Your Tips for making Gold?


Local Lurker
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So at the moment, me and a friend are trying to farm 1600 gold together for Epic Mounts. We decided we'd buy our mounts together because we didnt want one to have one and the other not :eek:.

So, today we just got our first 800. Now... We need another 800...

So, I was wondering what you do/did to make gold for items/mounts etc.

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Here are some from me;


-Ironweb Spider Silk:

-Level 45-60

This can be done in Western Plaugelands, Searing Gorge or Silithus. Ive only done it in WPL and SG. Anyway, in WPL bewteen Tirifal Glades and WPL there are level 50ish Spiders. Every so often (about 5% drop rate) they will drop Ironweb Spider Silk. On my server I can sell 1 of these for up to 3g each! Lowish drop rate, but you will start to gather them eventually.
They also drop of the Lava Spiders in Searing Gorge and some in Silithus (dont know which).
Also, if you happen to go on a LBRS run, lots drop of the spiders in the Spider part.


-Level 50-60

Pretty self explanitory. Best place is probably Sorrow Hill in WPL (bit safer for Alliance than Horde). Just collect these in stacks of 20 and sell them off. I also reccomened finding someone to COD them to for a certain price via mail. Then you dont have to search through prices on AH.

Added by Mixmax2:

-And to add a little bit to the Rune Cloth it is also abundant in the level 50-51 mobs at Felstone Field. This one is alot safer for the Horde :D And you can find level 60 mages farming these guys for it.

-Level 60 Questing
-Level 60

At level 60 you are awarded Money instead of Experience for questing. Some easy-ish quests can offer a good penny. I dont do this much, but you might.

-AH Farming:
-Some gold to start off with

Just go search the Auction House for cheap reagents and stuff, and sell it expensive.. You can use different AddOns to make it easier to find good prices, and Auctioneer is a good one.
-The Bum

Added by DDRtists:
About the "AH Farming" idea.
56k Does it all the time. Yesterday, he went to the AH and bought all the linen cloth that was < 30 silver, and bought it and relisted it for around 55 silver.
He owned the whole linen stash, and people were forced to buy his. He sold most of it.

-Become a Herbalist or Miner:
-Getting the Herbalist or Mining Gatherer Profession

These profession were MADE for making quick gold, You can run around Arathi and Alterac and find Khadgars Whisker and Wintersbite by the stack, sell it in AH for quick 5g each, rinse and repeat, for mining , you can make anywhere from 50s-1g for a stack of COPPER, the lowest mining ore you can get!!! Run around Durotar or Dun Morough searching for copper(trust me, this will not be hard :p) get as much as you can, and make a quick 10g ^_^ If you spend atleast an hour doing this you can get anywhere from 60g-100g depending on how much you find :D

Added by Husky_003:
As a Miner myself, I found a good place to farm is Searing Gorge. Why? Mithril is Abundent (usually always sells pretty fast), Thorium is quite rare (note; you'll only find Small Thoriums here, no Rich ones), but does sell. You can also find Truesilver which is a good seller and a bit of Iron. You can also sell the stones that you mine with the Veins for a extra lil bit of cash.
But the real ting here is Dark Iron.

-Dark Iron
230 Mining

Dark Iron is quite Rare, but it is there and you will find it if you farm for awhile. I made 100 Dark Iron ore just from farming Searing Gorge. Please note that 8 Dark Iron makes 1 Bar, so if you wanna make 20bars, your going to have to around 150ish Ore.
To learn to smelt Dark Iron you have to go into BRD. You will need 20xGold Bar, 10xTruesilver Bar and 2xStar Ruby's for this quest!
It IS possible to solo this but you will have to have the Shadowforge Key. I did this quest with Me (as a Hunter) a Rogue friend, and a Druid for healing. To get this quest, go to Blackrock Mountain (BRM), take off your gear and jump in the Lava and die... Yes die. Now in Ghost Form, go along the chain to the island thing in the middle, go down and talk to a Ghost Dwarf who's standing on a Tomb.

He gives you the quest to kill Fineous Darkvale. Fineous, is just past Incendious, he patrols in the room ahead with all the Golem dudes. Kill him to get his IronFel then you have to go up near the arena and put it in a Statue. I pretty much Feign Death Ran most of this. You'll get the Key once you've done this. Now your going to have to Stealth/FD Run to the Grim Guzzler and past that. Your target Location is the Summoner's Tomb. Once safe and sound there, talk to Gloom'rel. He will ask you for a sacrifice, give him your Gold/Truesilver and Star Ruby's.

To smelt Dark Iron it can ONLY be done at the BLACK FORGE. This is at the very end of BRD, just before the portal to Molten Core. There's a little bridge crossing the Waterfall of Lava and there will be a Fire Elemental standing in front of the Forge. You can either kill him, or as a Hunter. Freeze Trap him, smelt 2-3 bars. Feign Death and repeat, no need to kill him. Once done, hearth out OR FD run into Molten Core, then walk out the portal and you will be back in BRM.

There is also a lot of Dark Iron in BRD and MC, aswell as Burning Steppes and of course, Searing Gorge. I farm Searing Gorge and Blackrock Depths (BRD) for it.

The point of these is Dark Iron sells for A LOT. I've seen a stack of 20bars on AH for 130-155g. I have 15 up atm, 10 up for 75g, and 5 for like 35g. Big Money Maker, but pretty time consuming and dangerous :p. I'm also going to make a small video of how to solo to the Black Forge/Solo MC Attuenment as a Hunter :), so look forward to that.

De-enchanting / Tailoring
-Enchanting + 30 Tailoring
-Higher Level recommended for Cloth farming.

Get alot of linen cloth
around 100 or so...
have your profession of tailoring (30) and make bolt of linen cloth
get some Coarse Thread.

Create around 20 or more Brown Linen Cloth Robe De-Enchant it. Notice the 120% on Strange Dust :) You will make around 20-40 strange dust. Sell it (20stack) in the auction for a good cheap price. People will go crazy and buy it from you. The best part is that you only spend around 6 silver max.

If you don't believe me, check my profile (23 gold) and only lvl 15

Added by Death_Phoeni:
Like Orc_Tamer said, this is a very effective way of making money, but if you go a bit higher, say to the woolen stuff (After you've done the linen for a bit so you got the money to buy the wool) you get the Lesser Magic Essence (or the blue shiny thing, forgot the name) and you put it in around 80s-1.5g depending on your server, and people buy it out within 24 hours, best of all: No deposit fee! So if it doesnt work, lower is 10-20s and try again! =D

Note: The effectiveness of this is dependant on your server, check with your nearest Auction House before attempting

And if you're doing Orc_Tamer's version, RFC is a Linen Storehouse for the Horde, not sure about Alliance though, DM's starts dropping wool so...

Grey Items

Do not underestimate the power of grey items, they sell for 1-30s at low levels, which is decent considering thats about as much as to sell some greens at that level, and when you get high, Grey items sell for about half a Gold each and since they're so common... Maybe 5-10g extra a day maybe more if you farm heaps.


Check back here every so often for more tips.

The Bum

-AH Farming:
-Some gold to start off with

Just go search the Auction House for cheap reagents and stuff, and sell it expensive.. You can use different AddOns to make it easier to find good prices, and Auctioneer is a good one.


Reaction score
-Become a Herbalist or Miner:
-Getting the Herbalist or Mining Gatherer Profession

These profession were MADE for making quick gold, You can run around Arathi and Alterac and find Khadgars Whisker and Wintersbite by the stack, sell it in AH for quick 5g each, rinse and repeat, for mining , you can make anywhere from 50s-1g for a stack of COPPER, the lowest mining ore you can get!!! Run around Durotar or Dun Morough searching for copper(trust me, this will not be hard :p) get as much as you can, and make a quick 10g ^_^ If you spend atleast an hour doing this you can get anywhere from 60g-100g depending on how much you find :D

-And to add a little bit to the Rune Cloth it is also abundant in the level 50-51 mobs at Felstone Field. This one is alot safer for the Horde :D And you can find level 60 mages farming these guys for it.


ɹoʇɐɹǝpoɯ ɹǝdns
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About the "AH Farming" idea.

56k Does it all the time. Yesterday, he went to the AH and bought all the linen cloth that was < 30 silver, and bought it and relisted it for around 55 silver.

He owned the whole linen stash, and people were forced to buy his. He sold most of it.


Mega Super Ultra Cool Member
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DDRtists said:
About the "AH Farming" idea.

56k Does it all the time. Yesterday, he went to the AH and bought all the linen cloth that was < 30 silver, and bought it and relisted it for around 55 silver.

He owned the whole linen stash, and people were forced to buy his. He sold most of it.

Im goin to do that lol I have around 80 silver since Conan and some of his friends hooked me up lol.


ɹoʇɐɹǝpoɯ ɹǝdns
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Orc_Tamer said:
Im goin to do that lol I have around 80 silver since Conan and some of his friends hooked me up lol.

You wont get anyware. :p

Anouther way:

Do a /who then type in mara as the location. Then, if there are any level 60 hunters in there, they are 90% of the time farmers, so send them a crappy green item with a like 30g COD price, and they cant read, so sometimes they accept it :cool:


It only does everything.
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I'v made 400-500g from AH Merchanting (which is AH Farming but I like calling it merchanting)


Local Lurker
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Thanks guys, i'll add all those to the OP. And Mixmax I was going to do the Miner thing, but I couldn't be bothered so i'll add my own lil bit :).

EDIT: Solo MC Attuenment (and getting to Black Forge Solo) Video is being Rendered by Vegas atm, i'll upload it and will have it up later tonight.


Dogs are fuzzy
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The extra special secret to making tons of money.

Get a HUGE amount of one type of cloth, like, 100+ total.

Sell them all on AH for like, 20s each. People will buy each one out. Randomly price one at 20 gold, and they're accidently buy it...

Can work with just about any stackable items.

I also like to farm a bunch of spiders silk, get a stack or two of Defense pots from a guildmae, and make a crap load of Toughened leather gloves, then sell them for about 3g 50s. Its really easy money, and they always sell on my server.


Mega Super Ultra Cool Member
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De-enchanting / Tailoring

Get alot of linen cloth
around 100 or so...
have your profession of tailoring (30) and make bolt of linen cloth
get some Coarse Thread.

Create around 20 or more Brown Linen Cloth Robe De-Enchant it. Notice the 120% on Strange Dust :) You will make around 20-40 strange dust. Sell it (20stack) in the auction for a good cheap price. People will go crazy and buy it from you. The best part is that you only spend around 6 silver max.

If you don't believe me, check my profile (23 gold) and only lvl 15



Like Orc_Tamer said, this is a very effective way of making money, but if you go a bit higher, say to the woolen stuff (After you've done the linen for a bit so you got the money to buy the wool) you get the Lesser Magic Essence (or the blue shiny thing, forgot the name) and you put it in around 80s-1.5g depending on your server, and people buy it out within 24 hours, best of all: No deposit fee! So if it doesnt work, lower is 10-20s and try again! =D

Note: The effectiveness of this is dependant on your server, check with your nearest Auction House before attempting

And if you're doing Orc_Tamer's version, RFC is a Linen Storehouse for the Horde, not sure about Alliance though, DM's starts dropping wool so...

Grey Items

Do not underestimate the power of grey items, they sell for 1-30s at low levels, which is decent considering thats about as much as to sell some greens at that level, and when you get high, Grey items sell for about half a Gold each and since they're so common... Maybe 5-10g extra a day maybe more if you farm heaps.


Formerly, Ban-Lord
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I made like 500g from leveling 46-50 by doing alot of quests and finding a Widowmaker (90g) and Gloves of Holy Might (150g since people were overpriced i did) and the rest from farming..etc.. lol i found 2 widowmakers also, i just used the first one and sold the second one

also i take forever to level but my decked with blues and 1 epic..its hihlarious i dont even go by quantity, i go by Quality and Quantity, since all my items are really nice
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    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
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    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
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