WIP Stranger


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STRANGER Because I'm totally not ripping off Stalker
Play as mercenaries in tracking down the source of an infection in the center of a violent civil war.
The Land is a location in a country torn by civil war over 20 years. Tensions coiled up over the years have finally sprung, releasing a new decade of civil war.
An infection is spreading through the land, and you are sent in to discover it's origins..
Core Features:
-All guns have accuracy based on range
-Sound System
-Faction AI
-*hopefully* interesting storyline
-Immersion Terrain
-Many other features I don't want to confirm because they're in limbo

There are many different types of weapons. Ranging in accuracy, damage, burst, clip size, reload, and other factors. In fact, I currently have 32 different weapon sounds in map.

Faction AI is hard to explain. I used this to explain it a few days ago.
AI prioritizes objectives based on how often they're attacked.
the higher the priority, the more troops needed.
The more troops (quality, actually) currently on the objective of defending that town makes the town a lower priority.

A town that is easier to attack (due to low troops and not being attacked) is regarded as a high target for another hostile faction, and thus encouraging them to take control.

There are also different objectives the AI can patrol/protect. Checkpoints, random points in the terrain (preset before map, but offset randomly by a slight amount ingame). AI can patrol or guard.

If an AI has no use for a group, it will often be sent to one of the 'big towns'. 'Big Towns' are areas where the AI can not afford to lose, and thus will put every extra man there.

An AI sends troops to defend priorities based on the units location, quality, current mission, ect. The less useful a troop is compared to how useful the prioritize is how the AI chooses what units to use.

The AI can even reach out to help another town/checkpoint if it's close enough (mostly via patrol, units will not move far to help another)

Combat AI is something I haven't worked on yet. I plan on making it very basic, and adding some light strategies.
Current plan is to make retreat patterns, aggressive movements.
When the AI takes damage/fires it's weapon, it enters a battle state. When it's in a battle state, it considers several variables to decide either or not it's winning.
Depending on the group factors and traits, the group will eventually retreat if the objective isn't important. It may retreat out just a few dozen meters, or may head to the nearest 'friendly' area.
Aggresive movements is when the AI decides to sprint forward to make better use of their weapons, or to finish the fight. This requires a high confidence in the AI and training.
Most of the time, the AI will stay around the same area (might retreat a bit further back if taking damage and has a ranged weapon).

if I have time, I plan on advancing it so AI can use special weapons (grenades, motors, ect) however I don't really plan on this part.

Shelter - The Shelter is a collection of refugees from all over the world. Due to threats from the land, they have turned more hostile to threats.
Attitude: High Defense
Training: Low - Medium
Armament: Low to Medium quality (close range rifles, mortars/machine guns)

TR Incorporated - Technology Relates Incorporated is a massive complex of consumer and military goods. It is the remaining consumer super-power. To remove consumer threats, they are extremely hostile for any source of income. They have been eyeing the land for it’s high underwater reserves. In the past 5 years, TR Inc has been spending more money on it’s security forces in the area.
Attitude: Moderate offensive, highly defensive
Training: Moderate
Armament: Low (close range rifles)

Military - The military is what is left of the countries defense. They regularly patrol the area, remaining highly hostile. The military does not clear the land out for several reasons. 1: It gives new trainees battle experience 2: It gives the military strong income.
The military has no bases in the land, however regularly patrol. They often attack checkpoints, and range from highly trained to moderate trained. They are very aggressive and often have mortar support
Attitude: Highly Offensive
Training: Moderate - High
Armament: High (high quality weapons, high quality armor, mortars)

Foundation - A break off of the Shelter, due to conflicting ideas on varying subjects. They have since declared war on the shelter, and use the land as their main launch point against them. They are highly aggressive and well trained.
Attitude: Moderate Offensive, small defensive
Training: Moderate
Armament: Low - Medium (close range rifles, mortars/machine guns)

Insurgency -The remnants of the most successful and well trained insurgency, known as the Klac, was able to starve off 3 different invasions from super powers. They caused 2 revolutions in their own country, and 3 in neighboring countries. They have since lost many of their numbers due to a strange infection. They are highly diplomatic and prefer having allies.
Attitude: Highly aggressive, low defense (low numbers, often passive)
Training: Extremely High
Armament: High (close range rifles, long range rifles, mortars, long range rifles)

Infected - A strange disease has caused the infected to become zombified. Many believe this is the work of the military against the insurgency. The Infected are drawn to an abandoned sewage treatment facility for unknown reasons. There is no effort against the infected, with troops often fleeing upon sight.
Infected have an uncanny ability to fall down before they are actually dead. This allows blood to clog up unnaturally fast, causing most bullet wounds not to be life threatening. Because of this, the infected will often rise again a minute later.
Attitude: None
Training: Irrelevant
Armament: None (while they often lug their equipment around, they are melee)

Wild Life - Wildlife, consisting of mainly predators. They are found in the woods, preying on anything that passes through. The dominate life form are wolves who have survived the winter freezing and summer heat.
Attitude: Highly aggressive (will retreat when taken slight damage)
Training: Low (during night they are camouflaged)
Armament: None (melee)

Mercenaries (players) - Mercenaries. Guns for hire. You were bought for information regarding the infection, media in the civilized world is craving it. Killing for it. The plan was to transport you in by jeep and meet will a village elder who was believed to know the original infection location. However, the land erupted in war nearly overnight. Bridges were destroyed, forcing the mercenaries to go in by land…
Attitude: Loner
Training: Mixed
Armament: Low (close range rifle)


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Towns and bases will play an increasingly important part in the game.

Most towns will be fortified and guarded, giving you safe havens at night time (which will be extremely dangerous).
Infected will far from the zone during night, and retreat during dawn.
Investigating empty towns can be dangerous; during the day zombies may enter the houses.
Entering a house with zombies in it during the day can be risky. They are much less conscious and almost asleep. If one feels pain it will emit a large scream waking up everything else in the village. Being trapped in a house with half a dozen zombies and 2 dozen more outside isn't fun.

Zombies can infect living things. While the mercenaries (players) have a vaccine for this infection, others are not. If a living person is attacked sufficiently by a zombie, he may also become a zombie.

Zombies are slightly different from each other. HP, Defense, Attack, speed, ect.

The beginning of the games quests will revolve around finding a local sheik who had close relations to several military programs. Of course, the military has already been alerted to this leaker and have detained him in a local prison camp.


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Um, can't anyone fall over before they're dead? All you have to do is... well... fall over :/


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Insurgents aren’t going to kill you.
They aren’t going to throw missiles at your house.
They aren’t going to force their way into your house.

It was over. The world was returning to normalcy after news blurred the upcoming doom for years on end. 3 major countries and 11 ‘minor’ countries had been heavily effected by a massive movement in insurgencies and aggressive gangs. Technology had made the modern insurgency, and technology had ended it for those who could afford it.
The countries who couldn’t still bubbled under the surface - erupting with little mention on the news. A half second reference was all. Rebels seized the capital of such and such. A car bomb outside the house of somewhere. It was old news.
No country was unaffected by it - besides a major downturn in economic output, many countries had become isolated. Alliances were still there, they just weren’t used. Nearly every country dealt with some form of terrorism or insurgency. Even still many packets of resistance remained, often in cities.

But the pendulum was starting to swing back - an interest in a backwater third world country was forming.

[News Anchor] So tell us J-
[Man] call me man please.
[News Anchor] ..Man, you tell us you lived in the country for how long?
[Man] 7 years. I lived in England when the movement starting catching up. My brother was killed so me and my family led to ‘The Land’. It was peaceful for a year than the rebels came and started recruiting.
[News Anchor] Now if I remember we reported a short on that a long time ago. They were really aggressive against locals.
[Man] Not at all, we felt better under the rebels than the government.
[News Anchor] But I thought you said the government didn’t even know your village existed?
[Man] They didn’t, with the rebels our safety improved, our farming improved, everything improved.
[News Anchor] Now tell us how exactly did the village get the name ‘The Land’?
[Man] It was just a dead place. Too rocky to farm, too far from a town or city, very little at all. It got the name because of -
[News Anchor] We’re going to wait on that part till closer to the end Je--Man. An audience member had the question “What was it like to be with the rebels?”
[Man] Well it worked out very well. I provided security for my town and my family got extra medical care. I got paid with the countries dollar but we couldn’t use it.
[News Anchor] In your other interview with us, you mentioned shipping out. Was this to fight the government. What?
[Man] I shipped out to a more fortified position. Special forces had been beheading anyone in the small villages who worked with the rebels. It was scary.
[News Anchor] Must have been. When did you first come into combat?
[Man] We were near the old factory, and one of our men stepped on a board with nails or something. A few hours later he had a fever so we stopped. In the morning we found him dead. We buried him and went back to our patrol, trying to contact our base for instructions. An hour later we saw someone in our uniform. We had rumors of this, but didn’t believe it.
[News Anchor] Could you explain what the rumor was, for the audience and others?
[Man] There has been local legends that say if you die near the rusty shelter, you’ll come back. It was silly, just something to stay away from the place - it had many landmines. We thought that the people simply went unconscious and came back hours later. Most men didn’t know how to check for pulse!
[News Anchor] But this wasn’t the case?
[Man] No, it wasn’t. None of the men I was with would talk about the rumor when I asked them. Most of them vets. I guess it happened with almost no bodies. That’s why we buried with in a shallow grave. The men I was with tensed up when we saw the body walking towards us. Dirt-red tinted almost. We recognized the glasses on his face, his small mustache.
[Man] Some of us called out to him, others put the safety on their weapons off. I can’t remember what I did. It started running towards us at the sound, we thought he was going to tackle us. Our leader if you could call him that, starting running to tackle him out of fun. When we saw this, most of us got relieved. Our weapons lowered. That was a bad move. The man we buried was big, our leader was a small frame. Really small, scrawny. They met full force, our leader broke his leg or something. Might have been the femur. He fell down, the man we buried kept coming at us. Our weapons raised back up - but what would we do? Shoot our friend? He found our machine gunners neck somehow. He bit through the neck - who knew teeth were that strong. It’s a strange feeling to see parts of a neck ripped off.
No one fired a fucking shot, we just started backing off. It kept ripping at the neck. He was our friend - we couldn’t shoot him. Someone had to, and someone did. The shot broke the silence, whatever hold on us it had. We started running away in every direction.
[News Anchor] What happened to our leader?
[man] The shot didn’t kill the man we buried. Our leader started shouting out to us, well had been shouting to us. He must have seen the thing go after that neck or something. A minute later we started hearing him screaming - it was pretty bad. We heard automatic fire but didn’t know what happened to him.
[News Anchor] You never returned to the spot to check? What if he was alive?
[Man] None of us spoke about it again. We heard it happen to another squad - their man died to an accidental discharge or something. The thing cleaned up 7 out of 10 of their squad during the night.
[News Anchor] Only happened two times?
[man] No, it happened to many other squads. It happened to villages. It happened after battles. We just didn’t talk about it. This is the second time I’ve ever talked about it.
[News Anchor] Well, that’s all the time we have for tonight. Check out the upcoming documentary "Stranger", which will document The Land, the people, and this man.

3 days later Jens Nelson was found dead in his apartment - police investigation ongoing.
3 weeks later work on the documentary began - visas for The Land were rejected for “Tourist Safety” reasons.
1 week later a group of ‘journalists’ were paid to interview a local sheik in The Land. Arrangements were made with a weapons smuggling company..


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Is that like the background story of the map? The dialog got some misspelling. Should fix it if it is necessary. This is a interesting map. How long till it is playable?
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