sliding spell not working


Hard Realist
Reaction score
Okay so I'm creating a spell called rage that causes a unit to run at a target location and knockback and damage all units it comes into contact with.

Current Problems:
Hero goes through doodads

Also, bear in mind that I'm working off of a Mac and do not have ANY third party programs. Everything must be done with the vanilla editor.

Here's the spell:

function RageConditions takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A001'

function RageGroupSlide takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit target = GetEnumUnit()
    local integer targetID = GetHandleId(target)
    local real angle = LoadReal(udg_hash, targetID, 0)
    local real kbCount = LoadReal(udg_hash, targetID, 1)
    local timer kbTimer = LoadTimerHandle(udg_hash, targetID, 2)
    local real dist = 20.00
    local real kbTotalDist = 350.00

    if (kbCount < kbTotalDist) then
        call SaveReal(udg_hash, targetID, 1, kbCount + dist)
        call Slide(target, dist, angle, "Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Undead\\ImpaleTargetDust\\ImpaleTargetDust.mdl")
        call PauseTimer(kbTimer)
        call PauseUnit(target, false)
        call DestroyTimer(kbTimer)
        call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_rageDamaged, target)
        call FlushChildHashtable(udg_hash, targetID)

    set kbTimer = null
    set target = null

function RageKnockback takes nothing returns nothing
     call ForGroup(udg_rageDamaged, function RageGroupSlide)

function RageGroupFilter takes nothing returns boolean
    local unit caster = udg_globalCaster
    local player owner = GetOwningPlayer(caster)
    local unit target = GetFilterUnit()
    local integer targetID
    local real damageAmount = 100 + ((I2R(GetUnitAbilityLevel(caster, 'A001')) - 1.00) * 50)
    local real angle
    local real angle2
    local real kbCount = 0
    local timer targetTimer = CreateTimer()

    if (GetUnitState(target, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) > 0  and IsUnitType(target, UNIT_TYPE_GROUND) == true and IsUnitEnemy(target, owner) == true and IsUnitInGroup(target, udg_rageDamaged) == false) then
        call GroupAddUnit(udg_rageDamaged, target)
        call UnitDamageTarget(caster, target, damageAmount, false, false, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)

        set targetID = GetHandleId(target)
        set angle = GetAngle(GetUnitX(caster), GetUnitY(caster), GetUnitX(target), GetUnitY(target))

        if angle < 0 then
           set angle = angle + 360.

        set angle2 = GetUnitFacing(caster)

        if angle2 > angle then
             set angle = angle2 - 45.
        elseif angle2 < angle then
             set angle = angle2 + 45.

        call SaveReal(udg_hash, targetID, 0, angle)
        call SaveReal(udg_hash, targetID, 1, kbCount)
        call SaveTimerHandle(udg_hash, targetID, 2, targetTimer)
        call PauseUnit(target, true)
        call TimerStart(targetTimer, .05, true, function RageKnockback)

    set caster = null
    set target = null
    return false

function RageCallback takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer rageTimer = GetExpiredTimer()
    local integer timerID = GetHandleId(rageTimer)
    local unit caster = LoadUnitHandle(udg_hash, timerID, 0)
    local real angle = LoadReal(udg_hash, timerID, 1)
    local real count = LoadReal(udg_hash, timerID, 2)
    local real totalDist = LoadReal(udg_hash, timerID, 3)
    local real x = GetUnitX(caster)
    local real y = GetUnitY(caster)
    local real dist = 45.00
    local group targetGroup = CreateGroup()
    set udg_globalCaster = caster

    if (count < totalDist) then
        call SaveReal(udg_hash, timerID, 2, count + dist)
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(targetGroup, x, y, 175.00, Filter(function RageGroupFilter))
        call SlideKeepOrder(caster, dist, angle, "Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Undead\\ImpaleTargetDust\\ImpaleTargetDust.mdl")
        call PauseTimer(rageTimer)
        call DestroyTimer(rageTimer)
        call PauseUnit(caster, false)
        call FlushChildHashtable(udg_hash, timerID)

    set rageTimer = null
    set caster = null
    call DestroyGroup(targetGroup)
    set targetGroup = null

function RageActions takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit caster = GetTriggerUnit()
    local real x1 = GetUnitX(caster)
    local real y1 = GetUnitY(caster)
    local real x2 = GetSpellTargetX()
    local real y2 = GetSpellTargetY()
    local real angle = GetAngle(x1, y1, x2, y2)
    local real totalDist = Distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)
    local real count = 0.00
    local timer rageTimer = CreateTimer()
    local integer timerID = GetHandleId(rageTimer)

    call SaveUnitHandle(udg_hash, timerID, 0, caster)
    call SaveReal(udg_hash, timerID, 1, angle)
    call SaveReal(udg_hash, timerID, 2, count)
    call SaveReal(udg_hash, timerID, 3, totalDist)

    call PauseUnit(caster, true)
    call TimerStart(rageTimer, 0.03, true, function RageCallback)
    set caster = null
    set rageTimer = null

function InitTrig_Rage takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger trigRage = CreateTrigger( )
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(trigRage, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
    call TriggerAddCondition(trigRage, Condition(function RageConditions))
    call TriggerAddAction(trigRage, function RageActions)

And here are some function declared in the header that I used in this spell:


function PolarProjectX takes real x, real dist, real angle returns real
    return x + dist * Cos(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)

function PolarProjectY takes real y, real dist, real angle returns real
    return y + dist * Sin(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)

function GetAngle takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real
    return bj_RADTODEG * Atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)

function Distance takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real
    local real dx = x2 - x1
    local real dy = y2 - y1
    return SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy)


function SafeX takes real x returns real
    if (x > udg_maxX) then
        return udg_maxX
    elseif (x < udg_minX) then
        return udg_minX
        return x

function SafeY takes real y returns real
    if (y > udg_maxY) then
        return udg_maxY
    elseif (y < udg_minY) then
        return udg_minY
        return y


function SlideKeepOrder takes unit target, real dist, real angle, string fx returns nothing
    local real x = GetUnitX(target)
    local real y = GetUnitY(target)
    local real x2 = SafeX(PolarProjectX(x, dist, angle))
    local real y2 = SafeY(PolarProjectY(y, dist, angle))
    call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(fx, x, y))
    call SetUnitX(target, x2)
    call SetUnitY(target, y2)


function Slide takes unit target, real dist, real angle, string fx returns nothing
    local real x = GetUnitX(target)
    local real y = GetUnitY(target)
    local real x2 = SafeX(PolarProjectX(x, dist, angle))
    local real y2 = SafeY(PolarProjectY(y, dist, angle))
    call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(fx, x, y))
    call SetUnitPosition(target, x2, y2)


Extra Info, from the comments section of the Trigger:

Hashtable info: Hashtable = udg_hash
  Index (timerID,0) reserved for unit "caster"
  Index (timerID,1) reserved for real "angle"
  Index (timerID,2) reserved for real "count"
  Index (timerID,3) reserved for real "totalDist"

Hashtable info: Hashtable = udg_hash
  Index (targetID,0) reserved for real "angle"
  Index (targetID,1) reserved for real "kbcount"
  Index (targetID,2) reserved for timer "kbTimer"

Thanks for any help.


don't expect anything, prepare for everything
Reaction score
you're right

that code is a complete mess

first of all, remove the TriggerSleepAction() and never use it again

instead, count the seconds remaining in RageExecution function and when it reaches 0.5, pause and destroy the timer

local real x = GetUnitX(target)
local real y = GetUnitX(target)

should be:
local real x = GetUnitX(target)
local real y = GetUnitY(target)

that's the reason why he moves 270 degrees

also use X/Y coordinates, not locations

and why are you creating a new group every time? use one group and recycle (clear) it on every timer callback

and you can't refer to the expired timer in GroupActions() function... make a global timer variable for that
same for GetTriggerUnit() in RageGroupFilter() function

there are probably many more errors, but don't have time to look at the whole code

btw, why are you doing so complicated stuff already? you wont learn it faster like it...


Hard Realist
Reaction score
I updated the code.
Now there's a new problem:

The hero slides, but no damage is done. Also, the hero doesn't slide through anybody, he stops when he hits a unit. It would be preferable to allow him to slide through units, but not anything else, such as terrain and doodads (destructibles would be fine). Any and all help is appreciated.


don't expect anything, prepare for everything
Reaction score
instead of me trying to find errors in your code, I've made the whole spell with plain Jass (using vanilla editor, was a pain in the ass xd)

function PolarX takes real dist, real angle returns real
    return dist * Cos(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)

function PolarY takes real dist, real angle returns real
    return dist * Sin(angle * bj_DEGTORAD)

function Distance takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real
    local real dx = x2 - x1
    local real dy = y2 - y1
    return SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy)

function GetAngle takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real
    return bj_RADTODEG * Atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)

function SafeX takes real x returns real
    if x > udg_MaxX then
        return udg_MaxX
        return x

    if x < udg_MinX then
        return udg_MinX
        return x

function SafeY takes real y returns real
    if y > udg_MaxY then
        return udg_MaxY
        return y

    if y < udg_MinY then
        return udg_MinY
        return y

function slide_knock takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit picked = GetEnumUnit()
    local integer id = GetHandleId(picked)
    local real angle = LoadReal(udg_hash, id, 0)
    local real dist = LoadReal(udg_hash, id, 1)

    call SetUnitX(picked, SafeX(GetUnitX(picked) + PolarX(dist, angle)))
    call SetUnitY(picked, SafeY(GetUnitY(picked) + PolarY(dist, angle)))
    call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget("Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Undead\\ImpaleTargetDust\\ImpaleTargetDust.mdl", picked, "origin"))

    set dist = dist * 0.9

    call SaveReal(udg_hash, id, 1, dist)

    if dist <= 10 then
        call FlushChildHashtable(udg_hash, id)
        call GroupRemoveUnit(udg_KnockbackGroup, picked)
        call PauseUnit(picked, false)
        set udg_Count = udg_Count - 1

        if udg_Count <= 0 then
           call PauseTimer(udg_Timer)

     set picked = null 

function slide_knockback takes nothing returns nothing
    call ForGroup(udg_KnockbackGroup, function slide_knock)

function slide_filter takes nothing returns boolean
    local unit picked = GetFilterUnit()
    local player p = GetOwningPlayer(udg_Caster)
    local integer id
    local real angle
    local real angle2

    if IsUnitType(picked, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) == false and IsUnitEnemy(picked, p) == true and IsUnitInGroup(picked, udg_Damaged) == false then
        call UnitDamageTarget(udg_Caster, picked, 100 + ((GetUnitAbilityLevel(udg_Caster, 'A000') - 1) * 50), false, false, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
        call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget("Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Stampede\\StampedeMissileDeath.mdl" , picked, "chest"))
        call GroupAddUnit(udg_KnockbackGroup, picked)
        call GroupAddUnit(udg_Damaged, picked)

        set id = GetHandleId(picked)
        set angle = GetAngle(GetUnitX(udg_Caster), GetUnitY(udg_Caster), GetUnitX(picked), GetUnitY(picked))

        if angle < 0 then
           set angle = angle + 360.

        set angle2 = GetUnitFacing(udg_Caster)

        if angle2 > angle then
             set angle = angle2 - 45.
        elseif angle2 < angle then
             set angle = angle2 + 45.
        call SaveReal(udg_hash, id, 0, angle)
        call SaveReal(udg_hash, id, 1, 40.)

        call PauseUnit(picked, true)
        if udg_Count == 0 then
           call TimerStart(udg_Timer, 0.03125, true, function slide_knockback)

        set udg_Count = udg_Count + 1
    set picked = null
    set p = null
    return false

function slide_callback takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
    local integer id = GetHandleId(t)
    local unit caster = LoadUnitHandle(udg_hash, id, 0)
    local real x = GetUnitX(caster)
    local real y = GetUnitY(caster)
    local real count = LoadReal(udg_hash, id, 1) + 40.
    local real dist = LoadReal(udg_hash, id, 2)
    local real angle = LoadReal(udg_hash, id, 3)
    local group g = LoadGroupHandle(udg_hash, id, 4)

    call SetUnitX(caster, SafeX(x + PolarX(40., angle)))
    call SetUnitY(caster, SafeY(y + PolarY(40., angle)))
    call SaveReal(udg_hash, id, 1, count)

    set udg_Caster = caster
    set udg_Damaged = g
    call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(udg_DamageGroup, GetUnitX(caster), GetUnitY(caster), 150., Filter(function slide_filter))
    set udg_Caster = null
    set udg_Damaged = null

    call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget("Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Undead\\ImpaleTargetDust\\ImpaleTargetDust.mdl", caster, "origin"))

    if count >= dist then
        call FlushChildHashtable(udg_hash, id)
        call GroupClear(g)
        call DestroyGroup(g)
        call PauseTimer(t)
        call DestroyTimer(t)
        call PauseUnit(caster, false)
        call SetUnitAnimation(caster, "stand")
        call IssueImmediateOrder(caster, "stop")

    set g =null
    set caster = null
    set t = null

function slide_actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit caster = GetTriggerUnit()
    local real x1 = GetUnitX(caster)
    local real y1 = GetUnitY(caster)  
    local real x2 = GetSpellTargetX()
    local real y2 = GetSpellTargetY()
    local real count = 0.
    local real dist = Distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)
    local real angle = GetAngle(x1, y1, x2, y2)
    local group g = CreateGroup()
    local timer t = CreateTimer()
    local integer id = GetHandleId(t)

    call SaveUnitHandle(udg_hash, id, 0, caster)
    call SaveReal(udg_hash, id, 1, count)
    call SaveReal(udg_hash, id, 2, dist)
    call SaveReal(udg_hash, id, 3, angle)
    call SaveGroupHandle(udg_hash, id, 4, g)
    call TimerStart(t, 0.03125, true, function slide_callback)

    call PauseUnit(caster, true)
    call SetUnitAnimation(caster, "channel")

    set caster = null
    set t = null

function slide_conditions takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A000'

function InitTrig_Slide takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t = CreateTrigger()

    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
    call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function slide_conditions))
    call TriggerAddAction(t, function slide_actions)

    set udg_MaxX = GetRectMaxX(GetPlayableMapRect()) - 50.
    set udg_MaxY = GetRectMaxY(GetPlayableMapRect()) - 50.
    set udg_MinX = GetRectMinX(GetPlayableMapRect()) + 50.
    set udg_MinY = GetRectMinY(GetPlayableMapRect()) + 50.

    set udg_Timer = CreateTimer()
    set udg_KnockbackGroup = CreateGroup()
    set udg_DamageGroup = CreateGroup()
    set udg_hash = InitHashtable()
    set t = null

here's the test map (it sucks because it's not configurable)


Hard Realist
Reaction score
Thanks a lot, although I really would have preferred the errors to be pointed out, as this helps me learn better. This spell is a real learning experience for me. I find I learn better by trying difficult tasks, which is why I started learning timers with a fairly complex (at least in my opinion) spell.

For example I didn't know these existed:

That's why I was using locations. With these I won't have to use locations again.

Also, the GetAngle function you created was another thing which I didn't know how to construct.

Sorry you needed to use the vanilla editor, but I personally think it's more rewarding to do things the hard way.

Edit: Sorry, it appears I have to wait to give you rep. I'll do it as soon as possible.

Edit2: Hmm, it seems that your spell allows the unit to go over cliffs and through doodads. How would I prevent this? I only want him to charge through unit, and possibly destructibles, not doodads and cliffs.


Hard Realist
Reaction score
Ok so I've updated the code in the first post. Currently the hero slides but the enemies get knocked back at an awkward angle and don't take any damage. Also the hero goes over cliffs and through doodads, which I don't want it to do.

Current Problems:
Hero goes over cliffs and through doodads
Enemy units get knocked back at an odd angle
Enemy units do not take damage

Any help from anyone to fix these issues would be much appreciated.

As a side note, all global variables are properly declared.


don't expect anything, prepare for everything
Reaction score
Hero goes over cliffs and through doodads

change this:
function SlideKeepOrder takes unit target, real dist, real angle, string fx returns nothing
    local real x = GetUnitX(target)
    local real y = GetUnitY(target)
    local real x2 = SafeX(PolarProjectX(x, dist, angle))
    local real y2 = SafeY(PolarProjectY(y, dist, angle))
    call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(fx, x, y))
    call SetUnitX(target, x2)
    call SetUnitY(target, y2)

to this:
function SlideKeepOrder takes unit target, real dist, real angle, string fx returns nothing
    local real x = GetUnitX(target)
    local real y = GetUnitY(target)
    local real x2 = SafeX(PolarProjectX(x, dist, angle))
    local real y2 = SafeY(PolarProjectY(y, dist, angle))
    call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(fx, x, y))
    if GetTerrainCliffLevel(x2, y2) == GetTerrainCliffLevel(x, y) then
          call SetUnitX(target, x2)
          call SetUnitY(target, y2)

checking for destructables is a bit more complicated

you should do that in GUI and convert it to see how it looks

Enemy units get knocked back at an odd angle

do they get knocked back backwards sometimes?

add these lines (like I did with my spell)

if angle < 0 then
      set angle = angle + 360.

set angle2 = GetUnitFacing(caster)

if angle2 > angle then
      set angle = angle2 - 45.
elseif angle2 < angle then
      set angle = angle2 + 45.

if (IsUnitType(target, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) == false  and IsUnitType(target, UNIT_TYPE_GROUND) == true and IsUnitEnemy(target, owner) == true and IsUnitInGroup(target, udg_rageDamaged) == false) then
      call GroupAddUnit(udg_rageDamaged, target)
      call UnitDamageTarget(caster, target, damageAmount, false, false, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)

      set targetID = GetHandleId(target)
      set angle = GetAngle(GetUnitX(caster), GetUnitY(caster), GetUnitX(target), GetUnitY(target))

      // here.......

      call SaveReal(udg_hash, targetID, 0, angle)
      call SaveReal(udg_hash, targetID, 1, kbCount)
      call SaveTimerHandle(udg_hash, targetID, 2, targetTimer)
      call PauseUnit(target, true)
      call TimerStart(targetTimer, .05, true, function RageKnockback)

also, declare the angle2 variable in the function

Enemy units do not take damage

I think it's because you can't refer to triggering unit in RageGroupFilter() function

store the caster in a global variable (like I did with udg_Caster)


local real damageAmount = 100 + ((GetUnitAbilityLevel(caster, 'A000') - 1) * 50)

shouldn't that be:
local real damageAmount = 100 + ((GetUnitAbilityLevel(caster, 'A001') - 1) * 50)


also, your code is still very messy... why are you creating a new timer for every picked unit? that might cause heavy lags

read the code in my spell carefully and try to understand it (it's not perfect, but it's good enough)

I find I learn better by trying difficult tasks

that's weird because it never worked for me xd


Hard Realist
Reaction score
That was a good catch with the ability ID. But damage still isn't being done :banghead:

Anyway I updated the first post with the latest trigger and it still isn't working properly.

I have a theory that the caster unit is being passed into the RageGroupSlide function, which is why his movement is glitchy. This is why I think this.

When I change the equality comparison in the if statement, which is:
[ljass]if (kbCount < kbTotalDist) then[/ljass]
to this instead:
[ljass]if (kbCount > kbTotalDist) then[/ljass]

it effectively disables that function. Once this is done the caster moves through objects and units and slides smoothly, but the enemy units do not get knocked back. So, I need to find a way to fix this. If someone thinks the cause may be different then please let me know.

I think it's because you can't refer to triggering unit in RageGroupFilter() function

store the caster in a global variable (like I did with udg_Caster)
Won't that make it not MUI?

do they get knocked back backwards sometimes?

add these lines (like I did with my spell)

if angle &lt; 0 then
      set angle = angle + 360.

set angle2 = GetUnitFacing(caster)

if angle2 &gt; angle then
      set angle = angle2 - 45.
elseif angle2 &lt; angle then
      set angle = angle2 + 45.

It's more like they stick to the caster instead of being knocked back. Just out of curiosity, what does that particular piece of code do?

Sorry there are so many questions.


don't expect anything, prepare for everything
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Won't that make it not MUI?

the group enumeration runs the actions instantly and the udg_Caster variable is nulled after that, so no

It's more like they stick to the caster instead of being knocked back. Just out of curiosity, what does that particular piece of code do?

to make the units knocked back only in front of the caster (in a cone of 90°) I added the +-45 to the angle, depending on angle between the caster and the target

the GetAngle() function sometimes returns a negative angle, so it's wise to add 360. to it when that occurs, because -45° == 315°, but -45 != 315

Sorry there are so many questions.

there's a bigger chance for ppl to answer to them if you have a smaller and easier-to-read code
ppl are too lazy (including me) for going trough all that and explain everything xd

always add a BJDebugMsg("write anything here...") code at unsure places (where you think the error occurs)
that helps a lot in debugging (as the name of the BJ says ^^)

so for example, put that line under the call UnitDamageTarget() to be sure that it checks for correct units and that it runs every other action in the block


Hard Realist
Reaction score
the group enumeration runs the actions instantly and the udg_Caster variable is nulled after that, so no

That did it, it now works as intended except for one thing. The hero slides through doodads. Any suggestions on how to prevent this?

Thank you so much for your help by the way!


don't expect anything, prepare for everything
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The hero slides through doodads. Any suggestions on how to prevent this?

first, you need a rect because the native that checks for destructibles needs it
also create a global boolean variable

just create the rect on init with this:
set udg_Rect = Rect(-75., -75., 75., 75.)

then put these lines in the callback function (before the if (count < totalDist) then):
call MoveRectTo(udg_Rect, x, y)
call EnumDestructablesInRect(udg_Rect, Filter(function CheckTrees), null)

and make a function named CheckTrees

function CheckTrees takes nothing returns boolean
    local destructable d = GetFilterDestructable()
    if GetDestructableLife(d) &gt; 0 then
        set udg_Boolean = false
    set d = null
    return false

and keep checking for udg_Boolean in callback function
if it becomes false, then set count = totalDist (to pause and destroy the timer) and then immediately set it to true


Hard Realist
Reaction score
Okay that works for destructibles, but not regular doodads, like rocks and trees and such. How can I make it work for those? Is it possible?

the Immortal

I know, I know...
Reaction score
    globals //use var editor
        item udg_PathItem
        rect udg_PathRect    //region
        item array udg_PathItems
        integer udg_PathItemCount
    function Path_HideItems takes nothing returns boolean
        if IsItemVisible(GetFilterItem()) then
            set udg_PathItems[udg_PathItemCount] = GetFilterItem()
            call SetItemVisible(udg_PathItems[udg_PathItemCount], false)
            set udg_PathItemCount = udg_PathItemCount + 1
        return false
    function CanWeStepHere takes real x, real y returns boolean
        local real ix
        local real iy

        if udg_PathItem == null then
            set udg_PathItem = CreateItem(&#039;ciri&#039;, 0, 0)
            set udg_PathRect = Rect(0, 0, 128, 128)

        call MoveRectTo(udg_PathRect, x, y)
        call EnumItemsInRect(udg_PathRect, null, function Path_HideItems)
        call SetItemPosition(udg_PathItem, x, y)
        set ix = GetItemX(udg_PathItem)
        set iy = GetItemY(udg_PathItem)
        call SetItemVisible(udg_PathItem, false)
            exitwhen udg_PathItemCount == 0
            set udg_PathItemCount = udg_PathItemCount - 1
            call SetItemVisible(udg_PathItems[udg_PathItemCount], true)
        return (ix-x) * (ix-x) + (y-iy) * (y-iy) &lt;= 100    //10^2

if CanWeStepHere(x, y) then blahblah

There was a similar one at wc3c, but I couldn't find it when I needed it, so I made this one. Should work flawlessly.

edit: no vjass

the Immortal

I know, I know...
Reaction score
Didn't see that. Still, updated the post with pure JASS version, and I believe it is still useful since the IsTerrainPathable method has a (big) flaw - it seems to ignore destructibles and buildings.

And I found the original thread - the resource is there plus some further explanations at 4th page of it for those interested.
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      Apex Steel Pipe - Buys and sells Steel Pipe.