Join the map that will (hopefully) revolutionize

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Just check the ability and look at the orderstring. You should be familiar with them enough to know what is what*. Don't be so belligierent, uareanoob.


i suppose i could help
actually, your'e pretty lucky
i got to the steepest point in the editor learning curve, and i want to try out the skills i have absorbed

i generate as many ideas as The Butcher in DotA (First and Last DotA Reference) who has killed 100 creeps with lvl four bulk, 6 heart of terresques, and lvl 25 does hp, so i could help with anything

BUT (notice they are in caps[i like caps{and multiple parentheses}]), i would like to help with heroes

BUT (there they are again{huzz[ah]}), i would still consider myself new, so if it's crappy, just tell me to start over ( i dont mind[really]{i like starting over<4TH PARENTHESES LEVEL BROKEN>}])


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Sinja said:
i suppose i could help
actually, your'e pretty lucky
i got to the steepest point in the editor learning curve, and i want to try out the skills i have absorbed

i generate as many ideas as The Butcher in DotA (First and Last DotA Reference) who has killed 100 creeps with lvl four bulk, 6 heart of terresques, and lvl 25 does hp, so i could help with anything

BUT (notice they are in caps[i like caps{and multiple parentheses}]), i would like to help with heroes

BUT (there they are again{huzz[ah]}), i would still consider myself new, so if it's crappy, just tell me to start over ( i dont mind[really]{i like starting over<4TH PARENTHESES LEVEL BROKEN>}])

does this make sense to anyone?


lol, sorry :rolleyes:

in other words, im pretty new, but i think i can give lots of ideas and help some jobs

also, i prefer to do spells over other stuff


Mostly known as Zomby Jezuz
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hmmm, that made sense to me, parenthiss are fun, because they confuse ppl, and i have fun finding out where they lead to and stop at


I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys, I completely forgot. I've been on holiday in Greece for the past 2 weeks. I hope you'll forgive me, *sniffle.* Nah, only joking. But I have been on holiday, which is why I haven't replied. I will see the latest heroes when I get home (I am at school). Thanks for keeping the map alive guys.

- Skinny77


perhaps.... you couldve changed your location to on vacation in (insert [vacation{place<here>}])

anyways, i have a hero that you could assign to a race without one

it is not finished but i will post final later

also, here is an idea; when your hero dies, you could lower the stats of your army because they are paranoid since they think they will lose without a hero

also, you could have militia that attack people who try to take over a nuetral area

i mean, who would want a dictator to come in and claim it for themselves?


  • Cannion d'Dead.w3x
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Change can be a good thing
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needs a lot of work, and that map is ugly


meh, im a noob, so DONT BE HAYTAYIN!


but, it is kinda advanced for me

thats why i said i would upload a fixed version later

also, i dont think it would even go with any of the races left over

on an off topic note, im starting to see how most electrical things behave since i started world editor, is that normal?

on a kinda off topic but not really since it has to do with this map note, how do i add just one hp per second? i know it can do percents, but how exactly just 1hp/s?


Mostly known as Zomby Jezuz
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Sinja said:
meh, im a noob, so DONT BE HAYTAYIN!


but, it is kinda advanced for me

thats why i said i would upload a fixed version later

also, i dont think it would even go with any of the races left over

on an off topic note, im starting to see how most electrical things behave since i started world editor, is that normal?

on a kinda off topic but not really since it has to do with this map note, how do i add just one hp per second? i know it can do percents, but how exactly just 1hp/s?

i bleive there is an abilty that does that,

but the paranoid idea is sorta like the moral effect in the game(which {i hope} they will [eventually] add).... your right parenthisis are fun, but mine are simple.... must finde more difficult thing to type!!!


I like the idea of morale very much. Anyway, great heros, Hulk, they're exactly what we needed. Monkeywithagun, how are you doing getting Warcraft back?

- Skinny77


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Hey whats up, can I join your map? I can do triggers, terrain, and make spells. I also have very creative ideas. Please email me at [email protected] or IM me on AIM at Jew Unit 1214 if I can join. If yes please email me everything we got so far and a changelog if possible!


Change can be a good thing
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lol all we got is my abilities, and they are up on here


Just a Few thoughts

(This is probably mainly for emjlr3 since its about his heros and abilities)

First thing, i wanna say that this maps sounds great, i really like the idea of revolutionizing the race/unit structure in how you make units.

So naturally I wanted to see what is comming so far and test what I could. The only thing i could test though is emjlr3's heros/spells. I really like what u did with the spells emjlr3, but, (and these are just my thoughts, hopefully to be just considered), it seems there needs to be a little bit of balancing and/or abillity mods between the heros.

one thing i noticed was the Imperial Beastman's Counter Stomp. the 11% chance is good, u don't want it too high, when one or two enemies are attacking you, but when a big group of enemies attack you, you end up Counter Stomping a LOT, like the enemies could barely strike because 11% for each unit ends up being a high percent all together. This just struck me as kinda too powerful a skill when being attacked by many units, i was wondering if maybe a "ric-o-shay" spell would be better. ex. 11% chance an enemy's attack will ric-o-shay (bounce back or something) and stun only that single unit, instead of the whole group around the hero.

Another thing i noticed was that, (maybe it was just me, or would change depending on enemies), the Demon seemed to be very strong compared to most of the other heros. He could kill many units, or just one unit, very easily, where other units may be fine against one unit, but have a lot more trouble fighting groups. This was just a balancing issue that maybe only i think might need work.

As the Demon was strong, (to me) the Dark Elf seemed weak. The split shot was nice, and any ranged unit likes Trueshot aura :) but i didn't really understand what Dark Arrow was supposed to do. I know what the text said, but when i was attacking the creep, the "Adds 5% of the distance between the Dark Elf and the target to the next arrow shot" didn't really seem to make much of a difference to the attack. I think this spell was for one of those "hero nukeing spells" you guys were talking about, but if it didn't affect the creep much, i don't see how it will do much damage to a hero. The "slow the target unit by 10%" i understand would be good for keeping in range of the hero though by not allowing him to get away from you. (p.s. unless u changed it already, in the Dark Arrow spell, there is a typo "as well as slow the targt unit" instead of "target unit", if u already saw this then sry"
The shapeshift form for the Dark Elf seemed like it could use improvement
(maybe something based off of str/agil/intel?), it just didn't seem worthwhile to turning into the dog to me.
The Dwarf seemed pretty good to me, (but i was wondering if the "Toss" ability could be based of of strength ex. 150 target damage + .5(1xStrength),
(just the idea of tossing someone seem to be greatly affected by your strength, just thought it would be a neat idea)
The Undead person seems pretty good right now. maybe after more testing i might get some ideas for it.
The Imperial Human guy looks good, (but there is a small type, if u haven't caught it yet, "current health mextra damage" instead of "extra damage".
Beastmaster... i think i already stated what i thought was wrong with his Counter Stomp. (Love the Beast Axe spell's "Deals 225(+Strength)".
For the Troll, it seems pretty good as well, maybe enchant spear could have (+strength) or agility added to its 210 damage.

I think that all spell/skills that it would seem ok on should have at least part of their affect based off of str./agil./intel. (reason why: at least in rpg's when a hero gets to a high lvl, spells often become useless, but since i don't think this is an rpg, that probably won't be a problem.
By the way, i was wondering how many levels you guys were planning on making heros go up to, just 10 or more, personally i think more the better, but then i guess that could cause harder balancing issues.

Well in anycase, like i said, these were just some thoughts of mine to (hopefully) be useful, if you want me to look at some other things, just ask and i'll try to make time to look at it.

p.s: I hope this isn't too lengthy, and i hope it helps.


Change can be a good thing
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Quadmxracer said:
(This is probably mainly for emjlr3 since its about his heros and abilities)

First thing, i wanna say that this maps sounds great, i really like the idea of revolutionizing the race/unit structure in how you make units.

So naturally I wanted to see what is comming so far and test what I could. The only thing i could test though is emjlr3's heros/spells. I really like what u did with the spells emjlr3, but, (and these are just my thoughts, hopefully to be just considered), it seems there needs to be a little bit of balancing and/or abillity mods between the heros.

one thing i noticed was the Imperial Beastman's Counter Stomp. the 11% chance is good, u don't want it too high, when one or too enemies are attacking you, but when a big group of enemies attack you, you end up Counter Stomping a LOT, like the enemies could barely strike because 11% for each unit ends up being a high percent all together. This just struck me as kinda too powerful a skill when being attacked by many units, i was wondering if maybe a "ric-o-shay" spell would be better. ex. 11% chance an enemy's attack will ric-o-shay (bounce back or something) and stun only that single unit, instead of the whole group around the hero.

Another thing i noticed was that, (maybe it was just me, or would change depending on enemies), the Demon seemed to be very strong compared to most of the other heros. He could kill many units, or just one unit, very easily, where other units may be fine against one unit, but have a lot more trouble fighting groups. This was just a balancing issue that maybe only i think might need work.

As the Demon was strong, (to me) the Dark Elf seemed weak. The split shot was nice, and any ranged unit likes Trueshot aura :) but i didn't really understand what Dark Arrow was supposed to do. I know what the text said, but when i was attacking the creep, the "Adds 5% of the distance between the Dark Elf and the target to the next arrow shot" didn't really seem to make much of a difference to the attack. I think this spell was for one of those "hero nukeing spells" you guys were talking about, but if it didn't affect the creep much, i don't see how it will do much damage to a hero. The "slow the target unit by 10%" i understand would be good for keeping in range of the hero though by not allowing him to get away from you. (p.s. unless u changed it already, in the Dark Arrow spell, there is a typo "as well as slow the targt unit" instead of "target unit", if u already saw this then sry"
The shapeshift form for the Dark Elf seemed like it could use improvement
(maybe something based off of str/agil/intel?), it just didn't seem worthwhile to turning into the dog to me.
The Dwarf seemed pretty good to me, (but i was wondering if the "Toss" ability could be based of of strength ex. 150 target damage + .5(1xStrength),
(just the idea of tossing someone seem to be greatly affected by your strength, just thought it would be a neat idea)
The Undead person seems pretty good right now. maybe after more testing i might get some ideas for it.
The Imperial Human guy looks good, (but there is a small type, if u haven't caught it yet, "current health mextra damage" instead of "extra damage".
Beastmaster... i think i already stated what i thought was wrong with his Counter Stomp. (Love the Beast Axe spell's "Deals 225(+Strength)".
For the Troll, it seems pretty good as well, maybe enchant spear could have (+strength) or agility added to its 210 damage.

I think that all spell/skills that it would seem ok on should have at least part of their affect based off of str./agil./intel. (reason why: at least in rpg's when a hero gets to a high lvl, spells often become useless, but since i don't think this is an rpg, that probably won't be a problem.
By the way, i was wondering how many levels you guys were planning on making heros go up to, just 10 or more, personally i think more the better, but then i guess that could cause harder balancing issues.

Well in anycase, like i said, these were just some thoughts of mine to (hopefully) be useful, if you want me to look at some other things, just ask and i'll try to make time to look at it.

p.s: I hope this isn't too lengthy, and i hope it helps.

I just make the spells, I dont balance em, they are jsut there to test on teh creeps, and are beast enough so you can kill creeps with em, and in no way represent what the final product will be

ty for thoughts though, mainly looking for ideas on new spells/ diff spells/ improving the ones there, instead of balance


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Halp Meh!!

Hey guys, Ok I'm currently working on some cool triggers for the map. Where are those spells you are talking about!! I cant find links.


Hopefully helpful

pkraktis said:
Hey guys, Ok I'm currently working on some cool triggers for the map. Where are those spells you are talking about!! I cant find links.

pkraktis, in the bottom of post number 97 (on page 7) you will find a link from emjlr3.

emjlr3, ok, i understand that they don't need to be balanced yet (especially when there is no map yet), i hope that skinny77 will be able to use my suggestions when he is putting units/heros on the map then. I also didn't want to give the wrong impression about what i think of the spells, cause i love them :p
As for the "improving the ones that are there", i mentioned for a couple of heros that it might be good to base there spell/skills based off of str/agil/intel.

ok now for new ideas. I know that there are already a lot of races, but i thought of some other possibilities that are already in the game sorta.
race ex: Murloc (the fish folk is what i mean)
Tauren (i no that in melee the tauren are orc, but so were the trolls, and the Centaur might work well with Tauren)
Ogre (perhaps with the Tauren? or maybe giants...)
Draenei (like from the campaign, they could also be used for the netherland race)

Possible race units:
Tuskarr (for the beast race)
Furblog (maybe for the beast race as well)
Wildkin (they seem a must for a beast race)
Sasquatch/Stalker/Wendigo (beast race)
Kobold (beast race? or maybe there own race)
Satyr (netherworld)
nether dragon (netherworld)
voidwalker (netherworld)
Sludge minions (netherworld)
Unbroken/Faceless (netherworld)
Succubus (demon)
Felguard (demon)
Fel Beast (demon)
Infernals (giants or demon)
Golem (giants)
Salamander (giants maybe? since there are plenty for beasts)
Spiderlings (Dark elf? need more details on what you are looking for with dark elf, but if they will be like drow, spiderlings might work)
Stormreaver (orc)

This is really just a list of different units already in wc3, but i thought i would post it here and post who i think would go good with what race. Sry i couldn't really find much for giants, Dark Elf, Orc (but orc is already a race so that shouldn't be a problem), or any other race i didn't mention.

Sry but i can't really think of any good spells right now.

For a hero, i always thought there should be a good summoner here (netherworld?) where all of the summoned units had a base attack/life/mana/etc. but everything was also based off of hero attributes, that way they don't suck when the hero gets to a high level. ex. the armor of the summoned unit would be like 2+.25(1xagility), attack, maybe, 35-55+.25(hero attack), that kinda stuff.

For map ideas... i really need to no more about the map (how it looks, what kind of landscape, what you are planning on doing with the map, etc.)

If you want me to look at anything in particular, just ask ;)

p.s: thanks The Helper on the compliment of my first post (it was my first forum post ever, so i wasn't sure if it was very good or not). :)


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I designed a custom unit based on the Mountain Giant. I spent like an hour on it. Its mad good. Its kinda like a mini-hero. So maybe like after your 6 peasants spawn and they keep evolving, eventually one of them will become a commander. The mountain giant I designed is basically a hero without levels. I think thats a good idea.
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