seconds. (Repeatable)

    Achievements that applies to a random group:
  • (Only for players with buffs) Share Your Powers - Buff five people (Repeatable)
  • (Only for players with buffs) Supportive Friend - Keep at least one buff at each team member for 8 seconds.

    Class Achievements:

  • It Won't Even Know What Hit It - Kill a player, taking 5 seconds from your first strike to your last. (The player should be at at least 60% of max HP when you do your first attack)
  • Don’t Let Them Retaliate – Kick five players.
  • Master the Art of Stunning – Keep two players stunned at the same time.
  • Master the Art of Stealthing – Remain Unseen for 30 seconds nearby at least 2 opponents.
  • From the Shadows - Slay three enemies with Ambush.

  • Mend & End - Slay and heal a unit within 7 seconds.
  • Predator - Kill 3 enemies in a row in each form (after you have killed for example 3 enemies in cat form, you can die without getting that result demolished).
  • Meattank - Take 1500 damage in bear form within 15 seconds without dying

  • Desperate Times Needs Quick Action - Heal a player from at least 10% to 60% of its max hp in five seconds.
  • Guardian Angel - Don't let any ally die under your presence for 7 minutes. (The timer will only go when you have at least one ally nearby).
  • Buff Them Up! - Cast Power Word: Shield, Renew & Power Word: Fortitude at each ally at least once.

  • Devotion - Cast Blessing of Protection on three friendly units when their HP is below 20% of their max.
  • Reject the Grim Reaper - Heal an ally who is below 10% of its max HP. (Repeatable)

  • The Hybrid - Deal 300 damage and heal 300 damage in ten seconds.
  • Totematic - Be the shaman who has summoned the most totems. This achievement is possible to reach every 10 minutes (If your the only shaman you should have at least summoned 10 totems).

  • Through Fire and Water - Kill an enemy while it still has both a fire buff and a ice debuff on it.

  • Antimage - Kill three enemy casters without dying.

  • Doombringer - Deliver the killing blow with one of your curses/debuffs.
  • Necromancery - Let your minions deal 3 killing blows.

  • Taunting Titan - Have three enemies attacking you at the same time for six seconds without dying.
  • Golem - Take 2500 damage within 15 seconds without dying.
  • Rockskinned - Achieve an armor above 30.

* Why would I like to complete achievements?
When you complete a achievement, you get a ''Honor Point''. Honor points are used to buy items. The amount of honor points gained by completing a achievement depends on the difficulty of the achievement. For example, completing the ''We Hate Them!'' achievement (which requires you to kill one enemy) that is very easy will only reward you with one point, while completing a harder one will reward you with more.
Paladin: Devotion - Resurrect an allied hero (possible? If not, perhaps make them sacrifice themselves to save someone - Blessing of Protection-like).

Warlock: Let the Minions feast! - Deal 1500 damage with pets (in 60 seconds?)

Mage: Through Fire and Water - Kill an enemy while he still has both a fire buff and a water/ice debuff on him.

Hunter: Prey on the Weak - Kill three enemy casters without dying.

Druid: Nature's Wrath - kill three enemies of class Hunter, Mage or Warlock.
Paladin: Devotion - Resurrect an allied hero (possible? If not, perhaps make them sacrifice themselves to save someone - Blessing of Protection-like).

Warlock: Let the Minions feast! - Deal 1500 damage with pets (in 60 seconds?)

Mage: Through Fire and Water - Kill an enemy while he still has both a fire buff and a water/ice debuff on him.

Hunter: Prey on the Weak - Kill three enemy casters without dying.

Druid: Nature's Wrath - kill three enemies of class Hunter, Mage or Warlock.

Great quests, added those I will use to the list, +rep :)

Now I need:

Druid Class Q('s)
Warrior Class Q('s)

Also, maybe another set of class Q's, will be boring with just a single one for each class.

And quests that is for everyone! :)
If you play WoW, you should check out the EotS only pvp achievements.

Sadly, I don't got it anymore =/

Edit: Found a page with them, thanks for the tip :)

Need class achievements and others to anyway :p
Would you mind describing what you do in EotS? Might give those who haven't played WoW (or those who haven't reached that level in WoW, like myself ^__^) an idea of quests that could be tied into the main objective of the Battleground.

Priest/Paladin - Cheat Death (repeatable)
Heal an ally (if heal is self-targetable, also applies to self) who is below 15% health
Alternatively, apply a buff that grants invulnerability under the same condition, if there is an invulnerability buff
Would you mind describing what you do in EotS? Might give those who haven't played WoW (or those who haven't reached that level in WoW, like myself ^__^) an idea of quests that could be tied into the main objective of the Battleground.

Priest/Paladin - Cheat Death (repeatable)
Heal an ally (if heal is self-targetable, also applies to self) who is below 15% health
Alternatively, apply a buff that grants invulnerability under the same condition, if there is an invulnerability buff

Thanks for idea, it will be added :)

Yeah, good idea to say what it does ... :p

Well, its like a mix of Warsong Gulch & Arathi Basin, you can capture bases in order to gain resources and you can capture the flag to gain resources. First to 2000 resources win.
Heres a few unique quests i can think of
Trophy Hunter- Kill all enemy players once
NUKED- kill a enemy player within 2seconds of coming into combat with him.
Class master- Kill a enemy of the same class

Btw are you worknig on this with knifepoint?
Btw are you worknig on this with knifepoint?

Yeah :)

Thanks for the ideas, I will add them later, got some things to do now.

+rep, also - +rep to Flare & Siretu, I forgot to add it :)
I don't play WoW, never even played the game once. However I know Warsong Gulch, there's a Wc3 map of the CTF in EpicWar. Nevertheless, I'll base my ideas on the quests you've shown in the thread.

Some quests;

  • Endurance (1) - Kill 1 player, under the condition that your current health is at least 20% of total hit points. (Repeatable)
  • Endurance (2) - Kill 1 player, under the condition that your current health is at least 50% of total hit points.
  • Endurance (3) - Kill 1 player, under the condition that your current health is at least 85% of total hit points.
  • Endurance (4) - Kill 1 player, under the condition that your current health is at least 95% of total hit points.
  • A Perfect Kill - Kill 1 player when your current health is untouched, 100%.
  • One Shot, One Kill - Kill 1 player/enemy/flag carrier in one hit. (This is possible when the enemy is at its weakest, Repeatable)
  • Veteran Slayer - Kill 5 enemies in a row in one hit.
  • Master Slayer - Kill 15 enemies in a row in one hit.
  • The Legendary Slasher - Kill 30 enemies in a row in one hit.
  • Paladin; Stop Death, Save the People - Heal 20 allies with 5% of their total hit points remaining, without dying.
  • In the brink of death, it's either All or Nothing - Kill an enemy whose hit points is at most 3-5% of the total HP while you yourself also have at most 3-5% of your total HP.

If something's imba, just change 'em. Tried my best to give those ideas, and hope they will help..
I don't play WoW, never even played the game once. However I know Warsong Gulch, there's a Wc3 map of the CTF in EpicWar. Nevertheless, I'll base my ideas on the quests you've shown in the thread.

Some quests;

  • Endurance (1) - Kill 1 player, under the condition that your current health is at least 20% of total hit points. (Repeatable)
  • Endurance (2) - Kill 1 player, under the condition that your current health is at least 50% of total hit points.
  • Endurance (3) - Kill 1 player, under the condition that your current health is at least 85% of total hit points.
  • Endurance (4) - Kill 1 player, under the condition that your current health is at least 95% of total hit points.
  • A Perfect Kill - Kill 1 player when your current health is untouched, 100%.
  • One Shot, One Kill - Kill 1 player/enemy/flag carrier in one hit. (This is possible when the enemy is at its weakest, Repeatable)
  • Veteran Slayer - Kill 5 enemies in a row in one hit.
  • Master Slayer - Kill 15 enemies in a row in one hit.
  • The Legendary Slasher - Kill 30 enemies in a row in one hit.
  • Paladin; Stop Death, Save the People - Heal 20 allies with 5% of their total hit points remaining, without dying.
  • In the brink of death, it's either All or Nothing - Kill an enemy whose hit points is at most 3-5% of the total HP while you yourself also have at most 3-5% of your total HP.

If something's imba, just change 'em. Tried my best to give those ideas, and hope they will help..

I'll add these achievements:

A Perfect Kill - Kill 1 player when your current health is untouched, 100%.
Paladin; Stop Death, Save the People - Heal 20 allies with 5% of their total hit points remaining, without dying.
In the brink of death, it's either All or Nothing - Kill an enemy whose hit points is at most 3-5% of the total HP while you yourself also have at most 3-5% of your total HP.

I think the other achievements add to much to last-hitting and kill-stealing. Thanks for your ideas, +rep :)
Mend and end: Kill an enemy player within 5 seconds of healing a friendly player.
That's classy: Kill two enemies at the same time of two different classes.
May our will stay strong: Heal another healing class who's health is below 50%.


A final gift (Healing classes): Heal a friendly player while your health is below 10%.
From the Shadows (Rogue): Strike a player while being stealthed, when there's 3 or more enemy players nearby.
Blood and gore (Warrior): Keep a bleeding effect on 3 targets at the same time.
Traumatizing (Warrior): Stun an enemy player and cause a bleed effect within 2 seconds of the stun.
Natural Resolve (Druid): Kill an enemy player while not being in a form.
Frostfire Blast (Mage): Hit an enemy with a fire spell while being frozen.

I am currently just guessing on their skillsets.
Let's move out: Kill an enemy player within less than 5 minutes after EotS started.
Beast Mastery(hunter only): Kill an enemy, only using your pet.
Personal Victory: Personally carry the flag and drop it at a base while your team controls all 4 bases.
Know Thy Enemy: Gain a killing blow on every enemy race
That takes class: Gain a killing blow on every class.
Humiliation: (1) Kill the same player 10 times
Humiliation: (2) Kill the same player 20 times
Humiliation: (3) Kill the same player 30 times
or something
Thanks for the ideas, +rep.

I added some, changed some and skipped some.

Keep the ideas coming :D I mainly need class achievements now :p
I really like the idea of
Achievements that applies to all:
I think your game looks like its got a lot of potential, It really just depends how it turns out. :)
I really like the idea of

I think your game looks like its got a lot of potential, It really just depends how it turns out. :)

Thanks :) I hope the game will get finished, but I think I will need help from people with some things, if you wanna help just send me a PM with what you can do etc :D
Lethal Flora - Kill an enemy while he's under the effect of Entangeling Roots
Predator - Kill 5 enemies in a row while in cat form
Meattank - Take 1500 damage in bear form without dying

Eagle Eye - Deliver the killing blow to an enemy with a critical strike
Beastiality - Let your pet deal 3 killing blows

Taunting Titan - Have 3 enemies attacking you at the same time
Golem - Take 2500 damage without dying
Rockskinned - Achieve an armor above 30

Doombringer - Deliver the killing blow with one of your curses/debuffs
Necromancery - Let your minions deal 3 killing blows

Supportive Friend - Keep 4 units buffed with any of your buffs for 8 seconds

Antimage - Kill a Warlock, a Druid, a Priest, a Mage, and a Shaman
If you have revival timer, you could add achievement

Survival of the fittest - Only player alive on the map

Above all the rest - kill all enemy players at least once

Friendly Guy - Most players healed

Ambusher(Rogue) - Most players killed using Ambush(if you have skill)

The Burninator(Mage) - If a player uses only fire spells whole game

The Fridge(Mage) - If a player uses only frost spells the whole game

Totems Much?(Shaman) - Most used totems in the game

Slow Death - Most killed players with Damage over time spells

Some of these may sound hard, but that's why they're achievements ;)
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    News portal has been retired. Main page of site goes to Headline News forum now
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am working on getting access to the old news portal under a different URL for those that would rather use that for news before we get a different news view.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Easily done
  • The Helper The Helper: is a link to the old news portal - i will integrate it into the interface somewhere when i figure it out
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Need to try something
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Hopefully this won't cause problems.
  • Ghan Ghan:
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I have converted the Headline News forum to an Article type forum. It will now show the top 20 threads with more detail of each thread.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    See how we like that.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do not see a way to go past the 1st page of posts on the forum though
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It is OK though for the main page to open up on the forum in the view it was before. As long as the portal has its own URL so it can be viewed that way I do want to try it as a regular forum view for a while
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Yeah I'm not sure what the deal is with the pagination.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    It SHOULD be there so I think it might just be an artifact of having an older style.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I switched it to a "Standard" article forum. This will show the thread list like normal, but the threads themselves will have the first post set up above the rest of the "comments"
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I don't really get that article forum but I think it is because I have never really seen it used on a multi post thread
  • Ghan Ghan:
    RpNation makes more use of it right now as an example:
  • The Helper The Helper:
  • The Helper The Helper:
    What do you think Tom?
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    I will have to get used to this.
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    The latest news feed looks good
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I would like to see it again like Ghan had it the first time with pagination though - without the pagination that view will not work but with pagination it just might...
  • The Helper The Helper:
    This drink recipe I have had more than a few times back in the day! Mind Eraser

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