Need Spell ideas for my Heroes !


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I'm currently working on a map alone, trying to improve my JASS skills too.
I don't have a lot of Heroes, there are actually 2, but I need some more.
The map will use a CooldownSystem, which will allow the players to manipulate the cooldowns of their Hero, so the ideas may use this feautre too.

Each Hero will use the basic setup (may change) : 3 skills with 3 levels and one ultimate
There is a class-skill for them too, this can be active or passive too.

-A new Hero is coming: the Water Guardian - still working on
-New Hero: Cursed Priest

The Witch Doctor:

The Witch Doctor

Class Skill: Mind Boost (active, self-target) - Unique

Decreases every cooldown (except this) by 5 seconds.

Has a 30 second cooldown.

[Idea of myself]

Mojo Magic (active, targets single unit [not self] )

Binds the target to the Witch Doctor using dark magic. If the linked units' distance is more than 750 range, the link will break and damage or heal the linked units.
The Witch Doctor will get healed by the 75% of the damage if casted on enemy.

Level 1 - 70 damage, lasts 10 seconds.
Level 2 - 100 damage, lasts 12 seconds.
Level 3 - 130 damage, lasts 14 seconds.

[Idea of myself]

Shadow Strike (active, point target)

Enveloping himself in shadow, the Witch Doctor travels to a target point, building energy as he moves and dealing damage to enemies caught in his path. When he emerges from the shadow again, he releases the energy, dealing damage to any nearby enemies, relative to the distance traveled.

Level 1 - deals 40 damage at movement (once/unit), 7% of distance moved in 350 AoE
Level 2 - deals 50 damage at movement (once/unit), 14% of distance moved in 350 AoE
Level 3 - deals 60 damage at movement (once/unit), 21% of distance moved in 350 AoE

[Credits to tommerbob]

Plague (passive, periodic)

The Witch Doctor bestows an ancient voodoo aura, which poisons all units around it degrading attack speed and movement speed. Every several seconds, a poisonous wave will stream out reducing nearby units' armor and damaging them.

Level 1 - 20 second interval; 5% speed, 2 armor reduction; deals 25 damage.
Level 2 - 15 second interval; 10% speed, 4 armor reduction; deals 35 damage.
Level 3 - 10 second interval; 15% speed, 6 armor reduction; deals 45 damage.

Has an AoE of 300.
Armor reduction lasts 6 seconds.

[Credits to HydraRancher]

[Ultimate] - Jinx (active, single target, targets enemy Hero)

Curses an enemy unit, putting it in an unfavorable combat position. Whenever the unit attacks, it will take damage, and whenever it is attacked, the attacking unit will gain life.

Level 1 - 35% damage / heal.

[Credits to Kubber24]

Lasts 10 seconds.

The Steel Golem:

The Steel Golem

Class Skill: None (need this one too)

Heavy Armor (active, self targeted)

The Steel Golem hardens himself to take reduced damage from physical attacks at the cost of movement speed.

Level 1 - 50% damage, 10% movement reduction.
Level 2 - 60% damage, 10% movement reduction.
Level 3 - 70% damage, 10% movement reduction.

Lasts 10 seconds.

[Credits to Monti]

Metal Rage (active, turn on/off type like immolation)

The Steel Golem goes into fury increasing it's attack speed at the cost of 1.5% of maximum health per second.
Also gives a 50% cleaving attack.

Level 1 - 50% increased attack speed.
Level 2 - 100% increased attack speed.
Level 3 - 150% increased attack speed.

[Credits to Monti] - [Reworked by me]

Strengthen Soul (passive,stackable)

Killing units grants extra life regeneration. Each stack will improve health regain.
Every stack lasts for 35 seconds separately.

Level 1 - heals 0.5, can have maximum 6 stacks.
Level 2 - heals 1 , can have maximum 8 stacks.
Level 3 - heals 1.5, can have maximum 10 stacks.

[Credits to Skulza] - [Reworked by Skulza and me]

Charged Fist (passive, triggers on hitting enemy) [Ultimate]

Each 5th attack charges up the Steel Golem's fists.Increases damage by 15 when charged. The Golem is able to throw the charge at target enemy, dealing 100 area damage, and slow enemies.
Also increases Strength by killing enemies. ( .5 for Heroes, 0.05 for units)

[Idea of myself] - [Reworked by Skulza and me]


The Cursed Priest

[Credits to Monti for the whole concept]

Class Skill: None (need this one too)

Unholy Rejuvenation / Death Charge - [single target castable]

Unholy Rejuvenation - [Human form] - [friendly units and self]

Heals target friendly unit over 8 second.

Level 1 - Heals 120 damage.
Level 2 - Heals 170 damage.
Level 3 - Heals 220 damage.

Death Charge - [Wolf form] - [enemy units]

Charges at target enemy, stunning it for 3 seconds and dealing damage.
Cast range is between 300 and 600.

Level 1 - Deals 120 damage.
Level 2 - Deals 170 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 220 damage.

Shadow Storm / Wolf Scream - [instant castable]

Shadow Storm - [Human form]

The Priest releases dark energy damaging all enemies around him.

Level 1 - 140 damage per target.
Level 2 - 190 damage per target.
Level 3 - 240 damage per target.

Wolf Scream - [Wolf Form]

The Wolf howls filling enemies with fear. Enemy Heroes' stats will get reduced by a percent for 15 seconds.

Level 1 - 10% reduction.
Level 2 - 15% reduction.
Level 3 - 20% reduction.

Moonlight / Beaststrike - [passive]

Moonlight - [Human form]

Increases the healing of Unholy Rejuvenation and gives a +1 mana regeneration.

Level 1 - increases healing by 10%
Level 2 - increases healing by 15%
Level 3 - increases healing by 20%

Beaststrike - [Wolf form]

Gives a chance to attack target twice and gives a +1 mana regeneration.

Level 1 - gives a 25% chance.
Level 2 - gives a 30% chance.
Level 3 - gives a 35% chance.

Frozen Blood - [Ultimate, morphing ability]

Allows the Hero to switch forms between the Human and Wolf forms. Each form will affect the other abilities.
Casting Frozen Blood in Human form will slow every nearby unit's attackspeed by 50%, they will regain 5% back every second.

I will give +rep for nice ideas even if I won't use them.

Feel free to ask about the map!




Minecraft. :D
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I got an idea for your Witch Doctor. I've got a skill I came up with, I call it the "Shadow Strike."

The hero becomes invisible, enveloping himself in dark energy and casting himself towards a target point. As he moves, the energy increases. Any enemy units caught in his path are dealt damage, and when he reaches his destination, any units within an X AoE are dealt damage relative to how far the hero traveled.

I think its a pretty cool spell for any spellcaster, and looks way cool. (of course, I AM biased. ;)) If you're interested, I can post the code for it.

Good luck!


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"casting itself" means blink there or just simply moves there, or slides there?

I would like to check your code, of course!

And the +rep goes to you, I like the idea, not sure if I'm gonna use it though


Truth begins in lies
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>Steel Golem
The Golem envelops itself in hot steel, and rolls around the battlefield, laying molten steel lava stuff everywhere, which burns enemies and heals the steel golem as long as he remains on the terrain modification.
Level 1: Deals 5 dps / heals 5 dps. Rolls for 5 seconds, lava lasts for 10.
Level 2: Deals 15 dps / heals 15 dps. Rolls for 15 seconds, lava lasts for 10.
Level 3: Deals 25 dps / heals 25 dps. Rolls for 20 seconds, lava lasts for 10.


Minecraft. :D
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"casting itself" means blink there or just simply moves there, or slides there?

Its more of a "slide". He moves to the target point over about 1.5 seconds, but he's invisible and a shadow SFX replaces him. It actually looks really cool.

Here's the codes (it's in GUI, guess I should have mentioned that):

(I based the ability off of Channel, just FYI, but you can do what you want)

Shadow Bolt cast
        Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
        (Ability being cast) Equal to Shadow Strike 
        Set ShadowBoltCaster = (Triggering unit)
        Set ShadowBoltCasterPoint = (Position of ShadowBoltCaster)
        Set ShadowBoltTargetPoint = (Target point of ability being cast)
        Set ShadowBoltInvisibility = 0.00
        Visibility - Create an initially Enabled visibility modifier for (Owner of ShadowBoltCaster) emitting Visibility from ShadowBoltTargetPoint to a radius of 900.00
        Trigger - Turn on Shadow Bolt invis <gen>
        Unit - Create 1 Shadowbolt (dummy) for (Owner of ShadowBoltCaster) at ShadowBoltCasterPoint facing Default building facing degrees
        Set ShadowBoltDummy = (Last created unit)
        Unit - Add a 2.50 second Generic expiration timer to ShadowBoltDummy
        Wait until (ShadowBoltInvisibility Greater than or equal to 100.00), checking every 0.10 seconds
        Trigger - Turn off Shadow Bolt invis <gen>
        Trigger - Turn on Shadow Bolt move <gen>
        Set ShadowBoltInvisibility = 100.00
        Unit - Hide ShadowBoltCaster
        Unit - Pause ShadowBoltCaster
        Unit - Turn collision for ShadowBoltCaster Off
        Wait 1.40 seconds
        Trigger - Turn on Shadow Bolt uninvis <gen>
        Unit - Unhide ShadowBoltCaster
        Unit - Unpause ShadowBoltCaster
        Unit - Turn collision for ShadowBoltCaster On
        Selection - Select ShadowBoltCaster for (Owner of ShadowBoltCaster)
        Wait until (ShadowBoltInvisibility Less than or equal to 5.00), checking every 0.10 seconds
        Trigger - Turn off Shadow Bolt uninvis <gen>
        Set ShadowBoltFinalTargets = (Units within 250.00 of ShadowBoltTargetPoint matching ((((Matching unit) is A structure) Not equal to True) and (((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of ShadowBoltCaster)) Equal to True)))
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in ShadowBoltFinalTargets and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Unit - Cause ShadowBoltCaster to damage (Picked unit), dealing ((Distance between ShadowBoltCasterPoint and ShadowBoltTargetPoint) x ((Real((Level of Shadow Strike  for ShadowBoltCaster))) x 0.12)) damage of attack type Spells and damage type Normal
                Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the chest of (Picked unit) using Abilities\Weapons\AvengerMissile\AvengerMissile.mdl
        Wait 2.00 seconds
        Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation(udg_ShadowBoltCasterPoint)
        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation(udg_ShadowBoltTargetPoint)
        Custom script:   call DestroyGroup(udg_ShadowBoltFinalTargets)

Shadow Bolt invis
        Time - Every 0.10 seconds of game time
        Set ShadowBoltInvisibility = (ShadowBoltInvisibility + 10.00)
        Animation - Change ShadowBoltCaster's vertex coloring to (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%) with ShadowBoltInvisibility% transparency

Shadow Bolt uninvis
        Time - Every 0.10 seconds of game time
        Set ShadowBoltInvisibility = (ShadowBoltInvisibility - 15.00)
        Animation - Change ShadowBoltCaster's vertex coloring to (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%) with ShadowBoltInvisibility% transparency

Shadow Bolt move
        Time - Every 0.01 seconds of game time
        Set ShadowBoltMove[0] = (Position of ShadowBoltCaster)
        Set ShadowBoltMove[1] = (ShadowBoltMove[0] offset by 9.00 towards (Angle from ShadowBoltMove[0] to ShadowBoltTargetPoint) degrees)
        Unit - Move ShadowBoltCaster instantly to ShadowBoltMove[1]
        Unit - Move ShadowBoltDummy instantly to ShadowBoltMove[1]
        Set ShadowBoltTargets = (Units within 100.00 of ShadowBoltMove[0] matching (((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of ShadowBoltCaster)) Equal to True))
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in ShadowBoltTargets and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                Unit - Cause ShadowBoltCaster to damage (Picked unit), dealing (4.00 + (6.00 x (Real((Level of Shadow Strike  for ShadowBoltCaster))))) damage of attack type Spells and damage type Normal
                Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the chest of (Picked unit) using Abilities\Spells\Undead\CarrionSwarm\CarrionSwarmDamage.mdl
                Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
        Destructible - Pick every destructible within 100.00 of ShadowBoltMove[0] and do (Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        (Destructible-type of (Picked destructible)) Equal to Ashenvale Tree Wall
                    Then - Actions
                        Destructible - Kill (Picked destructible)
                    Else - Actions
        If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            If - Conditions
                (Distance between ShadowBoltMove[0] and ShadowBoltTargetPoint) Less than or equal to 10.00
            Then - Actions
                Set ShadowBoltMove[1] = ShadowBoltMove[0]
                Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
            Else - Actions
                Do nothing
        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation(udg_ShadowBoltMove[0])
        Custom script:   call RemoveLocation(udg_ShadowBoltMove[1])
        Custom script:   call DestroyGroup(udg_ShadowBoltTargets)

Not to be presumptuous, but if you do end up using it (or using something based on it), giving credit would be nice. :)

Good luck with your map


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oh, you should have said it's in GUI :(

I do not wish to recreate the spell with GUI, could you post a testmap?


Minecraft. :D
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Yeah sorry, should have mentioned it is in GUI.

Here is a test map.

Obviously you can change the values to whatever.


  • ShadowStrike.w3x
    19 KB · Views: 119


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Nice I like the idea, will recreate it in JASS.

Also I updated first post, because one of my friend suggested an ability to the Golem.


I like the spell, but I don't think that it will match to the golem, he is a slow moving, slow attacking unit with a huge damage.

+rep to both of you :)

EDIT: tommerbob, here is your map back, I recreated the spell in vJASS, if you want to learn JASS, this will help you too :)

View attachment ShadowStrike.w3x


Truth begins in lies
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S & D (Slide and Deflect)

The Witch Doctor slides towards the target point, slowing down during the process. If he reaches 0, the spell is cancelled. He can change direction whilst sliding. As soon as he collides, the target unit is hurt and knocked back as the Witch Doctor leaps backwards, lands, and lets out a poison sonic wave which knocks back the units. This also causes minor DOT to all affected units.

Level 1:
Sliding/Deflect Distance - 500
Damage - 150 Initial Damage - 10 DOT (DPS)
Knockback Distance - 300

Level 2:
Sliding/Deflect Distance - 700
Damage - 250 Initial Damage - 15 DOT (DPS)
Knockback Distance - 400

Level 3:
Sliding/Deflect Distance - 1000
Damage - 400 Initial Damage - 25 DOT (DPS)
Knockback Distance - 500


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I don't think that spell matches to a Witch Doctor, and he already has an ability that is "sliding"


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First post updated with a new ability for the Steel Golem !

I need an ultimate for the Golem and a class skill (both are skills with 1 level) and for the Witch Doctor one passive-like skill or a defensive one and the ultimate.


Truth begins in lies
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>Witch Doctor

The Witch Doctor bestows an ancient voodoo aura, which poisons all units around it, degrading armor, attack, attack speed and movement speed. Every several seconds, a poisonous shockwave will stream out, knocking untis away, damaging depending on the ammount of infected units.

Level 1 - 5% Reduction. ShockWave 20 seconds. 25 * (Number of Units) damage. Range (Aura and ShockWave) : 500

Level 2 - 10% Reduction. ShockWave 25 seconds. 35 * (Number of Units) damage. Range (Aura and ShockWave) : 600

Level 3 - 15% Reduction. ShockWave 15 seconds. 40 * (Number of Units) damage. Range (Aura and ShockWave) : 750


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THAT one is a good one HydraRancher, I like it !
+rep is on the way :D

EDIT: have to spread :(


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-Plague added to Witch Doctor
-Mind Boost's reduction from Herolevel changed to a constant 5 second.
-Shadow Strike's damages reduced
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