The Battle of the Stars Thread


Lex Luthor!
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Official Website:
News: After more than 8 months of working on this project, I released version 1.0 the day before I left on vacation. "Last minute" indeed. :) I'm trying to get the word out about this map, and am always interested in reviews, comments, and suggestions. :cool:


Working As Intended
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I loved the map. It was easy to learn, fun to play. Also, the way you set up the terrain is great, just overall great.

What I did notice is that the ranged units, on many occasions, walked infront of the melee units. That sucks, they are more vulnerable up front.

I didn't know what the 4 corners were for. Really, the game only interacted with the main land. I am wondering, are the four corners for anything? Or are they justy not done yet?

My personal favorite hero so far is Pikachu. He is amazing at killing groups of units, killing the creeps hitting multiple units at a time (eg. Agility, the more attacks move (Forget name) and the Quick Reflets move). I will probably pick him again ^_^

What you didn't really have were potions, plain and simple. There was a guy who could like build things, the "Tinker" I believe. He gave me this potion once, but other than that... Where can I get health potions?

Another point is that the Yin melee units look kind of evil. If you can (Don't have to, doesn't matter much) it would be nice to change the model to something more... Nice looking.

Another quick point is that some of the towers got in the way. Perhaps moving them out of the way abit, atleast in paths where it's a bit cramped. I am sure this has been said before, but I will say it again. :)

Also, before aI go, I have one last question. Is there a way to Upgrade/Get more creeps? I was always preoccupied with my battle, so when I checked I couldn't find a way. But I did notice a "Elven Spirit" join the ranks of our spawns, but I didn't know how it did.

So... Overall it's a great map. Not giganticly sized, not imbalanced, unique, etc. etc. When I hosted it, not one person left until we started destroying all their towers, eventually getting to the statue or whatever.

Have a nice day, and hope these comments helped!


Dogs are fuzzy
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I was just wondering, since now you basically have two forums, why not also post or PM that secret thing here? I don't feel like registering on another forum...


Working As Intended
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Hes on vacation at the moment. Actually I think I read honeymoon somewhere, but there was a 50% chance I was dreaming.

Though when he gets back he will probably either bring it here or explain his reasons why not. One reason why is because the "Secret Code" is basically a way to recruit new members, and rewarding them for when they sign up.

Sorry for being off the original topic, and sorry I am answering for you. It's probably better to answer it somewhat than to wait.

Anyways, do what you wish with these posts, good luck on future versions on your map, and I hope this clears some things up, Lord_Pheonix.


Ex TH Member
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He's enjoying his honeymoon, so his posts will be rare until he gets back.


Lex Luthor!
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I'm back! :) Now to answer your concerns:

-I'll see if I can reposition the buildings so that melee units always go ahead of the ranged.
-The four corners are indeed used! You didnt read F9 did you? ;)
Bottom Right: Hero selection and Davey Jones
Top Right / Bottom Left: Naga Islands
Top Left: Duel pit. (You didnt try it? type "-duel" in game.)
-Potions... yeah, I'm not big on Potions and Tomes. However, there is a purchasable Heath Potion (creatively called Yogi's Pic-a-nic Basket) in the town shop, and another HP pot attainable from killing creeps. Also, as you said, some units can create some pots. Tinker can create an instant-gain hp pot (Microderm Regenerator), and Genie can create both HP (Feast) and MP (Oasis Water) pots. Tomes... well, I think tomes are cheap, and break games, so I'll never have tomes in my game. :)
-Yin melee... you dont like Satyrs? I think they're kinda cool. :) And, actually, a point I have to make a lot (so I'll bold it): Yin/Yang is not good/evil. It has no moral bearing at all. Rather, its a philosophy of opposites comprising the whole. Light and dark, man and woman, hot and cold... but not good and bad. You cannot have a Hero without a Villian, nor vice versa, so the philosophy holds that both are needed for a complete and balanced map. That being said, what model would you suggest? ;)
-Right now, the only method for upgrading creeps is to destroy the other teams' corrisponding spawner. I have plans to allow purchasable upgrades, but that wont be for awhile. I want to design a new system for that, rather than the standard buy-from-shop method. As for getting more creeps, there are some skills that spawn additional units (Elf's Ultimate creates Elven Spirits), modify the units (Genie's Ultimate makes them invisible, and grants them battle skills), and the Davey Jones quest adds a new ability (a curse, rather) to the units you spawn.
-Yes, its true, I now have two forums, and is my main forum for all my projects, but since some of you hate registering for free forums, I'll do my best to double-post anything important here. (Though, things like Hero Suggestion really should be done there, so the whole community can come together and vote/work on it.) As for moving the Free Gift thing here, quite simply, I cant. Its a script that I wrote specifically for my BotS page, and I cannot run scripts from this server, nor can I access your account information from the BotS page. Registration is free and instant, so I've tried to make it as pain-free as possible. ;)


Ultra Cool Member
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Halo_king116 said:
What I did notice is that the ranged units, on many occasions, walked infront of the melee units. That sucks, they are more vulnerable up front.

Another point is that the Yin melee units look kind of evil. If you can (Don't have to, doesn't matter much) it would be nice to change the model to something more... Nice looking.

Another quick point is that some of the towers got in the way. Perhaps moving them out of the way abit, atleast in paths where it's a bit cramped. I am sure this has been said before, but I will say it again. :)
We both think the same things :)
I said almost the exact same thing earlier in this thread


Dogs are fuzzy
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Well, another question for anyone in general. This game sounds like more of a USwest game. I was just wondering if anyone on USeast will be hosting it, and when, and screen names and stuff. I'm exited to try it, but I'm really busy right now.

I'll register in Luth's forums right now.

Thanks for answering my questions, Luth and Halo_king116


Lex Luthor!
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Sorry mate, I'm a USwest player. I dont get onto USeast much. I did for awhile to infect.. er, I mean... distribute my Go FiSH! map. You can always host a game over there; its pretty fun, and it'll help spread the fanbase. :)


:banghead: Man whats the point of posting on another forum? I got like 10 forums i post on already


Graphics Help Zone Moderator
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I was looking at the hero's tab on the website and saw that the hulk didn't fit very well. I suggest using something like this.


You don't have to though.


Lex Luthor!
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Whitesock said:
I was looking at the hero's tab on the website and saw that the hulk didn't fit very well. I suggest using something like this.


You don't have to though.
Thats nice. :) If you've got a DISBTN version of that, I'll gladly switch mine out for that one. :cool:


Working As Intended
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I dunno, I didn't really like yours, Whitesock. No offense meant, I love your other pieces of work. But I don't like the picture :(

Thats my opinion. So I made 2 others, based off one the one here at TH, the one ejmr| (sp?) uses as an avatar. I was bored and made them, if you like one of the 2 say so and I will make the DISBAN version.

If not, I still had some entrertainment when making them :D:D:D



I made those in less that 2 minutes, literally. Don't have to like them, as I said I was bored :D

Have a nice day :)


Lex Luthor!
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That one is more battle-worthy. :) Can you make me a DISBTN? If not, I can wing it. (DISBTNs are, I believe, minus the frame, with a black-fade frame instead, and masked with a 50% black layer)


Lex Luthor!
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I would, but the change is so subtle, and I'm really trying to do everything I can to save on map size. (1k here and there adds up) I'll save those, and if the map gets a little popularity where its worth the increase in DL time, I'll switch 'em out. :) Thank you!


Everything is mutable; nothing is sacred
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My Comments

Beautiful except I can't get to the corners, towers and placed in highly unconvient places.

I player on the side with the Riflemen and Satyrs, this was solo btw, and the other side's units pushed much more and I kept hearing "Our allies town is under attack"

I played 2 heros

Jean Grey:
Tree Throw - This was fun
Phoenix - Quite a simple ability, I suggest making it do more. Also the fact that you have to wait till lvl 10 to get your ultis is really anoying, I suggest you have one at lvl 6 and one at lvl 11.
(I forget name but you atked to gain mana) - Nice except your useing the accualy Slience buff.
(Forget this one too but it was a target damage or something) - Make this AOE or a nice multi target effect.

Wish - Loved this, very fun to use, earth quake should do damage though
Giant - This was fun, make the guy get bigger though
Go into Lamp - Very cheap, I was about to die from tower then I used it and was safe. Nice idea though
Ulti - Quite useless, it should effect you al least

Get rid of the attrbiute bonus and give the heros a passive ability!


Nice, need a teleport boots thing. Boots need to be cheaper so people can go to their lanes faster. I got an artifact recepie, couldn't find the shop where the items were.


You need a -wtf mode, -wtf is spells have no cooldown or manacost, simple trigger can do this.

Sorry if this seems a bit hard on you but i'm just posting what I think.


Lex Luthor!
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No no, comments welcome! I hope rebuttles are too.

Beautiful except I can't get to the corners, towers and placed in highly unconvient places.
Take a boat. There are Ship Shops located on either end of the river. The top left corner is only accessable via the -duel command, as it is the duel pit. I need the towers to be accessable by melee fighters on all sides. Save from widening the paths at those locations significantly, what more can be done that wont make them too protected from melees?

I player on the side with the Riflemen and Satyrs, this was solo btw, and the other side's units pushed much more and I kept hearing "Our allies town is under attack"
There's a slight degree of randomness, due to the damage dice rolls, but one of my earliest tests was to let the game run for four hours without any player intervention to prove, conclusively, that neither side was unbalanced. Indeed, neither team made significant headway over the other. I can re-run this again, though, just to be sure.

Phoenix - Quite a simple ability, I suggest making it do more. Also the fact that you have to wait till lvl 10 to get your ultis is really anoying, I suggest you have one at lvl 6 and one at lvl 11.
(I forget name but you atked to gain mana) - Nice except your useing the accualy Slience buff.
(Forget this one too but it was a target damage or something) - Make this AOE or a nice multi target effect.
Lots of people expect the Ulti at level 6. I guess thats how DotA does it? I dont play DotA, so I dont know. As it is, though, damages are balanced for levels 10/16. Rebalancing for 6/11 would make them weaker, and significantly less useful in long games, which is what I tried to avoid.
Phoenix - A very simple ability indeed. However, as for making it do more, I cant disagree more. Phoenix is already on the edge of being "imbalanced" strong. Flying, AoE immolation, Phoenix fire, normal attack, +500 extra HP deals even more damage than I think I prefer. Anything extra would simply be madness.
Focus - I'll get rid of that silly silence buff icon. ;) Thx.
Mental Strain - Has already been "rebalanced" three times, due to its inordinate strength. Its low cost and cooldown paired with its ability to quickly sap mana (and health) makes it a bitch to play against if you're any sort of caster character. Making it AoE or multi-target would, again, imbalance her in favour of too strong. I cant imagine a single character draining, say, up to 2400 mana from a group of assaulting heroes. You'd reduce them all to merely spell-less grunts in a single blow. :-/

Wish - Loved this, very fun to use, earth quake should do damage though
Giant - This was fun, make the guy get bigger though
Go into Lamp - Very cheap, I was about to die from tower then I used it and was safe. Nice idea though
Ulti - Quite useless, it should effect you al least
Earthquake - in trying to stay in theme with Disney's Genie of the lamp, I didnt want any of the wishes to directly hurt anyone. (Rememer the rule? I cant kill anyone, or bring anyone back from the dead.) I know I've used a bit of poetic license with past characters, but I'm trying to stay recognizably true.
Giant - A few % bigger wouldnt hurt, would it? ;)
Return to the Lamp - Yeah, it is cheap. :-/ I'm trying to find a way to balance it out. Any ideas?
Ulti (Semi Phenominal Nearly Cosmic Powers) - Like Legolas' ulti, this is an indirect ability not designed to help the caster, but rather the caster's team. In a solo game, if you use the Ulti once, your creeps will, that wave, push through the first line of towers without assistance. Genie always was a team player, right? :cool:

Get rid of the attrbiute bonus and give the heros a passive ability!
For some heroes, we were hard pressed to come up with FOUR abilities, let alone five! My creative genius has its ends. :) If I had the resources, I probably would, but simply put: I dont. :(

I got an artifact recepie, couldn't find the shop where the items were.
I dont quite understand this one. Artifacts dont have recipes. Tier 1 shops are located in town, Tier 2 just outside town, and Tier 3 at the ends of the river. (I was told that dota puts all theirs in town. What can I say? I'm not dota. :)) Artifacts are sold by the Artifact Hunter who travels the map setting up his shanty town and selling his wares.

Hope this covers most of it. :) I really have put a lot of thought and effort into this game, so most of these things I've already considered, but I always need comments and opinions from players, even when they contradict my own. "I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me. -- Dudley Malone


Everything is mutable; nothing is sacred
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The beast master, it was up at the top and had the word recepie at the end. I don't think I found the level 3 shop.
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