Starcraft Storyline (with videos!)


Formerly Smith_S9
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I often like to collect things and one of them are Blizzard CGI Cinematics :D. So I tried to get them all in the highest quality available and arranged them nicely. And I thought that it would be nice to provide some lore explanations along with videos to the community. So here goes the Starcraft part!




Tassadar approached Chau Sara, a terran colony planet, on December 8th, 2499. The zerg had completely covered the planet in creep, an organic carpet, killing or infesting all of its inhabitants. He reluctantly brought his lumbering vessels into low orbit and attacked, killing virtually all life on the surface.
The Terran Confederacy feared that the nearby colony, Mar Sara, was next and scrambled their defenses. At the same time, the zerg slowly began to spread across the surface of Mar Sara.

Wasteland Patrol


The Magistrate received orders from Edmund Duke, commander of Alpha Squadron, to relocate the core colonists to the wastelands outlying the Mar Sara Colony. This decision was very unpopular with the colonists. The local marshal, Jim Raynor, met a small group of these colonists and escorted them to the new wasteland site. Along the way, Raynor and the colonists' marine escorts fought off zergling ambushes.

The Downing of Norad II


The Norad II, flagship of General Duke, was badly damaged from zerg scourge (kamikaze air monsters) and other zerg minions, who had arrived at the planet for unknown reasons.

Open Rebellion


Sons of Korhal Wraith Squadron Bravo attacked a Confederate space platform in high orbit over Tarsonis.

The Inauguration


The victorious Sons of Korhal became the Terran Dominion, and General Mengsk crowned himself Emperor. Moria and Umoja united under Dominion rule. Mengsk's inauguration speech was broadcast on UNN.

The Dream


As soon as the chrysalis arrived to Char, it began to create problems. It had grown much larger and was creating powerful psionic emanations, directed at two terrans -- Arcturus Mengsk and Jim Raynor -- for reasons that were, at the time, undisclosed.

Battle on the Amerigo


After Kerrigan left a team of Terran Dominion soldiers boarded the now-derelict Amerigo on a mission to destroy it. They brought a secure casket containing a thermonuclear charge in a bed of ice and cans of Happy Jack's Ale. Enjoyment of the beverages was interrupted when the first casualty was impaled through the head by a hydralisk and lifted toward the ceiling. Not long after additional hydralisks attacked from all directions. Realizing there was no escape and that they would soon be overrun the terrans activated the bomb. The ship was destroyed.

The Warp


The zerg crushed the meager terran resistance and laid waste to nine of the thirteen terran worlds, including the Confederate capital world of Tarsonis.
Protoss executor Tassadar's forces and the zerg battled across the core continent of the planet. However, the main protoss fleet abandoned the terran Sector after the fall of Tarsonis.
Meanwhile, the zerg had acquired a chrysalis containing something very important.

The Overmind decided to travel to Char in order to keep the chrysalis safe, but doing so required the zerg to clear a space platform over Tarsonis of the remnants of Tassadar's forces. With help from Daggoth's Hunter Killers (specialized hydralisks), the protoss forces were beaten and scattered.
A rift into warp space was opened, and the zerg traveled through it to Char, a volcanic planet with many hiding places.

The Invasion of Aiur


The Overmind promptly launched its invasion force onto Aiur, with the assistance of many cerebrates, including its newest one. The Overmind's attack was not mindless, however. It ordered the new cerebrate to acquire a khaydarin crystal without revealing any reason for doing so. The force that defended the crystals, called the "Vanguard of Aiur", was much larger than the Expeditionary Force that the zerg had fought before. Nonetheless, the zerg defeated the Vanguard of Aiur and acquired the crystal.

Shortly afterwards, the Overmind settled on Aiur after a fiery entry through the atmosphere and impact on the surface. The zerg conquest of Aiur had begun.

The Fall of Fenix


With the ultimate failure of the strike against the cerebrate Artanis and Aldaris led their force to the zerg-occupied province of Scion while Fenix remained to garrison Antioch. The hive cluster at Scion was destroyed.
However the zerg returned to Antioch. Fenix called for aid as the protoss came under attack by overwhelming forces. Help was not immediately forthcoming and Aldaris implored Fenix to hold as long as possible.

As the zerg overran Antioch, Fenix came face to face with hydralisks. At that critical moment the templar was left vulnerable when his power suit's psionic blade emitters failed. Fenix was felled and believed slain.

The Ambush


Aldaris was displeased with Artanis' actions of following Tassadar and openly defying the will of the Conclave, but he was unable to persuade the Executor away from attempting to rescue the Dark Templar. The Judicator was was disillusioned because he believed Tassadar was lost to the Protoss. Artanis' and Tassadar's objective was a terran-built installation where the Dark Templar were believed to be sheltering.
Multiple zerg hive clusters and elements of the Terran Dominion Armada were active in the area. The latter became hostile when the protoss refused to heed General Edmund Duke's demand to withdraw.

The protoss successfully fought their way to the installation's entrance.

The terrans and protoss continued to fight in the wastes of Char. In one action the protoss used dragoons cloaked by an Arbiter to destroy a terran encampment. The encampment contained one self-propelled artillery piece.

The Return to Aiur


Tassadar led Artanis, the Dark Templar, and Raynor's Raiders to Aiur. Word of Tassadar's "treason" preceded him. They arrived to find Fenix, now a dragoon, marshaling forces to join them. Realizing the Conclave would continue to oppose them, therefore putting at risk the survival of the protoss, Tassadar ordered an attack on the Conclave's headquarters.
The attack successfully penetrated the defenses but Tassadar was appalled by the sight of his brethren slaughtering one another. To stop it he willingly surrendered himself to the Conclave's judgement. He implored Artanis to continue resisting the zerg.

The Death of the Overmind


Realizing the peril of the situation Tassadar made the ultimate sacrifice. Tassadar channelled the energies of the Dark Templar and Templar Caste through Gantrithor. Intercepting mutalisks severely damaged the carrier but failed to stop it. The Overmind attempted to escape through a warp rift, but the energy pulse erupting from the carrier struck and destroyed it before the rift was completed.

Intro Broodwar


Broodwar opened with a few terrans in a trench, defending themselves from a bloody zerg assault. A battlecruiser which appeared overhead was hailed as promised air support, though the ship did not open fire on the zerg forces.
In the battlecruiser, the Aleksander, "Morituri te salutant" (Latin: "Those about to die salute you") plays on a vintage phonograph while two terrans speak. The bald man is Admiral Gerard DuGalle, and the slightly younger man smoking a cigar is Vice Admiral Alexei Stukov.

DuGalle demanded Stukov watch the ongoing massacre of the terrans. Stukov said he has seen tapes of zerg already, but DuGalle insisted he watch the battle with his own eyes to fully understand the power of the zerg. As the zerg began to overrun the colony, a UED crew member asked if they should intervene to save the remaining terrans; DuGalle declined and ordered the battlecruiser to leave the area.

A lone marine watched DuGalle's ship leave as his trench was overrun by zerglings, while the background opera music crescendoed to a dramatic finale and a sudden cut to black.

Fury of the Xel'Naga


The Protoss take refuge on the home planet of the Dark Templar, Shakuras. However, they soon discover a Zerg infestation on this planet as well. In order to cleanse the planet from the Zerg, Aldaris and Zeratul aquire two cristals, the Uraj and the Khalis. With the Khalis and Uraj crystals recovered the protoss moved to activate Shakuras' xel'naga temple. As the temple's energies were channelled the protoss held back determined zerg assaults to recapture or destroy the structure. The defenders bought enough time to complete the channelling before withdrawing into the temple to await the activation.

UED Victory Report


The second campaign of Broodwar presents the expeditionary force of the United Earth Directory and its actions in the Koprulu sector. The ultimate goal of the UED became the capture of the Overmind. After succesfully capturing the Overmind and sedating it, the UED's United Earth Network created a propaganda presentation for Earth's public. It reported the capture of Char and the second Overmind by the UED Expeditionary Fleet. The broadcast claimed this precluded a zerg invasion of Earth, and that the UED's advanced technology secured victory with minimal casualties while inflicting "millions" on the zerg. The broadcast also claimed Alexei Stukov was killed in action during the assault on Char and buried in space, rather than dying on Braxis under less than heroic circumstances.

The Ascension


After the UED fleet confronted Infested Kerrigan, who overtook the role of the captured Overmind, and lost, the UED fleet fled Char. During the retreat Admiral Gerard DuGalle wrote a letter to his wife, Helena, where he reflected on the expedition's failure and his own culpability in the death of Vice-Admiral Alexei Stukov. The admiral then killed himself.
Infested Kerrigan was left the undisputed leader of the Swarm though victory had come at a cost. She was willing to allow her enemies to rebuild in the short term in the confidence they would one day bow before her.

The UED fleet was subsequently overrun and destroyed by the zerg. No ships returned to the UED to relate what had truly occurred in the Koprulu Sector. However small pockets of UED soldiers remained scattered through out the sector.
Arcturus Mengsk and Artanis returned to Korhal and Shakuras, respectively, to rebuild their civilizations. Jim Raynor disappeared for a time before returning to terran space to lead Raynor's Raiders against the Terran Dominion. Zeratul left with a handful of followers into self-exile on a prolonged journey to investigate what he had discovered on a dark moon at the end of the war.

Kerrigan was disquieted by the feelings of an approaching threat and the uncertainty this posed for the future.


Starcraft Ghost Teaser


StarCraft: Ghost was a tactical action game for video game consoles, announced on September 19, 2002, under development by Blizzard Entertainment and Nihilistic Software. Development later shifted to Swingin' Ape Studios, which Blizzard eventually bought. The game was based in the StarCraft universe.
Blizzard, known for computer games, took a step in a different direction by developing it exclusively for the Xbox and PlayStation 2 video game consoles. A GameCube version was also planned, but it was canceled in November 2005.

StarCraft: Ghost was put on "indefinite" hiatus in 2006.


The Deal


The Dominion was actively seeking alien artifacts. This put great stress on legitimate scientific organizations like the Möebius Foundation.
The Foundation, led by Dr. Emil Narud and secretly owned by the heir to the Terran Dominion, Valerian Mengsk, intended to collect a series of five artifacts, which they could use to de-infest the Queen of Blades.

Arcturus Mengsk devised a complex plan to move against Infested Kerrigan. Key was Tychus Findlay, Jim Raynor's old "war buddy". He was released from cryonic imprisonment and sealed into a marine suit, giving him a semblance of freedom. In 2504 the Dominion annexed the formerly Kel-Morian Combine-controlled world of Mar Sara. Meanwhile Jim Raynor had traveled there to reflect on old memories.

The Prophecy


At the end of the Brood War, Zeratul discovered the vanguard of a rising power on a dark moon. After the war he departed on a solitary search for answers for what he had seen.
As the Second Great War approached, he learned of a prophecy foretelling the return of the xel'naga. He discovered it lay on Ulaan and journeyed there aboard Void Seeker. The world held a number of xel'naga shrines, each holding a fragment of the prophecy. The dark templar sought them out.

Infested Kerrigan was also drawn to the world in search of the prophecy and had arrived before the prelate. Zeratul discovered an ancient carving but heard a small noise and investigated. He was ambushed by several hydralisks, which he quickly decimated. Kerrigan then laughed at him as she expected his arrival. The two sparred, verbally and physically. Zeratul severed the Queen of Blades' left wing, although it promptly regenerated. Kerrigan already knew enough to believe the future was without hope. The dark templar prelate disagreed and slipped away to find his own answers.

The Betrayal


At the onset of the Second Great War, the Möebius Foundation hired Raynor's Raiders to acquire alien artifacts. This put the Raiders in competition with Infested Kerrigan, who also sought them.
The Terran Dominion was criticized for not adequately defending Tyrador.

Kerrigan eventually discovered the Foundation were the ones providing the Raiders with the location of artifacts. The Queen of Blades attacked Tyrador VIII to raid the Foundation's data cores for that information.

Dr. Emil Narud, the leader of the Foundation, summoned the Raiders to destroy the cores before the zerg could capture them.

Following the mission, Jim Raynor reminisced about Arcturus Mengsk abandoning Sarah Kerrigan on Tarsonis.

The Showdown


With zerg resistance broken, Jim Raynor and Tychus Findlay led a squad into the hive. They found a helpless Kerrigan inside. As Raynor moved to secure Kerrigan, Findlay was forced to reveal his deal with Dominion Emperor Arcturus Mengsk. To fully regain his freedom, Findlay had to kill Kerrigan.
Raynor could not allow this. He interposed his armor between Kerrigan and the executioner's bullet, before shooting and killing Findlay with his sidearm. The rebel bore Kerrigan outside where the aerial battle continued to rage.

The restoration of Sarah Kerrigan to human-form marked a terran victory as the zerg invasion of the Sector was stopped. However, for Jim Raynor and the Raiders, this was merely just another step toward deposing Emperor Arcturus Mengsk.

Wings of Liberty Wiki |Wikipedia: Wings of Liberty | Starcraft Wiki | Wikipedia: Starcraft | Broodwar Wiki | Starcraft Ghost Wiki

-I did not include the Wings of Liberty in-game cinematics, even though they are really high-quality, because they are not CGI;
-Warcraft section coming soon.


Formerly Smith_S9
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Well, the story is put in spoiler tags, so that is pretty obvious, isn't it? And how else could you read the storyline without some spoilers being involved? I feel that a spoiler warning would be redundant...


Resident Star Battle Expert.
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I'm more worried about the videos.Not to mention those who haven't played SCII coming here thinking that this is only a simple history recap of SCI.


No Marlo no game.
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You should probably add some links to Magic´s wonderful Starcraft and Broodwar script commentaries.

Good stuff for those who wanna check some stuff about the story without having to play that stuff over again.
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