TD Straetum Defense

SGT Vejito

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Straetum Defense

Welcome to my thread on a new map I am making, entitled Straetum Defense. Straetum Defense is a Tower / Unit / Hero defense hybrid. This TD focuses around strategy and constantly swapping your forces to combat the changing mobs.

This is a military style TD, utilizing different weapons and vehicles found in a modern warfare battle. It is a 6 player game and is currently being set for Solo mode, though you will be able to see opposing players progress through the game. There are a total of 30 waves currently, 4 of them bosses. Of the remaining 26 waves there are a total of 5 different classes of creeps, based on their armour type; Normal Armour, Heavy Armour, Fortified Armour, Unarmoured & Magic(Healer) Armour.

What makes Straetum unique, (or atleast not mainsteam: )

Creeps: Enemies you encounter spawn in controlled groups, usually consisting of 4 subordinates and 1 commander unit per group. While the commander unit is alive they will bestow a unique ability / stat bonus on their subordinates (extra armour, faster move speed, health regeneration, etc)

In addition, when groups merge together in the maze path, their abilities overlap each other, so a group with a 3 bonus armour aura will get 12 extra armour if they link with 3 more groups. This makes it imperative that you divide your forces to take them down before they group up, as they become too powerful when in larger groups.

This also encounters the next stage of strategy, prioritizing targets. If you were to take down the commander of a group, that group would lose their commanders ability (in some cases, crippling the group completely) While the commander will have more health and armour then the subordinates, taking him down can prove to tip the balance in your favour, as you can now easily clean up the lesser units with the second line of your towers, or your units if they get that far.

Creeps run down individual pathways, eventually linking with other groups before they finally reach their goal.

Towers: Towers you build in Straetum Defense use a unique system, weapon swapping. You can build a Soldier as a base tower, which starts with an assault rifle. As the fight progresses you can switch the Soldiers current weapon (to either a shotgun or grenades) on the fly.

Building the Soldier initially costs gold but switching weapons after that point is free. Letting you switch based on your preferences, the range of the opponent and their armour type.

Switching weapons takes time however, so a strategy on when to do the switches and on what units can make or break the game.

Towers are only available to be placed on the top side of the map (closest to the enemy spawns) where they are still split into individual groups.

Units: Taking the opposite side of Towers, units are unable to cross the lower half of your maze, the lower half of your maze is a long path that leads directly to your base. During this time however, the creeps gain the ability to attack, so they will stop and fight with any units that get in their way as they travel towards your HQ.

Heroes: At the start of the match you gain a single hero unit, known as your Force Commander. Your force commander gains half exp for creeps killed by your towers, and full exp for any creeps killed by your units. A Force Commander starts out weak, but as the game progresses gets stronger and more formidable.

Your Force Commander is imperative in boss battles (of which there are 4 planned) as the bosses you will fight will be able to obliterate your units, (While gaining exp and becoming even stronger as well.)

However, your Force Commander cannot solo everything, he needs the help of other units to successfully take down bosses and towers to soften up advancing creeps for him.


Here is an overview of what the Beta version of the game looks like:

An overview of the map

Here's another angle

Some pictures of the towers, each tower can have multiple forms, each of these forms is completely free, so you can switch back and forth as much as you want depending on the armour type of what you're fighting (or the range of the units from your tower) However switching does take time


As stated before, all commanders gain a special aura (wave one is an armour boost of +3) while on it's own an aura of +3 dosen't cause much concern, each of these auras stack together, by the time the creeps reach your unit, they'll have all 4 groups together, assuming you don't stop them with your towers first.

The alpha version of the unit fighting zone, i've widened the area by a few tiles so you have more room to move around in, but I eventually want to recreate it, so you have almost free reign of where to place your units.

This is a 6 player map, so this terrain is mirrored for each player.

---This is everything I can think of that should be posted to do with this map, if you have any additional questions about it I'd be happy to provide that information as well---

Progress: As of 31/05/09

Maze Terrain: 85% (Done for now)
Main Triggers: 100% (Waves spawn and path properly, boundaries for units set, etc)
Towers: 100% (a total of 5 towers, 2 of them with 3 forms, the other 3 with 2, for a total of 12)
Tower Abilities: 95% (having some trouble with one towers special ability)
Creep Abilities: 100%
Units: 100% (a total of 6 units)
Unit Abilities: 100% (each with a unique ability)
Heroes: 100% (Hero implemented, all abilities set)
Balancing: 50%
Beauty Work: 50%
Final Tweaks: 0%

Overall Progress: 85%


Building/Unit/Tower Upgrades: 90% (needs tweaking now, but abilities are in place and functioning properly.

I am currently working on implementing heroes and units, once that is done (day or so) I am going to need help with balancing everything. I want the map to be difficult, but not impossible to beat.

While I started this project with the initial goal of doing it solo, I am open to accepting a second person to help me finish off everything else. Experience is not required, but passion towards making something worthwhile and the ability to learn are (I started this map on the 25th of April, and it is the first map I've made with the Wc3 Editor.)

If you are interested in either of these, please drop me a line in this thread, or send me an e-mail ([email protected])


I've been hard at work the past few days, tweaking the game to the point where it is actually playable fully. Today marks the day that has finally happened.

I am happy to finally release the first version of this game.

Based on the few people that I have introduced the game to, it should be pretty self explanatory on what to do, however there are a few commands / tips I will advise of.

-Reveal Use this as player red at the start of the game to remove the fog of war effect. Towers are usually not able to see the entire distance of their actual targeting range, and need extra units known as spotters to enhance their viewpoint. Eventually I will put this as a difficulty option, easy giving you full view of the entire area, and normal keeping the fog of war. So the command is there if you want it.

-Start When used at the very start of the game this will skip the initial 3 minute countdown for the first wave.

-Next After the first wave spawns, use this trigger to start the next wave.

Units and heroes cannot move past the half way point in the maze, you'll notice this point where the ground textures change to Blight, just before the last bottleneck of the tower area.

Your Force Commander currently benefits from exp in an enormous area, as I am currently unsure of how to switch so you only gain exp for your own kills and adjusting the exp gain based on if a tower or a unit gets a kill.

Oh yeah! almost forgot, gold cheats break the game... have fun with that :)

That's all I can think of to say, hope you enjoy it.


  • Straetum Defense v0.90 Beta.w3x
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Sounds good. Can't really say much until you do more and we get more info.

One note regarding hero experience: If the hero gets more experience from kills with units than with towers, players will let creeps through their towers (not build any towers) and make lots of units, unless the towers are dramatically stronger and the heroes are weak. I suggest making the opposite true - that is, make players get more (I suggest about 30-50%) experience from tower kills than unit kills. Also, allow the hero to enter both sides of the map, if you're not planning to already. That's my thoughts, anyway.

SGT Vejito

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One note regarding hero experience: If the hero gets more experience from kills with units than with towers, players will let creeps through their towers (not build any towers) and make lots of units, unless the towers are dramatically stronger and the heroes are weak. I suggest making the opposite true - that is, make players get more (I suggest about 30-50%) experience from tower kills than unit kills. Also, allow the hero to enter both sides of the map, if you're not planning to already. That's my thoughts, anyway.

I'll address this first, currently, units deal about half the damage that towers can do, and your hero at his first level deals about the same as a medium level tower.

The plan behind my game is that you are guaranteed to lose if you neglect one side of the defense, be it towers or units. The main reason to this are commander units, commander units deal amazingly high damage (first level can kill your Force Commander in 8 shots) and there are 4 of them in each level, couple that with the 16 minions all at the same time, they can shred anything in their path.

Reason you want to build towers is to kill these commander units, basic strategy is to take them down as they pass, and leave as many minions alive as possible for the experience gains.

Here's some numbers:

first wave has 4 commanders and 12 minions, minions deal 5 damage and commanders deal 95 (1.0 and 1.5 weapon speed, respectively) that makes a total dps (damage per second) of Apprx 373.

If you were to take down the 4 commanders, you would drop to 60 DPS, the 4 commander units makeup over 3/4 of the total damage output. Considering the main source of your Force Commanders heals come from medics (5% health, 5 second cooldown, 5 medics maximum) the less dps the opposing side is putting out the better for them.

Experience will also be rated around this factor, commanders will give double the experience of a minion, and killing the 4 commanders with towers and the 12 minions with units will net your Force Commander 1 level exactly.

I've updated my first post with new progress %'s, but will post them here as well:

Maze Terrain: 85%
Main Triggers: 100%
Towers: 90%
Tower Abilities: 70%
Creep Abilities: 10%
Units: 100%
Unit Abilities: 20%
Heroes: 50% (Hero implemented, need to think of some abilities)
Balancing: 5%
Beauty Work: 10%
Final Tweaks: 0%

Overall Progress: 55%

I've converted the tile set as well, I agree with you Joker, Lorderon Summer is very ugly, just didn't know there was a way to change it that easily. Found the right option after you suggested to switch it :p

here's some new pictures, along with some towers and units.

An overview of the map again, different tile set

Here's another angle

Some pictures of the towers, each tower can have multiple forms, each of these forms is completely free, so you can switch back and forth as much as you want depending on the armour type of what you're fighting (or the range of the units from your tower) However switching does take time


As stated before, all commanders gain a special aura (wave one is an armour boost of +3) while on it's own an aura of +3 dosen't cause much concern, each of these auras stack together, by the time the creeps reach your unit, they'll have all 4 groups together, assuming you don't stop them with your towers first.

The alpha version of the unit fighting zone, i've widened the area by a few tiles so you have more room to move around in, but I eventually want to recreate it, so you have almost free reign of where to place your units.

And finally, the first boss spoiler:

No game is complete without an Illidan fight, thankfully he's not the last damn boss...

Think I need some more tweaks though, he dosen't even have his abilities set in :p





EDIT: Afterthought: Once I get the game working to a stable version, i'll release a version for everyone to try. Currently I'm experiencing a lot of problems with my triggers, as they're starting to get more complicated, and each time one actives there is a noticeable lag in the game, so I might need to recode them again. Nevermind However that's currently a secondary matter to work out, I'm currently finishing abilities.

SGT Vejito

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I've been hard at work the past few days, tweaking the game to the point where it is actually playable fully. Today marks the day that has finally happened.

I am happy to finally release the first version of this game.

Based on the few people that I have introduced the game to, it should be pretty self explanatory on what to do, however there are a few commands / tips I will advise of.

-Reveal Use this as player red at the start of the game to remove the fog of war effect. Towers are usually not able to see the entire distance of their actual targeting range, and need extra units known as spotters to enhance their viewpoint. Eventually I will put this as a difficulty option, easy giving you full view of the entire area, and normal keeping the fog of war. So the command is there if you want it.

-Start When used at the very start of the game this will skip the initial 3 minute countdown for the first wave.

-Next After the first wave spawns, use this trigger to start the next wave.

Units and heroes cannot move past the half way point in the maze, you'll notice this point where the ground textures change to Blight, just before the last bottleneck of the tower area.

Your Force Commander currently benefits from exp in an enormous area, as I am currently unsure of how to switch so you only gain exp for your own kills and adjusting the exp gain based on if a tower or a unit gets a kill.

Oh yeah! almost forgot, gold cheats break the game... have fun with that :)

That's all I can think of to say, hope you enjoy it. (Check the first post for the map)


From the depths, I come.
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You'd probably be best using a custom XP trigger.

SGT Vejito

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Straetum was a name for a channel I would join in wc3 / sc / ventrillo. Couldn't think of an actual name for a TD so just chose it.

I've updated the wc3 map, apparently the original trigger for level switches wasn't working properly, so i've edited it and now you should gain 2 recruits at the start of each new wave.

I'm currently at work on a custom exp system, so when a unit dies your Force Commander will now get a set ammount of exp, depending on if a tower or a unit killed it. It'll also take into account what player killed it, so your hero isn't getting exp for kills from the player beside you. -- Thanks for the suggestion Argent

SGT Vejito

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V0.85 has been released:

In this version.

Proper exp gain triggers for heroes, heroes will now gain double experience for any tower kills and normal experience for kills done by units.

Leader board activated for kill tracking.

Difficulty chooser has been implemented (currently easy mode deactivates fog of war and normal keeps fog of war)

Balance changes mainly to creeps; gold bounty, armour and hp has been tweaked. Bosses have also been changed.


Known Errors:

Shock Trooper: Rocket Launcher's special ability currently does not work
Cruiser: Cruiser's can currently change where they place themselves when you do an upgrade, I currently have no idea how to go about fixing this though.


Next Version:

Force Commander: I'll have another 2 base abilities, as well an an ultimate ready
Balancing: Hoping to have towers fully balanced

Check the first post for the link, Enjoy!

SGT Vejito

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Well after 2 computer crashes (piece of ram died and power supply after that) I am finally back with another release to my map.

Currently there is a bug with this map that makes it unplayable with multiple people (server split within the first 30 seconds of the game) however it is still completely playable with a single person at the moment.

I've given the Force Commander 2 more abilities, one of them an ultimate.

I am currently looking for someone that is interested in helping me figure out what is causing my server splits. I've re designed every trigger that goes off within the first 3 minutes of the game and so far nothing has seemed to stop the disconnecting problem.

I would be very appreciative if someone was willing to offer some help. I will keep working on it as much as I can to see if I can resolve it during the meantime though.

As always, check the first post for the link, Enjoy!

SGT Vejito

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Server splits have been fixed, map is completely playable online (i've also cut down the costs of towers by half and units by 1/4th, to help with being overrun early.)

Check the first post for the link to the map, have fun.
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