Warcraft 4: The Awakening - |Map of the Week #10|

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The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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Hmm...nobody's posted here for awhile. Anyways, I remember this
And while cruising around the internet I found this:
These are games with references to 2012, any similarities? Oh yeah, and wasn't Warcraft released in 2002? 10 years later from the undead coming would be 2012, but that might just be a coincidence.

Your very close :) Good find. Sorry for no comments. Mostly because of Homework (god they give you so much now!) and social life with my family and stuff. But If I have the time I will continue later on but I don't think much will be done till the next holidays for me. Although, if you do not mind I will release the update early but it will have less then first thought.


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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If you still are in need of artwork, icons, loadscreens etc. I could probably do a few ;)


Wow that would be great, if you could do any artwork or Loading screens that would really be awesome. If your up for the task I'll give you more information later.

I'm sure most of us are glad for any update since its been quite awhile.

Very well, I shall update it soon enough. Stick around guys! :)


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First thing I notice when I click the undead spoiler is "10 years of eternal slumber."

From dictionary.com:
1. without beginning or end; lasting forever; always existing (opposed to temporal ): eternal life.
2. perpetual; ceaseless; endless: eternal quarreling; eternal chatter.
3. enduring; immutable: eternal principles.

By the way, looks cool!


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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First thing I notice when I click the undead spoiler is "10 years of eternal slumber."

From dictionary.com:
1. without beginning or end; lasting forever; always existing (opposed to temporal ): eternal life.
2. perpetual; ceaseless; endless: eternal quarreling; eternal chatter.
3. enduring; immutable: eternal principles.

By the way, looks cool!

Hmm, well not that it matters much. I'm sure eternal can mean many things other then that, like deep (so a deep slumber) but I may be wrong.


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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Change it to frozen slumber? Not that it matters much, but aesthetics are important.

Well when I wrote eternal, I thought it meant unaltered. Is this true? An Unaltered Slumber would make sense, and I'm sure that means it can be altered afterwards. BTW on the update it's nearly done just doing the finishing touches.


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Hmm, if that "has" to be changed I think the first undead mission text should be changed aswell:

The Undead have been sleeping for ten years now. The new Lich King, combined with the Death Knight Arthas, has been frozen to the Frozen Throne and the Alliance thinks the Undead have vanished or retreated. Some still think that the Undead are alive, waiting to attack on the Lich Kings orders. These people know the Undead can’t of retreated when they were already victorious. But what they do not know is that the Undead are secretly building up a massive weapon, and it is only just beginning to form in Northrend.

has been frozen to the frozen throne sounds repetative, try frozen to his throne.

Undead are alive, although correct, it does sound a bit odd, I have no suggestions here though but you might want to think of rephrasing that part.

Added to above you say the Alliance thinks the Undead have vanished of retreated also kinda repetative, cut out retreated as you say some think they are alive afterwards.

the Undead can't of retreated, what? can't have retreated? or just can't retreat as they were already victorious. Which also sounds off since victory for the scourge would be the death of all living.

Sorry if these sound as complaints, I assure you they are not, it sounds like an awesome campaing, I'll have the images for you tomorrow ;)


PS: As for the eternal, why does it it have to be anything relating to time?, why not just dark sleep or something like that.


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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Mini Update!

Once again another Update (or in this case Mini Update) is here. Unfortunetly due to time loss the Big update is not finished yet but for now I believe this is good enough until it is finished. First I would like to introduce you to another section of the front page, Morns Journal! Morns Journal is a section where Morn, a dwarf, describes what he has encountered on his journeys. The first part of Morns Journal is Week 1, Day 1 and 2, but there will be more Weeks and Days describing his life and the lore of Warcraft 4: The Awakening.

Morns Journal

Hello reader, this is the Journal of Morn. If you do not know, Morn is of Dwarven origin from the deep caves of Azeroth. He was born in a cave named Helthunduen (the name was inspired by Hells Thunder) where his mother, Jaldeen, had died moments after Morns birth. Morn has encountered many creatures in the past years, and his Journal has been lost after many years of wear and tear. I so happened to have found this Journal of his and I have used his secrets to my advantage. Unfortunately I am no longer as young as I used to be and I will die very soon. I have left this Journal in this tomb you have encountered in hope his secrets will pass on through the ages. His secrets are in here; take care of them, oh mighty reader.


Week 1, Day 1:

Today I will be travelling to the Alliances side, the Humans have fallen hard and their impending doom is upon them. Luckily for them us Dwarves have kept by their side all these years. I have to get to a camp in the Mountains nearby my clans tunnels, and if I succeeded, I will send reinforcements back and hopefully save the Humans from extiction.

I have got to the base of the Mountains forest, I fear this will be a long and chilling climb.

I have camped some miles further into the forest and it is now dark, I will rest until tomorrow and regain my energy.

Week 1, Day 2:

I have woken up just now and encountered a mighty beast of great proportions. It was of a slender shape; its head was large and looked unreal. Wings of white color protruded from its back and had a misty translucent glow. The creature had six milky colored eyes, as if it was blind, and dozens of sharp long teeth hung from its fleshy gum. Saliva dripped from it’s darkened lips and beads of blood seemed to be flowing through it. I did not have enough time to study its features any longer though, and I only barely succeeded in slaying the beast. The beast did bring me some awful tidings though, whether they meant anything or not, they did unsettle me. The beast said "“You pathetic creature, you know so little of this worlds fate yet you try kill me as if it will do Azeroth any difference!”.

I have buried the beast I slew earlier in a ditch to fend away scavengers. I have grew hungry the past two days, I am no hunter, nor a butcher, but luckily for me I brought with me some Deer to battle my hunger.

I have set up another tent for me to sleep in, I am worried about the beasts tidings...

Ahh I know what you are thinking, very short days, but most of this is to describe creatures in Azeroth and to further the setting of the Human campaign. I would like to write more about it, but I'm not a very good 1st person point of view writer. :D

You may have also noticed the new Logo, thankfully GooS has offered to create the Logo and help out with Artwork, UI's, and anything Artistict. This will not be the final Logo, as of now some things like "The Awakening" are crowded together and GooS has stated the new one will be ready by tomorrow, but for now it is fine, +rep to GooS for that :thup:

Now this is the final two sections I would like to release: the Creep section and Critter section. These sections will explain about the new Creeps and Critters and their personality and A.I. They are now up on the front page with one creature in each.

Warcraft 4: The Awakening Front Page

I hope you have all enjoyed this Mini Update, although quite small, It allows for larger updates in the future (like further development of Morns Journal and the Creeps and Critters sections).

P.S if you are wondering, no this is NOT the big update. Just a mini update until the big one finishes.


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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Hmm, if that "has" to be changed I think the first undead mission text should be changed aswell:

has been frozen to the frozen throne sounds repetative, try frozen to his throne.

Undead are alive, although correct, it does sound a bit odd, I have no suggestions here though but you might want to think of rephrasing that part.

Added to above you say the Alliance thinks the Undead have vanished of retreated also kinda repetative, cut out retreated as you say some think they are alive afterwards.

the Undead can't of retreated, what? can't have retreated? or just can't retreat as they were already victorious. Which also sounds off since victory for the scourge would be the death of all living.

Sorry if these sound as complaints, I assure you they are not, it sounds like an awesome campaing, I'll have the images for you tomorrow ;)


PS: As for the eternal, why does it it have to be anything relating to time?, why not just dark sleep or something like that.

Sorry for double post :(

Ahh thanks GooS, I'll try fix them when I can. Also on the victory of the Scourge thing, I meant they were on the brink of Victory but the Undead instead "retreated" and has been sleeping for a decade. I look forward to those images, I'll try send that drawing to you as soon as I get my scanner running.


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Damn, that logo looks great, although you are right, it does need a few touch ups. I like the Morn's Journal thing, sorta reminds me of Deckard Cain's journal on the Diablo III page, which is good for lore background.


Type: Creep, selectable.

Wolves are like any Creep wolf you’ve seen in Warcraft 3, but their furs change colour according to the weather.

Wolves really make you think more about scouting and thinking twice about leaving your peons alone in the wilderness.

Wolves move around in packs and like to have a nice meal. Wolves will not flee at a combat units site, but if they attack they will run. If they see a lonely worker walking nearby, they will gang up on the worker and kill it. This makes you think twice about scouting without some protection.

I dig that too, anti-scout creeps are a pretty good idea. Since they're wolves with animal senses and all that, will they be able to see invisible units? Seems like they'd have a shadowmeld sort of ability too.


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king use the link as you got it from my website and you wont get that ugly white background :p

(This one: http://www.goos.se/Awakening/AwakeLogo.gif)

And I'll look over the logo in a moment ;)

Edit: Here's a new try where I moved the "The Awakening" text slightly down, added som drop background to it and with the text moved the "IV" also became clearer, also changed the color so it's a bit more intense.


In comparisson:




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Type: Creep, selectable.

Wolves are like any Creep wolf you’ve seen in Warcraft 3, but their furs change colour according to the weather.

Wolves really make you think more about scouting and thinking twice about leaving your peons alone in the wilderness.

Wolves move around in packs and like to have a nice meal. Wolves will not flee at a combat units site, but if they attack they will run. If they see a lonely worker walking nearby, they will gang up on the worker and kill it. This makes you think twice about scouting without some protection.
You should make so the wolves use teamwork like hyenas :)
So like when they see a worker and they are like 4 - 6 wolfs they split up and attack from different paths or when a peon is fleeing some wolfs split up and ambushes the peon a little further down the map =) Just an idea would be cool if you used it :)


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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king use the link as you got it from my website and you wont get that ugly white background :p

(This one: http://www.goos.se/Awakening/AwakeLogo.gif)

And I'll look over the logo in a moment ;)

Edit: Here's a new try where I moved the "The Awakening" text slightly down, added som drop background to it and with the text moved the "IV" also became clearer, also changed the color so it's a bit more intense.


In comparisson:



That looks really good, but could you make the "The Awakening" part as the previous gold colour? It still seems a little blended in at the back there, so with the old gold colour it may stand out a little more. Apart from that it looks really great so far, sorry if it's a hassle to fix up :(. I wish I could repay you :D

You should make so the wolves use teamwork like hyenas
So like when they see a worker and they are like 4 - 6 wolfs they split up and attack from different paths or when a peon is fleeing some wolfs split up and ambushes the peon a little further down the map =) Just an idea would be cool if you used it

Infact that is what they do, just imagine the Wolves like a REAL pack of Wolves looking to pick off any meat they can.

Damn, that logo looks great, although you are right, it does need a few touch ups. I like the Morn's Journal thing, sorta reminds me of Deckard Cain's journal on the Diablo III page, which is good for lore background.

Indeed the logo does look great, +rep GooS for the awesome artwork :thup: I never actually thought about that, but when you mention it, it is very much the same. Me and Wc3shady will probably over hall it and fix it but for now it is fine.

I dig that too, anti-scout creeps are a pretty good idea. Since they're wolves with animal senses and all that, will they be able to see invisible units? Seems like they'd have a shadowmeld sort of ability too.

I'm not sure. It would be pretty cool, but think about it. What worker is invisible? They only attack Workers and flee from attacking Warriors, so the Wolves being able to detect them is not really necessary. Although, a shadowmeld ability would be really cool and sneeky. Perhaps I could give them to lone Wolves.


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I'm not sure. It would be pretty cool, but think about it. What worker is invisible? They only attack Workers and flee from attacking Warriors, so the Wolves being able to detect them is not really necessary. Although, a shadowmeld ability would be really cool and sneeky. Perhaps I could give them to lone Wolves.
Oh...they only attack workers, I thought they attacked lone units in general, like shades, that's why I asked.


The Edge of Eternity is upon us.
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Oh...they only attack workers, I thought they attacked lone units in general, like shades, that's why I asked.

Well Wolves were supposed to be Anti-scouting for the beggining of the game, they can even be Anti-expanding. But perhaps I could think of a new Creep that hunts down only Invisible units.


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Well Wolves were supposed to be Anti-scouting for the beggining of the game, they can even be Anti-expanding. But perhaps I could think of a new Creep that hunts down only Invisible units.
Maybe a snake or something? They don't need eyes...they can smell things. Or better yet, some sort of spider, they've got eight eyes and one of them's gotta be able to see invisible units.
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