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grimtooth said:
I think we should keep them. What I was thinking is to generate teamwork, as in, just by a single player, he/she cannot come up with one ultimate item. He/She needs to work with many other people. This promotes teamwork & in game experience.
It promotes teamwork, but also makes some players a lot more important and centered than others. It is also not always nice to rely on teamwork; say a Herb Collecter gives the herbs he collected to an Alchemist, then the Alchemist can create a potion, but how will get it? The Alchemist or the Herb Collector? And while collecting stuff is challanging, making them just requires experience points (or in game effort, like the character 'learns' it but actually the player doesn't need to do much) where as in collecting things the player is the one who determines the out come of how good he is. So many players would just choose Alchemist rather than a Herb Collector, (and since once you choose at the beginning of the game you can't change your proffesion) you'll have a lot of Alchemists with no herbs for their potions :eek: . I hope you understand what I'm trying to say with this example. Bottom line is: it's not going to work that neatly with only one profession per player and gathering professions availabe :eek: .
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Thats so true Stavious... I mean, everyone is egoistic to people they dont know and never will meet... the alchemists would just steal pots, and if they had to give the pot to the herber becouse he got the herbs, he would NEVER get something back :p Soo, what I was thinking is this: When you chose a skill (Lets say Blacksmithing) You get a spell book that have these skills: One skill that opens dialog bottoms so you can chose what item to make and an other ability that is based on storm bolt that only can attack wards (And make the mines to wards and place them on random points in the world) So, we mix the proffs.
(That would make more space in inventory instead of having one spell book for each aswell, apart from if you make the spell book to a spell, instead of item wich I think would be best)

Chocobo, yeah... I guess I will do ;) Agentpaper is doing terrain atm but when it's done I guess I will need loads of help :) I PM you when I need the help if thats okey with you?


stavious said:
It promotes teamwork, but also makes some players a lot more important and centered than others. It is also not always nice to rely on teamwork; say a Herb Collecter gives the herbs he collected to an Alchemist, then the Alchemist can create a potion, but how will get it? The Alchemist or the Herb Collector? And while collecting stuff is challanging, making them just requires experience points (or in game effort, like the character 'learns' it but actually the player doesn't need to do much) where as in collecting things the player is the one who determines the out come of how good he is. So many players would just choose Alchemist rather than a Herb Collector, (and since once you choose at the beginning of the game you can't change your proffesion) you'll have a lot of Alchemists with no herbs for their potions :eek: . I hope you understand what I'm trying to say with this example. Bottom line is: it's not going to work that neatly with only one profession per player and gathering professions availabe :eek: .
Pandaren Adventures Forum

Sigh. Quite true. What I am thinking for collectors is that they can only collect certain items at certain levels (or abilities learnt of that subset). For example, they extract it from some animal corpse, which obtaining it require teamwork or you can pick one lying around, since most players have no use for a corpse. And the amount that they can extract also depends on the abilities they have. The more they learn, the more they can extract from the corpse, hence allowing the Alchemist to produce more pots per extraction. If the Alchemist decides to be an a** and keep it all to himself, then he will be shunned by other players, and no one will pass him herbs. This forces him to comply with the prior agreement with the Herb Collector.

Plus, we can make it so that the Alchemist can only mix the potions in a vault, which only one Alchemist may enter at a time. The Herb Collectors will enter the same vault, and place the items in "Cauldrons" (unit with Inventory). The Alchemist will then choose the potion he wishes to create. Upon creation, the item will spawn for Herb Collectors in the Vault Region which added any (Item - Remove/Destroyed) from the "Cauldrons". Those that don't will be banished, and loses experience for trying to cheat.

I was thinking on lines like this, but since Saiza said to mix 'em - mix 'em. But I would still like limiting the number of professions cause, imo, it's less adventure like if everyone can do everything.


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Yeah, you got a point in there. Maybe give the potion to the aclh and the herber?


Saiza said:
Yeah, you got a point in there. Maybe give the potion to the aclh and the herber?

Hmm... Stavious also had a point. I just stated the reasons why I thought of limiting to one profession per player. I believe we can allow up to 3 professions. But either way, last call is up to Saiza.

Or we can scrap the collectors, and get it straight from creep drops. If you want to, we can make NPC extractors, herb identifiers, etc.


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Yeah... three proffesions wouldve make more variation, but since almost all proffs requiers a gather proff, it would give one random proff that you could use only to help, and well it would take room with having both herbs and mines in youre bag, so I think two should be enought


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Well another idea that was said, which I think isn't as bad (except for maybe not promoting team work that much), is that you just pick it up. You can have Herb collecting and Skinning as just a pick up from the ground/dead monsters thing. Then one can have sort of 2 proffesions and can manage on his own pretty well. But yeh it doesn't support teamwork :eek: .
And the vault for mixing idea isn't that great in the sense that it means the players have to return to one place all of the time (likely their home city) to make a potion. To improve it I'd say that any Herb collector can come there with his herbs and pay a proffesionalist a bit and have him make him a potion, so the Herb collector CAN get potions on his own, it's just more of a fuss, but it'd work if your Alchemist is selfish or has left the game :D .
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yeah, if some proffesion gets very populair, like alchemy, then skinning wont work and after all, you always gotta have a alchemist online then, I think it would be easyer if you could do both youreself

Edit: Stavious, did you start with the storry or can I add one more thing? :p 600 years ago the land belonged to the trolls.. but then the humans took it


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Rpg Lore

Here it is the long expected lore of the RPG:

The Orcs live in tribes in the Southern Blasted lands (supposedly something that looks like Outland/Desert area) and have chieftains. For months the Orc shamans (and warlocks) have felt uneasy about a disturbance in their mystical energies. One of the Orc chieftains Gurantar (name to be changed), and strong Shaman, meditated over the issue, and using his Far Sight ability was able to locate the source of the problem. An ancient artifact has resurfaced itself after hundreds of years in the Eastern Kingdom. Not much is known about this artifact, but that the ones who posses it receive great power (that can either make them an ultimate being or corrupt and destroy the un-worthy). The Orcs are the only race who know of this artifact (since it was supposedly created by their ancient ancestors - know one knows exactly how though) and was closed by them in the depth of the sea. So the Orcs rally a campaign that is to go to the Eastern Kingdom (which is rarely visited by the civilized races) to go retrieve that artifact before it reaches the wrong hands. A group of brave Orcs (warriors, shamans, hunters etc.) has been sent in order to retrieve this artifact lead by the Blademaster Ru'gnul. Their fate is yet uncertain, but their task is certainly not easy.
Creator Notes: The artifact should be something like a rock, which sends massive amounts of energy from it. One must 'drink' from the rock in order to obtain its un-natural powers. The rock was created by the old Orc (and maybe Trolls if you want them) Shamans and Warlocks in order to fight the savage beings that walked their land in those times. Yet after having but a test of their strength they sent it to the bottom of the ocean, where it was never to see the light of day again. Now a Human Mage as located the stone and had put a spell on it to bring it out of the ocean. Unfortunately when he tried to use it he was found un-worthy and became corrupted. Close to death the Mage disappeared, but the stone remained.

The humans inhabit the Northern lands, where they are ruled by a Prince (name required).
The Prince is fairly new to the 'business' (as his father died of age two years ago) and has advisors (Warriors, Mages and etc.) that help him make decisions. The humans are in a constant battle with the Orcs from the south in the area around the borders. The Human leader Juliano (name to be changed) is always looking for weakness in the Orc's lines to strike when they are un-prepared. Lately he has seen the Orcs' warrior numbers in the lines decrease (as they are sending people to the Eastern Kingdom) and feels that the time to fight is now. He asks the Prince to send all of his army to the border and deliver a fatal blow into the Orcs' territory; one that could re-shape the entire kingdom.
Human Mages have also felt the change in the flows of magic since the rise of the stone but do not know of its lore and cannot explain what is happening. However they feel their powers weakening. In order to stop this they must find an ancient scroll of magic hidden in the ruins of an old Troll lair. However never before has a Mage brave enough stood up to take the challenge and the world of Mages is searching desperately for a strong enough soul.
Creator Notes: The corrupted human Mage was once an elite Wizard in the Prince's court, so he knows of the existence of the rock. He doesn't however know what became of the Mage after he left months ago.
The ancient Troll lair that the Mages are trying to locate is found underground, but is hidden carefully and inhabited by dangerous and foul creatures (some that people didn't even know existed before-hand).

More to come...

All this can be changed by Saiza as pleased. If anyone wants to add something to this lore please feel free to do so (as it is not yet complete). Hope you guys like it :D .
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LIKED?!?!?! I totaly LOVED it man! Really great job... this makes me feel even more to creat and RPG :D:D:D:D:D Thanks man... huge thanks!


From the depths, I come.
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Nice story, though I guess I should tell you how things are set up on the map right now. The main human city is on the south-east corner of hte map, with a small village and farm to the south-east of it. In the north-east, there is a "mountain" of sorts, which is covered in snow and ice, and has a river running from it, and all the way down to the south-west corner, where there is a large sea.

That's all I have down right now, and it could be moved, but that's hard now, and will only get harder as I work. I assume that you can move your story to meet this, though. I could add the orc city to the north-west, and the troll cave to the north-east (on the mountain, I guess), and then the main fighting area would be in the middle, or something.

I'd also appreciate if you told me how the battles between the humans and orcs would work though, if it's just the 2 cities sending forces, 2 forts sending forces, player-influenced node control, or what.


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Nice Agent!

About the battle system... lets ask Stavious, he is a better thinker than me :p


I've reached LAX yesterday. Turns out my unit already has internet access, so voila~

Is it possible to add a free trade city? As in, there should be no fighting in that city, and it's controlled by some forces hired by the rich merchants residing in that city. It sells some nice items, available to both sides, and players can trade for items there.

If you're worried of humans using Orc only items, just trigger it so that if humans pick up an Orc-only item, it gets destroyed, together with a random non-quest item that the human is holding. Vice versa.

Battle System? Let's see... Since it's an RPG, we don't it to turn AoS style. So, we have quests. If the Horde activates a quest, the humans will be alerted and they're given time to make preparations for the attack. Humans can also lead a strike, but before doing that, they have to settle a few quests to get weapons & army. Otherwise, battles will be normal? I'm not sure. Wonder what Nik & Stavious thinks.

And you can make a PvP arena if you want to. I'm sure that'd spice things up.
What else? Er... You have in map quests yet?

Oh btw, I have NO access to ANY warcraft 3 ROC & TFT & its World Editor. Cause I didn't have time to install it on my laptop... So, I'm pretty much cut off from making stuff. I'll get my sis to send me the test skill maps I've done, about 3 to 4 spells there/


From the depths, I come.
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The port city of Ferai was founded long ago, and soon grew to be an important trade-city. It was ruled like most other cities, with a local lord and government ruling them. However, after an especially violent raid by bandits, the major merchants decided that something had to be done to keep the major trade center stable. For this, they set up a seperate state, controlled and funded by the richest and most influential merchants. This has expanded into a network of cities all over the nation, and all are protected by well paid guards and mercenaries.



How about quests. Like bandits. Thieves hiding in the sewers. Wait. I'll go shower and update this later.


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grimtooth said:

How about quests. Like bandits. Thieves hiding in the sewers. Wait. I'll go shower and update this later.
Good sence of humour, you have.Leaving us to agony... :D
Now won't you help me at all in my map?


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Good suggestions everyone ;)
I'm sure I will need there.. the pvp arena sounds fun, I guess we will need alot balancing then but anyway. And the merchant part, yeah... great. Just dont gotta make this map to big :p

Soo, if we got room i'll add that!


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Been away from sometime but I got back now :D .
About the battle system, I figured it should be more like LotR, but not quite so. The humans have their army camps at one side of the valley (which is located somewhere in the middle of the map) and the Orcs have theirs on the other side. From time to time, them clash in the middle, or fight in the nearby forests/mountains. The humans have more stadegy in their attacks, as they use somewhat the same type of fighting style in WC3 (flying units, some machinary, and spells) while the Orcs have brute force, and an atvantage in some terrains (such as higher ground where they have an easier time to crush the humans and their steam tanks in particaular, or the forests where the shamans become blessed with 'bonus' powers). The battles are rarely more then tens of warriors at the time though, and are kept minimal not to cause a full scale war. But now the humans feel that they might find an advantage and are planning on a full scale assualt upon the Orcs (whose situation is currently unknown).
I'll be adding more lore soon. :D
Need any other tips though, I'm here for you ;) .


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I got an idea for the first rank:
Scout :
Rank Abilities:
-Scout's suggestion (Ultrvision or Far sight)
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