A "Swap" system, needed ? (From a command in "DotA" ;))


You can change this now in User CP.
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Hello ! :D

I just saw a thread asking for such a system, and I remembered I "made" a system like it like half a year ago... XD
I also made a thread about it, but I lost interest in getting it to work, as it got quite messy :(

Anyways, I've taken up the challenge again, and I wanted to know what you think about it ? :eek:

Note: If you don't know what a "Swap" command is, it's like this:
  1. Every player picks their hero.
  2. I randomed a hero, and got someone I didn't want :(
  3. I see Player 2 (Blue) (Player(1) in Jass ;)) has a hero I really want.
  4. I type "-swap 2" to see if he wants to swap heroes with me. (Type "-swap 1" if I want to use Jass-player-id's and that constant is true)
  5. Player 2 (Blue) types "-swap 1", and thereby accepts my request to swap heroes.
  6. The system starts the swap, and depending on different constants this can look different, but the main thing is that each player's heroes switch owners, so I not have Player 2 (Blue)'s hero, and he has mine :D

Hope you got it :p

Here's the current code, but I haven't commented much and I would VERY much appreciate it if anyone would be so kind and test it in a small map online, or on LAN ! :D <3

library SwapHeroes initializer Init requires SimError, TimerUtils, optional PlayerColors

        private constant boolean HEROES_ON_INIT = true      // Change this to true, if each player has a &#039;single&#039; hero at Map Init !
        private constant boolean SWAP_NEUTRALS = false      // If you want the players to be able to swap heroes with the &#039;neutral&#039; players (They don&#039;t have to write &quot;-swap ##&quot; back <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite7" alt=":p" title="Stick Out Tongue    :p" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":p" />)
        private constant boolean SWAP_ALLIES_ONLY = true    // If you only want the players to be able to swap with their allies !
        private constant boolean SWITCH_POSITIONS = true    // If you want the swapped heroes to also swap positions <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" />
        private constant boolean REVIVE_IF_DEAD = true      // If you swap with a player, and it&#039;s currently dead, then if this is true it&#039;ll revive the unit also <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" />
        private constant boolean USE_GUI_PLAYER_IDS = false
        private constant boolean USE_PLAYERS_COLOR_ON_NAME = true
        private constant boolean RETAIN_PLAYER_COLORS = false
        private constant boolean ONE_SWAP_ONLY = false
        private constant boolean SWAP_TIME_LIMIT = true
        private constant real TIME_LIMIT = 30.
        private constant string SWAP_COMMAND = &quot;-swap &quot;
    native UnitAlive takes unit id returns boolean

        private group ENUM = CreateGroup()
        private integer tempInt = 0

    private struct SwapData extends array
        boolean hasSwapped
        unit swapUnit
        unit targetUnit
        player swapPlayer
        player targetPlayer
        timer resetTimer
        static method ResetSwapData takes nothing returns nothing
            local thistype this = GetTimerData( GetExpiredTimer() )
            set this.targetUnit = null
            set this.targetPlayer = null
            call ReleaseTimer( GetExpiredTimer() )
    private function SwapActions takes nothing returns boolean
        local player p
        local player pt
        local string s = GetEventPlayerChatString()
        local boolean conds
        local unit temp = null
        if SubString( s, 0, 6 ) == SWAP_COMMAND then
            set p = GetTriggerPlayer()
            if USE_GUI_PLAYER_IDS then
                set pt = Player( S2I( SubString( s, 6, StringLength( s ) ) ) - 1 )
                set pt = Player( S2I( SubString( s, 6, StringLength( s ) ) ) )
            if SWAP_NEUTRALS then
                if USE_GUI_PLAYER_IDS then
                    set conds = GetPlayerId( pt ) &gt;= 17 or GetPlayerId( pt ) &lt; 0 or pt == null or SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapPlayer != null or pt == p or ( SWAP_ALLIES_ONLY and IsPlayerEnemy( p, pt ) )
                    set conds = GetPlayerId( pt ) &gt;= 16 or GetPlayerId( pt ) &lt; 0 or pt == null or SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapPlayer != null or pt == p or ( SWAP_ALLIES_ONLY and IsPlayerEnemy( p, pt ) )
                if USE_GUI_PLAYER_IDS then
                    set conds = GetPlayerId( pt ) &gt;= 13 or GetPlayerId( pt ) &lt; 0 or pt == null or SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapPlayer != null or pt == p or ( SWAP_ALLIES_ONLY and IsPlayerEnemy( p, pt ) )
                    set conds = GetPlayerId( pt ) &gt;= 12 or GetPlayerId( pt ) &lt; 0 or pt == null or SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapPlayer != null or pt == p or ( SWAP_ALLIES_ONLY and IsPlayerEnemy( p, pt ) )
            // Make sure you type a valid player
            if conds then
                call SimError( p, &quot;You need to input a valid player-id !&quot; )
                return false
            // And also make sure you yourself have a valid hero to swap before starting <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite2" alt=";)" title="Wink    ;)" loading="lazy" data-shortname=";)" />
            if SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit == null then
                call SimError( p, &quot;You need to have a swap hero eligible yourself, before you can use the -swap command !&quot; )
                return false
            if SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].hasSwapped == true and ONE_SWAP_ONLY then
                call SimError( p, &quot;You have already swapped once, and can&#039;t swap again...&quot; )
                return false
            if SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].hasSwapped == true and ONE_SWAP_ONLY then
                call SimError( p, &quot;The player you wish to swap with has already swapped once, and can&#039;t swap again !&quot; )
                return false
            if SWAP_TIME_LIMIT then
                call ReleaseTimer( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer )
                call ReleaseTimer( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].resetTimer )
            set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].targetPlayer = pt
            set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].targetUnit = SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit
            // Start switch ! <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" />            
            if SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].targetPlayer == p and SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].targetUnit == SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit then
                set temp = SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit
                if RETAIN_PLAYER_COLORS then
                    call SetUnitOwner( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit, p, false )
                    call SetUnitOwner( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit, p, true )
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit = SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit
                if RETAIN_PLAYER_COLORS then
                    call SetUnitOwner( temp, pt, false )
                    call SetUnitOwner( temp, pt, true )
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit = temp
                if USE_PLAYERS_COLOR_ON_NAME then
                    static if USE_PLAYERS_COLOR_ON_NAMELIBRARY_PlayerColors then
                        call DisplayTextToPlayer( pt, 0.0, 0.0, &quot;You have accepted &quot; + GetPlayerNameColored( pt ) + &quot;&#039;s swap request !&quot; )
                        call DisplayTextToPlayer( pt, 0.0, 0.0, GetPlayerNameColored( p ) + &quot;has accepted you request to swap heroes !&quot; )
                    call DisplayTextToPlayer( pt, 0.0, 0.0, &quot;You have accepted &quot; + GetPlayerName( pt ) + &quot;&#039;s swap request !&quot; )
                    call DisplayTextToPlayer( pt, 0.0, 0.0, GetPlayerName( p ) + &quot;has accepted you request to swap heroes !&quot; )
                if SWITCH_POSITIONS then
                    call SetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ) )
                    call SetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ) )
                    call SetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ) )
                    call SetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ) )
                if REVIVE_IF_DEAD then
                    if not UnitAlive( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ) then
                        call ReviveHero( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ), GetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ), true )
                    if not UnitAlive( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ) then
                        call ReviveHero( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ), GetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ), true )
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].hasSwapped = true
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].hasSwapped = true
            set p = null
            set pt = null
        elseif SWAP_TIME_LIMIT then
            set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer = NewTimer()
            call SetTimerData( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer, SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ] )
            call TimerStart( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer, TIME_LIMIT, false, function SwapData.ResetSwapData )
            if USE_PLAYERS_COLOR_ON_NAME then
                static if USE_PLAYERS_COLOR_ON_NAMELIBRARY_PlayerColors then
                    call DisplayTextToPlayer( pt, 0.0, 0.0, &quot;You have sent a request to &quot; + GetPlayerNameColored( pt ) + &quot;, to swap heroes !&quot; )
                    call DisplayTextToPlayer( pt, 0.0, 0.0, GetPlayerNameColored( p ) + &quot;has sent you a swap request ! Will you accept ?&quot; )
                call DisplayTextToPlayer( pt, 0.0, 0.0, &quot;You have sent a request to &quot; + GetPlayerName( pt ) + &quot;, to swap heroes !&quot; )
                call DisplayTextToPlayer( pt, 0.0, 0.0, GetPlayerName( p ) + &quot;has sent you a swap request ! Will you accept ?&quot; )
        set s = null
        return false
    private function PickInitHeroes takes nothing returns boolean
        local unit u = GetFilterUnit()
        local player p = GetOwningPlayer( u )
        if tempInt == 0 and IsUnitType( u, UNIT_TYPE_HERO ) and not IsUnitType( u, UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE ) and UnitAlive( u ) and SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit == null then
            set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit = u
            set tempInt = 1
        set u = null
        set p = null
        return false

    private function OnInitHeroes takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = 0
        local player p
            if SWAP_NEUTRALS then
                exitwhen i &gt;= 16
                exitwhen i &gt;= 12
            set tempInt = 0
            set p = Player( i )
            if SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit != null and GetPlayerController( p ) == MAP_CONTROL_USER and GetPlayerController( p ) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING then                    
                call GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer( ENUM, p, Filter( function PickInitHeroes ) )
            set i = i + 1
        set p = null

    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        local integer i = 0
        local player p = null
            set p = Player( i )
            if SWAP_NEUTRALS then
                exitwhen i &gt;= 16
                if i &gt;= 12 and ( GetPlayerController( p ) == MAP_CONTROL_COMPUTER or GetPlayerController( p ) == MAP_CONTROL_CREEP ) then
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].hasSwapped = false
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapPlayer = p
                exitwhen i &gt;= 12
            if GetPlayerController( p ) == MAP_CONTROL_USER and GetPlayerSlotState( p ) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING then
                call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent( t, p, SWAP_COMMAND, false )
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].hasSwapped = false
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapPlayer = p
            set i = i + 1
        call TriggerAddCondition( t, Condition( function SwapActions ) )
        if HEROES_ON_INIT then
            call OnInitHeroes()
        set p = null
        set t = null

What do you think ? :eek:


Super Moderator
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I'll test it if you want, just tell me what server.


You can change this now in User CP.
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Actually, I can't host XD Sorry...

I'm using the "Northrend" server ;)
But I can't host (My router won't let me :(), so if you wouldn't mind, just add the code to a new map, and place two heroes for different players on the map, and we'll see what happens :D (Might wanna check the constants, if you wanna change anything ;))


You can change this now in User CP.
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Nice ! :D

So, is there a need for this ?
And, maybe there are some more functions you would like to be implemented ? :eek:


Hey Listen!!
Reaction score
Nice ! :D

So, is there a need for this ?
And, maybe there are some more functions you would like to be implemented ? :eek:

why don't submit this as resource?

If i'm not wrong, we got no swap system approved :thup:

also, i got a little question.. has a way to do this (using your system) to change string to dialog box?


New Member
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Nice ! :D

So, is there a need for this ?
And, maybe there are some more functions you would like to be implemented ? :eek:

An unswap. Like if you maybe dont want the hero, and dont like the hero, you should be able to swap back in 10 seconds. "1 Charge" :D


You can change this now in User CP.
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Sure :D
I can add those ;)

And why I haven't submitted this is basically, I want to submit a complete resource, and I didn't even know if this worked before XD
And I also thought that I might want to add more features to it also, before submitting ;)

But I'll probably do it soon ;)


Super Moderator
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It'd also be nice if you made TimerUtils optional and used your own timers.


Super Moderator
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Nope, I still wouldn't use it because it requires vJASS. Although, if I ever do make an AoS, I may [LJASS]//! import[/LJASS] it.


I see you
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  1. JASS:
    if SubString( s, 0, 6 ) == SWAP_COMMAND then


    if SubString( s, 0, SWAP_COMMAND_LENGTH ) == SWAP_COMMAND then

  2. And as all your configurables are constants, why don't you use static ifs instead of normal ones?
  3. Are that many arrays needed for a system which will (probably) only be used in the first 3 minutes?


New Member
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Omg, it is me who asked for a system like this. I tested it at Garena, all works. I hope you will submit it so many more people can use it. Good job and keep it up :thup:

Ah, a small question, how do you think about a Hero Switch System? If this wil be approved? :D


You can change this now in User CP.
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Ok, here's a VERY updated version, with many tweaks and added features ! :D
The only problem I'm having is that it's getting quite big, to it's hard to keep track of what is what XD

But anyways, please, is there anyone who can do a VERY extensive test of this one ? :S
I know it's alot to ask for, but I would GREATLY appreciate it ! ;)

Here's the code ! :D

library SwapHeroes initializer Init requires SimError, optional TimerUtils, optional PlayerColors

        private constant boolean HEROES_ON_INIT = true      // Change this to true, if each player has a &#039;single&#039; hero at Map Init !
        private constant boolean SWAP_NEUTRALS = false      // If you want the players to be able to swap heroes with the &#039;neutral&#039; players (They don&#039;t have to write &quot;-swap ##&quot; back <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite7" alt=":p" title="Stick Out Tongue    :p" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":p" />)
        private constant boolean SWAP_ALLIES_ONLY = true    // If you only want the players to be able to swap with their allies !
        private constant boolean SWITCH_POSITIONS = true    // If you want the swapped heroes to also swap positions <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" />
        private constant boolean REVIVE_IF_DEAD = true      // If you swap with a player, and it&#039;s currently dead, then if this is true it&#039;ll revive the unit also <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" />
        private constant boolean ELSE_DONT_SWAP = false
        private constant boolean USE_GUI_PLAYER_IDS = false
        private constant boolean USE_PLAYERS_COLOR_ON_NAME = true
        private constant boolean RETAIN_PLAYER_COLORS = false
        private constant boolean ONE_SWAP_ONLY = false
        private constant boolean SWAP_TIME_LIMIT = true
        private constant real TIME_LIMIT = 30.
        private constant string SWAP_COMMAND = &quot;-swap &quot;
        private constant string CANCEL_SWAP_CMD = &quot;-swapcancel&quot;
        private constant boolean ENABLE_RESWAP = true
        private constant string RESWAP_COMMAND = &quot;-reswap&quot;
        private constant boolean RESWAP_TIME_LIMIT = true
        private constant real RESWAP_TIME = 10.
        private constant boolean NEED_BOTHS_CONSENT = true
        private constant boolean RESWAP_ONCE_ONLY = true
            private hashtable TimerHash
    native UnitAlive takes unit id returns boolean

        private group ENUM = CreateGroup()
        private integer tempInt = 0

    private struct SwapData extends array
        boolean hasSwapped
        unit swapUnit
        unit targetUnit
        unit reswapUnit
        player swapPlayer
        player targetPlayer
        player reswapPlayer
        timer resetTimer
        timer reswapTimer
        static method ResetSwapData takes nothing returns nothing
            local thistype this
            static if LIBRARY_TimerUtils then
                set this = GetTimerData( GetExpiredTimer() )
                set this = LoadInteger( TimerHash, GetHandleId( GetExpiredTimer() ), 1 )
            set this.targetUnit = null
            set this.targetPlayer = null
            static if LIBRARY_TimerUtils then
                call ReleaseTimer( GetExpiredTimer() )
                call PauseTimer( GetExpiredTimer() )
                call DestroyTimer( GetExpiredTimer() )
                set this.resetTimer = null
        static method StopReswap takes nothing returns nothing
            local thistype this
            local player pt
            static if LIBRARY_TimerUtils then
                set this = GetTimerData( GetExpiredTimer() )
                set this = LoadInteger( TimerHash, GetHandleId( GetExpiredTimer() ), 2 )
            set pt = this.reswapPlayer
            set this.reswapPlayer = null
            set this.reswapUnit = null
            set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapPlayer = null
            set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapUnit = null
            static if LIBRARY_TimerUtils then
                call ReleaseTimer( GetExpiredTimer() )
                call ReleaseTimer( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapTimer )
                call PauseTimer( GetExpiredTimer() )
                call DestroyTimer( GetExpiredTimer() )
                set this.reswapTimer = null
                call PauseTimer( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapTimer )
                call DestroyTimer( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapTimer )
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapTimer = null
    private function SwapActions takes nothing returns boolean
        local player p
        local player pt
        local string s = GetEventPlayerChatString()
        local boolean conds
        local unit temp = null
        if SubString( s, 0, StringLength( SWAP_COMMAND ) ) == SWAP_COMMAND then
            set p = GetTriggerPlayer()
            if USE_GUI_PLAYER_IDS then
                set pt = Player( S2I( SubString( s, StringLength( SWAP_COMMAND ), StringLength( s ) ) ) - 1 )
                set pt = Player( S2I( SubString( s, StringLength( SWAP_COMMAND ), StringLength( s ) ) ) )
            if SWAP_NEUTRALS then
                set conds = GetPlayerId( pt ) &gt;= 16 or GetPlayerId( pt ) &lt; 0 or pt == null or SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapPlayer != null or pt == p or ( SWAP_ALLIES_ONLY and IsPlayerEnemy( p, pt ) )
                set conds = GetPlayerId( pt ) &gt;= 12 or GetPlayerId( pt ) &lt; 0 or pt == null or SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapPlayer != null or pt == p or ( SWAP_ALLIES_ONLY and IsPlayerEnemy( p, pt ) )
            // Make sure you type a valid player
            if conds then
                call SimError( p, &quot;You need to input a valid player-id !&quot; )
                return false
            // And also make sure you yourself have a valid hero to swap before starting <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite2" alt=";)" title="Wink    ;)" loading="lazy" data-shortname=";)" />
            if SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit == null then
                call SimError( p, &quot;You need to have a swap hero eligible yourself, before you can use the -swap command !&quot; )
                return false
            if SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].hasSwapped == true and ONE_SWAP_ONLY then
                call SimError( p, &quot;You have already swapped once, and can&#039;t swap again...&quot; )
                return false
            if SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].hasSwapped == true and ONE_SWAP_ONLY then
                call SimError( p, &quot;The player you wish to swap with has already swapped once, and can&#039;t swap again !&quot; )
                return false
            /*if SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].targetPlayer != p and ONE_SWAP_ONLY then
                call SimError( p, &quot;The player you wish to swap with has already swapped once, and can&#039;t swap again !&quot; )
                return false
            if ELSE_DONT_SWAP then
                if not UnitAlive( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ) then
                    call SimError( p, &quot;Your swap-unit needs to be alive to be allowed to swap !&quot; )
                    return false
                if not UnitAlive( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ) then
                    call SimError( p, &quot;Your swap-player has a dead swap-unit, and you cannot swap then !&quot; )
                    return false
            if SWAP_TIME_LIMIT then
                static if LIBRARY_TimerUtils then
                    call ReleaseTimer( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer )
                    call ReleaseTimer( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].resetTimer )
                    call PauseTimer( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer )
                    call DestroyTimer( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer )
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer = null
                    call PauseTimer( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].resetTimer )
                    call DestroyTimer( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].resetTimer )
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].resetTimer = null
            set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].targetPlayer = pt
            set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].targetUnit = SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit
            // Start switch ! <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" />            
            if SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].targetPlayer == p and SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].targetUnit == SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit then
                set temp = SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit
                if RETAIN_PLAYER_COLORS then
                    call SetUnitOwner( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit, p, false )
                    call SetUnitOwner( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit, p, true )
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit = SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit
                if RETAIN_PLAYER_COLORS then
                    call SetUnitOwner( temp, pt, false )
                    call SetUnitOwner( temp, pt, true )
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit = temp
                if USE_PLAYERS_COLOR_ON_NAME then
                    static if LIBRARY_PlayerColors then
                        call DisplayTextToPlayer( p, 0.0, 0.0, &quot;You have accepted &quot; + GetPlayerNameColored( pt ) + &quot;&#039;s swap request !&quot; )
                        call DisplayTextToPlayer( pt, 0.0, 0.0, GetPlayerNameColored( p ) + &quot; has accepted you request to swap heroes !&quot; )
                    call DisplayTextToPlayer( p, 0.0, 0.0, &quot;You have accepted &quot; + GetPlayerName( pt ) + &quot;&#039;s swap request !&quot; )
                    call DisplayTextToPlayer( pt, 0.0, 0.0, GetPlayerName( p ) + &quot; has accepted you request to swap heroes !&quot; )
                if SWITCH_POSITIONS then
                    call SetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ) )
                    call SetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ) )
                    call SetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ) )
                    call SetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ) )
                if REVIVE_IF_DEAD then
                    if not UnitAlive( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ) then
                        call ReviveHero( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ), GetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ), true )
                    if not UnitAlive( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ) then
                        call ReviveHero( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ), GetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ), true )
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].hasSwapped = true
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].hasSwapped = true
                static if LIBRARY_TimerUtils then
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapTimer = NewTimer()
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapTimer = NewTimer()
                    call SetTimerData( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapTimer, SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ] )
                    call SetTimerData( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapTimer, SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ] )
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapTimer = CreateTimer()
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapTimer = CreateTimer()
                    call SaveInteger( TimerHash, GetHandleId( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapTimer ), 2, SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ] )
                    call SaveInteger( TimerHash, GetHandleId( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapTimer ), 2, SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ] )
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapUnit = SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapUnit = SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapPlayer = pt
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapPlayer = p
                static if ONE_SWAP_ONLY then
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit = null
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit = null
                call TimerStart( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapTimer, RESWAP_TIME, false, function SwapData.StopReswap )
                call TimerStart( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapTimer, RESWAP_TIME, false, function SwapData.StopReswap )
                if SWAP_TIME_LIMIT then
                    static if LIBRARY_TimerUtils then
                        set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer = NewTimer()
                        call SetTimerData( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer, SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ] )
                        set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer = CreateTimer()
                        call SaveInteger( TimerHash, GetHandleId( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer ), 1, SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ] )
                    call TimerStart( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer, TIME_LIMIT, false, function SwapData.ResetSwapData )
                if USE_PLAYERS_COLOR_ON_NAME then
                    static if LIBRARY_PlayerColors then
                        call DisplayTextToPlayer( p, 0.0, 0.0, &quot;You have sent a request to &quot; + GetPlayerNameColored( pt ) + &quot;, to swap heroes !&quot; )
                        call DisplayTextToPlayer( pt, 0.0, 0.0, GetPlayerNameColored( p ) + &quot; has sent you a swap request ! Will you accept ?&quot; )
                    call DisplayTextToPlayer( p, 0.0, 0.0, &quot;You have sent a request to &quot; + GetPlayerName( pt ) + &quot;, to swap heroes !&quot; )
                    call DisplayTextToPlayer( pt, 0.0, 0.0, GetPlayerName( p ) + &quot; has sent you a swap request ! Will you accept ?&quot; )
        set s = null
        set p = null
        set pt = null
        set temp = null
        return false
    private function Reswap takes nothing returns boolean
        local player p = GetTriggerPlayer()
        local player pt
        local unit temp = null
        if SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapPlayer != null and SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapUnit != null then
            set pt = SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapPlayer
            if not ( UnitAlive( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ) and REVIVE_IF_DEAD ) and ELSE_DONT_SWAP then
                call SimError( p, &quot;Your reswap-hero needs to be alive !&quot; )
                return false
            if not ( UnitAlive( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ) and REVIVE_IF_DEAD ) and ELSE_DONT_SWAP then
                call SimError( p, &quot;Your reswap-player&#039;s swap-unit needs to be alive !&quot; )
                return false
            if NEED_BOTHS_CONSENT then
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].targetPlayer = pt
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].targetUnit = SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit
                if SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].targetPlayer == p and SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].targetUnit == SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit then
                    set temp = SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit
                    if RETAIN_PLAYER_COLORS then
                        call SetUnitOwner( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit, p, false )
                        call SetUnitOwner( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit, p, true )
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit = SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit
                    if RETAIN_PLAYER_COLORS then
                        call SetUnitOwner( temp, pt, false )
                        call SetUnitOwner( temp, pt, true )
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit = temp
                    if USE_PLAYERS_COLOR_ON_NAME then
                        static if LIBRARY_PlayerColors then
                            call DisplayTextToPlayer( p, 0.0, 0.0, &quot;You have accepted &quot; + GetPlayerNameColored( pt ) + &quot;&#039;s swap request !&quot; )
                            call DisplayTextToPlayer( pt, 0.0, 0.0, GetPlayerNameColored( p ) + &quot; has accepted you request to swap heroes !&quot; )
                        call DisplayTextToPlayer( p, 0.0, 0.0, &quot;You have accepted &quot; + GetPlayerName( pt ) + &quot;&#039;s swap request !&quot; )
                        call DisplayTextToPlayer( pt, 0.0, 0.0, GetPlayerName( p ) + &quot; has accepted you request to swap heroes !&quot; )
                    if SWITCH_POSITIONS then
                        call SetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ) )
                        call SetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ) )
                        call SetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ) )
                        call SetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ) )
                    if REVIVE_IF_DEAD then
                        if not UnitAlive( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ) then
                            call ReviveHero( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ), GetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ), true )
                        if not UnitAlive( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ) then
                            call ReviveHero( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ), GetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ), true )
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].hasSwapped = true
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].hasSwapped = true
                    static if LIBRARY_TimerUtils then
                        set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapTimer = NewTimer()
                        set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapTimer = NewTimer()
                        call SetTimerData( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapTimer, SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ] )
                        call SetTimerData( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapTimer, SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ] )
                        set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapTimer = CreateTimer()
                        set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapTimer = CreateTimer()
                        call SaveInteger( TimerHash, GetHandleId( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapTimer ), 2, SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ] )
                        call SaveInteger( TimerHash, GetHandleId( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapTimer ), 2, SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ] )
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapUnit = SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapUnit = SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapPlayer = pt
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapPlayer = p
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit = null
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit = null
                    call TimerStart( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapTimer, RESWAP_TIME, false, function SwapData.StopReswap )
                    call TimerStart( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapTimer, RESWAP_TIME, false, function SwapData.StopReswap )
                    if SWAP_TIME_LIMIT then
                        static if LIBRARY_TimerUtils then
                            set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer = NewTimer()
                            call SetTimerData( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer, SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ] )
                            set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer = CreateTimer()
                            call SaveInteger( TimerHash, GetHandleId( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer ), 1, SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ] )
                        call TimerStart( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer, TIME_LIMIT, false, function SwapData.ResetSwapData )
                    if USE_PLAYERS_COLOR_ON_NAME then
                        static if LIBRARY_PlayerColors then
                            call DisplayTextToPlayer( p, 0.0, 0.0, &quot;You have sent a request to &quot; + GetPlayerNameColored( pt ) + &quot;, to swap heroes !&quot; )
                            call DisplayTextToPlayer( pt, 0.0, 0.0, GetPlayerNameColored( p ) + &quot; has sent you a swap request ! Will you accept ?&quot; )
                        call DisplayTextToPlayer( p, 0.0, 0.0, &quot;You have sent a request to &quot; + GetPlayerName( pt ) + &quot;, to swap heroes !&quot; )
                        call DisplayTextToPlayer( pt, 0.0, 0.0, GetPlayerName( p ) + &quot; has sent you a swap request ! Will you accept ?&quot; )
                set temp = SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit
                if RETAIN_PLAYER_COLORS then
                    call SetUnitOwner( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit, p, false )
                    call SetUnitOwner( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit, p, true )
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit = SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit
                if RETAIN_PLAYER_COLORS then
                    call SetUnitOwner( temp, pt, false )
                    call SetUnitOwner( temp, pt, true )
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit = temp
                if USE_PLAYERS_COLOR_ON_NAME then
                    static if LIBRARY_PlayerColors then
                        call DisplayTextToPlayer( p, 0.0, 0.0, &quot;You have now reswapped your hero from &quot; + GetPlayerNameColored( pt ) + &quot; and given him your hero !&quot; )
                        call DisplayTextToPlayer( pt, 0.0, 0.0, GetPlayerNameColored( p ) + &quot; has reswapped his hero from you, and you&#039;ve gotten yours back too !&quot; )
                    call DisplayTextToPlayer( p, 0.0, 0.0, &quot;You have accepted &quot; + GetPlayerName( pt ) + &quot;&#039;s swap request !&quot; )
                    call DisplayTextToPlayer( pt, 0.0, 0.0, GetPlayerName( p ) + &quot; has accepted you request to swap heroes !&quot; )
                if SWITCH_POSITIONS then
                    call SetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ) )
                    call SetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ) )
                    call SetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ) )
                    call SetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ) )
                if REVIVE_IF_DEAD then
                    if not UnitAlive( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ) then
                        call ReviveHero( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ), GetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit ), true )
                    if not UnitAlive( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ) then
                        call ReviveHero( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit, GetUnitX( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ), GetUnitY( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit ), true )
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].hasSwapped = true
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].hasSwapped = true
                static if LIBRARY_TimerUtils then
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapTimer = NewTimer()
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapTimer = NewTimer()
                    call SetTimerData( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapTimer, SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ] )
                    call SetTimerData( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapTimer, SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ] )
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapTimer = CreateTimer()
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapTimer = CreateTimer()
                    call SaveInteger( TimerHash, GetHandleId( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapTimer ), 2, SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ] )
                    call SaveInteger( TimerHash, GetHandleId( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapTimer ), 2, SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ] )
                static if not RESWAP_ONCE_ONLY then
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapUnit = SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapUnit = SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].swapUnit
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].reswapPlayer = pt
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].reswapPlayer = p
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].targetUnit = null
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( pt ) ].targetUnit = null
        return false
    private function PickInitHeroes takes nothing returns boolean
        local unit u = GetFilterUnit()
        local player p = GetOwningPlayer( u )
        if tempInt == 0 and IsUnitType( u, UNIT_TYPE_HERO ) and not IsUnitType( u, UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE ) and UnitAlive( u ) and SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit == null then
            set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit = u
            set tempInt = 1
        set u = null
        set p = null
        return false

    private function OnInitHeroes takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = 0
        local player p
            if SWAP_NEUTRALS then
                exitwhen i &gt;= 16
                exitwhen i &gt;= 12
            set tempInt = 0
            set p = Player( i )
            if SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapUnit != null and GetPlayerController( p ) == MAP_CONTROL_USER and GetPlayerController( p ) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING then                    
                call GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer( ENUM, p, Filter( function PickInitHeroes ) )
            set i = i + 1
        set p = null
    private function CancelSwap takes nothing returns boolean
        local player p = GetTriggerPlayer()
        local player pt = SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].targetPlayer
        if TimerGetRemaining( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer ) &gt; 0 then
            if USE_PLAYERS_COLOR_ON_NAME then
                static if LIBRARY_PlayerColors then
                    call DisplayTextToPlayer( p, 0.0, 0.0, &quot;You have cancelled the request to swap heroes with &quot; + GetPlayerNameColored( pt ) + &quot; !&quot; )
                    call DisplayTextToPlayer( pt, 0.0, 0.0, GetPlayerNameColored( p ) + &quot; has cancelled his request to swap heroes with you !&quot; )
                call DisplayTextToPlayer( pt, 0.0, 0.0, &quot;You have cancelled the request to swap heroes with &quot; + GetPlayerName( pt ) + &quot; !&quot; )
                call DisplayTextToPlayer( pt, 0.0, 0.0, GetPlayerName( p ) + &quot; has cancelled his request to swap heroes with you !&quot; )
            set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].targetPlayer = null
            set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].targetUnit = null
            if SWAP_TIME_LIMIT then
                static if LIBRARY_TimerUtils then
                    call ReleaseTimer( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer )
                    call PauseTimer( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer )
                    call DestroyTimer( SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer )
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].resetTimer = null
        return false

    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        local integer i = 0
        local player p = null
            set p = Player( i )
            if SWAP_NEUTRALS then
                exitwhen i &gt;= 16
                if i &gt;= 12 and ( GetPlayerController( p ) == MAP_CONTROL_COMPUTER or GetPlayerController( p ) == MAP_CONTROL_CREEP ) then
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].hasSwapped = false
                    set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapPlayer = p
                exitwhen i &gt;= 12
            if GetPlayerController( p ) == MAP_CONTROL_USER and GetPlayerSlotState( p ) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING then
                call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent( t, p, SWAP_COMMAND, false )
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].hasSwapped = false
                set SwapData[ GetPlayerId( p ) ].swapPlayer = p
            set i = i + 1
        call TriggerAddCondition( t, Condition( function SwapActions ) )
        set t = CreateTrigger()
        set i = 0
            exitwhen i &gt;= 12
            set p = Player( i )
            if GetPlayerController( p ) == MAP_CONTROL_USER and GetPlayerSlotState( p ) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING then
                call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent( t, p, CANCEL_SWAP_CMD, false )
            set i = i + 1
        call TriggerAddCondition( t, Condition( function CancelSwap ) )
        if ENABLE_RESWAP then
            set t = CreateTrigger()
            set i = 0
                exitwhen i &gt;= 12
                set p = Player( i )
                if GetPlayerController( p ) == MAP_CONTROL_USER and GetPlayerSlotState( p ) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING then
                    call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent( t, p, RESWAP_COMMAND, false )
                set i = i + 1
            call TriggerAddCondition( t, Condition( function Reswap ) )
        if HEROES_ON_INIT then
            call OnInitHeroes()
        static if not LIBRARY_TimerUtils then
            set TimerHash = InitHashtable()
        set p = null
        set t = null
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