Other Stranded


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Stranded is a survival based game where players have to learn to live in the cold Canadian Wilderness.

You and 7 friends decide to vacation on a skiing trip in Alaska. From your airplane window you gaze at a panoramic view of the graceful Canadian Wilderness when suddenly, the pilot begins to moan. You run to the cockpit to find that he is jerking and is unresponsive. Unable to save him, you take control of the plane yourself. Despite your efforts, the plane plummets dangerously into the lake below you

Sometime later you regain consciousness. Wet, freezing, and hungry you swim to shore. Your belongings are lost, your cell phone broken. You are separated, alone, and helpless. You managed to save from the crash one emergency food pack, and the last dry match. Regaining your composure, you realize that help wont be coming for sometime. You will have to survive in the wilderness, stranded.

Stranded forces players to think about how they will go about surviving and what to do. The game will include a brief and vague "survival handbook" on what to do, but leaves the "how" or the construction of shelters, weapons and tools to the player.

Stay Warm! - It is vital for players to retain their body temperature or otherwise die of hypothermia. Build fires and shelters to protect yourself against the elements

Find Food!
- Players must forage through the wilderness for plants, or fashion tools or setup traps to catch and kill animals and stay alive.

Build! - In order to survive, players must construct shelters, tools, clothing, and other necessities out of materials found in the wilderness.

Unlike similar wilderness survival games, stranded will include several original features never seen before.

- A massive "recipe" based items system with complex steps and processes
- A variety of buildings with features such as "sleeping" and "tanning"
- The option to forage the forest and find plants living both above, and below water. Some of which, if identified incorrectly, will lead to poisoning.
- Build a boat and paddle along the twisted mazes that are the Canadian wildernesses lakes and rivers
-A variety of traps which, if properly constructed, will catch the animals for you
- Custom models to provide a "dirty" realism
- An epic size map with professional terrain, something that was lacking in previous survival games.
- No more "item clutter" with random objects being far to abundant.
- More to come!


The White-tailed deer are found throughout North America, especially in wooded regions. A practiced herbivore, the deers diet varies by the season, eating greens in the summer, or nuts and acorns in the fall. When alarmed, the deer will stomp and snort to warn other dear. Its white tail, to which it is named after, helps as an aid when a mother leads her fawns out of danger.

The Moose, found in parts of Canada and Alaska, is a beast awkward in appearance. It strides with its long legs and massive antlers up to 5 feet across, which the males use to court other females. Bulls can live to be a staggering 1200 pounds, which seems necessary as the moose has few enemies besides man and the occasional pack of wolves.

In parries, meadows, and forest edges of North America lives the Red Fox. This small dog-like animal has the widest range of any terrestrial carnivore, eating anything from rodents, to insects, to native fruits. As the name suggests, the Red Fox has a rusty red coat, white underparts, and black tipped legs. At one point in England, Silver Fox Pelts were known to be worth 40 beaver pelts. In addition to hunters and trappers, the fox must elude eagles, bears, and wolves.
real-life photo

In-game Screenshot

North American Raccoon​
is found in parts of Southern Canada. It is known for its frizzy gray fur, stripped tail, and black facial fur resembling a mask. The highly omnivorous animal generally spends most of its time in trees or near water looking for food. Raccoons will reside in caves or hollow trees, but is generally infamous for residing under buildings.
Real-Life Photo

In-game Screenshot

The Bear has long established itself as the largest land based predator in the world. Known for its size, and thick fur coat, but most importantly, its enormous strength. Bear will eat anything from meat to plants to insects and is known to fish by streams. The bear has a nasty reputation for being harsh tempered killers while in reality, they're have only been 35 reported black bear attacks, and 100 Brown bear attacks in the past century. Some wild black bears are tame enough to eat out of the hands of local campers, this however, is not advised.
Real-Life Photo of a Brown Bear

Real-Life Photo of a Black Bear

In-game Screenshot of a Brown Bear

In-game Screenshot of a Black Bear

Woodland Caribou, American relative to the European Reindeer, live in the forests of Canada. The herbivorous animal survive off a variety of grasses, mosses and flowers. During the summer, herds of Caribou will stalk up on food before heading north to the tundra to bare their calves. The Caribous long, powerful legs give it the ability to tread on snow and swim across large lakes. Both male and female Caribou have antlers.
Real-Life photo

In-game Screenshot

The North American Beaver during the 16th and 17th centuries was highly valued for its pelt. Bartered by Native Americans for European goods, they were then shipped to London to be manufactured into clothing. The Beavers fur itself was double coated, insulted by a layer of fat, and water proofed by an oily substance the beaver naturally produced. The beavers trademark is its damn, which helps protect from natural predators. The beaver itself lives in lodges which, when built properly, are hard as rock during the winter.
Real-Life Photo

In-Game Screenshot

-Completed basic layout for lakes, rivers and mountains
-Started detailed work on terrain
-Started triggers and scripting
-Started work on custom models
-Finished White-tailed deer, moose, owl, butterfly
-Finished custom trees (some bugs)
-Finished More animals, will begin working on birds
-Completed top left of terrain
-Begun work on crafting system


not what the final game will look like. I just felt like i had to give pics :]. Hopefully i can find an alternative tree that has animations...village trees look like crap.


Some of the latest screen shots! I've made alot of progress with the models. In the picture are the Canadian White-tailed doe and fawn, Moose, and barren owl.


I dont know what made me take that picture...way too cute


Its not much, but i've finished this area of the terrain, and even put a bridge for you guys :]


Pretty xD


I added a meadow, the red fox model didn't come out as well as i'd hope. I well redo some of them


A preview of the airplane you crash in, based poorly off a Cessna Grand Caravan


Waterfalls trailing down the mountain side


A beautiful Canadian retreat...or at least not anymore


Inspiration for this was actually that one house from "the uninvited"...Which was inspired from the korean film "A Tale of two sisters" which was inspired from a local folktale Janghwa Hongryeon jeon


The Backyard of the house

its waaay to long, just a roughdraft
A basic guide on how to survive in the wilderness if ever you find yourself in an emergency situation​

The key factor in wilderness survival, far greater than years of survival knowledge, is to retain the physiological will to live. When thrust into the wilderness, one is faced with many stresses that impact their mind. These stresses can produce emotions that, if misunderstood, can reduce a confident individual into a indecisive, ineffective failure. The chapters in this book will prepare you to stay alive

Chapter 1 - Shelter
Building a shelter can help shield you from the extreme temperatures found in the wild, usually the cold and rain. Before laying down your shelter, survey the area. Are there any creatures such as wolves, or bears in the proximity? Is the area large enough for you to live comfortably? Is your shelter close enough to food and resources? If so you may begin making your shelter. For cold temperatures,

Chapter 2 - Fire
Fire can be used for warmth, heat food to reduce the amount of calories our body burns to digest food, and protection from animals. A fire typically has 3 components-tinder, kindling, and fuel. The tinder and kinder must be a fast, dry burning material, such as dry pine needles, leaves or grass. The fuel component must be slow burning, wood is usually readily available. When lighting a fire in the event where you may not have a match, build a bow and drill.

Chapter 5 - Weapons and Tools
A weapon serves a dual purpose, the capturing and preparing of food, and self-defense. There are a variety available to construct using outdoor materials.

Clubs are held, not thrown and provide reach beyond your fingertips.
Weighted Club - A simple club with an added weight, typically a rock, fashioned to its end. The club may either be blunt, with a hard curved or flat surface, or you may carve the weight to give it a sharp edge.

Knives are not only effective for cutting, but helping make other survival items.
Bone Knives - Find a large sized bone of a animal, usually the leg bone of a deer or animal of that size. Strike the bone against a rock and find a suitably edged splinter in the bone. You can then carve down the other edges on a rough surface, or the rock you have.
Stone Knives - Find a sharp-edged piece of stone, and a sharp edged tool to use as a chipping device. Shape the blade by striking glancing blows to the edge to get a thin sharpen. One the stone is in an ideal shape, construct the hilt out of animal hide.

Spears are meant to be jabbed, not thrown and can be used for fishing as well as hunting. Spears are made very similarly to a knife, but with a much longer, harder hilt. Find 3 sticks 1.2 - 1.5 meters long and lash them together. This will provide more surface area to stab with. Construct the tip by carving it with a knife. As with arrowheads, you may also construct a pointed tip with a sharpened rock, or sharpened bone.

Bow and Arrow
A reliable bow is the result of hours of work, but a short-term replaceable bow will suffice. Find 3 branch-less, knot-less, and flexible sticks that stand chest-height. Tie the the sticks together 4-5 times with each tie equally apart. Finally, bend the bow slightly and tie a long cordage to each end to fashion a bowstring.

Select the straightest sticks you can find to create the arrow shafts. You may have to straighten the shaft over burning coals. Carve the tip of the arrow with a knife, or attach a sharpened rock or bone to the tip. Then, carve a wedge in the arrows end. Fetching, or adding feathers for better flight characteristics is optional, but not usually necessary for field expedient arrows.

Clothing offers insulation against the cold, and significant protection. Before using animal hide, wash it to remove fleas and diseases the animal naturally carries and then dry it completely. Wear the hide with the fur on the inside for its insulation purposes.

Chapter 4 - Food
The average human can only survive about 4 weeks without food, but obviously eating food on a daily basis to retain physical and mental strength is important.

Part 1 - Hunting Animals

Unless you have to tools and ability to take on larger game, its good to stick to smaller animals to avoid injury. But you are, of course, limited to what you can catch. Almost every animal on earth is edible, with few exceptions. This guide will help you learn to catch, and prepare food.

Weapons and Hunting (See Weapons and Tools) - Do not attack the animal from your maximum range, close in to a reasonable distance so that if your first shot misses, you have an opportunity to strike again.

Traps and Snares - When unarmed, you may be forced to construct traps and snares. On the contrary, several well placed traps could achieve much more than a lone hunter could catch. Place your traps at narrow passages, or near animal trails for maximum efficiency. A basic noose can be made by bending the end of a string, wrapping it around the top, and then running the short end through the neck to great a loop. Lay 2 sticks to keep the loop open, and tie the long end to a static object nearby to prevent the snared animal from escaping.

Fishing Stakeouts are a easily constructed trap to catch multiple fish. Create a fishhook with a sharpened, curved, rock or bone and lash to cordage. Once 3 of these have been made, tie them to a longer cordage. This will be tied between 2 sticks just below the waters surface. Bait with grubs and worms found under fallen bark and wait.

Fishing - When fishing, find shallow water (waist-deep) where the fish are plentiful and large enough to spear. Look for areas where the fish gather, and approach them slowly. When a reasonable distance away, suddenly thrust your spear to impale the fish, do not lift the spear as the fish may escape. Do not throw spears, that is an effective way to break a valuable sharpened point.

Preparing Food - When preparing game, bleed the animal by cutting its throat. Place the animal belly up and remove the hide head to tail, cutting form under the hide. Cut larger game into more manageable pieces for storage. Smoke the meat over the fire. Fish generally spoil quickly after they a caught, signs of spoilage include suspicious color or sunken eyes.

Part 2 - Foraging
After you have established a shelter, fire, and animal food is unavailable or not yet caught, you may have to consider the use of using plants as food. There are a variety of fruits and water-living plants that are edible without preparation. A small list is presented here.

Actaea Rubra (Red Baneberry) - Highly poisonous
Acorus calamus (Sweet Flag) - Edible, found in shallow water
Allium tricoccum (Wild Leak, or Ramp) - Edible, found in shallow water
Amelanchier canadensis (Canadian Serviceberry) - Edible
Berberis thunbergii (Red Barberry) Edible
Cicuta maculata (Spotted water hemlock) - Highly Poisonous, found in shallow water
Symphoricarpos albus (Thin-leaved Snowberry) - poisonous
Prunus serotina (Black cherry) - poisonous
Vaccinum vitis-idaea (Lingonberries) - edible
Vaccinum sp. (Blueberry) - edible

This is a massive project, and even though its summer and schools out im pretty busy. So expect progress to be slow. Also i would like to request some models. If they never get done i can do them myself but that would take a long time. If anyone could find similar existing models, that would be perfect, thanks. Heres the list

A basic Hut, 2
Detailed Dog/Wolf Model
Old run down house
Bird with landing animation
free animating program?
More required...I will list later
This sounds like a perfect map to play with your friends.
This progress will i be following with all my hope!! :)
Keep up the great work and i hope that their will be a beta soon. =)
It sounds cool man, but I really think you should be stranded on a tropic island instead.
It sounds cool man, but I really think you should be stranded on a tropic island instead.

Actually thats exactly what i had in mind for future maps. If i ever get around to turning into a series. So like:
Tropical Island
African Desert
Amazon Rainforest?

I duno, it could happen.

Anyway, thanks for the positive criticism, and i hope to get some more screenshots/progress done.
Omfg. Now i have to get a new name for my map im creating. Its called Stranded too. But i guess its taken now. <.<
Hmm in my map their not realy lost just stuck so that wont fit but thx for the sugestion
Check out the new screenshots!
This will pretty much be what the final game looks like
Very nice!
How big is your map?

Btw, i hope that it soon will be a beta! ;)
Nice man i will give you all my help i can :):thup: It looks awesome!
I can't make models but i can find them for you =) Will report when found some.

Huts: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/witch-hut-84638/?prev=search=hut&d=list&r=20

Planes: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/spitfire-47989/?prev=search=plane&d=list&r=20

Didn't find the other stuff but i found some other models that maybe would be useful:


Fishing Gear:

PS. The spear is for like fish-hunting when you throw/stick the spear onto the fish.
Nice finds sidove, i will definitely be using some of those models for my map. The spear and the bear especially, they're a must for my map. +rep :]

Also rAPP, my map is 192 x 192. However alot of it is lakes, rivers, and small islands. This is for the canoe features i'll be adding later. Thanks for the comments everyone.
Here is cool animal system i have just come up with use if you want:
You should make so the wolves use teamwork like hyenas
So like when they see a player and they are like 4 - 6 wolfs they split up and attack from different paths or when a player is fleeing some wolfs split up and ambushes the player a little further down the map =) Just an idea would be cool if you used it

2:You should do that some animals like lions don't only go and hunt for player that they hunt for antilops too and that animals can give birth to kids and while your playing the kids grow bigger and bigger until they get old and die or give birth to new kids (if it's a female) and so on. And that the fathers and mothers hunt for their children when their still young. only an idea but would be really realistic and cool if you did that

3rd:seasons would be pretty cool, like varying the creeps and critters that come out between seasons. Bears could hibernate during the winter, bugs would be more active during the summer, etc. Plus the trees could change. Maybe weather units could respond to seasons too?

4th:It would be nice like when the kids of the lions are weak and have not so warm fur they stay in their home while the mother or the father goes out to hunt for them.
And like spiders or bears go to hunt before the winter comes and that's when it's extra dangerous to go and scout cause you could be attacked by a hungry bear that searches for meat over the winter.

And it would be nice if the kids grow faster when eat and if they haven't eaten on 2 days they start to get damage overtime for starving so that will do so the animals go on hunt more often so they don't starve to death.

All this systems could be combined to 1 system. But all these systems would require a lot of work, but i can help with thoose cause im actually preety good at doing systems. Hope you use maybe some of them 8)
Finally! More updates. Check out the screenshots!!!!!

I added much more to the terrain and wrote a few more Animal Profiles.

I also added some new animals such as the Red Fox, Caribou, Black and Brown Bear ect with more to come! Not only that, but they're all Custom Models!!!

Yeah, progress is slow but i hope to have a beta by the end of the month. I'll add more screenshots and updates tomorrow, its late and im pretty tired. Later people
Finally! More updates. Check out the screenshots!!!!!

I added much more to the terrain and wrote a few more Animal Profiles.

I also added some new animals such as the Red Fox, Caribou, Black and Brown Bear ect with more to come! Not only that, but they're all Custom Models!!!

Yeah, progress is slow but i hope to have a beta by the end of the month. I'll add more screenshots and updates tomorrow, its late and im pretty tired. Later people

Keep up the good work! The terrain looks beautiful, I really can't wait until Beta :p
Here are some models i found that you have requested in the main post (i dont't know if the bird has landing animation cuz im on holdiay dont have wc3 here):

Wild dog:

Ruined house (dont know what kind of material you want it in)

Bird (falcon)

Extra model Wodden Bow:

Just kidding, first off I thought it was another ripoff of Island Troll Tribes (no offence).

But when I looked at your screenshots and everything, I went like :eek: WOW!
Nice mapping, nice work, nice info! God, you deserve the map of the week award, BOW WOW! NICE MODELS TOO! IT LOOKS LIKE WOW, AND THE MAPPING IS SO NATURAL!
Another update with, as always, more screen shots :]

Good news, the terraining of the top half of the map is now complete, and the rest should be completed shortly as it is mostly bodies of water.

I've began working on the items recipes and creating models for the items themselves. Ive decided to also add a keyboard controlled 3rd person camera to allow the players to immerse themselves more in the game.

Unfortunately the terraining is going slow and beta will not be released this month. I've just been out of ideas lately on how to sculpt the rest of the map. This has also been a really busy summer and i only really get to work on my maps late at night. I'll be leaving town later so the map progress, for now, is halted :[. But I plan to release a playable teaser early next month :D.

Thank you again for all the positive comments! All of you are really what makes me strive to complete this map.
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    News portal has been retired. Main page of site goes to Headline News forum now
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am working on getting access to the old news portal under a different URL for those that would rather use that for news before we get a different news view.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Easily done
  • The Helper The Helper:
    https://www.thehelper.net/pages/news/ is a link to the old news portal - i will integrate it into the interface somewhere when i figure it out
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Need to try something
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Hopefully this won't cause problems.
  • Ghan Ghan:
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I have converted the Headline News forum to an Article type forum. It will now show the top 20 threads with more detail of each thread.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    See how we like that.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do not see a way to go past the 1st page of posts on the forum though
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It is OK though for the main page to open up on the forum in the view it was before. As long as the portal has its own URL so it can be viewed that way I do want to try it as a regular forum view for a while
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Yeah I'm not sure what the deal is with the pagination.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    It SHOULD be there so I think it might just be an artifact of having an older style.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I switched it to a "Standard" article forum. This will show the thread list like normal, but the threads themselves will have the first post set up above the rest of the "comments"
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I don't really get that article forum but I think it is because I have never really seen it used on a multi post thread
  • Ghan Ghan:
    RpNation makes more use of it right now as an example: https://www.rpnation.com/news/
  • The Helper The Helper:
  • The Helper The Helper:
    What do you think Tom?
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    I will have to get used to this.
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    The latest news feed looks good

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