System VoteOwn


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What is VoteOwn?
Well, when I was experimenting with dialogs for another system (I never used them before...they're ugly..) I noticed an oddity. If I created a dialog and set a title, but didn't add any buttons, then showed it to myself, there was no way to close the dialog or otherwise circumvent it! It seems the only way to escape a no-button dialog is to quit the game. Naturally, I decided to abuse this and VoteOwn was born.

What does it do?
It's basically a votekick system, but instead of kicking a person, it "owns" them, by displaying to them a no-button dialog. That doesn't seem like much, but as far as I can tell the only way to remove it is to exit Warcraft III. Therefore, not only are you possibly confusing the poor noob, you're also causing him to leave the game, and actually quit Warcraft III. Ownage!

How do I use it?
Paste it into your map. Configure the variables you'd like (or don't, it's play-ready as is). That's it :)

(crappy quality due to MS Paint JPEG compression and photobucket)
Other stuff:
First let me say that this was to me mostly just a joke and a practice with dialogs (which are now #1 on my hatelist). So as a result, I didn't put in that extra love and care when writing this, and you'll notice it if you look at the code. But, it does work, although I'm not sure if there are any bugs yet, it's not exactly easy to test a voting system by yourself.

But, I decided to fix it up and post it, if anyone wants to use it. I might fix any minor bugs you point out, but I don't plan on updating or expanding this unless people actually take an interest in it.

A couple features of this system were disabled/removed due to a strange bug I encountered when using timers along with dialogs. For some weird reason, timers randomly stop functioning when working with dialogs. But, comment the lines dealing with dialogs and poof! the timer works again. If anyone has an explanation for this, please share it (or if I'm being stupid, point it out).

Blah, blah, blah...where's the code?

library VoteOwn initializer Init
// by quraji, Master Ownerer    

    //  Configurables
        private constant string VoteOwn_Command = "-vo"
        private constant real Vote_Threshold = .66 // percent of people that need to vote for owning the noob, to own the noob
        private constant boolean Repent_Allow = true // allow the noob to repent (give him a second chance, next time only half the threshold number of votes are required)
        private constant real Vote_Time = 10. // the time to vote (vote auto-ends once time runs out)        
        private constant real Repentance_Time = 1. // the time the player has to repent (defaults to No if the player doesn't respond in this time)
        private constant real NoVote_Time = 10. // the time after a vote session that no votes may be issued.
        public boolean VoteOwn_Allow = true // the public global you may set as you wish, false means no voting allowed
    //  Message Constants
        private constant string VoteOwn_NotAllowed = "VoteOwning is not allowed at this time." // message to display if VoteOwning is turned off and someone tries to VoteOwn
        // OWNED!
        private constant string Owned_Colour = "|cffff00e0" // a nice pretty pink to put the noob in his place
        private constant string Owned_Message = Owned_Colour + "OWNED!" + "|r" // message to impart upon the noob
        // OWNED!
        private constant string ToNoob_Safe = ""  // if the player is not voted to get owned, display this message to them
        private constant string ToNoob_Unsafe = "" // if the player is voted to get owned, display this to them
        private constant string ToPlayers_VoteFail = "" // message to show players if the vote fails
        private constant string ToPlayers_VoteSuccess = "" // message to show players if vote is a success
        private constant string ToPlayers_RepentStart = "" // message to show players if the player is given option to repent
        private constant string ToPlayers_RepentYes = "" // message to show players if the player repents
        private constant string ToPlayers_RepentNo = "" // message to show if player does not repent
        private constant string Title_Colour = "|cffc8b9b6" // easy on the eyes
        private constant string VoteStart_Title = Title_Colour + "Who's the noob?" + "|r" // I don't think the colour will carry but return just to be safe
        private constant string VoteStart_NoVote = "|cffffffffNevermind|r"
        private constant string Vote_Title = "" // auto-assigns a title if this is "", recommended to leave it
        private constant string Vote_Yes = "|cffffffffYay|r"
        private constant string Vote_No = "|cffffffffNay|r"
        private constant string Vote_NoVote = "|cffbAbAbANo Vote|r"
        private constant string Repent_Title = Title_Colour + "You have been found guilty |nof Noobdom! Will you repent?" // remember to use a linebreak (|n) if your message is too long or the text
                                                                                                                        // will spill over the sides of the dialog box, making it even uglier than it is
        private constant string Repent_Yes = "|cffffffffI repent!|r"
        private constant string Repent_No = "|cffbAbAbANever!|r"
    //  Dialogs
        private dialog Punisher = DialogCreate()
        private dialog Dialog_VoteStart = DialogCreate()
        private button array VoteStart_Buttons [13]
        private dialog Dialog_Vote = DialogCreate()
        private button array Vote_Buttons [3]
        private dialog Dialog_Repent = DialogCreate()
        private button array Repent_Buttons [2]
    //  Other Stuff
        private string array PlayerColours [12]
        private trigger VoteStart_Trig = CreateTrigger()
        private trigger Vote_Trig = CreateTrigger()
        private trigger Repent_Trig = CreateTrigger()
        private player CurrentNoob
        private player CurrentOwnerer
        private boolean array HasRepented [12]
        private integer CurrentVotes = 0 // number of votes collected
        private integer VotesFor = 0 // number of votes for owning the noob
        private timer Vote_Timer = CreateTimer()
        private boolean AllowVoting = true
        private boolean VoteInProgress = false

    private function PunishNoob takes nothing returns nothing       
        call DialogSetMessage(Punisher, Owned_Message)
        call DialogDisplay(CurrentNoob, Punisher, true)
    private function AllowVoting_Flip takes nothing returns nothing
        set AllowVoting = not AllowVoting
    private function Repent_Response takes nothing returns nothing
        local button b = GetClickedButton()
        local string s
        local string t = PlayerColours[GetPlayerId(CurrentNoob)] + GetPlayerName(CurrentNoob) + "|r"
        if b == Repent_Buttons[0] then
            set s = ToPlayers_RepentYes
            // ToPlayers_RepentYes isn't set, auto-assign
            if s == "" then
                set s = t + " has repented, and forsaken the path of noobdom. Punishment will come swiftly if he falls astray once again."
            // remember that the player has repented
            set HasRepented[GetPlayerId(CurrentNoob)] = true
            set s = ToPlayers_RepentNo
            // ToPlayers_RepentNo isn't set, auto-assign
            if s == "" then
                set s = t + " refused to confess to his sins and repent. He will be punished!"
            call PunishNoob()
        set b = null
        call TimerStart(Vote_Timer, NoVote_Time, false, function AllowVoting_Flip)
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 10., s)

    private function Vote_End takes nothing returns nothing
        local string s = " "
        local string t
        local string c = PlayerColours[GetPlayerId(CurrentNoob)]
        call PauseTimer(Vote_Timer)
        // remove the dialogs, in case someone didn't vote
        call DialogDisplay(GetLocalPlayer(), Dialog_Vote, false)
        // if not enough people voted yes (remember to add the starting voter's vote)
        if ((VotesFor+1) / (CurrentVotes+1) < Vote_Threshold) or (HasRepented[GetPlayerId(CurrentNoob)] and ((VotesFor+1)*2) / (CurrentVotes + 1) < Vote_Threshold) then
            set s = ToNoob_Safe
            // ToNoob_Safe isn't set, auto-assign
            if s == "" then
                set s = c + "You|r are safe...for now."
            set t = ToPlayers_VoteFail
            // ToPlayersFail isn't set, auto-assign
            if t == "" then
                set t = "Voting has concluded, and the result is rather boring. " + c + GetPlayerName(CurrentNoob) + "|r was not voted a noob, lucky him."
            call TimerStart(Vote_Timer, NoVote_Time, false, function AllowVoting_Flip)
            if Repent_Allow and HasRepented[GetPlayerId(CurrentNoob)] == false then
                set t = ToPlayers_RepentStart
                // ToPlayers_RepentStart isn't set, auto-assign
                if t == "" then
                    set t = c + GetPlayerName(CurrentNoob) + "|r was voted a noob...but we are merciful, and give him the choice to repent..."
                call DialogSetMessage(Dialog_Repent, Repent_Title)
                call DialogDisplay(CurrentNoob, Dialog_Repent, true)
                set s = ToNoob_Unsafe
                // ToNoob_Unsafe isn't set, auto-assign
                if s == "" then
                    set s = c + "You|r are the weakest link, goodbye!"
                set t = ToPlayers_VoteSuccess
                // ToPlayers_Success isn't set, auto-assign
                if t == "" then
                    set t = "The people have spoken. " + c + GetPlayerName(CurrentNoob) + "|r is a noob, and will be punished!"
                call PunishNoob()
                call TimerStart(Vote_Timer, NoVote_Time, false, function AllowVoting_Flip)
        set VoteInProgress = false
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 10., t)
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(CurrentNoob, 0., 0., 8., s)
    private function Vote_Response takes nothing returns nothing
        local button b = GetClickedButton()
        local integer i = 0
        local integer j = 0
        // player clicked NoVote, exit
        if b == Vote_Buttons[2] then
        // player clicked Yes, increment number of votes for owning
        elseif b == Vote_Buttons[0] then
            set VotesFor = VotesFor + 1
        set b = null
        // increment number of votes
        set CurrentVotes = CurrentVotes + 1
        // count active players
          exitwhen i == 12
            if GetPlayerSlotState(Player(i)) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING then
                set j = j + 1
            set i = i + 1
        //if all players (minus the starter and noob) have voted, end the vote
        if CurrentVotes == j then//-2 then
            call Vote_End()
    private function VoteStart_Response takes nothing returns nothing
        local button b = GetClickedButton()
        local integer i = 0
        local integer j = 0
        local string s
        local player p = GetLocalPlayer()
        // player clicked the NoVote button, so exit
        if b == VoteStart_Buttons[13] then
            set AllowVoting = true
        // player is trying to be a smartass and vote for himself
        elseif false then //b == VoteStart_Buttons[GetPlayerId(CurrentOwnerer)] then
            call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(CurrentOwnerer, 0., 0., 6., "Don't be a smartass.")
            set AllowVoting = true
        set VoteInProgress = true
        set CurrentVotes = 0
        set VotesFor = 0
          exitwhen i == 12
            if b == VoteStart_Buttons<i> then
                set CurrentNoob = Player(i)
                set j = i
            set i = i + 1
        set b = null
        set s = Vote_Title
        // Vote_Title isn&#039;t set, auto-assign
        if s == &quot;&quot; then
            set s = Title_Colour + &quot;Is|r &quot; + PlayerColours[j] + GetPlayerName(CurrentNoob) + &quot;|r&quot; + Title_Colour + &quot;|n a noob?|r&quot;
        call DialogSetMessage(Dialog_Vote, s)
        //only display the voting dialog to people who aren&#039;t the noob/ownerer
        //if p != CurrentNoob and p != CurrentOwnerer then
            call DialogDisplay(p, Dialog_Vote, true)
        set p = null
        // add a timer to automatically end the vote, in case players are sleeping
        call TimerStart(Vote_Timer, Vote_Time, false, function Vote_End)
    private function PlayerEnteredCommand takes nothing returns nothing
        local string s
        if VoteOwn_Allow == true and AllowVoting == true then
            set CurrentOwnerer = GetTriggerPlayer()
            set AllowVoting = false
            call DialogSetMessage(Dialog_VoteStart, VoteStart_Title) // set dialog title here because it doesn&#039;t like being set at map init
            call DialogDisplay(CurrentOwnerer, Dialog_VoteStart, true)
        elseif VoteInProgress then
            call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetTriggerPlayer(), 0., 0., &quot;A vote is already in progress!&quot;)
        elseif AllowVoting == false then
            set s = I2S(R2I(TimerGetRemaining(Vote_Timer)))
            call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetTriggerPlayer(), 0., 0., &quot;VoteOwning is disabled temporarily, please wait &quot; + s + &quot; seconds, and try again.&quot;)
            call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetTriggerPlayer(), 0., 0., VoteOwn_NotAllowed)
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        local integer i = 0
        local integer j = 0
        local string s
          exitwhen i == 12
            call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(t, Player(i), VoteOwn_Command, true)
            set i = i + 1
        call TriggerAddAction(t, function PlayerEnteredCommand)
        set t = null
        // PlayerColours setup
        set PlayerColours[0] = &quot;|cffff0000&quot;  //  red
        set PlayerColours[1] = &quot;|cff0000ff&quot;  //  blue
        set PlayerColours[2] = &quot;|cff00ffff&quot;  //  cyan
        set PlayerColours[3] = &quot;|cff551a8b&quot;  //  purple
        set PlayerColours[4] = &quot;|cffffff00&quot;  //  yellow
        set PlayerColours[5] = &quot;|cffffa500&quot;  //  orange
        set PlayerColours[6] = &quot;|cff00ff00&quot;  //  green
        set PlayerColours[7] = &quot;|cffff00ff&quot;  //  magenta
        set PlayerColours[8] = &quot;|cffbebebe&quot;  //  grey (anyone who says &quot;It&#039;s spelled gray!&quot; is getting slapped, they&#039;re both acceptable)
        set PlayerColours[9] = &quot;|cff00bfff&quot;  //  light blue
        set PlayerColours[10] = &quot;|cff006400&quot; //  dark green
        set PlayerColours[11] = &quot;|cff8b2323&quot; //  brown
        //  end PlayerColours setup
          exitwhen j == 12
            if GetPlayerSlotState(Player(j)) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING then
                set s = PlayerColours[j] + GetPlayerName(Player(j)) + &quot;|r&quot;
                set VoteStart_Buttons[j] = DialogAddButton(Dialog_VoteStart, s, 0)
            set j = j + 1
        set VoteStart_Buttons[13] = DialogAddButton(Dialog_VoteStart, VoteStart_NoVote, 0)
        // Dialog_Vote buttons
        set Vote_Buttons[0] = DialogAddButton(Dialog_Vote, Vote_Yes, 0)
        set Vote_Buttons[1] = DialogAddButton(Dialog_Vote, Vote_No, 0)
        set Vote_Buttons[2] = DialogAddButton(Dialog_Vote, Vote_NoVote, 0)
        // Dialog_Repent buttons
        set Repent_Buttons[0] = DialogAddButton(Dialog_Repent, Repent_Yes, 0)
        set Repent_Buttons[1] = DialogAddButton(Dialog_Repent, Repent_No, 0)
        // VoteStart_Trig Setup
        call TriggerRegisterDialogEvent(VoteStart_Trig, Dialog_VoteStart)
        call TriggerAddAction(VoteStart_Trig, function VoteStart_Response)
        // Vote_Trig Setup
        call TriggerRegisterDialogEvent(Vote_Trig, Dialog_Vote)
        call TriggerAddAction(Vote_Trig, function Vote_Response)
        // Repent_Trig Setup
        call TriggerRegisterDialogEvent(Repent_Trig, Dialog_Repent)
        call TriggerAddAction(Repent_Trig, function Repent_Response)

Change it, mod it, burn it, sacrifice it to your pagan god, I don't care.
Hopefully someone will find this amusing :thup:

Disclaimer: I am not the morality police. I made the system to abuse a (possible) bug, it's up to you to use it! ;)

(a demo map is kind of pointless for this)


So many apples
Reaction score
This is pretty interesting... I just can't resist to use this xD
YOu know a noob is playing... And suddenly he/she gets a message: "Omg you damn ******* Noob, etc"
You know, at this point he or she will think "What the f*ck?" xD
I'd realy like to see the expression on his/her face xD

BTW, can you kick the Host, too?


So many apples
Reaction score
No, because this system doesn't kick people :p

But yes, anyone in the game can be "owned" if someone starts a VoteOwn for them and enough people vote "yes".

Well if Host disconnects, then the Game disconnects, right? :S


Reaction score
Doesn't it assign a new host? I don't play much :p

Well then everyone gets punished for owning the host ;)
(if this does become a problem I can easily fix it)


if (OP.statement == false) postCount++;
Reaction score
1: Check out Cohadar's dialog system
2: Putting people in cinematic mode with no control does exactly the same thing. (They have to ALT+F4)
3. Usefulness? Posting systems or snippets on how to lock someone's WC3 gameplay instead of just kicking them doesn't quite fit in the concept of TH imo.
--> If you want to do more than "just" kick someone, develop something for it, but keep it away from the public.


Reaction score
1: Check out Cohadar's dialog system
2: Putting people in cinematic mode with no control does exactly the same thing. (They have to ALT+F4)
3. Usefulness? Posting systems or snippets on how to lock someone's WC3 gameplay instead of just kicking them doesn't quite fit in the concept of TH imo.
--> If you want to do more than "just" kick someone, develop something for it, but keep it away from the public.

1. Can't find it, link?

2. Cool

3a. I never made a claim of it being useful :p
3b. Read my disclaimer :thup:


Stops copies me!
Reaction score
Interesting(?) idea. The whole concept begs for a "you mean b*st*rd" :p

Would be fun to see it put into action (preferably not against me :D)

I'm curious about 1 thing in the code
"OWNED!" + "|r"
"Who's the noob?" + "|r"
(there are more examples, I can't be bothered CnP'ing them right now

You're concatenating the main text and the |r in the first two, but not in the last - any particular reason for that?


Reaction score
You're concatenating the main text and the |r in the first two, but not in the last - any particular reason for that?

I don't think so.
There was maybe some half-baked reason I did it at the time, because I was half sleeping or something ;)


Super Moderator
Reaction score
Interesting, I still prefer my method of 'owning'
I don't add it as anything people can cause though, It's a trigger which runs at map init so people I don't like can't play xD

It goes into cinematic mode (So they have to close) AND, makes 10 fade filters of completely random colours flash on the screen every second. (One every 0.1 seconds)

Dialogs look nicer than cinematic mode though. =]


Reaction score
Interesting, I still prefer my method of 'owning'
I don't add it as anything people can cause though, It's a trigger which runs at map init so people I don't like can't play xD

It goes into cinematic mode (So they have to close) AND, makes 10 fade filters of completely random colours flash on the screen every second. (One every 0.1 seconds)

Dialogs look nicer than cinematic mode though. =]

Nice :thup:

I was going to do something like that with fade filters but I thought to myself "Nah...I'd rather not be blamed for someone getting an epileptic seizure." :p


Throwing science at the wall to see what sticks
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public boolean VoteOwn_Allow = true // the public global you may set as you wish, false means no voting allowed

As that is right now, we would need to type
set VoteOwn_VoteOwn_Allow = false

to change it. Why not simply make it
public boolean Allow = true // the public global you may set as you wish, false means no voting allowed

The "public" prefix changes the variable name to LibraryName_VariableName, no need to add VoteOwn_ yourself.
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    Signatures can be edit in your account profile. As for the old stuffs, I'm thinking it's because Blizzard is now under Microsoft, and because of Microsoft Xbox going the way it is, it's dreadful.
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    Crazy how much 3d printing has come in the last few years. Sad that it's not as easily modifiable though
  • Varine Varine:
    I bought an Ender 3 during the pandemic and tinkered with it all the time. Just bought a Sovol, not as easy. I'm trying to make it use a different nozzle because I have a fuck ton of Volcanos, and they use what is basically a modified volcano that is just a smidge longer, and almost every part on this thing needs to be redone to make it work
  • Varine Varine:
    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
  • Varine Varine:
    So, 2.5mm longer. But the thing that measures the bed is about 1.5mm above the nozzle, so if I swap it with a volcano then I'm 1mm behind it. So cool, new bracket to swap that, but THEN the fan shroud to direct air at the part is ALSO going to be .5mm to low, and so I need to redo that, but by doing that it is a little bit off where it should be blowing and it's throwing it at the heating block instead of the part, and fuck man
  • Varine Varine:
    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
  • Varine Varine:
    Can't just buy a new heatblock, you need to get a whole hotend - so block, heater cartridge, thermistor, heatbreak, and nozzle. And they put this fucking paste in there so I can't take the thermistor or cartridge out with any ease, that's 30 dollars. Or you can get the whole extrudor with the direct driver AND that heatblock for like 50, but you still can't get any of it to come apart
  • Varine Varine:
    Partsbuilt has individual parts I found but they're expensive. I think I can get bits swapped around and make this work with generic shit though
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