

Reaction score
The Year was One thousand, Six hundred and Ninety Five after our Lord and Savior (1695 AD), a time in the world where European Empires thrived, as they conquered and colonized foreign lands across the globe. An era, where Trade was bountiful and treasures were abundant across all the seas of the world. Though one sea, laid in chaos, as trade ships that managed thousands upon thousands of tons of treasure were attacked and looted for all of their riches and new mysterious creatures rise from the sea and shores to haunt mankind.​
You are a citizen or a bandit of this era, become a pirate, or defend aganist them, as you explore over 25 islands and locations, across the Colombia. (Each island has multiple special characteristics and usually at least one major myth). As you sail to the horizon you will find much to discover; new lands, and new horrors, all while coming into contact with political disputes, magical legends and a mysterious plot that involves all of the Colombian Sea, that will truly test your wits and your creativity.​

So Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen; Wenches and Privateers, to the "Colombian Sea" in the Era of the Buccaneer;
The Age of Pirates...

"The code is more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules." - Barbossa

Also follow the Global Rules of Roleplay!
  1. To Join Players need to Private Message ether Miz, or Pineapple. It really doesn't matter who you PM first, because both will recieve it. You need both peoples approval on your character or item your submitting before its apart of the game.

  2. Posts should be at least a paragraph long, one-liners will not be accepted. Try to put details, dialog and descriptions in your posts to make them longer.

  3. Players will choose between a Pirate Character, a Citizen Character or a Royal Navy Officer.

  4. Biographies - Players need lengthy backgrounds to make their characters original in some way, hopefully multiple; With an explanation of their past, their abilities, their family and of course, their criminal or heoric records.

  5. Weapons can only be weapons from this Era; Swords, Crossbows, Muskets, One-Shot Pistols, Bandanetts, etc. However be weary of this choice, while the original weapon may seem spectacular, it may be your downfall in the long run. Of course, you also have a limit of weapons depending on how much your character can possibly carry. (Be realistic)

  6. Joining a Ship - Pirate Players can make there own Ship or join someone else's crew, or not even board one at all.

  7. Conduct on a Ship - Whether you think you are the best Pirate in the world, if your on another man's ship. (On a crew of which you didn't create), the Captain Player (creator of that ship or crew) is in charge on his ship and will be referred to as 'Captain' and will be (mostly) respected as such! Mind you that Captain, can force you off the ship, and into any type of infested waters he wants.

  8. Ranks on a Ship - Captains have the right to rank any one person the rank of 'First Mate'. Who will be slightly higher up in the ship and should be similiary respected in some way. However, unlike the Captain the First Mate does not have the right to kick you off the ship, but doesn't mean he can't just stab you.

  9. Battles on a Ship - Ship battles are not decided by a Dungeon Master, rather anyone can say what happens, within reason, as long as it effects non-living objects, nameless enemies (No Profile Characters) and not other players' characters.
    "A large royal navy ship appeared on the horizon, its sails open and directed towards us."
    "The Cannon balls fired into the enemies ship, sending shards of scrap metal into the air."
    "Our ship shook violently, obviously the sign of a hit."

    Boarding an enemy ship, will force your character to engage in battle with other characters, NCCs or just No-Profile Characters. (Just random Enemies). Though be realistic, with enemies, you can't take on like 15 enemies, even if sword fighting is your advantage and especially with Treasure. (For if it is unreasonable it might just be cursed ;)) You have been warned.

    Navy Officers and Citizens can board government or charter ships
    , to anywhere in their Empire! Other places you may have to ether get "lucky" or smuggle yourself in.

  10. Mutiny is allowed on all ships, besides Royal Navy ships. Mutiny can only occur if a character manages to get the crew to rebel against the Captain, and the Captain ether steps down or is killed. Be warned though, if you are caught trying to attempt Mutiny by the Captain or one of his first mates. You can only hope they don't kill you or dump you off in the middle of the sea.

  11. Languages are an important part of this game, as with the three empires, speaking three different languages. Communication is severely important. Though no one can easily master all of these languages, meaning, every character in their profile gets one langauge they can speak. To add another language you need to put it in your advantage category. (You can also speak Native, or Portugese but they probably won't help you as much)

    Note - This does not mean you have to type in that language, it just means if a character doesn't understand that language its all just gibberish to them

  12. Letter of Marque - Letter of marque can be gained during the Roleplay, by a Pirate or even a Citizen. Who aligns themselves (or is even loyal to) the King of an Empire. The Letter of Marque, allows a pirate or citizen to board and conduct 'searches' on foreign trade ships that are not heading or leaving the empire they're aligned to. Without being worried about that certain empire chasing them down. The Letter of Marque, is also a special note forbidding an arrest of the individual unless intervened by the King or Governor of the Land. Do not be confused, Letter of Marques only work for one empire, and you can only have one!
    Letter of Marques, can only be given to you by the Governor, King or a high ranking Military officer. (With the approval of me) Meaning, none of you should start out with a Letter of Marque!

  13. Be Realistic- No one is the best at everything, Meaning your character should have flaws. Whether that be poor intelligence, illiteracy, bad sword fighting or marksmanship or even being a severe alcoholic.

  14. Post your character's name and location at the top of the post to lessen the confusion of the Roleplay. (You will probably receive a banner from Pineapple with your characters appearance involved after joining.

  15. Characters that are Legends - Players can now create characters that are 'Legends' or supernatural sea creatures. These characters will have extreme restrictions on them and limitations on them that will make the roleplay still a fair play situation.
    • A Character that is a Legend (A Legend Character), can only be a Neutral Controlled Character.
    • A Legend Character must have two disadvantages for every advantage.
    • A Legend Character can not have an ability that is too powerful.

Pineapple or Myself have the right to delete any of your posts, or kill off any of your characters if you disobey the Rules of the Roleplay.
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Reaction score


- Location of Port

British | French |Spanish Alliance | Portuguese (Spanish Alliance) | Free State

- Alliance or Loyalty to an Empire or State (Color will tell you to whom)

- In dispute with or at War with. (Color will tell you to whom)

Italics - No (Official) Ownership

(Name of Port, Name of Island)
  1. Maiden's Shore
  2. Port of Crowns, George Island
  3. East Port, Euphya
  4. Puerto del Sol, Santa Magdalena
  5. Port of Notice, Regency of Notice
    [*]Port of Isabella, Isla Isabella
    [*]Port of Britannia, British Shoal [C]
    [*]Harbor of the Queen [C]
    [*]Port of Santos, Santos

    [*]Port of Vensponic, Vensponic

    [*]Eagle Coast
    [*]Trinity Islands

    [*]Eba Cove, Eba



    [*]Logos, Island of Logos
    [*]New Paris, St. Dominique
    [*]Lady's Port, Lady Coradius [C]
    [*]Devil's Cay
    [*]Bandit's Reef

    [*]Gull's Shore

Islands Involved: British Shoal, George Island, Euphya
Colonial Capital: Port of Britannia, British Shoal
Colonial Leader: Governor Christopher Taylor & Williams Nobility
National Leader: King George I of Great Britain

The British Colombia is colonies under the flag of Great Britain, made up of three islands; the British Shoal, being the largest and the capital of the British Colombia. Its location is one of major importance, being the farthest east to Europe and Africa, most trade ships must enter through their ports to get into and out of the Colombian Sea, making Britain a powerful trade network but a quick enemy of other empires. However, Britain shouldn’t be underestimated, as a nation of multiple islands its navy is superior to all in the Colombia, under the command of the Williams Nobility and the Great Admirals of the British Isles, it is uncommon to find a battle in history this navy has lost in the Colombian.

Islands Involved: Isla of Isabella, Santa Magdalena, Santos, Eba
Colonial Capital: Harbor of the Queen, Isla Isabella
Colonial Leader: Governor Francisco II
National Leader: King Felipe V of Spain

The Spanish Colombia, shown North Western portion of the map (yellow Xs), is made up of large islands filled with rainforests. While the Spanish Colombia is only made up of Santa Magdelena and Isla Isabella, (Isabella being the largest to date), the alliance with Portugal and Merchant Commonwealth, makes Eba and Santos also part of the Colombia, all loyal to the Spanish Monarch.

Islands Involved: Lady Coradius, Logos, St. Dominique
Colonial Capital: Lady’s Port, Lady Coradius
Colonial Leader: Governor (or Lady) Alexandre Coradius
National Leader: Louis XIV the Great of France

The French Lowerlands, shown on the southern portion of the map and are made up of the three islands, St. Dominique Island being the largest to date and the Capital of the Colony. These islands are the farthest south islands known to date and known for there Sugar, gold and love of pastries. While more land is waiting to be explored by all the nations of Europe, the appearance of the Pirates is making the progress slowed. Majority of these forces aimed at the French Lowerlands that contain many riches in Rum and Gold needed for the Pirates to survive and make a living.

Islands Involved: Maiden’s Shore, Blackmoor, Vensponic, Eagle Coast, Bandit Reef, Devil’s Cay, and Notice

Free states, are states that are independent of the three colonial empires, each with its own leader (if it even has one) and its own laws and alliances. Some Free states are allied to empires and some are even loyal to them. But still remain Free, because they are not under the direct control of that said empire. Free States are preferred places for pirates to run and hide from the bigger imperial navies.

Islands Involved: Trinity Islands, Titan, Engova
Islands that are in Dispute, is a category for islands that are in conflict ether by the island is trying to gain their independence from Imperial Forces or from another State (Engova) or the island is being fought over by other imperial and state forces for control.

Create your Own Island
Did your crew or character discover a new land (has to happen in RP) or do you think were lacking something in our Atlas, well... take Action! Make your own island and submit it us! If we approve it will be added to the Map and Atlas.

Island's Name
Discovered by: (Name who, if no one put N/A)
Claimed by: (Name the Empire, or Nation who claimed the island. If its no one put N/A, its its pirates please say so.)
Appearance: (The type of landscape of the island, what would it look like if we went there?)
Resources: (What does this island have as a resource)
Inhabitants: (Any natives or unique animals?)
Myths: (Does this island have any legends on it, if so please state which ones)
History: (History or events that have happened on this island)
Special Notes: (Anything else you wish to explain)
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Reaction score

Character Sheet said:
Nickname: (Your Pirate Name; "Black Beard", etc.)
Class: (Pirate, Navy Officer, Citizen)
Primary Language: (The Language your character speaks the most in, out of French, English or Spanish.)
Alignment: (For Citizens or Navy Officers put your empire, for Pirates put "N/A" until you have a 'Letter of Marque')
Affiliation: (What Ship do you belong to, if you have not decided put; N/A or Undecided.)
Advantages: (Skills your Character is good at, such as cartography, Navigation, Sword fighting, Agility, etc. Include any Secondary Languages! - Suggest no more than 4.)
Disadvantages (1 for each advantage): (Skills your character lacks, not that he/she can't do them, its just he's/she's not very good at them)
Appearance: (Image Please)

Isabella Sanzio
Nickname: Pandora
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Tattoo: Two cutlasses forming a cross on her shoulder.
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: Spanish
Alignment: None
Affiliation: None
  1. Sword Fighting: Pandora is an expert in sword fighting, she is a force to fear in hand to hand combat where she can dance and slash circles around even the most trained opponents, it would be an understatement to call her good.
  2. English:She is able to speak English, a language she learned from her adoptive brother.
  1. Interpretation: Despite her great combat abilities, Pandora is clueless in anything that would require signals. She constantly confuses them, and she has a hard time differentiating any body language or tones people send her way.
  2. Emotional: She is also a very emotional person, she acts on how she feels, not on how things would work out logically, yet she refuses to acknowledge it as such, and will try to logically reason her emotional response to others, to appear as a logical thinker and to convince them her was is the correct way.
Appearance: Link – Pandora usually has one eye covered by a golden-brown eye patch, though her eye works perfectly fine, for when night comes her eye will be adjusted to the dark and she will have no problems finding her way around. As well, she carries a amulet around her neck at all times, a thin silver chain attached to a strange bird like symbol made of sapphire. Her eyes typically have black make up around them, making the blue stand out more, but only for cosmetic reasons.
Weapons: On each of Pandora’s hips is a scabbard holding a cutlass; she is well trained and prefers to fight while using two cutlasses over any other method. Although she does carry with her a pistol attached to her leg n cause of an emergency. Lastly the heels of her boots have a blade running the length of the heel along the back. This allows her two cut people with just a kick if she was caught empty handed. The blade is black steel making it blend in with her boots and help to avoid any detection.
Personality: Isabella is a woman that can act and feel comfortable either alone or in the presence of others, though she much prefers being alone. When in front of people she acts tough and puts up fronts to seem like she’s unbreakable, though while she’s alone that front will break and she becomes a different more sensitive person. Although she is against murder, she has no qualms about killing in self defense. She has a soft spot for animals, and cares more for their safety than most living people.
Biography: Isabella was born to Ana Sanzio and Ricardo Sanzio in the Harbor of the Queen. Her father worked as a Representative to the Port of Isabella, and her mother was a baker in a small bakery. Both of her parents were out of the house much of the day. Her mother worked twelve hour days and her father was gone for weeks at a time to the port of Isabella on work. This left Isabella at home with a caregiver for most of her life. That was until the day her mother found a boy on the streets begging for money or food. Her mother always had a soft spot for kids, and at this time it was very unusual for beggars or the homeless. Especially in the harbor, most people had jobs, and nearly all children had parents. But not this boy, her mother adopted the child and gave him shelter in their home. His name was Jonathan and he was of British decent.

Over the weeks following he would do all sorts of chores around the house, mostly cleaning and cooking. Isabella began to resent him, he got all the attention from her parents because of how well behaved and how much he helped around the house. After a few more weeks her parents thought that they wouldn’t need the caregiver anymore, and fired her. Her new adoptive brother would be the one who was to take care of her from then on out, despite her reluctance.

She started to make messes on purpose, reject his food, and all the while he would keep cleaning and keep cooking, never saying anything to her. She was seven when Jonathan came to live with them, he was only twelve. Over the year Pandora’s hate for her adoptive brother withered and they started to become closer. He would read her books if she asked, and they would teach each other to speak their languages, Pandora learned English from him. They because close as if they were brother and sister since birth, Yet, when she was twelve and Jonathan turned 16, she ran to his room to see him, yet she found nothing there. He was gone, and he never even said good bye. She cried all day, and was one of the last times anyone would see her that way again. She started growing distant from others, and started to appear tougher and less sensitive.

She never got another caregiver; he parents believe she was old enough to care for herself. He wait dropped drastically, she wouldn’t cook herself any food, and she seemed to do absolutely nothing anymore. But as she laid in bed one night she began to change. She told herself to start acting independently and to not rely on others to do the work for her. She started to cook for herself, and secretly taught herself sword fighting. On her sixteenth birthday She woke early morning when the sun was still raising, to find a small box at the foot of her bed. It was from her parents, inside was a small note written in Spanish.

Isabella, we both know, and we want you to never forget who you are or where you are from, never forget your family, though I’m sure you won’t, after all, your going after your family today aren’t you?

Below the note was a small amulet, silver chain with a symbol carved of sapphire on it. It had been granted to her father for his work by the king of Spain himself. Her father was responsible for improving connection between the harbor of the queen, and port Isabella. He improved both of their economies with her various plans and strategies, and there was talk of making him a Advisor to the Colonial leader.

Her parents were right of course, she was headed out to find her brother, Jonathan. But it was more than that, she wanted to be free, to do as she wanted; and she wanted to be independent. She started off taking any trade ships she could to travel around to find her brother, and when the ships were attacked by pirates she would defend with them with two Cutlasses she was given by the ships crew. At first she had troubles, but she learned quickly and could fight well, but she only got better and better after each fight. When she landed in Engova and said her good byes to the ship and its crew, they were never seen or heard of by anyone ever again. He next ship brought her to the British Shoal, and that ship sank a few hundred feet from the shore.

In the shoal, she was watched carefully and given no freedoms, she eventually joined a pirate ship and became a bandit of the waters herself. She was a pirate for the many years to follow. Yet, ever ship she was ever on faced hardships, and soon she was left abandoned in Vensponic, no ship wanting the cursed Pandora. Over this time, Engova had become the sought after target or France and Britain, the shoal was hit with a powerful wave, and much of the docks were rebuilt. Everywhere she had been was hit with misfortune it seems.

She gave up her hunt for Jonathan long ago, believing him to be long dead, as no one has ever heard of him.

: Arlen Williams
Nicknames: Shark Bait
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Tattoos: None
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: None, at this present time
  1. Sword Fighting, one of the only thing, Sir Amen's taught him purposely. Alren is good with many kinds of swords and is able to wield two swords but he is far from being called a master and could easily be beaten if the enemy cheats.
  2. Agility, Alren is fast, and can quickly escape from matters if he starts sprinting. Making catching up to him, quite hard, and for those old slow pirates, nearly impossible.
  3. Blood of Nobility, Arlen closest kept secret is that he is one of the central heirs of the Williams Nobility. His name can be useful on British Shorelines, and save himself from the gallows; but could be his death among pirates
  1. Illiteracy, Alren or Shark Bait, can barely read individual letters correctly, let alone complex words of English and other languages used by nobles and sometimes, pirates.
  2. Poor navigation, Alren is unable to read a compass, and is horrible in finding directions, whether this be Left and Right, or North, East, South and West. No one should listen to Alren in the navigation front, as he will surely lead everyone in the wrong direction
  3. Weight & Height, Arlen can easily be picked up or manhandled, because of his height and light weight. Meaning any semi-musculuar pirate could easily grab Arlen and keep him quiet.
  4. Alcohol Lightweight, Arlen is a lightweight with alcohol, especially the amount of it in Rum. He will easily become sick, drunk or pass out with only a few glasses.
Appearance: Link - Arlen is average height for his age, which is short compared to most pirates on the sea and his weight is somewhat under what it could be and overall he has some muscle strength. He wears an over large white tunic, that has been cut in a V formation showing most of his chest and torso and can fall off during battle (because its worn so loosely). His pants are also too big for him, forcing him to wear a belt. The only thing that does properly fit him is his Brown Bandanna like most pirates with their hats, he treats his bandanna with respect and will go back to find it if he ever loses it in a location.
Weapons: A silver dagger, the last remembrance of his home in Port Britannia and his family, that wasn't lost to the storm; crested with the seal of the William's Nobility, it is his most prize possession and a common sword he got stealing from an unconscious drunk.
Personality: Arlen, or what he prefers to call himself, Shark or Shark Bait, is a loud and cheerful lad. He is easily amused with stories, legends or jokes, (even though he usually doesn't understand them) as if nothing could tear him down. However, in reality Arlen can be very serious and requires moral support of others and acceptance into a group to do anything right. Whether that be a crew of pirates, or a group of prisoners, he hates being alone in any circumstance.
Biography: Arlen Williams, the name Arlen keeps to himself; son of the Late Commodore Rodger Williams of England and his wife, Lady Victoria Williams, the daughter of the former Governor Williams of the British Colombia and central heir to the Williams Nobility. In childhood, well younger childhood (5 or 6), Arlen was suppose to grow up like any male in his nobility and follow after his father; becoming a Navy Officer. His cousins all much older already being ship commanders and lieutenants while his female cousins prepared to be courted and his older relatives dealt with the nobility and nation-wide issues. However that so-called prophecy that would be his career was cut short after Arlen's family moving to a newly functioning island of Euphya - that lacked a commandeering officer - from the heavily guarded Port of Britannia. A voyage such as this was followed by an entire fleet, after all, the admiral and nobility were on board, yet it is usually requested that ships go north, but unusual weather, assumed to be a hurricane, didn’t allow that option. In a rush to get to Euphya the fleet turned to the south.
It was an excellent move in the beginning, as the winds guided them swiftly around the island of British Shoal, but quickly after losing sight of shore, disaster struck the fleet in the open waters of the sea, as the weather quickly changed from a calm cloudy day to a perfect stormy night that turned winds in any so direction. The last thing Arlen remembers, is being on deck with his father, who ordered him to go back inside the ship, but before he could do so, the masts came undone and he was pushed aside before being struck across the head, and causing him to fall unconscious, only to wake up marooned, on a floating piece of wreckage, forsaken to be devoured by the sea. To his luck a group of Privateers loyal to the Former governor and the King of Britain, found him along the route to Euphya only a day after the event. The captain of this crew was known as “Sir Amens”, his name a joke for being a so-called "Pirate Knight" that hunted other pirates as a duty. While welcoming the boy to their fleet, it took almost a year before Sir Amens realized that his Cabin Boy, whom they rescued was of his noble family he served, but he knew it was already too late, the damage to him was already done and the crew could not recall the names of any relative in the nobility, or where they would be located. Speaking that all of his relatives assumed he would be dead, and trying to find a new place for him would be too dangerous, as a central heir. They did the only reasonable thing they could and kept him aboard the ship as a crew member, to learn the basics to piracy. It is now at the age of 12 that Arlen, or now called, Shark Bait, wished for more then Sir Amen's fleet and was granted the permission to leave the crew, even though odds were not on his side. Hoping to return as his own legend.

Amber Sommers
Nickname: Angel (something of a joke from the locals)
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: N/A
  1. Gunslinger: An expert marksman and incredibly fast on the draw.
  2. Sleight of Hand: Amber is known to dabble in the tricks of thieves and magicians, and is not above employing any sort of deceit or ploy to achieve her ends.
  • Melee combat: While not totally inept (you have to have some ability to be able to survive in the dog-eat-dog world out there…), in any serious encounter, Amber is a liability.
  • Personality: Brave, reckless, and mouthy, a combination that’s more likely to get you killed than anything else.
Appearance: Link: Lithe and slender like some predatory cat, with uncomfortably long blonde hair and deep amber eyes. She wears mostly black, revealing in a way that is most definitely scandalous, and always sports that kooky hat.
Weapons: Identical twin pistols each with five rounds per reload, a knife in her right boot, and a hidden blade strapped onto her left forearm which becomes a handy wrist-blade with a quick bend of a hand.
Personality: Bold, Fiery, Impetuous, Haughty, Flippant, Roguish
Biography: The fifth child and third daughter of a reputable British nobleman, Amber grew up in the upper districts of the British Shoal, receiving all the education and instruction that was proper for a pampered young lady of the times. It was not the life she wanted, however. The pretentious manner in which the nobility carried themselves, the endless feuding between noble families, and the way everyone expected her to live and act – it was almost as if they had already planned out her entire future! And they did, as she found out to her intense displeasure on her seventeenth birthday: they had arranged her marriage to another promising young noble, one whom she knew nothing about, and had never even met in her life.

It was all too much, and Amber had never been one to think clearly before acting - she left. Left behind the rules and restrictions of the nobility, left behind their petty games and politics, left behind the world of endless parties and ball gowns, left behind the shadow of her siblings and her parents who did not love her, to pursue something more, something different – her own life: a life of adventure and freedom.

She did miss her siblings now and again, especially Christian, who had been the eldest, and Elizabeth, who had been her closest friend and confidant, but the decision was made, and she was never going back.

: Scotty Van Ellis
Nicknames: Gull or Old Gull
Age: 63
Gender: Male
Tattoos: One on his fore arm, that is so stretched out that it is hard to tell that it is a Sea Gull. Given to him by the Vensponic Navy and narrowly escaping execution.
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: The Crew of the Ocean Drifter
  1. French, Scotty Van knows two languages, his primary birth language of English and horribly accented French, that he learned from his French Captives when he was a hostage in his youth.
  2. Navigation, Scotty Van knows the location of nearly every stars, in every month of the year that reside over every sea in the four corners of the Earth. His abilities of navigation are so impressive he has strange rituals to avoid bad luck on the seas, and find ways out of storms.
  3. Knowledge, Scotty van knows many old legends and demons of the sea, and by the number of limbs and organs he has lost in his life. It is obvious he knows them 'personally'.
  1. Disability, Scotty Van has lost many of his limbs, such as his right leg and left arm, and has lost other parts of his body such as his left ear, and left eye.
  2. Alcohol Problem, Scotty Van has a tremendous problem with Alcohol, as if he is not telling stories about his adventures or the legends of the ocean, he is most likely drunk.
  3. Memory Problems, Scotty Van has problems with remembering the timing of events, and people. Sometimes, especially when he is under the influence of alcohol he will just make up things that supposedly happened to him in the past. Making his true journeys that made him a legend from his fake ones kind of to distinguish.
Appearance: Link
Weapons: An ancient sword that he received since he was a child, a sword so practiced upon on the sea, every piece of it is rusted and falling off. Though he keeps it as a treasure he says, as the ancient sword was lost for three years in the mouth of the creature know as Kraken.
Personality: Scotty Van is an unsocial old man, seldom does he talk to his loyal friends and crew mates. His unresponsiveness can make people feel a tad suspicious and a bit paranoid of his nature, but Scotty Van won't harm anyone unless you threaten first.
Brief Bio: Scotty Van Ellis, grew up as a peasant in the northern lands of Scotland, back in the time when Scotland and England were separate kingdoms and the new world seemed to be a threatening place, and this 'America' intimidating, but at the age of sixteen the Ellis' left the homeland of Scotland and headed to the British Colombia, a newly found colony at the time. Though Scotty Van did not become a privateer just like that, at first he was on the opposite side of the spectrum, a Tradesmen, but it wasn't till he was twenty-one that his trade ship was raided and looted for all its good, and he was taken as a hostage by a group of pirates.
Though, Scotty Van wasn't killed or forced to walk the plank, he was a mere pet, for French pirates for an entire year. In this year, he learned the basics of French and by the time of his release he was able to speak nearly fluently to the pirates (that barely knew the language themselves). When the pirates discovered this, they grew tired of the man and tried to kill him, but in a struggle of power. Scotty Van was able to murder the entire ship by lighting the ship aflame and narrowly escaping into the sea and entered into the world of Privatizing. He than set off to become part of a Crew on the shores of Blackmoor, however he got more than he bargained for, as he became Captain of the Legendary "Sea Urchine", also known as "The Ship with Metal Spikes", in only a two years, after killing the former captain in a Munity. This prized ship used its metal spikes to carve its way through enemy ships by charing into them and than hopping across to steal plunder and loot before the ship gave way to the sea. It was this unusual strategy vested most navies at the time and even fended off Kraken, on more than one occasion, by so-called legend. However, little is known about what truly happened to the ship fifteen years ago when Scotty Van took his crew to uncharted lands, hoping to find a mysterious cursed treasure, supposedly so powerful it was spilt into three. Many legends have sprouted about what happened to the ship, but only the survivor, Captain Scotty Van could tell someone the truth, but even he has remained silent about the endeavor. Now Days, Scotty Van is a traveler on many ships, spending the last of his golden treasure on booze and cheap ladies, to make his days fonder. He mainly is hired to tell tales, and aid his patrons in the Arts of Navigation for the discovery of legendary items and places, all for a certain price.
Pet's Name: Scott​
Nickname's: None​
Owner: Scotty Van​
Species: Dog​
Appearance: Link
Notes: Scott, the trusty sidekick of Scotty Van, will only response to Scott and nothing else. Just as a warning, he has been known to attack when tempted.​


Emilie de Lorme
Nickname: Black Saber (Although she never uses it)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Tattoos: None
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: French
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: None.
  1. Light on her feet – When Emilie moves she makes next to no sound, a trait she developed from her occupation as a Thief.
  2. Acrobat – Emilie can climb almost anything and balance on thin ledges with ease. She is also a fairly fast runner.
  3. Knives Mastery – The only weapons she ever uses are knives and daggers, being able to throw them very well, and fight better than an average knife user.
  4. Good Senses – Working mostly at night, Emilie has adapted to hear smell and see things far better than most. She makes an excellent lookout, a skill which had her working on seven pirate ships.
  1. Tiny – Due to her Tiny frame, Emilie can not perform feats of strength well. Furthermore she can be easily picked up and even thrown.
  2. Can't handle Guns – If Emilie ever got a gun to fire, she would probably shoot herself in the leg than do anything else. She also dislikes guns and is a bit afraid of them.
  3. Childish – Her personality gets her into a lot of trouble with pirates, as she gets easily bored and tends to do other things, like climbing and jumping around the boat and making a mess, before being a lookout. She also likes trinkets and is known to take or steal things if she wants them.
  4. Illiterate – Due to her uneducated childhood she can not read nor write. Furthermore, anyone attempting to teach her would fail due to her short attention span.

Appearance: Link. Emilie has a tiny frame, weighing only 39 kilograms (86 pounds) and being 143 cm tall (4 feet 7 inches). She dresses up in clothes that usually don't hinder movement, with
knee high boots. Her favourite dress colours are blue and green, and she likes wearing trinkets. She never takes of her green pendant, a memory from her childhood.
Weapons: 8 Daggers. The longest one is in the front of her skirt. She has four more throwing daggers in her boots (2 in each), one on each side of her chest, hidden under her top, and a stilleto dagger hidden in the back of her skirt.
Personality: Emilie is very carefree and mischievous. She is generally distrusting, although she doesn't show it. She dislikes water and guns. Due to her very short attention span she has difficulty obeying orders and tends to get bored easily, which several times got her near killed. She also likes to rasp and taunt her opponents, sometimes even when she shouldn't do so. Emilie also likes to sleep a lot.
Biography: Emilie's mother died giving birth to her. While she was an infant, her father was miserable with his life in France, so he decided to move and leave everything behind. They started a journey to New Paris on the island of St. Dominique on board a merchant ship. Emilie was 6 at the time.

The ship was intercepted by Pirates loyal to the British crown, near the island of Logos. The ship was boarded, and Emilie's father hid her under the decks. After the shouting and guns stopped, there was only the voices speaking an unfamiliar language. A pirate searched the bottom decks and found Emilie hiding in a cupboard. He took pity on her and let her live. He smuggled her in a box on a French smuggler ship headed to New Paris.

With no one to take care of her, she wandered the streets of New Paris. Some took pity and gave the poor beggar child with the wavy blue hair food, and somehow, she was able to survive the next few years of her life.

At the age of 10, she started Thieving. At first, just to survive, stealing food. But as life went on for Emilie she became better and better her newfound hobby. She soon started stealing jewels, trinkets, blankets and anything else she wanted. She worked at night, and developed good vision and stealth. Everyone had forgotten the beggar child with the wavy blue hair, she was now known as Black Saber, a legendary thief.

At the age of 14 she was recruited by a captain of a small sloop as a lookout. Her skills were unbelievable, as she was able to spot ships miles away without a looking glass, as well as feel storms coming. However, due to her nature she quickly became a bother, then a nuisance to the pirates on board. The next time they came to port, she disembarked and was forced to quit. While on land, she thieved, and while recruited by pirates she served as a lookout. During this time she was forced to walk on the plank twice, as well as disembark in the nearby ports and make a run for her life.

Her skills as a thief kept rising and soon, everyone knew the name Black Saber. It was rumored she could even steal the beard of Blackbeard if she wanted to. Yet her personality and her attitude never made it clear she was Black Saber. In fact, she didn't even use her nickname, nor did she ever want to be called that.

Now at the age of 17, after passing through the service of several pirate ships, she finds herself again on the island of New Paris, looking for her next adventure.


Jonathan Sanzio [Wills]
Nickname: Scribbles
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Tattoos: A Jolly Roger is tattooed on his Shoulder blade.
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: None
Affiliation: None
  1. Cartography: Scribbles is an expert in cartography, the creation of maps. He has many maps he uses that were drawn and created by himself of different regions of the Colombian he has been too.
  2. Navigation: He is an expert in navigation, he can lead a ship from anywhere to any other island in the Colombian.
  3. Charismatic: He has no problems talking to people, and finds getting his message across easy. He can distinguish between proper and improper etiquette when face with a person quickly and effectively.
  4. Spanish: He can speak and write Spanish, which he learned from his foster family many years ago.
  1. Strength: Scribbles is weak physically, he can be over powered simply enough, and has trouble with heavy lifting.
  2. Combat: He cannot defend himself in a fight with anyone who is trained in combat, and prefers to slink away to the back when a fight starts.
  3. Sanity: He is completely insane from his close encounter with the Kracken leaving his mind destroyed and insane. He speaks gibberish mostly and has problems focusing for long periods of time.
  4. Obsessive: When ever something catches his interest he races off to find out all he can about it, where it is, how to get there, then for months he can talk about nothing else but what he’s obsessed about, often letting important things go.
Appearance: Link – All over his arms are various sketches of maps and doodles he has done when no paper was near him, and stranger still, he uses them as a map of he areas he has sketched on himself. On his belt is a pouch attached to it which carries various inks and pens that he uses when creating his maps, and on the other is a tube that holds all sorts of papers and finished maps in it.
Weapons: Scribbles has a rapier that he can use incase of an emergency, though it is hardly a match against most opponents. He also has a pistol he can use, though rarely does.
Personality: Scribbles is a lover of treasure and freedom. He will travel the globe for the thrill and excitement of treasure hunting. In his days as a pirate it became quite clear that harming people was something Scribbles was not comfortable with, and refused any training in combat, saying he could defeat most opponents with his tongue alone. But above treasure are his friends and family, valuing them above all else, at least he believe he would. But after the assault of the Kraken he was never the same. His attitude was all over the map, he became unpredictable and careless, and the things he used to love were nothing more than shiny trinkets now. Anywhere he goes, it’s impossible to know what he would do next.
Biography: Jonathan was born to Edward Wills and Helen Wills back in England – which is where he spent a great portion of his childhood. As a young boy he spent most of his life attending fancy schools built only for Britain’s brightness and richest to attend. His family was certainly not poor, that was sure. They had plenty of money, and when he asked his parents how they got so much money, they would typically tell him how they were all heirs to the Williams nobility and laugh. He never understood it for a long time, though eventually as he grew older he learned that he was currently fifty-third in line for the Williams nobility. It wasn’t till even later he learned that it was much more of a joke than any real chance. As it stood, over fifty people would need to be killed for him to claim the title.

Many of the other kids at the school were masters of many different things, math, science, yet Jonathan was unique from them all. He was a master of geography – more over, a master of navigation and cartography. It didn’t prove to help him in school, his grades were poor over all, though he had been told numerous times he would make a good navigator on a naval ship. He considered that a possible goal, but it was a dangerous life, full of fighting and pirates. His parents moved out to the Colombian to Port of Britannia, with him in toe when they had good job offerings there, and a chance to get even richer. They told him it would be a good chance for him to learn and get experience in what he did best.

Unfortunately a storm brought them along the southern tip of the British Shoal where the ship was ambushed by French pirate slavers. All the adults were killed in the raid and the children cuffed and taken away, the ship they were aboard was burnt to the ground. They brought them far south past Devils Cay to the Bandits Reef. Plenty of coral and tropical fish swam around, the land was mostly beach, a few buildings and some trees, it looked beautiful, aside from the rows and rows of tied up slaves. Many were bought everyday, and even more came. After a week at the reef the French pirates who took him decided to take him as their own slave, and sent him to work on their ship, chained up the whole time, with the barrel of a gun in his face. This continued for a few weeks before the ship was run down and boarded by the Spanish navy. The pirates were defeated in the end, yet the captain escaped; he was Captain Pierre Gaspar. Jonathan was a free man again.

The problem was he was only eleven at the time, and he was left to scavenge the streets of the Harbor of the Queen, he bagged for food and did any job he could. He was bagging on the streets when a woman took notice of him, he could only speak a few phrases of Spanish, and she spoke very little English, but she decided to take him to her home. Jonathan had no idea what to take of this encounter, but the woman seemed nice enough. He worked hard everyday; he had to show them his gratitude. He cleaned and cooked and looked after their daughter, she was younger than he; she was only 7 when he came but his birthday came before his. It felt like she resent him, and it wasn’t unreasonable of her, a stranger came in to her home.

The caregiver in charge of Isabella was fired a few weeks after he came in to live with them, leaving him in charge of her. It took a long while before Isabella took to him, he had learned much Spanish by this point and he could talk the language fairly well. She started to eat the food he made, and ask him favors or to read to her, often she would ask him to create a story or tell her one, and not to read it. Over the years he tried to teach her English and she did what she could to help him along with learning Spanish. By the time he was fifteen they could both speak either language fluently.

This last year for Jonathan was the most influential on his life. He learned more and more about his family. As he was up and about doing chores, or gathering groceries his adoptive parents were always a hot topic. Ricardo Sanzio was a famous man, he was growing in popularity among the population, and he was building favor among the people, ready to take a leap forward to become an Advisor to Governor Francisco II. Yet many people would question him, after all he adopted someone of British decent, as such his rival Geraldo Romez played off this, building up his support and working his way ahead. Jonathan couldn’t tolerate it for ever.

He could overhear his adoptive parents talking about it occasionally, and they agreed they wouldn’t disown him or anything of the sort, yet he wasn’t alright with that. On his sixteenth birthday he snuck out of the house and left on his own adventure. He knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to explore the world, and collect treasures. He took the first ship he could out of the harbor and it had brought him to Vensponic. The place was filled with pirates, and he looked hard for a ship to become a crewman off, a navigator perhaps. He looked long and hard for a treasure hunter as well, not a bandit. He lived in Vensponic for a few months doing odd jobs and practically lived in the Sea Fox. His room had his name carved into it along with different notes he wanted to take. It wasn’t unusual; many patrons of the bar did such things.

Eventually he found a treasure hunting vessel docked and he talked to the captain, asking to be a member of his crew. It took much convincing, but the captain allowed him aboard the ship, under a strict trial period. They set sail a few days later, and Jonathan proved himself time and time again, leading the ship and backtracking with the maps he created on the go; causing everyone to call him scribbles, so much that his real name was long lost to all. They traveled the entire Colombian, collecting treasures where ever they traveled.

When Scribbles was twenty his ship went after a prized treasure, one said to be divided into three pieces far to the west. Jonathan and the captain learned the tale from another, and were told that the treasure was alright sought after by a man with a far greater reputation than they could hope to match. Captain Gull, a fairly old man, with many amputations it appeared. Scribbles and the captain began talking to this Old Gull, and showed their interest in the treasure where they agreed to a challenge, a race to the treasure. Both parties agreed and departed the port for the search of a powerful artifact. The ships were close together though most of the voyage; they aided each other if either came to any troubles, a very friendly race. Yet the two ships split paths in the final departure of the race leaving from the Eagle Coast. Scribbles headed north to the frozen ice sheet. Tragedy struck in the open ocean to the ship unfortunately.

As the water began to bubble around the ship huge tentacles wrapped themselves around the hull of the ship, constricting it; an attack by the fabled kraken. The ship was under great stress, crew men shot and stabbed the appendages with all they had yet it was all in vain. The hull snapped and filled with water. Next the ship was torn in half and everyone fell strait into the water. Scribbles sank far. He stared into the beak of the creature He swam with all his might to flee, to the point he could stare the beast in the eye, its eye far larger than his whole body. A tentacle lashed to him and sent him flying though the water into the sea floor, watching as people were sucked into its maw, and blood slowly drifted to the surface. He felt a tug at his collar and he was getting dragged through the water away from the kraken, to his side he saw what looked to be a long fishes tail, yet a human hand gripped his collar he saw beautiful golden hair flowing to him, he didn’t remember much past that, he fell unconscious from a lack of air.

When he awoke he was on a beach over looking the ocean. He slowly sat up, and looked out over the horizon to see what appeared to be a golden haired person sing into the water never to emerge. He stumbled though the beach until he found civilization, Puerto del Sol. Unfortunately he suffered greatly from the attack, his mind couldn’t perform as it used to be able to. He had gone insane. He spoke ridiculously and found the strangest things of interest.

Over the following years he lived though charity and traveled over the waters by ships willing to bring him with them. He did eventually find a ship willing to have him aboard full time, for he was still an expert navigator just far more interesting than most would enjoy. Over the many years the ship docked though many ports across the sea, it was a small trade ship, controlled by no country, buying and selling as they saw fit. The ship was docked in New Paris when many of the crew was arrested for unlawful trafficking of slaves, and indeed, they did sell and trade slaves. Scribbles didn’t fully understand what slaves were; any they believed Scribbles himself to be a slave. He ended up staying in New Paris waiting for the Captain, Joshua Breton, to return to him and tell them to leave port. He didn’t realize that the captain was long since hanged and he would not see him again.


Neutral Controlled Characters are characters that everyone can control if they are near the vicinity of that character. However, you (and anyone you trust) can control the character anywhere it goes. Important Enemies, or Antagonists should be NCCs such as military officers and other ship captains, etc.

Character Sheet said:
Nickname: (Your Pirate Name; "Black Beard", etc.)
Class: (Pirate, Navy Officer, Citizen)
Primary Language: (The Language your character speaks the most in, out of French, English or Spanish.)
Alignment: (For Citizens or Navy Officers put your empire, for Pirates put "N/A" until you have a 'Letter of Marque')
Affiliation: (What Ship do you belong to, if you have not decided put; N/A or Undecided.)
Advantages: (Skills your Character is good at, such as cartography, Navigation, Sword fighting, Agility, etc. Include any Secondary Languages! - Suggest no more than 4.
Disadvantages (1 for each advantage): (Skills your character lacks, not that he/she can't do them, its just he's/she's not very good at them)
Appearance: (Image is ideal for a banner)

Robert la Roque
Nickname: Ripper
Age: 48
Gender: Male
Tattoos: Skull&Cannon on his back
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: French
Alignment: Rose.
Affiliation: None.
  1. Strong – Despite his disabilities, such as his peg leg, Robert is very strong. It's rumoured that when his First Mate mutinied, he broke his neck with three fingers.
  2. Cartographer – Robert is an excellent cartographer, knowing many islands that are uncharted as well as the Columbian by heart.
  1. Nearly Blind – Robert has one blind eye, and his other is nearly blind. Due to this his reflexes in combat sometimes suffer, as well as his marksmanship
  2. Vengeful – Ever since his encounter with the Old Gull, Robert has become furiously Vengeful. He often ignores apparent danger and would agree to nearly anything to reach his target.
  3. Running – Due to his peg leg, as well as the other leg almost dead with gangrene, Robert is unable to run or move swiftly with his feet. He also has trouble balancing sometimes.
Appearance: Link. Robert is a huge man, muscular man. His left eye is blind. He is missing three fingers on his right hand, and two on his left. He has a peg leg, and his other leg is infected, although he never shows it. He wears a captains hat, as well as a lot of padded clothing.
A cutlass. The standard weapon for a pirate, Robert is able to swing it decently well. His fighting skills are based on strength, not speed.
Robert is considered evil by most. He wasn't like this always, but his encounter with the Old Gull had left him nearly dead and shamed. From there on out he has done everything he can to find and kill Scotty. He treats his crew with fear and brute force, and so far no one dared say a word.
Robert started as an adventurer seeking wealth and knowledge. He was a cartographer on several ships, before earning enough money to buy his own Ship. His goal was to discover an island rich in resources, and get rich selling the knowledge to the highest bidder.

At the age of 42, now a seasoned cartographer, he sailed the open seas. He charted many islands but none of them worthy. Then, he found a strange island haven. The island itself wasn't anything special, but the strategic position of it, and the cliffs that hide the inside of the island, could prove valuable to anyone. Paranoid, he did not chart the island, but rather sailed back and remembered where the island was.

He sailed back to the town of Blackmoor, where he decided to celebrate his discovery over a few drinks. Quite a few. He ended up chatting with a strange fellow by the name of Scotty Van. He was resting as well from his previous encounter, where he lost one of his appendages. In the chatter, Robert told Scotty about what he had found, to which the Old Gull congratulated him. However, the following day, as Robert passed out, he heard that Scotty had discovered an island that may be a pirate haven. When he confronted Scotty who was still drunk, he replied he cannot recall meeting him, and told him to sod off. Furious, Robert challenged Scotty to a duel, and due to his inferior skills and blindness lost. It was Scotty who managed to cut his leg in this duel, to the point that he had to amputate it.

Robert fled the island swearing revenge. He took his ship ''Rose'' and started a smuggling route between the french and the pirates. He worked and built his Skills and Dread across the Columbian, so that he could kill Scotty, for stealing his Pride.
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Reaction score

Ship's Name:
Ship's Construction Location: (Must be in a location where ships are specialities)
Ship's Appearance: (Photo or Discription)
Captain: (Must be a Character)
Alignment: (Only if your Captain is a Navy Officer or has a 'Letter of Marque')
First Mate:
Other Members of the Crew: (Characters or NPC Only Required)
Ship's Advantages: (No ship is truly equal, what gives you the edge over another ship.)
Ship's Disadvantages (1 for every Advantage):
History of Crew/Ship: (Explain how your crew acquired the ship and is it legendary? Explain why!)
Special Notes:


Ship's Name: Rose
Ships's Construction Location: Lady's Port
Ships's Appearance:
Captain: Robert la Roque
Alignment: None
First Mate: None
Other Members: NPC's
Ship's Advantages:
  1. Cannons – Rose has good and powerful cannons, capable of tearing down ships fast.
Ship's Disadvantages:
  1. Disrepaired – Rose is in a bad state of repair, a very violent storm will tear it down, and if it gets in a fight it is bound to sink.
Ship's History: The Ship was purchased by Robert la Roque in [blank]. It was a fine vessel and mainly stayed out of combat. However, Robert was not exactly rich, so he skimped on repair costs and maintenance. Over time Rose began to deteriorate, and today it's not as seaworthy as it used to be. If captured it could still be repaired because of it's good construction, but it would take time to do so.


Reaction score

Specific Location: (If any)
Summoner (If Any): (Does a specific uncommon event, or special item summon this monster into action?)
Abilities: (Any known Abilities?)
The Myth:

Name: Ocean Queen
Nicknames: None
Age: Ageless
Specific Location:The Entire Colombian
Summoner: None
Knowledge: The Myth is unknown.
Abilities: Control over all beings of the sea, mythical or otherwise
Appearance: Link
The Myth: Long ago, when the Colombian was nothing more than Masses of land, there ruled an almighty queen. Her beauty was unmatched by any of the sea, a long scaled tail replaced where he legs should have been. Her person was adorned with five treasures of myth and legend. A bracer, ring, crown, amulet and scepter of untold powers were the artifacts the queen needed to rule the oceans, her many servants around her, and all sorts of beasts only seen in your nightmares ruling the tides.

Alas humans began their birth, slowly populating the planet, even in these secluded islands and waters human life bloomed. The queen knew that with these beasts at large humanity couldn’t blossom. She took her five items of power and placed them all in sacred altars, all across the islands. The scepter, her most powerful artifact, she split into three, and placed each on an island protected by a mighty leviathan of the sea each harnessing the power of the harshest elements on the earth, ice, fire and lightning. With all the items in their altars the world was protected, the beasts were removed from the seas; gone down to a slumber deep below the tides, to never harm anyone.

As the last item was placed, the queen’s body faded to mist, forever lingering where she died, and in her place rested a marble statue of a bird. The bird was to collect the items and return them should ever they leave their altars. It was the bird’s destiny, even if he wouldn’t know it.

Humanity was never to know of the queen and her sacrifice, and never know of the items. Yet as settlers came from across the Oceans, they greedily took the items to give to the most important people. The beast gave rise decades after, returning for their slumber, but now there is no one to control them, and only one who is destined to return the items to their rest.

If the items ever united together again, anything could happen.


Just Smile.
Reaction score

Main Street, Port of Vensponic

All across the port people were running towards their homes, they were retreating to their safe holds. The streets were nearly abandoned by now, except one individual. A young woman, her heels clicked against the stone walk ways, and her hair was getting toss all over her face from the intense wind. He name was Isabella Sanzio, but people only really know her by Pandora now. She seemed to hold a curse, everywhere she goes, bay things happen. The sky grew dark as the wind grew fiercer. It was said that a storm would be coming though Vensponic tonight, that was why everyone stayed inside, shealtering themselves for it. Yet not everyone held a home here, nor did they have a ship; in those situations they relied on their local bar, usually opening its door to people in this weather – if they were willing to buy a drink of course.

As Pandora continued her walk down the street she came to the ever familiar bar, The Sea Fox. A strange name it was, and even stranger still were its patrons. It was the bar where no one was normal, the last stop bar after the person have been kicked from all the others in the port. Although this wasn’t her first choice stop, she would have to make do, all other bars were filled tonight, and she had no intentions of braving this storm. Luckily the Sea Fox was also a inn, or the sign says. Nothing more than a mound of straw covered in a blanket in each room, not that anything else could fit in them.

Sea Fox’s Inn, Port of Vensponic

As Pandora stepped inside people turned to look and gave whispers, she was well known here, everyone makes sure no ship would dare take her aboard. There were men more armed than any ship she had ever seen; carrying numerous knives, swords, and guns. Some men inside were so poor they were scavenging crumbs, and spilt drinks from the floor, a sight not all to uncommon. The bar was dark and the air felt damp and thick. The windows had planks of wood nailed to them, allowing no light to get inside; everything was lit by candles, not an easy feat for such a large space.

The Bar Keeper was serving drinks, and the lone waitress was being assaulted by nearly and patron close enough to touch her. She must have been no older than 14 years old the waitress, but when you need money any job that pays is a job you can’t easily ignore.

Despite all this, very few fights break out in the bar, everyone who comes here typically comes with the expectation that everyone they meet will be slime balls or pin heads. As Pandora took a seat at a lone table far back in the bar, she took out a small pouch and began counting how much money she had remaining, and it she could even afford a drink, let alone a room. Slight rain could be heard on the bars roof as drops of rain trickled though the cracks. It was going to be a long night.

Isabella Sanzio 'Pandora'
Name: Isabella Sanzio
Nickname: Pandora
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Tattoo: Two cutlasses forming a cross on her shoulder.
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: Spanish
Alignment: None
Affiliation: None
  1. Sword Fighting: Pandora is an expert in sword fighting, she is a force to fear in hand to hand combat where she can dance and slash circles around even the most trained opponents, it would be an understatement to call her good.
  2. English:She is able to speak English, a language she learned from her adoptive brother.
  1. Interpretation: Despite her great combat abilities, Pandora is clueless in anything that would require signals. She constantly confuses them, and she has a hard time differentiating any body language or tones people send her way.
  2. Emotional: She is also a very emotional person, she acts on how she feels, not on how things would work out logically, yet she refuses to acknowledge it as such, and will try to logically reason her emotional response to others, to appear as a logical thinker and to convince them her was is the correct way.
Appearance: Link – Pandora usually has one eye covered by a golden-brown eye patch, though her eye works perfectly fine, for when night comes her eye will be adjusted to the dark and she will have no problems finding her way around. As well, she carries a amulet around her neck at all times, a thin silver chain attached to a strange bird like symbol made of sapphire. Her eyes typically have black make up around them, making the blue stand out more, but only for cosmetic reasons.
Weapons: On each of Pandora’s hips is a scabbard holding a cutlass; she is well trained and prefers to fight while using two cutlasses over any other method. Although she does carry with her a pistol attached to her leg n cause of an emergency. Lastly the heels of her boots have a blade running the length of the heel along the back. This allows her two cut people with just a kick if she was caught empty handed. The blade is black steel making it blend in with her boots and help to avoid any detection.
Personality: Isabella is a woman that can act and feel comfortable either alone or in the presence of others, though she much prefers being alone. When in front of people she acts tough and puts up fronts to seem like she’s unbreakable, though while she’s alone that front will break and she becomes a different more sensitive person. Although she is against murder, she has no qualms about killing in self defense. She has a soft spot for animals, and cares more for their safety than most living people.
Biography: Isabella was born to Ana Sanzio and Ricardo Sanzio in the Harbor of the Queen. Her father worked as a Representative to the Port of Isabella, and her mother was a baker in a small bakery. Both of her parents were out of the house much of the day. Her mother worked twelve hour days and her father was gone for weeks at a time to the port of Isabella on work. This left Isabella at home with a caregiver for most of her life. That was until the day her mother found a boy on the streets begging for money or food. Her mother always had a soft spot for kids, and at this time it was very unusual for beggars or the homeless. Especially in the harbor, most people had jobs, and nearly all children had parents. But not this boy, her mother adopted the child and gave him shelter in their home. His name was Jonathan and he was of British decent.

Over the weeks following he would do all sorts of chores around the house, mostly cleaning and cooking. Isabella began to resent him, he got all the attention from her parents because of how well behaved and how much he helped around the house. After a few more weeks her parents thought that they wouldn’t need the caregiver anymore, and fired her. Her new adoptive brother would be the one who was to take care of her from then on out, despite her reluctance.

She started to make messes on purpose, reject his food, and all the while he would keep cleaning and keep cooking, never saying anything to her. She was seven when Jonathan came to live with them, he was only twelve. Over the year Pandora’s hate for her adoptive brother withered and they started to become closer. He would read her books if she asked, and they would teach each other to speak their languages, Pandora learned English from him. They because close as if they were brother and sister since birth, Yet, when she was twelve and Jonathan turned 16, she ran to his room to see him, yet she found nothing there. He was gone, and he never even said good bye. She cried all day, and was one of the last times anyone would see her that way again. She started growing distant from others, and started to appear tougher and less sensitive.

She never got another caregiver; he parents believe she was old enough to care for herself. He wait dropped drastically, she wouldn’t cook herself any food, and she seemed to do absolutely nothing anymore. But as she laid in bed one night she began to change. She told herself to start acting independently and to not rely on others to do the work for her. She started to cook for herself, and secretly taught herself sword fighting. On her sixteenth birthday She woke early morning when the sun was still raising, to find a small box at the foot of her bed. It was from her parents, inside was a small note written in Spanish.

Isabella, we both know, and we want you to never forget who you are or where you are from, never forget your family, though I’m sure you won’t, after all, your going after your family today aren’t you?

Below the note was a small amulet, silver chain with a symbol carved of sapphire on it. It had been granted to her father for his work by the king of Spain himself. Her father was responsible for improving connection between the harbor of the queen, and port Isabella. He improved both of their economies with her various plans and strategies, and there was talk of making him a Advisor to the Colonial leader.

Her parents were right of course, she was headed out to find her brother, Jonathan. But it was more than that, she wanted to be free, to do as she wanted; and she wanted to be independent. She started off taking any trade ships she could to travel around to find her brother, and when the ships were attacked by pirates she would defend with them with two Cutlasses she was given by the ships crew. At first she had troubles, but she learned quickly and could fight well, but she only got better and better after each fight. When she landed in Engova and said her good byes to the ship and its crew, they were never seen or heard of by anyone ever again. He next ship brought her to the British Shoal, and that ship sank a few hundred feet from the shore.

In the shoal, she was watched carefully and given no freedoms, she eventually joined a pirate ship and became a bandit of the waters herself. She was a pirate for the many years to follow. Yet, ever ship she was ever on faced hardships, and soon she was left abandoned in Vensponic, no ship wanting the cursed Pandora. Over this time, Engova had become the sought after target or France and Britain, the shoal was hit with a powerful wave, and much of the docks were rebuilt. Everywhere she had been was hit with misfortune it seems.

She gave up her hunt for Jonathan long ago, believing him to be long dead, as no one has ever heard of him.


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Sea Fox’s Inn, Port of Vensponic

It was morning. Or perhaps it was night. With this thrice-damned weather nobody could tell the difference.
Amber turned herself over in the straw. Perhaps she would sleep in today. With the way things looked from here, nobody in the right mind would be setting sail anyways; there was no chance for her to find work at the docks today. The makeshift “bed” was very uncomfortable, however, and she kept tossing and turning. Finally, she gave up and decided that she would go down into the common room and get a drink with what meager coins she had left. At least it would lift her sour mood… or drown it.

The mere thought of money incensed her. She had come fresh off a ship with all the money she could wish for. The Fair Maiden had come off very lucky, catching an unguarded, fat merchant ship east of Eba and coming away with what must’ve been more spoils than those sorry pirates had ever seen in their lives… She had received a fair (if not generous) share of the loot, enough to promise several months of living the high life on the shores… but then… that damned, little rascal had robbed her!

She had been off her guard, and drinking perhaps, a little more than was strictly healthy for her… He was a street urchin, she suspected, one of those who roamed the streets here and there, robbing citizens and pirates alike to make their living. He was lightning quick, and was by far more familiar with the city layout, vanishing swiftly into one of the twisting passageways that he undoubtedly knew so well. She had had no chance of catching him, especially not in that state, oh but if she ever saw him again- her hands were white on her guns…

These murderous thoughts must’ve made themselves known on her face the moment she walked into the common room, for though some nearby drinkers glanced at her, they were just as quick to glance away. She must’ve looked utterly disheveled also, which would not have helped on impressions.

Sitting down swiftly, she snapped her fingers for a drink - a strong one.

Amber Sommers 'Angel'
Name: Amber Sommers
Nickname: Angel (something of a joke from the locals)
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: N/A
  1. Gunslinger: An expert marksman and incredibly fast on the draw.
  2. Sleight of Hand: Amber is known to dabble in the tricks of thieves and magicians, and is not above employing any sort of deceit or ploy to achieve her ends.
  • Melee combat: While not totally inept (you have to have some ability to be able to survive in the dog-eat-dog world out there…), in any serious encounter, Amber is a liability.
  • Personality: Brave, reckless, and mouthy, a combination that’s more likely to get you killed than anything else.

Appearance: Link: Lithe and slender like some predatory cat, with uncomfortably long blonde hair and deep amber eyes. She wears mostly black, revealing in a way that is most definitely scandalous, and always sports that kooky hat.
Weapons: Identical twin pistols each with five rounds per reload, a knife in her right boot, and a hidden blade strapped onto her left forearm which becomes a handy wrist-blade with a quick bend of a hand.
Personality: Bold, Fiery, Impetuous, Haughty, Flippant, Roguish
Biography: The fifth child and third daughter of a reputable British nobleman, Amber grew up in the upper districts of the British Shoal, receiving all the education and instruction that was proper for a pampered young lady of the times. It was not the life she wanted, however. The pretentious manner in which the nobility carried themselves, the endless feuding between noble families, and the way everyone expected her to live and act – it was almost as if they had already planned out her entire future! And they did, as she found out to her intense displeasure on her seventeenth birthday: they had arranged her marriage to another promising young noble, one whom she knew nothing about, and had never even met in her life.

It was all too much, and Amber had never been one to think clearly before acting - she left. Left behind the rules and restrictions of the nobility, left behind their petty games and politics, left behind the world of endless parties and ball gowns, left behind the shadow of her siblings and her parents who did not love her, to pursue something more, something different – her own life: a life of adventure and freedom.

She did miss her siblings now and again, especially Christian, who had been the eldest, and Elizabeth, who had been her closest friend and confidant, but the decision was made, and she was never going back.


Reaction score

Sea Fox’s Inn, Port of Vensponic

The drizzle that fell upon the roof, soon sprouted into a hard rain that could match Hail in its intensity. "A bad omen it is." said Scotty Van in a chill tone that matched the howl of the wind that tried to breach the shudders of the windows. "A perfect storm, with convulsed winds, and now only if the' eyes of mine have tricked me into foolery, or there is a young lass sitting before me." he said, as he took another gulp of his rum, his glasses lining the perimeter around his area of the counter. "Yes, a fine lass, even if her voice is like a hissing snake, and her venom stronger than that of a sea basilisk's, nye, her venom has already blinded me with her beauty." he continued to say, gracing his neighboring patron. "If yah do not so mind me asking, why is a lady such as yourself, with a statue such as yourself stuck in a pub of foolery at such a late hour?"

Scotty Van Ellis
Name: Scotty Van Ellis
Nicknames: Gull or Old Gull
Age: 63
Gender: Male
Tattoos: One on his fore arm, that is so stretched out that it is hard to tell that it is a Sea Gull. Given to him by the Vensponic Navy and narrowly escaping execution.
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: The Crew of the Ocean Drifter
  1. French, Scotty Van knows two languages, his primary birth language of English and horribly accented French, that he learned from his French Captives when he was a hostage in his youth.
  2. Navigation, Scotty Van knows the location of nearly every stars, in every month of the year that reside over every sea in the four corners of the Earth. His abilities of navigation are so impressive he has strange rituals to avoid bad luck on the seas, and find ways out of storms.
  3. Knowledge, Scotty van knows many old legends and demons of the sea, and by the number of limbs and organs he has lost in his life. It is obvious he knows them 'personally'.
  1. Disability, Scotty Van has lost many of his limbs, such as his right leg and left arm, and has lost other parts of his body such as his left ear, and left eye.
  2. Alcohol Problem, Scotty Van has a tremendous problem with Alcohol, as if he is not telling stories about his adventures or the legends of the ocean, he is most likely drunk.
  3. Memory Problems, Scotty Van has problems with remembering the timing of events, and people. Sometimes, especially when he is under the influence of alcohol he will just make up things that supposedly happened to him in the past. Making his true journeys that made him a legend from his fake ones kind of to distinguish.
Appearance: Link
Weapons: An ancient sword that he received since he was a child, a sword so practiced upon on the sea, every piece of it is rusted and falling off. Though he keeps it as a treasure he says, as the ancient sword was lost for three years in the mouth of the creature know as Kraken.
Personality: Scotty Van is an unsocial old man, seldom does he talk to his loyal friends and crew mates. His unresponsiveness can make people feel a tad suspicious and a bit paranoid of his nature, but Scotty Van won't harm anyone unless you threaten first.
Brief Bio: Scotty Van Ellis, grew up as a peasant in the northern lands of Scotland, back in the time when Scotland and England were separate kingdoms and the new world seemed to be a threatening place, and this 'America' intimidating, but at the age of sixteen the Ellis' left the homeland of Scotland and headed to the British Colombia, a newly found colony at the time. Though Scotty Van did not become a privateer just like that, at first he was on the opposite side of the spectrum, a Tradesmen, but it wasn't till he was twenty-one that his trade ship was raided and looted for all its good, and he was taken as a hostage by a group of pirates.
Though, Scotty Van wasn't killed or forced to walk the plank, he was a mere pet, for French pirates for an entire year. In this year, he learned the basics of French and by the time of his release he was able to speak nearly fluently to the pirates (that barely knew the language themselves). When the pirates discovered this, they grew tired of the man and tried to kill him, but in a struggle of power. Scotty Van was able to murder the entire ship by lighting the ship aflame and narrowly escaping into the sea and entered into the world of Privatizing. He than set off to become part of a Crew on the shores of Blackmoor, however he got more than he bargained for, as he became Captain of the Legendary "Sea Urchine", also known as "The Ship with Metal Spikes", in only a two years, after killing the former captain in a Munity. This prized ship used its metal spikes to carve its way through enemy ships by charing into them and than hopping across to steal plunder and loot before the ship gave way to the sea. It was this unusual strategy vested most navies at the time and even fended off Kraken, on more than one occasion, by so-called legend. However, little is known about what truly happened to the ship fifteen years ago when Scotty Van took his crew to uncharted lands, hoping to find a mysterious cursed treasure, supposedly so powerful it was spilt into three. Many legends have sprouted about what happened to the ship, but only the survivor, Captain Scotty Van could tell someone the truth, but even he has remained silent about the endeavor. Now Days, Scotty Van is a traveler on many ships, spending the last of his golden treasure on booze and cheap ladies, to make his days fonder. He mainly is hired to tell tales, and aid his patrons in the Arts of Navigation for the discovery of legendary items and places, all for a certain price.
Pet's Name: Scott
Nickname's: None
Owner: Scotty Van
Species: Dog
Appearance: Link
Notes: Scott, the trusty sidekick of Scotty Van, will only response to Scott and nothing else. Just as a warning, he has been known to attack when tempted.​


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Sea Fox’s Inn, Port of Vensponic

For a moment Amber did not realize whom the old drunkard was speaking of and when she did, she gripped her drink stronger and ground her teeth. Hissing snake? She nearly strangled him right there. And then he had the nerve to speak to her. She fought the urge to answer him with her guns; it wouldn’t do to get kicked out in this weather.

“Look, you old fart, mind your own business and I’ll mind mine,” she said through gritted teeth, and then added perhaps not so subtly, “Nobody needs to get hurt.”

Amber Sommers 'Angel'
Name: Amber Sommers
Nickname: Angel (something of a joke from the locals)
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: N/A
  1. Gunslinger: An expert marksman and incredibly fast on the draw.
  2. Sleight of Hand: Amber is known to dabble in the tricks of thieves and magicians, and is not above employing any sort of deceit or ploy to achieve her ends.
  • Melee combat: While not totally inept (you have to have some ability to be able to survive in the dog-eat-dog world out there…), in any serious encounter, Amber is a liability.
  • Personality: Brave, reckless, and mouthy, a combination that’s more likely to get you killed than anything else.

Appearance: Link: Lithe and slender like some predatory cat, with uncomfortably long blonde hair and deep amber eyes. She wears mostly black, revealing in a way that is most definitely scandalous, and always sports that kooky hat.
Weapons: Identical twin pistols each with five rounds per reload, a knife in her right boot, and a hidden blade strapped onto her left forearm which becomes a handy wrist-blade with a quick bend of a hand.
Personality: Bold, Fiery, Impetuous, Haughty, Flippant, Roguish
Biography: The fifth child and third daughter of a reputable British nobleman, Amber grew up in the upper districts of the British Shoal, receiving all the education and instruction that was proper for a pampered young lady of the times. It was not the life she wanted, however. The pretentious manner in which the nobility carried themselves, the endless feuding between noble families, and the way everyone expected her to live and act – it was almost as if they had already planned out her entire future! And they did, as she found out to her intense displeasure on her seventeenth birthday: they had arranged her marriage to another promising young noble, one whom she knew nothing about, and had never even met in her life.

It was all too much, and Amber had never been one to think clearly before acting - she left. Left behind the rules and restrictions of the nobility, left behind their petty games and politics, left behind the world of endless parties and ball gowns, left behind the shadow of her siblings and her parents who did not love her, to pursue something more, something different – her own life: a life of adventure and freedom.

She did miss her siblings now and again, especially Christian, who had been the eldest, and Elizabeth, who had been her closest friend and confidant, but the decision was made, and she was never going back.


Reaction score

Sea Fox’s Inn, Port of Vensponic

Most in the bustling bar wouldn't notice him, Arlen, after all was a child in standards compared to the intoxicated pirates who surrounded him. He shrouded himself beneath the bar counter, it was a strategic location, the bartender, who would forced anyone out who didn't become a patron and by a drink would be unable to see him. To others in the bar, he covered his face with his brown bandanna, so for all they knew, which wasn't much, he seemed to be passed out on the floor, and they would just kick him aside if he got in their way.

Arlen didn't mind, he kept his spot after all, most people in the bar would be missing one or two items the next morning, that they will never see again. He wasn't an expert at pickpocketing but it had to be done, speaking that he hadn't eaten in an entire day, and watching the pirates near him feast was too much to bare.

So he immediately took notice to a new customer of the bar, who came downstairs from the "Inn" part of the Sea Fox, she obliviously had money, even if the place was a dirty pirate infested hell hole, it still cost money for a room.

She sat down on a wooden stool a few feet away from where he was hidden, it would be a snitch if she got drunk, but she didn't seem like the type to let her guard down by doing such an act. Arlen had to put himself in jeopardy if he wanted to eat, so he got on his knees, and crawled closer to where the woman sit, inch by inch, he grew more cautious fearing the worse. His break came though when the old man next to her, a man named Scotty that he met once or twice before, who by this time of night was probably too drunk to remember who he is, was attempting to lure her by complimenting the girl, but she took it the wrong way, having an outburst at him. It was at that small moment, Arlen was by her feet, he took his chances lightly, but it was the only opening he received, so he reached up and attempted to slide his hand into the side pocket of the demon-witch of a woman.

He could feel his body and but mostly his arm tremble, when she retorted back to Scotty, but the tips of his fingers could feel the cold metallic trimming of two coins, and he didn't hesitate, grabbing the coins, he tried to lift them slowly out of the pocket, but the woman moved slightly, causing his hand to jerk at a critical time; just when he almost got the two pieces of silver out of their sleeve. Both bounced right out of his hand and onto the wooden planks of the floor.

Arlen Williams
Name: Arlen Williams
Nicknames: Shark Bait
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Tattoos: None
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: None, at this present time
  1. Sword Fighting, one of the only thing, Sir Amen's taught him purposely. Alren is good with many kinds of swords and is able to wield two swords but he is far from being called a master and could easily be beaten if the enemy cheats.
  2. Agility, Alren is fast, and can quickly escape from matters if he starts sprinting. Making catching up to him, quite hard, and for those old slow pirates, nearly impossible.
  3. Blood of Nobility, Arlen closest kept secret is that he is one of the central heirs of the Williams Nobility. His name can be useful on British Shorelines, and save himself from the gallows; but could be his death among pirates
  1. Illiteracy, Alren or Shark Bait, can barely read individual letters correctly, let alone complex words of English and other languages used by nobles and sometimes, pirates.
  2. Poor navigation, Alren is unable to read a compass, and is horrible in finding directions, whether this be Left and Right, or North, East, South and West. No one should listen to Alren in the navigation front, as he will surely lead everyone in the wrong direction
  3. Weight & Height, Arlen can easily be picked up or manhandled, because of his height and light weight. Meaning any semi-musculuar pirate could easily grab Arlen and keep him quiet.
  4. Alcohol Lightweight, Arlen is a lightweight with alcohol, especially the amount of it in Rum. He will easily become sick, drunk or pass out with only a few glasses.
Appearance: Link - Arlen is average height for his age, which is short compared to most pirates on the sea and his weight is somewhat under what it could be and overall he has some muscle strength. He wears an over large white tunic, that has been cut in a V formation showing most of his chest and torso and can fall off during battle (because its worn so loosely). His pants are also too big for him, forcing him to wear a belt. The only thing that does properly fit him is his Brown Bandanna like most pirates with their hats, he treats his bandanna with respect and will go back to find it if he ever loses it in a location.
Weapons: A silver dagger, the last remembrance of his home in Port Britannia and his family, that wasn't lost to the storm; crested with the seal of the William's Nobility, it is his most prize possession and a common sword he got stealing from an unconscious drunk.
Personality: Arlen, or what he prefers to call himself, Shark or Shark Bait, is a loud and cheerful lad. He is easily amused with stories, legends or jokes, (even though he usually doesn't understand them) as if nothing could tear him down. However, in reality Arlen can be very serious and requires moral support of others and acceptance into a group to do anything right. Whether that be a crew of pirates, or a group of prisoners, he hates being alone in any circumstance.
Biography: Arlen Williams, the name Arlen keeps to himself; son of the Late Commodore Rodger Williams of England and his wife, Lady Victoria Williams, the daughter of the former Governor Williams of the British Colombia and central heir to the Williams Nobility. In childhood, well younger childhood (5 or 6), Arlen was suppose to grow up like any male in his nobility and follow after his father; becoming a Navy Officer. His cousins all much older already being ship commanders and lieutenants while his female cousins prepared to be courted and his older relatives dealt with the nobility and nation-wide issues. However that so-called prophecy that would be his career was cut short after Arlen's family moving to a newly functioning island of Euphya - that lacked a commandeering officer - from the heavily guarded Port of Britannia. A voyage such as this was followed by an entire fleet, after all, the admiral and nobility were on board, yet it is usually requested that ships go north, but unusual weather, assumed to be a hurricane, didn’t allow that option. In a rush to get to Euphya the fleet turned to the south.
It was an excellent move in the beginning, as the winds guided them swiftly around the island of British Shoal, but quickly after losing sight of shore, disaster struck the fleet in the open waters of the sea, as the weather quickly changed from a calm cloudy day to a perfect stormy night that turned winds in any so direction. The last thing Arlen remembers, is being on deck with his father, who ordered him to go back inside the ship, but before he could do so, the masts came undone and he was pushed aside before being struck across the head, and causing him to fall unconscious, only to wake up marooned, on a floating piece of wreckage, forsaken to be devoured by the sea. To his luck a group of Privateers loyal to the Former governor and the King of Britain, found him along the route to Euphya only a day after the event. The captain of this crew was known as “Sir Amens”, his name a joke for being a so-called "Pirate Knight" that hunted other pirates as a duty. While welcoming the boy to their fleet, it took almost a year before Sir Amens realized that his Cabin Boy, whom they rescued was of his noble family he served, but he knew it was already too late, the damage to him was already done and the crew could not recall the names of any relative in the nobility, or where they would be located. Speaking that all of his relatives assumed he would be dead, and trying to find a new place for him would be too dangerous, as a central heir. They did the only reasonable thing they could and kept him aboard the ship as a crew member, to learn the basics to piracy. It is now at the age of 12 that Arlen, or now called, Shark Bait, wished for more then Sir Amen's fleet and was granted the permission to leave the crew, even though odds were not on his side. Hoping to return as his own legend.

Important OOC about Website (and Location Profiles)
I am switching servers, so the site will be temporarily down. I may move the profiles to a temporary location but if you do need info on a certain location, just ask for it via OOC or via PM/VM. :thup:


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Sea Fox’s Inn, Port of Vensponic

She drew faster than anyone could react.


And then there was instant silence, broken only by the tinkle of the silver on the floor.

There was a smoking hole in the floor right next to the boy’s hand.

Boy? Another kid? Figures. It was a surprise - and unfortunate - she would’ve really liked to have maimed someone then, and there was no way she was going to shoot a kid.

She flicked her head in disgust, “Get out of here, kid. Scram!”

Amber Sommers 'Angel'
Name: Amber Sommers
Nickname: Angel (something of a joke from the locals)
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: N/A
  1. Gunslinger: An expert marksman and incredibly fast on the draw.
  2. Sleight of Hand: Amber is known to dabble in the tricks of thieves and magicians, and is not above employing any sort of deceit or ploy to achieve her ends.
  • Melee combat: While not totally inept (you have to have some ability to be able to survive in the dog-eat-dog world out there…), in any serious encounter, Amber is a liability.
  • Personality: Brave, reckless, and mouthy, a combination that’s more likely to get you killed than anything else.

Appearance: Link: Lithe and slender like some predatory cat, with uncomfortably long blonde hair and deep amber eyes. She wears mostly black, revealing in a way that is most definitely scandalous, and always sports that kooky hat.
Weapons: Identical twin pistols each with five rounds per reload, a knife in her right boot, and a hidden blade strapped onto her left forearm which becomes a handy wrist-blade with a quick bend of a hand.
Personality: Bold, Fiery, Impetuous, Haughty, Flippant, Roguish
Biography: The fifth child and third daughter of a reputable British nobleman, Amber grew up in the upper districts of the British Shoal, receiving all the education and instruction that was proper for a pampered young lady of the times. It was not the life she wanted, however. The pretentious manner in which the nobility carried themselves, the endless feuding between noble families, and the way everyone expected her to live and act – it was almost as if they had already planned out her entire future! And they did, as she found out to her intense displeasure on her seventeenth birthday: they had arranged her marriage to another promising young noble, one whom she knew nothing about, and had never even met in her life.

It was all too much, and Amber had never been one to think clearly before acting - she left. Left behind the rules and restrictions of the nobility, left behind their petty games and politics, left behind the world of endless parties and ball gowns, left behind the shadow of her siblings and her parents who did not love her, to pursue something more, something different – her own life: a life of adventure and freedom.

She did miss her siblings now and again, especially Christian, who had been the eldest, and Elizabeth, who had been her closest friend and confidant, but the decision was made, and she was never going back.


Just Smile.
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Sea Fox’s Inn, Port of Vensponic

Pandora counted out coins till she counted out enough for a drink, with barely anything left over. She probably wouldn’t be able to afford a room. Though she had no intension of leaving the Inn at this time, in this storm, it would be suicide. As she looked towards the bar, she could see an old man, with many missing limbs sitting near a young woman talking; she looked to be slightly older than herself. It looked that the old man was trying to make a move on the woman, who clearly didn’t reciprocate anything towards him. Pulling a stool up to the bar she sat down and ordered a drink.

She passed the bartender the coins then watched the two in curiosity, while her drink was being poured. After a few seconds Pandora could see a young man o the floor reaching for the woman, and from the looks of it he was trying to grope her. Hardly unusual, but it’s strange for someone to attempt it in such a way.

As her drink arrived the woman whipped out a gun, and shot at the ground beside the man on the ground. It was clear the man was lucky to be alive, she barely missed. She couldn’t believe what she saw either. As Pandora gripped the handle of the drink, she tensed before standing up with such vigor and hast her stool fell crashing to the floor as she tossed all of the ale out of the glass towards the woman before yelling at her. “Really? The kid was just curious! No reason to kill him!”

Isabella Sanzio 'Pandora'
Name: Isabella Sanzio
Nickname: Pandora
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Tattoo: Two cutlasses forming a cross on her shoulder.
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: Spanish
Alignment: None
Affiliation: None
  1. Sword Fighting: Pandora is an expert in sword fighting, she is a force to fear in hand to hand combat where she can dance and slash circles around even the most trained opponents, it would be an understatement to call her good.
  2. English:She is able to speak English, a language she learned from her adoptive brother.
  1. Interpretation: Despite her great combat abilities, Pandora is clueless in anything that would require signals. She constantly confuses them, and she has a hard time differentiating any body language or tones people send her way.
  2. Emotional: She is also a very emotional person, she acts on how she feels, not on how things would work out logically, yet she refuses to acknowledge it as such, and will try to logically reason her emotional response to others, to appear as a logical thinker and to convince them her was is the correct way.
Appearance: Link – Pandora usually has one eye covered by a golden-brown eye patch, though her eye works perfectly fine, for when night comes her eye will be adjusted to the dark and she will have no problems finding her way around. As well, she carries a amulet around her neck at all times, a thin silver chain attached to a strange bird like symbol made of sapphire. Her eyes typically have black make up around them, making the blue stand out more, but only for cosmetic reasons.
Weapons: On each of Pandora’s hips is a scabbard holding a cutlass; she is well trained and prefers to fight while using two cutlasses over any other method. Although she does carry with her a pistol attached to her leg n cause of an emergency. Lastly the heels of her boots have a blade running the length of the heel along the back. This allows her two cut people with just a kick if she was caught empty handed. The blade is black steel making it blend in with her boots and help to avoid any detection.
Personality: Isabella is a woman that can act and feel comfortable either alone or in the presence of others, though she much prefers being alone. When in front of people she acts tough and puts up fronts to seem like she’s unbreakable, though while she’s alone that front will break and she becomes a different more sensitive person. Although she is against murder, she has no qualms about killing in self defense. She has a soft spot for animals, and cares more for their safety than most living people.
Biography: Isabella was born to Ana Sanzio and Ricardo Sanzio in the Harbor of the Queen. Her father worked as a Representative to the Port of Isabella, and her mother was a baker in a small bakery. Both of her parents were out of the house much of the day. Her mother worked twelve hour days and her father was gone for weeks at a time to the port of Isabella on work. This left Isabella at home with a caregiver for most of her life. That was until the day her mother found a boy on the streets begging for money or food. Her mother always had a soft spot for kids, and at this time it was very unusual for beggars or the homeless. Especially in the harbor, most people had jobs, and nearly all children had parents. But not this boy, her mother adopted the child and gave him shelter in their home. His name was Jonathan and he was of British decent.

Over the weeks following he would do all sorts of chores around the house, mostly cleaning and cooking. Isabella began to resent him, he got all the attention from her parents because of how well behaved and how much he helped around the house. After a few more weeks her parents thought that they wouldn’t need the caregiver anymore, and fired her. Her new adoptive brother would be the one who was to take care of her from then on out, despite her reluctance.

She started to make messes on purpose, reject his food, and all the while he would keep cleaning and keep cooking, never saying anything to her. She was seven when Jonathan came to live with them, he was only twelve. Over the year Pandora’s hate for her adoptive brother withered and they started to become closer. He would read her books if she asked, and they would teach each other to speak their languages, Pandora learned English from him. They because close as if they were brother and sister since birth, Yet, when she was twelve and Jonathan turned 16, she ran to his room to see him, yet she found nothing there. He was gone, and he never even said good bye. She cried all day, and was one of the last times anyone would see her that way again. She started growing distant from others, and started to appear tougher and less sensitive.

She never got another caregiver; he parents believe she was old enough to care for herself. He wait dropped drastically, she wouldn’t cook herself any food, and she seemed to do absolutely nothing anymore. But as she laid in bed one night she began to change. She told herself to start acting independently and to not rely on others to do the work for her. She started to cook for herself, and secretly taught herself sword fighting. On her sixteenth birthday She woke early morning when the sun was still raising, to find a small box at the foot of her bed. It was from her parents, inside was a small note written in Spanish.

Isabella, we both know, and we want you to never forget who you are or where you are from, never forget your family, though I’m sure you won’t, after all, your going after your family today aren’t you?

Below the note was a small amulet, silver chain with a symbol carved of sapphire on it. It had been granted to her father for his work by the king of Spain himself. Her father was responsible for improving connection between the harbor of the queen, and port Isabella. He improved both of their economies with her various plans and strategies, and there was talk of making him a Advisor to the Colonial leader.

Her parents were right of course, she was headed out to find her brother, Jonathan. But it was more than that, she wanted to be free, to do as she wanted; and she wanted to be independent. She started off taking any trade ships she could to travel around to find her brother, and when the ships were attacked by pirates she would defend with them with two Cutlasses she was given by the ships crew. At first she had troubles, but she learned quickly and could fight well, but she only got better and better after each fight. When she landed in Engova and said her good byes to the ship and its crew, they were never seen or heard of by anyone ever again. He next ship brought her to the British Shoal, and that ship sank a few hundred feet from the shore.

In the shoal, she was watched carefully and given no freedoms, she eventually joined a pirate ship and became a bandit of the waters herself. She was a pirate for the many years to follow. Yet, ever ship she was ever on faced hardships, and soon she was left abandoned in Vensponic, no ship wanting the cursed Pandora. Over this time, Engova had become the sought after target or France and Britain, the shoal was hit with a powerful wave, and much of the docks were rebuilt. Everywhere she had been was hit with misfortune it seems.

She gave up her hunt for Jonathan long ago, believing him to be long dead, as no one has ever heard of him.


~Choco Coronet~ Omnomnom
Reaction score

6 days ago, New Paris, St. Dominique

It was morning, or perhaps nearing noon. Emilie unwillingly got up, pushed on by her growling stomach. Her New Paris haven was the only permanent one, it seems wherever she went she returned back here. The pile of blankets she stole made a makeshift tent which was located just outside of the town.

Emilie got up and dressed quickly. ''What kind of sweets will i get today i wonder'', she muttered to herself, to which the stomach replied with more growling. She headed towards the city, and as per usual, going for the docks first. If a new ship boarded that can mean new trinkets for Emilie.

As she walked the town of New Paris was moderately quiet. However, the bustling on the docks never was. Amongst the Shouting, Drunkards and Merchants trying to fool visitors and nobility, Emilie spotted a new ship that had docked. She was on such ships before. It was a Smuggling Ship.

This was relatively uninteresting. To Emilie, Smugglers are pirates wearing merchant and citizen clothing. A menacing figure approached from the ship. A long haired, bearded man emerged. He was extremely unkept, looked tired and...carried a jewelry box in his hands. ''Yay'' Emilie squeaked. The man suddenly became an interest. Emilie started following him.

He seemed determined about something. With each of his steps a thud sound was heard. He had a peg leg. She could easily outrun him, it was just a matter of proper timing. He continued walking and finally stopped at a food merchant. They started talking and in a blink of an eye Emilie swooped in and got the jewelry box. The pirate cursed and reached out, but she tumbled away. On the way home, happy as can be, she stole some fruits from the stores.

She ate quickly, the jewelry box stared intently at her. She was curious. Finally her meal was done, and she tried to open the box. Locked. ''Oh'', she remarked. She took one of her knives and tried to pry open the box, and grew more and more unnerved. '' What kind of a key did that old man use!'' . Finally, she managed to open it. Puff. Nothing but air inside. ''Huh? Em..pty?''. She was furious. She didn't want a stupid box, she wanted trinkets. Jewelry! She packed up the box and headed to the docks.

Sure enough, she spotted the ship still being repaired. She climbed a pole, and yelled out to the ship. ''Old man, i don't want your stupid box''. No answer. ''Old man with the funny hair!''. The captain was present on board, but he made no remark if he heard her. ''OLD MAN!!'' Finally she shouted and threw the box at him. It failed to hit him by a mile, but he did turn to her. She rasped ''What kind of a stupid old man keeps an empty box with him''. He turned away and ignored her. ''Hey! HEY!'' She grew more and more angry. She really disliked being ignored. Suddenly she smelled something. A waff of warm air amidst the cool breeze, a storm. ''Fine, be that way, i hope your ship gets blown away somewhere by the storm tonight''. She made a whoo sounds like the wind blowing. The captain stopped and twitched. ''Wha makes you think a storm be coming this way lassie? The sky's sunny and no clouds can be seen. ''. ''I'm not telling, nya nya''. She jumped off her pole and headed home. She could hear cursing on the ship, and the Old man saying ''Repair her, we be staying here 'nother night''.

5 days ago, New Paris, St. Dominique

The last nights storm had passed. It came so violently that the people of New Paris were in a panic. Screams and shouting could be heard from the town in the night. As yesterday, Emilie prepared and headed to town. This time as she approached the docks, the old man and several of his men we're out of the ship. As soon as they saw her they pointed, and the old man said ''Lassie, 'ave you ever been out at sea?''. She ignored him now, trying to pay him back. They approached. ''Lassie, did you not hear me. 'Ave you ever worked on a ship before?'' She felt intimidated. The pirate's face was intent and disfigured. ''..I did work on ships before, as a lookout..''. ''A'right, i'll give you this'' he handed her a handfull of jewels, rings and amulets ''an' you come work for me as a lookout''. Waaah, so many trinkets. Her jaw dropped as she snatched the jewelry ''Aye captain!'', and she ran to the ship.

2 days ago, On the Sea

It was night. A sudden shake of the ship woke Emilie. She looked around from her post. Nothing remarkable or special in sight. She looked down. The captain's room was lit. She was curious. She sneaked down easily and eavesdropped. ''Captain, we can't take this anymore she's driving us crazy''. Bam! The captain's hand hit the table ''Listen to me you mongrel!! She maybe a problem, but she is the best damned lookout we have. Once we get to Vensponic you can do what you want with her. ''And then we get our money as well?''. ''You get your money, when i have Old Gull's life!''. Silence. Emilie climbed back to her post. So she was going to make a run for it after all.

Present day, Approaching Vensponic

''Captain!''. The Captain looked up. ''I can see the island now, but...'' she sniffed the air ''..there's a storm coming.''. They were less then half a day away. ''You heard her dogs, get those sails down and man the oars, we ARE getting into Vensponic by sunrise!''. There was a glint in his eye. Emilie was scared. A storm was coming, it was going to be loud and scary. She hid herself in the bottom decks.

Name: Emilie de Lorme
Nickname: Black Saber (Although she never uses it)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Tattoos: None
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: French
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: None.

1. Light on her feet – When Emilie moves she makes next to no sound, a trait she developed from her occupation as a Thief.
2. Acrobat – Emilie can climb almost anything and balance on thin ledges with ease. She is also a fairly fast runner.
3. Knives Mastery – The only weapons she ever uses are knives and daggers, being able to throw them very well, and fight better than an average knife user.
4. Good Senses – Working mostly at night, Emilie has adapted to hear smell and see things far better than most. She makes an excellent lookout, a skill which had her working on seven pirate ships.


1. Tiny – Due to her Tiny frame, Emilie can not perform feats of strength well. Furthermore she can be easily picked up and even thrown.
2. Can't handle Guns – If Emilie ever got a gun to fire, she would probably shoot herself in the leg than do anything else. She also dislikes guns and is a bit afraid of them.
3. Childish – Her personality gets her into a lot of trouble with pirates, as she gets easily bored and tends to do other things, like climbing and jumping around the boat and making a mess, before being a lookout. She also likes trinkets and is known to take or steal things if she wants them.
4. Illiterate – Due to her uneducated childhood she can not read nor write. Furthermore, anyone attempting to teach her would fail due to her short attention span.

Appearance: Link. Emilie has a tiny frame, weighing only 39 kilograms (86 pounds) and being 143 cm tall (4 feet 7 inches). She dresses up in clothes that usually don't hinder movement, with
knee high boots. Her favourite dress colours are blue and green, and she likes wearing trinkets. She never takes of her green pendant, a memory from her childhood.
Weapons: 8 Daggers. The longest one is in the front of her skirt. She has four more throwing daggers in her boots (2 in each), one on each side of her chest, hidden under her top, and a stilleto dagger hidden in the back of her skirt.
Personality: Emilie is very carefree and mischievous. She is generally distrusting, although she doesn't show it. She dislikes water and guns. Due to her very short attention span she has difficulty obeying orders and tends to get bored easily, which several times got her near killed. She also likes to rasp and taunt her opponents, sometimes even when she shouldn't do so. Emilie also likes to sleep a lot.
Biography: Emilie's mother died giving birth to her. While she was an infant, her father was miserable with his life in France, so he decided to move and leave everything behind. They started a journey to New Paris on the island of St. Dominique on board a merchant ship. Emilie was 6 at the time.

The ship was intercepted by Pirates loyal to the British crown, near the island of Logos. The ship was boarded, and Emilie's father hid her under the decks. After the shouting and guns stopped, there was only the voices speaking an unfamiliar language. A pirate searched the bottom decks and found Emilie hiding in a cupboard. He took pity on her and let her live. He smuggled her in a box on a French smuggler ship headed to New Paris.

With no one to take care of her, she wandered the streets of New Paris. Some took pity and gave the poor beggar child with the wavy blue hair food, and somehow, she was able to survive the next few years of her life.

At the age of 10, she started Thieving. At first, just to survive, stealing food. But as life went on for Emilie she became better and better her newfound hobby. She soon started stealing jewels, trinkets, blankets and anything else she wanted. She worked at night, and developed good vision and stealth. Everyone had forgotten the beggar child with the wavy blue hair, she was now known as Black Saber, a legendary thief.

At the age of 14 she was recruited by a captain of a small sloop as a lookout. Her skills were unbelievable, as she was able to spot ships miles away without a looking glass, as well as feel storms coming. However, due to her nature she quickly became a bother, then a nuisance to the pirates on board. The next time they came to port, she disembarked and was forced to quit. While on land, she thieved, and while recruited by pirates she served as a lookout. During this time she was forced to walk on the plank twice, as well as disembark in the nearby ports and make a run for her life.

Her skills as a thief kept rising and soon, everyone knew the name Black Saber. It was rumored she could even steal the beard of Blackbeard if she wanted to. Yet her personality and her attitude never made it clear she was Black Saber. In fact, she didn't even use her nickname, nor did she ever want to be called that.

Now at the age of 17, after passing through the service of several pirate ships, she finds herself again on the island of New Paris, looking for her next adventure.


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Sea Fox’s Inn, Port of Vensponic

For a moment Amber just stared at the woman in stunned disbelief. The deathly silence lasted for a fraction more of a second and then-

“Curious!” she spluttered, barely capable of coherent words now, “Are you out of your mind, woman?” Her voice had risen to a shriek near to breaking point. “This kid was trying to rob me- and you, you- self righteous-”

HERE NOW,” a gruff voice overrode her in a roar, “I don’t want any trouble in this inn yeh hear me?”

The grizzled innkeeper had an old, but working pistol held in his hands and pointed at her. “The two of you can get the bloody hell out and then kill each other for all I bloody care, but nobody’s a-dyin’ in my inn. So both of you sit down and shut up, or both of you get out!”

Amber Sommers 'Angel'
Name: Amber Sommers
Nickname: Angel (something of a joke from the locals)
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: N/A
  1. Gunslinger: An expert marksman and incredibly fast on the draw.
  2. Sleight of Hand: Amber is known to dabble in the tricks of thieves and magicians, and is not above employing any sort of deceit or ploy to achieve her ends.
  • Melee combat: While not totally inept (you have to have some ability to be able to survive in the dog-eat-dog world out there…), in any serious encounter, Amber is a liability.
  • Personality: Brave, reckless, and mouthy, a combination that’s more likely to get you killed than anything else.

Appearance: Link: Lithe and slender like some predatory cat, with uncomfortably long blonde hair and deep amber eyes. She wears mostly black, revealing in a way that is most definitely scandalous, and always sports that kooky hat.
Weapons: Identical twin pistols each with five rounds per reload, a knife in her right boot, and a hidden blade strapped onto her left forearm which becomes a handy wrist-blade with a quick bend of a hand.
Personality: Bold, Fiery, Impetuous, Haughty, Flippant, Roguish
Biography: The fifth child and third daughter of a reputable British nobleman, Amber grew up in the upper districts of the British Shoal, receiving all the education and instruction that was proper for a pampered young lady of the times. It was not the life she wanted, however. The pretentious manner in which the nobility carried themselves, the endless feuding between noble families, and the way everyone expected her to live and act – it was almost as if they had already planned out her entire future! And they did, as she found out to her intense displeasure on her seventeenth birthday: they had arranged her marriage to another promising young noble, one whom she knew nothing about, and had never even met in her life.

It was all too much, and Amber had never been one to think clearly before acting - she left. Left behind the rules and restrictions of the nobility, left behind their petty games and politics, left behind the world of endless parties and ball gowns, left behind the shadow of her siblings and her parents who did not love her, to pursue something more, something different – her own life: a life of adventure and freedom.

She did miss her siblings now and again, especially Christian, who had been the eldest, and Elizabeth, who had been her closest friend and confidant, but the decision was made, and she was never going back.

Pine/Miz: If you're wondering what I'm doing, I have no idea. I'm just trying to stray away from doing exactly what we did last time. Would be a tad repetitive.


Just Smile.
Reaction score

Sea Fox’s Inn, Port of Vensponic

Pandora’s face lit up, and turned deep crimson, and cursed herself in Spanish. She stood up, and gave an apology to the woman. “I’m horribly sorry, it looked much different from where I was. Bartender, surely you have a towel?” Pandora reached down and grabbed the thief by his collar, propping him up onto his feet. “I’ll remove this thief, and again, I’m so sorry.” Pandora’s voice was rising in pitch the longer she talked. She didn’t fully think her actions though, and now she felt like a dear caught in the headlights.

She brought her face level with the thief. “What’s your name.” It sounded far more like a demand than a question. She didn’t even wait for a response before she began to walk towards to front doors with him in hand. Despite all the noise and trouble, none of the other patrons appeared to even care, though it wasn’t surprising – this happened near daily in this tavern.

Isabella Sanzio 'Pandora'
Name: Isabella Sanzio
Nickname: Pandora
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Tattoo: Two cutlasses forming a cross on her shoulder.
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: Spanish
Alignment: None
Affiliation: None
  1. Sword Fighting: Pandora is an expert in sword fighting, she is a force to fear in hand to hand combat where she can dance and slash circles around even the most trained opponents, it would be an understatement to call her good.
  2. English:She is able to speak English, a language she learned from her adoptive brother.
  1. Interpretation: Despite her great combat abilities, Pandora is clueless in anything that would require signals. She constantly confuses them, and she has a hard time differentiating any body language or tones people send her way.
  2. Emotional: She is also a very emotional person, she acts on how she feels, not on how things would work out logically, yet she refuses to acknowledge it as such, and will try to logically reason her emotional response to others, to appear as a logical thinker and to convince them her was is the correct way.
Appearance: Link – Pandora usually has one eye covered by a golden-brown eye patch, though her eye works perfectly fine, for when night comes her eye will be adjusted to the dark and she will have no problems finding her way around. As well, she carries a amulet around her neck at all times, a thin silver chain attached to a strange bird like symbol made of sapphire. Her eyes typically have black make up around them, making the blue stand out more, but only for cosmetic reasons.
Weapons: On each of Pandora’s hips is a scabbard holding a cutlass; she is well trained and prefers to fight while using two cutlasses over any other method. Although she does carry with her a pistol attached to her leg n cause of an emergency. Lastly the heels of her boots have a blade running the length of the heel along the back. This allows her two cut people with just a kick if she was caught empty handed. The blade is black steel making it blend in with her boots and help to avoid any detection.
Personality: Isabella is a woman that can act and feel comfortable either alone or in the presence of others, though she much prefers being alone. When in front of people she acts tough and puts up fronts to seem like she’s unbreakable, though while she’s alone that front will break and she becomes a different more sensitive person. Although she is against murder, she has no qualms about killing in self defense. She has a soft spot for animals, and cares more for their safety than most living people.
Biography: Isabella was born to Ana Sanzio and Ricardo Sanzio in the Harbor of the Queen. Her father worked as a Representative to the Port of Isabella, and her mother was a baker in a small bakery. Both of her parents were out of the house much of the day. Her mother worked twelve hour days and her father was gone for weeks at a time to the port of Isabella on work. This left Isabella at home with a caregiver for most of her life. That was until the day her mother found a boy on the streets begging for money or food. Her mother always had a soft spot for kids, and at this time it was very unusual for beggars or the homeless. Especially in the harbor, most people had jobs, and nearly all children had parents. But not this boy, her mother adopted the child and gave him shelter in their home. His name was Jonathan and he was of British decent.

Over the weeks following he would do all sorts of chores around the house, mostly cleaning and cooking. Isabella began to resent him, he got all the attention from her parents because of how well behaved and how much he helped around the house. After a few more weeks her parents thought that they wouldn’t need the caregiver anymore, and fired her. Her new adoptive brother would be the one who was to take care of her from then on out, despite her reluctance.

She started to make messes on purpose, reject his food, and all the while he would keep cleaning and keep cooking, never saying anything to her. She was seven when Jonathan came to live with them, he was only twelve. Over the year Pandora’s hate for her adoptive brother withered and they started to become closer. He would read her books if she asked, and they would teach each other to speak their languages, Pandora learned English from him. They because close as if they were brother and sister since birth, Yet, when she was twelve and Jonathan turned 16, she ran to his room to see him, yet she found nothing there. He was gone, and he never even said good bye. She cried all day, and was one of the last times anyone would see her that way again. She started growing distant from others, and started to appear tougher and less sensitive.

She never got another caregiver; he parents believe she was old enough to care for herself. He wait dropped drastically, she wouldn’t cook herself any food, and she seemed to do absolutely nothing anymore. But as she laid in bed one night she began to change. She told herself to start acting independently and to not rely on others to do the work for her. She started to cook for herself, and secretly taught herself sword fighting. On her sixteenth birthday She woke early morning when the sun was still raising, to find a small box at the foot of her bed. It was from her parents, inside was a small note written in Spanish.

Isabella, we both know, and we want you to never forget who you are or where you are from, never forget your family, though I’m sure you won’t, after all, your going after your family today aren’t you?

Below the note was a small amulet, silver chain with a symbol carved of sapphire on it. It had been granted to her father for his work by the king of Spain himself. Her father was responsible for improving connection between the harbor of the queen, and port Isabella. He improved both of their economies with her various plans and strategies, and there was talk of making him a Advisor to the Colonial leader.

Her parents were right of course, she was headed out to find her brother, Jonathan. But it was more than that, she wanted to be free, to do as she wanted; and she wanted to be independent. She started off taking any trade ships she could to travel around to find her brother, and when the ships were attacked by pirates she would defend with them with two Cutlasses she was given by the ships crew. At first she had troubles, but she learned quickly and could fight well, but she only got better and better after each fight. When she landed in Engova and said her good byes to the ship and its crew, they were never seen or heard of by anyone ever again. He next ship brought her to the British Shoal, and that ship sank a few hundred feet from the shore.

In the shoal, she was watched carefully and given no freedoms, she eventually joined a pirate ship and became a bandit of the waters herself. She was a pirate for the many years to follow. Yet, ever ship she was ever on faced hardships, and soon she was left abandoned in Vensponic, no ship wanting the cursed Pandora. Over this time, Engova had become the sought after target or France and Britain, the shoal was hit with a powerful wave, and much of the docks were rebuilt. Everywhere she had been was hit with misfortune it seems.

She gave up her hunt for Jonathan long ago, believing him to be long dead, as no one has ever heard of him.


10 Days Ago, The Docks, New Paris

The man sat day after day on the docks watching the same ship for hours on end. He was often seen sleeping near or on the ship. It belonged to the late Joshua Breton, a merchant sailor who was caught trading slaves. It was the ship this man had belonged to, yet now the crew was jailed, the captain hanged, and the ship was just a day away from destruction. The French Navy was going to strip the ship for supplies the next day. The French tried to talk with him, be he couldn’t speak the language. Eventually they got a translator to meet with him where it was quickly discovered he was far gone mentally, and unfit for ship duty. They concluded that was in fact a slave on the ship and not a crew member. Although false, they did all their deductions in French, as such he never spoke up, they simply let him free. That all happened a week ago.

People walked by the docks daily, they all avoided him, and occasionally he was given some food or money as pity. French Navy officers came this day, the ship had to be cleared and ready for deconstruction by tomorrow morning. They grabbed him by the arms and dragged him off the ship. He was constantly trying to get back on the ship, all day, all night, and he watched as the ship was torn apart. As he watched, it seemed a switch clicked inside of him as he just suddenly left to go into the streets and off the port.

7 Days Ago, Red Water Tavern, New Paris

The man sat at the front of the tavern, along the bar. A bartender walked back and forth giving out drinks. “Attention purveyor of wonderyous water! I request a meeting with the best you can provide!” The man said as he motioned to the bartender. He looked at him in confusion before the person seated beside him spoke up in French telling the bartender this man wanted a drink. The man looked towards the one who spoke in French. “I must provide you with a thanks, most frenchest of Englishmen! Perhaps you may enlighten me with knowledge of your most private name?”

“It’s Isaac.” The man spoke with a simple, calm, flat voice, never looking away from his drink.

“A grand honour it is to meet a person with such grace and dignity as yours I can assure you. I am Scribbles.” Scribbles spoke smoothly never taking his eyes off the man, even when his drink arrived. The bartender spoke up for his payment, Isaac acted as a translator. “Certainly you may have one of these simple trinkets I am gifted by many different people.” He pulled out a coin and placed it on the counter. The bartender told him it cost more than that. “Ah, alas you a greed man, asking for such numerous trinkets from one such as I, I shall humor you.” Scribbled pulled out ten more coins, which was a definite over pay for the drink, but no one said anything, nor would Scribbles care much.

A man burst into the tavern, he had clear amputations and disabilities, yet many patrons feared him. He strolled though the tavern asking questions, obvious because anyone he talked to would simply nod their head and respond quickly with a no. As the man came to Scribbles he asked the same question he has been asking everyone. “I am sorry, but your breath is quite putrid in smell and flavour, I find you rather unpleasant. I must wonder how a man, clearly born of tree can came to be as well.” Scribbles was looking at the man’s peg leg as he spoke.

Isaac spoke up again. “He wants to know if you know where Old Gull is.”

Scribbles jumped to his feet. “Old Gull? I do know of such a man, a mighty man with great skill and fame.” Isaac translated into French, and then translated the man’s response.

“He wants you to tell him where he is.” Isaac informed Scribbles.

“Where the man of the skyward aven rest? Why surely I can tell a tale of the man and where he could be found. Yet alas it s surely not free I expect something of great value in exchange.” Isaac translated again, and the ma pulled out a pouch full of coins mumbling. “I do not require even more tinkets of such useless use. I wish for a box, a mightly box of great power and strength, a box with intricate designs and craftsmanship. Most importantly a box that can be a holder of things I wish to place in a box of mightynessity.” Isaac finally turned to Scribbles, and gave the strangest look he has ever gave anyone before doing his best to translate to the man. He simply scratched his head and put his coins away, and told scribbles he would be back tomorrow with the box. He clearly guessed that Scribbles must be insane by now, and no amount of threats or violence would give him the information he wanted.

6 Days Ago, Red Water Tavern, New Paris

The man returned late that night with a jewelry box in hand. Isaac was here again, most likely because he found Scribbles humorous ad entertaining. “A Perfect box it clearly holds great powers and containeryness. I’ll gladly inform you of the bird you indeed seek.” The man handed over the container where Scribbles quickly opened it and placed a single coin inside. “A perfect secret hideaway. Now, this bird you seek can be found native to a port far far to the West of here, in Vensponic.” As he said this Isaac was confused, as Vensponic wasn’t to the west. “Alas, the birds nest is truly a mighty hideaway, the only was to find it is to know where it is, and I indeed do. If you take me to Vensponic I will gladly show you the nest on the condition that your ship does not anger the Kraken.”

Isaac again, translated for him, the man began laughing long and loud, eventually agreeing to take Scribbles with him. When they arrived on the ship that night, scribbles was placed in a cell down bellow deck. He was given a meal everyday and he easily entertained himself. He didn’t even know it was a jail.

Approaching Vensponic

The Captain came down and unlocked the door, yelling at scribbles and pointing up. “I see, there is indeed a roof above us, I am quite perplexed as to its nature as well.” The captain started to rub between his eyes as he grabbed Scribbles and dragged him to the deck. As he came to the decks surface the rain started hitting the deck and the captain shoved Scribbles to work on the deck.

Jonathan Sanzio (Wills) 'Scribbles'
Name: Jonathan Sanzio [Wills]
Nickname: Scribbles
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Tattoos: A Jolly Roger is tattooed on his Shoulder blade.
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: None
Affiliation: None
  1. Cartography: Scribbles is an expert in cartography, the creation of maps. He has many maps he uses that were drawn and created by himself of different regions of the Colombian he has been too.
  2. Navigation: He is an expert in navigation, he can lead a ship from anywhere to any other island in the Colombian.
  3. Charismatic: He has no problems talking to people, and finds getting his message across easy. He can distinguish between proper and improper etiquette when face with a person quickly and effectively.
  4. Spanish: He can speak and write Spanish, which he learned from his foster family many years ago.
  1. Strength: Scribbles is weak physically, he can be over powered simply enough, and has trouble with heavy lifting.
  2. Combat: He cannot defend himself in a fight with anyone who is trained in combat, and prefers to slink away to the back when a fight starts.
  3. Sanity: He is completely insane from his close encounter with the Kracken leaving his mind destroyed and insane. He speaks gibberish mostly and has problems focusing for long periods of time.
  4. Obsessive: When ever something catches his interest he races off to find out all he can about it, where it is, how to get there, then for months he can talk about nothing else but what he’s obsessed about, often letting important things go.
Appearance: Link – All over his arms are various sketches of maps and doodles he has done when no paper was near him, and stranger still, he uses them as a map of he areas he has sketched on himself. On his belt is a pouch attached to it which carries various inks and pens that he uses when creating his maps, and on the other is a tube that holds all sorts of papers and finished maps in it.
Weapons: Scribbles has a rapier that he can use incase of an emergency, though it is hardly a match against most opponents. He also has a pistol he can use, though rarely does.
Personality: Scribbles is a lover of treasure and freedom. He will travel the globe for the thrill and excitement of treasure hunting. In his days as a pirate it became quite clear that harming people was something Scribbles was not comfortable with, and refused any training in combat, saying he could defeat most opponents with his tongue alone. But above treasure are his friends and family, valuing them above all else, at least he believe he would. But after the assault of the Kraken he was never the same. His attitude was all over the map, he became unpredictable and careless, and the things he used to love were nothing more than shiny trinkets now. Anywhere he goes, it’s impossible to know what he would do next.
Biography: Jonathan was born to Edward Wills and Helen Wills back in England – which is where he spent a great portion of his childhood. As a young boy he spent most of his life attending fancy schools built only for Britain’s brightness and richest to attend. His family was certainly not poor, that was sure. They had plenty of money, and when he asked his parents how they got so much money, they would typically tell him how they were all heirs to the Williams nobility and laugh. He never understood it for a long time, though eventually as he grew older he learned that he was currently fifty-third in line for the Williams nobility. It wasn’t till even later he learned that it was much more of a joke than any real chance. As it stood, over fifty people would need to be killed for him to claim the title.

Many of the other kids at the school were masters of many different things, math, science, yet Jonathan was unique from them all. He was a master of geography – more over, a master of navigation and cartography. It didn’t prove to help him in school, his grades were poor over all, though he had been told numerous times he would make a good navigator on a naval ship. He considered that a possible goal, but it was a dangerous life, full of fighting and pirates. His parents moved out to the Colombian to Port of Britannia, with him in toe when they had good job offerings there, and a chance to get even richer. They told him it would be a good chance for him to learn and get experience in what he did best.

Unfortunately a storm brought them along the southern tip of the British Shoal where the ship was ambushed by French pirate slavers. All the adults were killed in the raid and the children cuffed and taken away, the ship they were aboard was burnt to the ground. They brought them far south past Devils Cay to the Bandits Reef. Plenty of coral and tropical fish swam around, the land was mostly beach, a few buildings and some trees, it looked beautiful, aside from the rows and rows of tied up slaves. Many were bought everyday, and even more came. After a week at the reef the French pirates who took him decided to take him as their own slave, and sent him to work on their ship, chained up the whole time, with the barrel of a gun in his face. This continued for a few weeks before the ship was run down and boarded by the Spanish navy. The pirates were defeated in the end, yet the captain escaped; he was Captain Pierre Gaspar. Jonathan was a free man again.

The problem was he was only eleven at the time, and he was left to scavenge the streets of the Harbor of the Queen, he bagged for food and did any job he could. He was bagging on the streets when a woman took notice of him, he could only speak a few phrases of Spanish, and she spoke very little English, but she decided to take him to her home. Jonathan had no idea what to take of this encounter, but the woman seemed nice enough. He worked hard everyday; he had to show them his gratitude. He cleaned and cooked and looked after their daughter, she was younger than he; she was only 7 when he came but his birthday came before his. It felt like she resent him, and it wasn’t unreasonable of her, a stranger came in to her home.

The caregiver in charge of Isabella was fired a few weeks after he came in to live with them, leaving him in charge of her. It took a long while before Isabella took to him, he had learned much Spanish by this point and he could talk the language fairly well. She started to eat the food he made, and ask him favors or to read to her, often she would ask him to create a story or tell her one, and not to read it. Over the years he tried to teach her English and she did what she could to help him along with learning Spanish. By the time he was fifteen they could both speak either language fluently.

This last year for Jonathan was the most influential on his life. He learned more and more about his family. As he was up and about doing chores, or gathering groceries his adoptive parents were always a hot topic. Ricardo Sanzio was a famous man, he was growing in popularity among the population, and he was building favor among the people, ready to take a leap forward to become an Advisor to Governor Francisco II. Yet many people would question him, after all he adopted someone of British decent, as such his rival Geraldo Romez played off this, building up his support and working his way ahead. Jonathan couldn’t tolerate it for ever.

He could overhear his adoptive parents talking about it occasionally, and they agreed they wouldn’t disown him or anything of the sort, yet he wasn’t alright with that. On his sixteenth birthday he snuck out of the house and left on his own adventure. He knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to explore the world, and collect treasures. He took the first ship he could out of the harbor and it had brought him to Vensponic. The place was filled with pirates, and he looked hard for a ship to become a crewman off, a navigator perhaps. He looked long and hard for a treasure hunter as well, not a bandit. He lived in Vensponic for a few months doing odd jobs and practically lived in the Sea Fox. His room had his name carved into it along with different notes he wanted to take. It wasn’t unusual; many patrons of the bar did such things.

Eventually he found a treasure hunting vessel docked and he talked to the captain, asking to be a member of his crew. It took much convincing, but the captain allowed him aboard the ship, under a strict trial period. They set sail a few days later, and Jonathan proved himself time and time again, leading the ship and backtracking with the maps he created on the go; causing everyone to call him scribbles, so much that his real name was long lost to all. They traveled the entire Colombian, collecting treasures where ever they traveled.

When Scribbles was twenty his ship went after a prized treasure, one said to be divided into three pieces far to the west. Jonathan and the captain learned the tale from another, and were told that the treasure was alright sought after by a man with a far greater reputation than they could hope to match. Captain Gull, a fairly old man, with many amputations it appeared. Scribbles and the captain began talking to this Old Gull, and showed their interest in the treasure where they agreed to a challenge, a race to the treasure. Both parties agreed and departed the port for the search of a powerful artifact. The ships were close together though most of the voyage; they aided each other if either came to any troubles, a very friendly race. Yet the two ships split paths in the final departure of the race leaving from the Eagle Coast. Scribbles headed north to the frozen ice sheet. Tragedy struck in the open ocean to the ship unfortunately.

As the water began to bubble around the ship huge tentacles wrapped themselves around the hull of the ship, constricting it; an attack by the fabled kraken. The ship was under great stress, crew men shot and stabbed the appendages with all they had yet it was all in vain. The hull snapped and filled with water. Next the ship was torn in half and everyone fell strait into the water. Scribbles sank far. He stared into the beak of the creature He swam with all his might to flee, to the point he could stare the beast in the eye, its eye far larger than his whole body. A tentacle lashed to him and sent him flying though the water into the sea floor, watching as people were sucked into its maw, and blood slowly drifted to the surface. He felt a tug at his collar and he was getting dragged through the water away from the kraken, to his side he saw what looked to be a long fishes tail, yet a human hand gripped his collar he saw beautiful golden hair flowing to him, he didn’t remember much past that, he fell unconscious from a lack of air.

When he awoke he was on a beach over looking the ocean. He slowly sat up, and looked out over the horizon to see what appeared to be a golden haired person sing into the water never to emerge. He stumbled though the beach until he found civilization, Puerto del Sol. Unfortunately he suffered greatly from the attack, his mind couldn’t perform as it used to be able to. He had gone insane. He spoke ridiculously and found the strangest things of interest.

Over the following years he lived though charity and traveled over the waters by ships willing to bring him with them. He did eventually find a ship willing to have him aboard full time, for he was still an expert navigator just far more interesting than most would enjoy. Over the many years the ship docked though many ports across the sea, it was a small trade ship, controlled by no country, buying and selling as they saw fit. The ship was docked in New Paris when many of the crew was arrested for unlawful trafficking of slaves, and indeed, they did sell and trade slaves. Scribbles didn’t fully understand what slaves were; any they believed Scribbles himself to be a slave. He ended up staying in New Paris waiting for the Captain, Joshua Breton, to return to him and tell them to leave port. He didn’t realize that the captain was long since hanged and he would not see him again.


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Sea Fox’s Inn, Port of Vensponic

Amber glared at the innkeeper and his gun, breathing heavily, and then surprisingly, she holstered her pistol without another word. She did not even glance at the Woman or much care for her belated apologies; suddenly she just wanted to get out, away from the noise, away from the people, away from everything. Still drenched with the wretched ale, she stalked past the boy and the Woman and kicked open the door, stepping out into the waiting storm.

Outside the Sea Fox's Inn, Port of Vensponic

She was the only one out. The rainwater quickly washed away any remnants of the alcohol, and the cold air and wind cleared her mind. It was a mighty storm indeed. She brushed soaked strands of hair away from her eyes and stared out across the water, the waves churning like hungry beasts, dashing themselves on the shore with vicious force.

Such a storm… she remembered such a storm. It was long ago, and she had been a different person, living a different life. She recalled the crack of thunder, the flash of lightning across the skies... shivering, and sick with both motion and fear, huddled with a blanket in the dark… sniffling… Then a warm voice, a strong voice, a voice that spoke of kindness, of love, of breaking dawn after the darkness…

She was snapped out of her memories by a bizarre hallucination. It must be a hallucination. No captain in the right mind would- No! It was a ship! A ship coming into the port. Careening dangerously in the winds and waves, but headed surely and swiftly towards the island...

Amber Sommers 'Angel'
Name: Amber Sommers
Nickname: Angel (something of a joke from the locals)
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: N/A
  1. Gunslinger: An expert marksman and incredibly fast on the draw.
  2. Sleight of Hand: Amber is known to dabble in the tricks of thieves and magicians, and is not above employing any sort of deceit or ploy to achieve her ends.
  • Melee combat: While not totally inept (you have to have some ability to be able to survive in the dog-eat-dog world out there…), in any serious encounter, Amber is a liability.
  • Personality: Brave, reckless, and mouthy, a combination that’s more likely to get you killed than anything else.

Appearance: Link: Lithe and slender like some predatory cat, with uncomfortably long blonde hair and deep amber eyes. She wears mostly black, revealing in a way that is most definitely scandalous, and always sports that kooky hat.
Weapons: Identical twin pistols each with five rounds per reload, a knife in her right boot, and a hidden blade strapped onto her left forearm which becomes a handy wrist-blade with a quick bend of a hand.
Personality: Bold, Fiery, Impetuous, Haughty, Flippant, Roguish
Biography: The fifth child and third daughter of a reputable British nobleman, Amber grew up in the upper districts of the British Shoal, receiving all the education and instruction that was proper for a pampered young lady of the times. It was not the life she wanted, however. The pretentious manner in which the nobility carried themselves, the endless feuding between noble families, and the way everyone expected her to live and act – it was almost as if they had already planned out her entire future! And they did, as she found out to her intense displeasure on her seventeenth birthday: they had arranged her marriage to another promising young noble, one whom she knew nothing about, and had never even met in her life.

It was all too much, and Amber had never been one to think clearly before acting - she left. Left behind the rules and restrictions of the nobility, left behind their petty games and politics, left behind the world of endless parties and ball gowns, left behind the shadow of her siblings and her parents who did not love her, to pursue something more, something different – her own life: a life of adventure and freedom.

She did miss her siblings now and again, especially Christian, who had been the eldest, and Elizabeth, who had been her closest friend and confidant, but the decision was made, and she was never going back.


~Choco Coronet~ Omnomnom
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In the storm, approaching the Port of Vensponic​
''HEAVE, HEAVE'' Emilie heard as she kept her head down in the cargo hold. The storm shook the ship violently, but it kept going against all odds, as if the Vengeance of the Captain himself was infused into it's wooden hull. Shouting mixed with roaring thunder as they advanced slowly towards the island. Emilie kept her head down and hid inside an empty crate. She didn't want to see anything. She didn't want to hear anything. She held her only dear amulet, and cried.

The ship roared forward like a beast through the ocean and was getting within reach of the Port.

Name: Emilie de Lorme
Nickname: Black Saber (Although she never uses it)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Tattoos: None
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: French
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: None.

1. Light on her feet – When Emilie moves she makes next to no sound, a trait she developed from her occupation as a Thief.
2. Acrobat – Emilie can climb almost anything and balance on thin ledges with ease. She is also a fairly fast runner.
3. Knives Mastery – The only weapons she ever uses are knives and daggers, being able to throw them very well, and fight better than an average knife user.
4. Good Senses – Working mostly at night, Emilie has adapted to hear smell and see things far better than most. She makes an excellent lookout, a skill which had her working on seven pirate ships.


1. Tiny – Due to her Tiny frame, Emilie can not perform feats of strength well. Furthermore she can be easily picked up and even thrown.
2. Can't handle Guns – If Emilie ever got a gun to fire, she would probably shoot herself in the leg than do anything else. She also dislikes guns and is a bit afraid of them.
3. Childish – Her personality gets her into a lot of trouble with pirates, as she gets easily bored and tends to do other things, like climbing and jumping around the boat and making a mess, before being a lookout. She also likes trinkets and is known to take or steal things if she wants them.
4. Illiterate – Due to her uneducated childhood she can not read nor write. Furthermore, anyone attempting to teach her would fail due to her short attention span.

Appearance: Link. Emilie has a tiny frame, weighing only 39 kilograms (86 pounds) and being 143 cm tall (4 feet 7 inches). She dresses up in clothes that usually don't hinder movement, with
knee high boots. Her favourite dress colours are blue and green, and she likes wearing trinkets. She never takes of her green pendant, a memory from her childhood.
Weapons: 8 Daggers. The longest one is in the front of her skirt. She has four more throwing daggers in her boots (2 in each), one on each side of her chest, hidden under her top, and a stilleto dagger hidden in the back of her skirt.
Personality: Emilie is very carefree and mischievous. She is generally distrusting, although she doesn't show it. She dislikes water and guns. Due to her very short attention span she has difficulty obeying orders and tends to get bored easily, which several times got her near killed. She also likes to rasp and taunt her opponents, sometimes even when she shouldn't do so. Emilie also likes to sleep a lot.
Biography: Emilie's mother died giving birth to her. While she was an infant, her father was miserable with his life in France, so he decided to move and leave everything behind. They started a journey to New Paris on the island of St. Dominique on board a merchant ship. Emilie was 6 at the time.

The ship was intercepted by Pirates loyal to the British crown, near the island of Logos. The ship was boarded, and Emilie's father hid her under the decks. After the shouting and guns stopped, there was only the voices speaking an unfamiliar language. A pirate searched the bottom decks and found Emilie hiding in a cupboard. He took pity on her and let her live. He smuggled her in a box on a French smuggler ship headed to New Paris.

With no one to take care of her, she wandered the streets of New Paris. Some took pity and gave the poor beggar child with the wavy blue hair food, and somehow, she was able to survive the next few years of her life.

At the age of 10, she started Thieving. At first, just to survive, stealing food. But as life went on for Emilie she became better and better her newfound hobby. She soon started stealing jewels, trinkets, blankets and anything else she wanted. She worked at night, and developed good vision and stealth. Everyone had forgotten the beggar child with the wavy blue hair, she was now known as Black Saber, a legendary thief.

At the age of 14 she was recruited by a captain of a small sloop as a lookout. Her skills were unbelievable, as she was able to spot ships miles away without a looking glass, as well as feel storms coming. However, due to her nature she quickly became a bother, then a nuisance to the pirates on board. The next time they came to port, she disembarked and was forced to quit. While on land, she thieved, and while recruited by pirates she served as a lookout. During this time she was forced to walk on the plank twice, as well as disembark in the nearby ports and make a run for her life.

Her skills as a thief kept rising and soon, everyone knew the name Black Saber. It was rumored she could even steal the beard of Blackbeard if she wanted to. Yet her personality and her attitude never made it clear she was Black Saber. In fact, she didn't even use her nickname, nor did she ever want to be called that.

Now at the age of 17, after passing through the service of several pirate ships, she finds herself again on the island of New Paris, looking for her next adventure.


Reaction score

Sea Fox's Inn (Inside → Outside), Port of Vensponic

A single shot was fired, only inches, no centimeters from his hand. As the hole of the lead bullet, pierced through the small coin beside his face, as he laid on the ground after tumbling backwards. The round piece of metal flew by his face and eyes and right through the floor. It left him in a sense of qualmish, and his heart almost missed a beat. Before he could realize what happened and break back into reality, he heard the sound of splashing, the clanking of glasses and of course the tone of two guns re-cocking. No coincidence, that yelling was heard the next moment, and than he could feel something...

Arlen could feel the collar of his over-sized tunic pull against his neck, literally to the brink of choking him, in some sense of the word. It was that force, and pull that got him to his feet almost instantly.
"Wha?" he tried to sputter out but was unable to before the choking got strong. He didn't want to move, but a new woman, no older than 25, dragged him out of the bar, kicking and screaming into the soaking wet spray of the rain and splashing shoreline. Once he was let back on his own two feet, the woman releasing her grasp. He immediate retaliated in speech.
"What? Who the bloody hell are you?" he said with a identifying British accent. But with his questions he spitted out, he didn't give the woman a chance to respond, only he attempted to react by instincts as he quickly commented "I don't remember stealin' from you..."

Arlen Williams
Name: Arlen Williams
Nicknames: Shark Bait
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Tattoos: None
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: None, at this present time
  1. Sword Fighting, one of the only thing, Sir Amen's taught him purposely. Alren is good with many kinds of swords and is able to wield two swords but he is far from being called a master and could easily be beaten if the enemy cheats.
  2. Agility, Alren is fast, and can quickly escape from matters if he starts sprinting. Making catching up to him, quite hard, and for those old slow pirates, nearly impossible.
  3. Blood of Nobility, Arlen closest kept secret is that he is one of the central heirs of the Williams Nobility. His name can be useful on British Shorelines, and save himself from the gallows; but could be his death among pirates
  1. Illiteracy, Alren or Shark Bait, can barely read individual letters correctly, let alone complex words of English and other languages used by nobles and sometimes, pirates.
  2. Poor navigation, Alren is unable to read a compass, and is horrible in finding directions, whether this be Left and Right, or North, East, South and West. No one should listen to Alren in the navigation front, as he will surely lead everyone in the wrong direction
  3. Weight & Height, Arlen can easily be picked up or manhandled, because of his height and light weight. Meaning any semi-musculuar pirate could easily grab Arlen and keep him quiet.
  4. Alcohol Lightweight, Arlen is a lightweight with alcohol, especially the amount of it in Rum. He will easily become sick, drunk or pass out with only a few glasses.
Appearance: Link - Arlen is average height for his age, which is short compared to most pirates on the sea and his weight is somewhat under what it could be and overall he has some muscle strength. He wears an over large white tunic, that has been cut in a V formation showing most of his chest and torso and can fall off during battle (because its worn so loosely). His pants are also too big for him, forcing him to wear a belt. The only thing that does properly fit him is his Brown Bandanna like most pirates with their hats, he treats his bandanna with respect and will go back to find it if he ever loses it in a location.
Weapons: A silver dagger, the last remembrance of his home in Port Britannia and his family, that wasn't lost to the storm; crested with the seal of the William's Nobility, it is his most prize possession and a common sword he got stealing from an unconscious drunk.
Personality: Arlen, or what he prefers to call himself, Shark or Shark Bait, is a loud and cheerful lad. He is easily amused with stories, legends or jokes, (even though he usually doesn't understand them) as if nothing could tear him down. However, in reality Arlen can be very serious and requires moral support of others and acceptance into a group to do anything right. Whether that be a crew of pirates, or a group of prisoners, he hates being alone in any circumstance.
Biography: Arlen Williams, the name Arlen keeps to himself; son of the Late Commodore Rodger Williams of England and his wife, Lady Victoria Williams, the daughter of the former Governor Williams of the British Colombia and central heir to the Williams Nobility. In childhood, well younger childhood (5 or 6), Arlen was suppose to grow up like any male in his nobility and follow after his father; becoming a Navy Officer. His cousins all much older already being ship commanders and lieutenants while his female cousins prepared to be courted and his older relatives dealt with the nobility and nation-wide issues. However that so-called prophecy that would be his career was cut short after Arlen's family moving to a newly functioning island of Euphya - that lacked a commandeering officer - from the heavily guarded Port of Britannia. A voyage such as this was followed by an entire fleet, after all, the admiral and nobility were on board, yet it is usually requested that ships go north, but unusual weather, assumed to be a hurricane, didn’t allow that option. In a rush to get to Euphya the fleet turned to the south.
It was an excellent move in the beginning, as the winds guided them swiftly around the island of British Shoal, but quickly after losing sight of shore, disaster struck the fleet in the open waters of the sea, as the weather quickly changed from a calm cloudy day to a perfect stormy night that turned winds in any so direction. The last thing Arlen remembers, is being on deck with his father, who ordered him to go back inside the ship, but before he could do so, the masts came undone and he was pushed aside before being struck across the head, and causing him to fall unconscious, only to wake up marooned, on a floating piece of wreckage, forsaken to be devoured by the sea. To his luck a group of Privateers loyal to the Former governor and the King of Britain, found him along the route to Euphya only a day after the event. The captain of this crew was known as “Sir Amens”, his name a joke for being a so-called "Pirate Knight" that hunted other pirates as a duty. While welcoming the boy to their fleet, it took almost a year before Sir Amens realized that his Cabin Boy, whom they rescued was of his noble family he served, but he knew it was already too late, the damage to him was already done and the crew could not recall the names of any relative in the nobility, or where they would be located. Speaking that all of his relatives assumed he would be dead, and trying to find a new place for him would be too dangerous, as a central heir. They did the only reasonable thing they could and kept him aboard the ship as a crew member, to learn the basics to piracy. It is now at the age of 12 that Arlen, or now called, Shark Bait, wished for more then Sir Amen's fleet and was granted the permission to leave the crew, even though odds were not on his side. Hoping to return as his own legend.


Just Smile.
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The Docks, Vensponic

The Docks, Vensponic

Waves of water crashed into the ships hull, rain fell fast and hard, the deck was slick and slippery. All the men worked hard and rushed around the deck trying to land in the port quickly. They had no choice on the matter, either they dock or they sink. Scribbles was on the deck soaked, working the sails with other men. “Hold fast gentlemen! Nearly at port! The waters will not be claiming anyone today!” The captain’s voice seemed thunder across the ship, all men able to hear him. The ship itself creaked, pieces of the railing started to break apart and fall into the waters or slide freely on the deck. As the ship grew closer and closer to the dock, the entire process grew far more dangerous, shallower waters, and the dock waiting to get crashed into.

A loud thud could be heard as the ship shook violently. The hull had been punctured by a rock spire. “Quick! You two! Go down and patch that hole before we sink!” the ship started going closer and closer to the level of the ocean; they sank nearly three feet by the time they stopped. The ship neared the dock as the sails were retracted and men began to pitch rope and chain to the dock, locking the ship in, all the men grabbed and pulled the ship with great strength bringing it closer to the dock and they prepared to depart. The ship could be heard as it scrapped against the sides of the dock. The storm seemed to just grow stronger and stronger, determined to sing this ship. Yet the anchors were released, the ship tied to the docks by chain and rope, it wasn’t going anywhere.

Laughter filled the air from the crew as they all either jumped off onto the docks or they lowered the boarding ramp. As scribbles began to walk down the ramp the captain grabbed hold of his shoulder, and pointed into the city saying but one word. “Gull”

Jonathan Sanzio (Wills) 'Scribbles'
Name: Jonathan Sanzio [Wills]
Nickname: Scribbles
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Tattoos: A Jolly Roger is tattooed on his Shoulder blade.
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: English
Alignment: None
Affiliation: None
  1. Cartography: Scribbles is an expert in cartography, the creation of maps. He has many maps he uses that were drawn and created by himself of different regions of the Colombian he has been too.
  2. Navigation: He is an expert in navigation, he can lead a ship from anywhere to any other island in the Colombian.
  3. Charismatic: He has no problems talking to people, and finds getting his message across easy. He can distinguish between proper and improper etiquette when face with a person quickly and effectively.
  4. Spanish: He can speak and write Spanish, which he learned from his foster family many years ago.
  1. Strength: Scribbles is weak physically, he can be over powered simply enough, and has trouble with heavy lifting.
  2. Combat: He cannot defend himself in a fight with anyone who is trained in combat, and prefers to slink away to the back when a fight starts.
  3. Sanity: He is completely insane from his close encounter with the Kracken leaving his mind destroyed and insane. He speaks gibberish mostly and has problems focusing for long periods of time.
  4. Obsessive: When ever something catches his interest he races off to find out all he can about it, where it is, how to get there, then for months he can talk about nothing else but what he’s obsessed about, often letting important things go.
Appearance: Link – All over his arms are various sketches of maps and doodles he has done when no paper was near him, and stranger still, he uses them as a map of he areas he has sketched on himself. On his belt is a pouch attached to it which carries various inks and pens that he uses when creating his maps, and on the other is a tube that holds all sorts of papers and finished maps in it.
Weapons: Scribbles has a rapier that he can use incase of an emergency, though it is hardly a match against most opponents. He also has a pistol he can use, though rarely does.
Personality: Scribbles is a lover of treasure and freedom. He will travel the globe for the thrill and excitement of treasure hunting. In his days as a pirate it became quite clear that harming people was something Scribbles was not comfortable with, and refused any training in combat, saying he could defeat most opponents with his tongue alone. But above treasure are his friends and family, valuing them above all else, at least he believe he would. But after the assault of the Kraken he was never the same. His attitude was all over the map, he became unpredictable and careless, and the things he used to love were nothing more than shiny trinkets now. Anywhere he goes, it’s impossible to know what he would do next.
Biography: Jonathan was born to Edward Wills and Helen Wills back in England – which is where he spent a great portion of his childhood. As a young boy he spent most of his life attending fancy schools built only for Britain’s brightness and richest to attend. His family was certainly not poor, that was sure. They had plenty of money, and when he asked his parents how they got so much money, they would typically tell him how they were all heirs to the Williams nobility and laugh. He never understood it for a long time, though eventually as he grew older he learned that he was currently fifty-third in line for the Williams nobility. It wasn’t till even later he learned that it was much more of a joke than any real chance. As it stood, over fifty people would need to be killed for him to claim the title.

Many of the other kids at the school were masters of many different things, math, science, yet Jonathan was unique from them all. He was a master of geography – more over, a master of navigation and cartography. It didn’t prove to help him in school, his grades were poor over all, though he had been told numerous times he would make a good navigator on a naval ship. He considered that a possible goal, but it was a dangerous life, full of fighting and pirates. His parents moved out to the Colombian to Port of Britannia, with him in toe when they had good job offerings there, and a chance to get even richer. They told him it would be a good chance for him to learn and get experience in what he did best.

Unfortunately a storm brought them along the southern tip of the British Shoal where the ship was ambushed by French pirate slavers. All the adults were killed in the raid and the children cuffed and taken away, the ship they were aboard was burnt to the ground. They brought them far south past Devils Cay to the Bandits Reef. Plenty of coral and tropical fish swam around, the land was mostly beach, a few buildings and some trees, it looked beautiful, aside from the rows and rows of tied up slaves. Many were bought everyday, and even more came. After a week at the reef the French pirates who took him decided to take him as their own slave, and sent him to work on their ship, chained up the whole time, with the barrel of a gun in his face. This continued for a few weeks before the ship was run down and boarded by the Spanish navy. The pirates were defeated in the end, yet the captain escaped; he was Captain Pierre Gaspar. Jonathan was a free man again.

The problem was he was only eleven at the time, and he was left to scavenge the streets of the Harbor of the Queen, he bagged for food and did any job he could. He was bagging on the streets when a woman took notice of him, he could only speak a few phrases of Spanish, and she spoke very little English, but she decided to take him to her home. Jonathan had no idea what to take of this encounter, but the woman seemed nice enough. He worked hard everyday; he had to show them his gratitude. He cleaned and cooked and looked after their daughter, she was younger than he; she was only 7 when he came but his birthday came before his. It felt like she resent him, and it wasn’t unreasonable of her, a stranger came in to her home.

The caregiver in charge of Isabella was fired a few weeks after he came in to live with them, leaving him in charge of her. It took a long while before Isabella took to him, he had learned much Spanish by this point and he could talk the language fairly well. She started to eat the food he made, and ask him favors or to read to her, often she would ask him to create a story or tell her one, and not to read it. Over the years he tried to teach her English and she did what she could to help him along with learning Spanish. By the time he was fifteen they could both speak either language fluently.

This last year for Jonathan was the most influential on his life. He learned more and more about his family. As he was up and about doing chores, or gathering groceries his adoptive parents were always a hot topic. Ricardo Sanzio was a famous man, he was growing in popularity among the population, and he was building favor among the people, ready to take a leap forward to become an Advisor to Governor Francisco II. Yet many people would question him, after all he adopted someone of British decent, as such his rival Geraldo Romez played off this, building up his support and working his way ahead. Jonathan couldn’t tolerate it for ever.

He could overhear his adoptive parents talking about it occasionally, and they agreed they wouldn’t disown him or anything of the sort, yet he wasn’t alright with that. On his sixteenth birthday he snuck out of the house and left on his own adventure. He knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to explore the world, and collect treasures. He took the first ship he could out of the harbor and it had brought him to Vensponic. The place was filled with pirates, and he looked hard for a ship to become a crewman off, a navigator perhaps. He looked long and hard for a treasure hunter as well, not a bandit. He lived in Vensponic for a few months doing odd jobs and practically lived in the Sea Fox. His room had his name carved into it along with different notes he wanted to take. It wasn’t unusual; many patrons of the bar did such things.

Eventually he found a treasure hunting vessel docked and he talked to the captain, asking to be a member of his crew. It took much convincing, but the captain allowed him aboard the ship, under a strict trial period. They set sail a few days later, and Jonathan proved himself time and time again, leading the ship and backtracking with the maps he created on the go; causing everyone to call him scribbles, so much that his real name was long lost to all. They traveled the entire Colombian, collecting treasures where ever they traveled.

When Scribbles was twenty his ship went after a prized treasure, one said to be divided into three pieces far to the west. Jonathan and the captain learned the tale from another, and were told that the treasure was alright sought after by a man with a far greater reputation than they could hope to match. Captain Gull, a fairly old man, with many amputations it appeared. Scribbles and the captain began talking to this Old Gull, and showed their interest in the treasure where they agreed to a challenge, a race to the treasure. Both parties agreed and departed the port for the search of a powerful artifact. The ships were close together though most of the voyage; they aided each other if either came to any troubles, a very friendly race. Yet the two ships split paths in the final departure of the race leaving from the Eagle Coast. Scribbles headed north to the frozen ice sheet. Tragedy struck in the open ocean to the ship unfortunately.

As the water began to bubble around the ship huge tentacles wrapped themselves around the hull of the ship, constricting it; an attack by the fabled kraken. The ship was under great stress, crew men shot and stabbed the appendages with all they had yet it was all in vain. The hull snapped and filled with water. Next the ship was torn in half and everyone fell strait into the water. Scribbles sank far. He stared into the beak of the creature He swam with all his might to flee, to the point he could stare the beast in the eye, its eye far larger than his whole body. A tentacle lashed to him and sent him flying though the water into the sea floor, watching as people were sucked into its maw, and blood slowly drifted to the surface. He felt a tug at his collar and he was getting dragged through the water away from the kraken, to his side he saw what looked to be a long fishes tail, yet a human hand gripped his collar he saw beautiful golden hair flowing to him, he didn’t remember much past that, he fell unconscious from a lack of air.

When he awoke he was on a beach over looking the ocean. He slowly sat up, and looked out over the horizon to see what appeared to be a golden haired person sing into the water never to emerge. He stumbled though the beach until he found civilization, Puerto del Sol. Unfortunately he suffered greatly from the attack, his mind couldn’t perform as it used to be able to. He had gone insane. He spoke ridiculously and found the strangest things of interest.

Over the following years he lived though charity and traveled over the waters by ships willing to bring him with them. He did eventually find a ship willing to have him aboard full time, for he was still an expert navigator just far more interesting than most would enjoy. Over the many years the ship docked though many ports across the sea, it was a small trade ship, controlled by no country, buying and selling as they saw fit. The ship was docked in New Paris when many of the crew was arrested for unlawful trafficking of slaves, and indeed, they did sell and trade slaves. Scribbles didn’t fully understand what slaves were; any they believed Scribbles himself to be a slave. He ended up staying in New Paris waiting for the Captain, Joshua Breton, to return to him and tell them to leave port. He didn’t realize that the captain was long since hanged and he would not see him again.

Outside Sea Fox’s Inn, Port of Vensponic

As the two of them stepped outside into the pouring rain she released her grasp of him. He turned to her and started speaking with a haste and anger to her. The rain quickly drenched her from head to toe, far quicker than she had expected. “The name’s Pandora, now you better get your scrawny ass out of here before I help you along.” She could hear yelling in the distance, and the woman not too far from them, staring at a ship, and watching it dock, nearly sinking in the process.

She seemed to forget that the kid was beside her a moment as she looked out towards it. “It’s suicide to attempt docking in a storm like this.” Pandora looked towards the woman and kicked some water up at her. “Whose ship is that?” She asked with joyfulness in her voice, though she did enjoy splashing this woman.

Isabella Sanzio 'Pandora'
Name: Isabella Sanzio
Nickname: Pandora
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Tattoo: Two cutlasses forming a cross on her shoulder.
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: Spanish
Alignment: None
Affiliation: None
  1. Sword Fighting: Pandora is an expert in sword fighting, she is a force to fear in hand to hand combat where she can dance and slash circles around even the most trained opponents, it would be an understatement to call her good.
  2. English:She is able to speak English, a language she learned from her adoptive brother.
  1. Interpretation: Despite her great combat abilities, Pandora is clueless in anything that would require signals. She constantly confuses them, and she has a hard time differentiating any body language or tones people send her way.
  2. Emotional: She is also a very emotional person, she acts on how she feels, not on how things would work out logically, yet she refuses to acknowledge it as such, and will try to logically reason her emotional response to others, to appear as a logical thinker and to convince them her was is the correct way.
Appearance: Link – Pandora usually has one eye covered by a golden-brown eye patch, though her eye works perfectly fine, for when night comes her eye will be adjusted to the dark and she will have no problems finding her way around. As well, she carries a amulet around her neck at all times, a thin silver chain attached to a strange bird like symbol made of sapphire. Her eyes typically have black make up around them, making the blue stand out more, but only for cosmetic reasons.
Weapons: On each of Pandora’s hips is a scabbard holding a cutlass; she is well trained and prefers to fight while using two cutlasses over any other method. Although she does carry with her a pistol attached to her leg n cause of an emergency. Lastly the heels of her boots have a blade running the length of the heel along the back. This allows her two cut people with just a kick if she was caught empty handed. The blade is black steel making it blend in with her boots and help to avoid any detection.
Personality: Isabella is a woman that can act and feel comfortable either alone or in the presence of others, though she much prefers being alone. When in front of people she acts tough and puts up fronts to seem like she’s unbreakable, though while she’s alone that front will break and she becomes a different more sensitive person. Although she is against murder, she has no qualms about killing in self defense. She has a soft spot for animals, and cares more for their safety than most living people.
Biography: Isabella was born to Ana Sanzio and Ricardo Sanzio in the Harbor of the Queen. Her father worked as a Representative to the Port of Isabella, and her mother was a baker in a small bakery. Both of her parents were out of the house much of the day. Her mother worked twelve hour days and her father was gone for weeks at a time to the port of Isabella on work. This left Isabella at home with a caregiver for most of her life. That was until the day her mother found a boy on the streets begging for money or food. Her mother always had a soft spot for kids, and at this time it was very unusual for beggars or the homeless. Especially in the harbor, most people had jobs, and nearly all children had parents. But not this boy, her mother adopted the child and gave him shelter in their home. His name was Jonathan and he was of British decent.

Over the weeks following he would do all sorts of chores around the house, mostly cleaning and cooking. Isabella began to resent him, he got all the attention from her parents because of how well behaved and how much he helped around the house. After a few more weeks her parents thought that they wouldn’t need the caregiver anymore, and fired her. Her new adoptive brother would be the one who was to take care of her from then on out, despite her reluctance.

She started to make messes on purpose, reject his food, and all the while he would keep cleaning and keep cooking, never saying anything to her. She was seven when Jonathan came to live with them, he was only twelve. Over the year Pandora’s hate for her adoptive brother withered and they started to become closer. He would read her books if she asked, and they would teach each other to speak their languages, Pandora learned English from him. They because close as if they were brother and sister since birth, Yet, when she was twelve and Jonathan turned 16, she ran to his room to see him, yet she found nothing there. He was gone, and he never even said good bye. She cried all day, and was one of the last times anyone would see her that way again. She started growing distant from others, and started to appear tougher and less sensitive.

She never got another caregiver; he parents believe she was old enough to care for herself. He wait dropped drastically, she wouldn’t cook herself any food, and she seemed to do absolutely nothing anymore. But as she laid in bed one night she began to change. She told herself to start acting independently and to not rely on others to do the work for her. She started to cook for herself, and secretly taught herself sword fighting. On her sixteenth birthday She woke early morning when the sun was still raising, to find a small box at the foot of her bed. It was from her parents, inside was a small note written in Spanish.

Isabella, we both know, and we want you to never forget who you are or where you are from, never forget your family, though I’m sure you won’t, after all, your going after your family today aren’t you?

Below the note was a small amulet, silver chain with a symbol carved of sapphire on it. It had been granted to her father for his work by the king of Spain himself. Her father was responsible for improving connection between the harbor of the queen, and port Isabella. He improved both of their economies with her various plans and strategies, and there was talk of making him a Advisor to the Colonial leader.

Her parents were right of course, she was headed out to find her brother, Jonathan. But it was more than that, she wanted to be free, to do as she wanted; and she wanted to be independent. She started off taking any trade ships she could to travel around to find her brother, and when the ships were attacked by pirates she would defend with them with two Cutlasses she was given by the ships crew. At first she had troubles, but she learned quickly and could fight well, but she only got better and better after each fight. When she landed in Engova and said her good byes to the ship and its crew, they were never seen or heard of by anyone ever again. He next ship brought her to the British Shoal, and that ship sank a few hundred feet from the shore.

In the shoal, she was watched carefully and given no freedoms, she eventually joined a pirate ship and became a bandit of the waters herself. She was a pirate for the many years to follow. Yet, ever ship she was ever on faced hardships, and soon she was left abandoned in Vensponic, no ship wanting the cursed Pandora. Over this time, Engova had become the sought after target or France and Britain, the shoal was hit with a powerful wave, and much of the docks were rebuilt. Everywhere she had been was hit with misfortune it seems.

She gave up her hunt for Jonathan long ago, believing him to be long dead, as no one has ever heard of him.


~Choco Coronet~ Omnomnom
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The Docks, Port of Vensponic
The ship had stopped, and laughter could be heard from the top. Emilie looked up, wiping her tears. They made it.

She got up from her hiding spot and looked around. No one was here. Suddenly it struck her, she has to run. If the crew finds her now that they reached the port they will most likely abuse her and then kill her. She was unfortunately way to familiar with this situation.

She sneaked up, the storm covering the already silent footsteps. She climbed aboard and saw the town of Vensponic. On the front of the Ship, she saw the Captain along with a French or English man with blond hair, a man she hasn't seen before. The captain muttered something to him, but the sight was interrupted by a voice. ''What's this?'' a sarcastic sounding voice spoke behind her. She turned. Four pirates stared at her. She froze in fear for a second, but as the men came towards her she quickly ran off towards the boarding ramp. She was relatively fast, but the pirates didn't seem to want to give up the chase either. At this point the boarding ramp was clear, the Captain and the other man had already walked down. She took the chance and ran. Almost slipping on the already soaking wet ramp, she darted straight past the captain and the man. The pirates followed her, one slipping on the ramp and falling into the water. As she passed she glanced at the captain and the other man. The captain's eyes were so focused, he could probably kill with just his gaze. The other man seemed much more relaxed. As she ran past, the captain payed no heed to her, he didn't even twitch a muscle. The three pirates followed.

She ran in a strange pattern, as the town was unfamiliar to her. The pirates were young men, there wasn't a chance she would lose them if she kept running. Emilie knew her stamina was far inferior to theirs. Turning a corner the thought of hiding came to mind. Slam! She hit something face flat. As she scurried up, she saw it wasn't something, but someone. She hit a beautiful English princess. As she looked around, she saw another Dark Haired beauty as well as an English looking child. Maybe he was the child of the Princess?. The three just looked at her, shocked. Emilie broke out of her fantasizes, she was going to be killed! She heard the men, they were about to turn the corner. Emilie didn't have enough time to get up and run. She scurried behind the English Princess, gave her a scared look and screamed ''Help Me!''. She had to gamble. Maybe someone understood French.

Name: Emilie de Lorme
Nickname: Black Saber (Although she never uses it)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Tattoos: None
Class: Pirate
Primary Language: French
Alignment: N/A
Affiliation: None.

1. Light on her feet – When Emilie moves she makes next to no sound, a trait she developed from her occupation as a Thief.
2. Acrobat – Emilie can climb almost anything and balance on thin ledges with ease. She is also a fairly fast runner.
3. Knives Mastery – The only weapons she ever uses are knives and daggers, being able to throw them very well, and fight better than an average knife user.
4. Good Senses – Working mostly at night, Emilie has adapted to hear smell and see things far better than most. She makes an excellent lookout, a skill which had her working on seven pirate ships.


1. Tiny – Due to her Tiny frame, Emilie can not perform feats of strength well. Furthermore she can be easily picked up and even thrown.
2. Can't handle Guns – If Emilie ever got a gun to fire, she would probably shoot herself in the leg than do anything else. She also dislikes guns and is a bit afraid of them.
3. Childish – Her personality gets her into a lot of trouble with pirates, as she gets easily bored and tends to do other things, like climbing and jumping around the boat and making a mess, before being a lookout. She also likes trinkets and is known to take or steal things if she wants them.
4. Illiterate – Due to her uneducated childhood she can not read nor write. Furthermore, anyone attempting to teach her would fail due to her short attention span.

Appearance: Link. Emilie has a tiny frame, weighing only 39 kilograms (86 pounds) and being 143 cm tall (4 feet 7 inches). She dresses up in clothes that usually don't hinder movement, with
knee high boots. Her favourite dress colours are blue and green, and she likes wearing trinkets. She never takes of her green pendant, a memory from her childhood.
Weapons: 8 Daggers. The longest one is in the front of her skirt. She has four more throwing daggers in her boots (2 in each), one on each side of her chest, hidden under her top, and a stilleto dagger hidden in the back of her skirt.
Personality: Emilie is very carefree and mischievous. She is generally distrusting, although she doesn't show it. She dislikes water and guns. Due to her very short attention span she has difficulty obeying orders and tends to get bored easily, which several times got her near killed. She also likes to rasp and taunt her opponents, sometimes even when she shouldn't do so. Emilie also likes to sleep a lot.
Biography: Emilie's mother died giving birth to her. While she was an infant, her father was miserable with his life in France, so he decided to move and leave everything behind. They started a journey to New Paris on the island of St. Dominique on board a merchant ship. Emilie was 6 at the time.

The ship was intercepted by Pirates loyal to the British crown, near the island of Logos. The ship was boarded, and Emilie's father hid her under the decks. After the shouting and guns stopped, there was only the voices speaking an unfamiliar language. A pirate searched the bottom decks and found Emilie hiding in a cupboard. He took pity on her and let her live. He smuggled her in a box on a French smuggler ship headed to New Paris.

With no one to take care of her, she wandered the streets of New Paris. Some took pity and gave the poor beggar child with the wavy blue hair food, and somehow, she was able to survive the next few years of her life.

At the age of 10, she started Thieving. At first, just to survive, stealing food. But as life went on for Emilie she became better and better her newfound hobby. She soon started stealing jewels, trinkets, blankets and anything else she wanted. She worked at night, and developed good vision and stealth. Everyone had forgotten the beggar child with the wavy blue hair, she was now known as Black Saber, a legendary thief.

At the age of 14 she was recruited by a captain of a small sloop as a lookout. Her skills were unbelievable, as she was able to spot ships miles away without a looking glass, as well as feel storms coming. However, due to her nature she quickly became a bother, then a nuisance to the pirates on board. The next time they came to port, she disembarked and was forced to quit. While on land, she thieved, and while recruited by pirates she served as a lookout. During this time she was forced to walk on the plank twice, as well as disembark in the nearby ports and make a run for her life.

Her skills as a thief kept rising and soon, everyone knew the name Black Saber. It was rumored she could even steal the beard of Blackbeard if she wanted to. Yet her personality and her attitude never made it clear she was Black Saber. In fact, she didn't even use her nickname, nor did she ever want to be called that.

Now at the age of 17, after passing through the service of several pirate ships, she finds herself again on the island of New Paris, looking for her next adventure.
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