The Collaborative Map Making Project



Im not a noob, but not a veteran either. I can fill in for any place you need, except skinning/modeling.

PM me if you are interested ;)


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Just a few ideas...

Whatever map genre we decide to make, I say we make everything custom. A good way for a map to stand out is to be different than anything else.

I say we first start out with deciding what type of map to make. People can (remember this is just an idea) submit any new ideas for the map, or we could simply just make a base off an original (eg custom hero arena, TD, RPG). What we could do is ask a moderator to make a poll to vote on the type of map.


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if you go on the Arena concept, make the Champion a hero named "Joseph W. Oxford", with the Admiral Proudmoore model and the Chain Lightning spell ;) Just do it.


Good to have your support, Amfidamant! :) If you're tired, go to sleep ;). I won't be mad or anything :). We collaborate since we are working toghether on this; this is not my map or your map or his map, this is our map, or prefferably, this is TheHelper's map. Read through the first post once more ;):D

Ah, hello Shinryuku_ku! It's good to see some new accomodations ;) I couldn't be more intrested in what you have to offer this project and, most of all, this community! I assume you want to be added to the list? (I won't add you until you confirm your intrest, though :))...BTW i am currently mapping on the first, rough draw of the defense map, gonna add some triggers in a minute, just to give you guys a visual taste of what's on my mind - then we'll put our wise heads toghether and make the village defense map! :shades:


lllidan said:
Whatever map genre we decide to make, I say we make everything custom. A good way for a map to stand out is to be different than anything else.

I say we first start out with deciding what type of map to make. People can (remember this is just an idea) submit any new ideas for the map, or we could simply just make a base off an original (eg custom hero arena, TD, RPG). What we could do is ask a moderator to make a poll to vote on the type of map.

You deserve an applause for this Illidan - for saying what needed to be said :D! Everything custom is good, there is no better effect (on me) when i play a brand new warcraft III map, to then get surprised about the content - not just getting what you expect, something a-little-different, but litterally get surprised! That and opening a new map, to a secound later think "holy cow - i had'nt the faintest you even could do this on wc3!!!1" takes the 1# on my list of "events" wich enchant your wc3 experience. Indeed we should, i mentioned it on the secound post or so ;):D


Rabarber said:
if you go on the Arena concept, make the Champion a hero named "Joseph W. Oxford", with the Admiral Proudmoore model and the Chain Lightning spell ;) Just do it.

If i'd be more "by-the-book", i'd say that we don't really take ideas from members outside the project into consideration - but luckily i'm a nice cat and naturally i will consider your idea/suggestion to the fullest! Sounds fair, i guess. :) nothing speaking against it, so, you know, i'd bet my cash on it going to happen. But we'll see :) :shades: :p


Progress has been made!

The visual demonstration of my idea is done!! WOHOO!!! (meaning that the first, rough draw of a city defense map is done! - my current version of the idea in a very beta-like way with almost no material etc, simply to proove my point) :p:D:);) Wich brings me to another thing - how do you attach attachments? :eek: :eek:


oh god sorry could not bear through reading the hole post O_O but I think its an amazeing idea, and I would like to help anyway I can. Also I was reading that Hero help post and I likes alot of the funny hero ideas, maybe make a map based on that I think that would be funny


begone77 said:
oh god sorry could not bear through reading the hole post O_O but I think its an amazeing idea, and I would like to help anyway I can. Also I was reading that Hero help post and I likes alot of the funny hero ideas, maybe make a map based on that I think that would be funny

It's nice to hear that you appreciate our work, thank you :D! Should i add you to the list? (otherwise you, naturally, won't count as a project member and will therefore lack authority, get lesser if any credit and so on. But i'm a real nice-guy, so you'll be allright, even though joining the project list if you plan to be active in it is strongly recommended, least to say . :) :cool:

A note to everyone! The hero help post de-railed pretty early, and that will not be the case here. That is one of the few parts wich i am dead serious about :cool: This is naturally among other things a place of jokes, sarcasm, irony, parodies, comedy and such, but there is a limit. But don't worry ppl - this will NOT be a problem as long as you're not trying to get your posts deleted or something ;):D i'm bugfixing on the map until someone will tell me about how to use attachments :eek: :rolleyes: :D

Edit: Or, well, if noone replies in awhile i'll just post it on Rapidshare :rolleyes:


NEDM said:
It's nice to hear that you appreciate our work, thank you :D! Should i add you to the list? (otherwise you, naturally, won't count as a project member and will therefore lack authority, get lesser if any credit and so on. But i'm a real nice-guy, so you'll be allright, even though joining the project list if you plan to be active in it is strongly recommended, least to say . :) :cool:

A note to everyone! The hero help post de-railed pretty early, and that will not be the case here. That is one of the few parts wich i am dead serious about :cool: This is naturally among other things a place of jokes, sarcasm, irony, parodies, comedy and such, but there is a limit. But don't worry ppl - this will NOT be a problem as long as you're not trying to get your posts deleted or something ;):D i'm bugfixing on the map until someone will tell me about how to use attachments :eek: :rolleyes: :D

Edit: Or, well, if noone replies in awhile i'll just post it on Rapidshare :rolleyes:

Yes you may add me, I will help, what is the map we are doing right now?

I can probubly do textureing if need be, and also ideas, and other things, but you know ^^


begone77 said:
Yes you may add me, I will help, what is the map we are doing right now?

I can probubly do textureing if need be, and also ideas, and other things, but you know ^^

Just read all the previous posts - it's not any work to do it, it's highly recommended and it's a laugh. :)


AceHart said:
Like I said: "That's a bit vague".

There's a "manage attachments" button, under "additional options"...

And, I strongly recommend the following read:

Thank you for your help :):D, now i can post the map (wohie!)! And yeah, thanks for the recommendation of thread - i've read it twice already :rolleyes: :shades:

Edit: MAP ATTACHED - Let's rock! (Thanks to AceHart for helping me witch attachments :))


  • City Defense.w3x
    27.9 KB · Views: 251


From the depths, I come.
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Hmm, this seems to be going well, anyways, here's an idea I came up with, after reading your posts.

The game starts out with each of the players in a village, and they are all just simle villagers, though they are heros, and can learn some simple, less-than uber skills. For the first part of the game, they defend the village from attacks, and help to build it up. Buildings should be quite big, and expensive, and there should be a focus on building only what is nessecary, and each building being important and unique. For example, if you build a house, it will allow you to have a few more people in the village, or if you built a bar, the people would be happier, though 1 person would be required to work at the bar (bartender). The building would also be actual-size, as in they would look like a person could fit in it. This type of thing may be hard to make, but I'm sure we could make it, and it would be great fun.

After a while, once the players level up enough, they can train to become one of the classes, for example a knight, or a lord, or a builder, or a hunter, etc. Each hero would be better at different things, like a brawler's abilities would help him kil other things, but a lord would have abilities that make the people happier, or richer. (a knight would be a mix of the two) After they evolve like this, they leave their original town (we could have a cinematic, where the town is ovverrun or something), with some followers, (some villagers and milita, or something) and go to build their own city. Then the players would do similar to what they did in the original town, but instead of working together, they work alone or with just a few other players. (we would allow the players to ally with full control, and if they did they would share resources)

The attacks would continue, but the main focus of the game would be building up your cities, and fighting or allying the others.


ok after reading the posts,

I think we need to do something differant, something noone has done, Also something I think is important is that it needs to be user friendly, as in you and just jump into it and it be easy to play, for example DoTA (or whatever it is) is kinnda hard to pick up on at first, I think we should make it easy yet deep.

anyways on to the idea, I think we should lean tword just a funny type map with joke like charictors, and if it has mini games, fun out there mini games, key facter is fun and the "funny" factor but thats my opinion, and I think it would fit the mood of this post


AgentPaper said:
Hmm, this seems to be going well, anyways, here's an idea I came up with, after reading your posts.

The game starts out with each of the players in a village, and they are all just simle villagers, though they are heros, and can learn some simple, less-than uber skills. For the first part of the game, they defend the village from attacks, and help to build it up. Buildings should be quite big, and expensive, and there should be a focus on building only what is nessecary, and each building being important and unique. For example, if you build a house, it will allow you to have a few more people in the village, or if you built a bar, the people would be happier, though 1 person would be required to work at the bar (bartender). The building would also be actual-size, as in they would look like a person could fit in it. This type of thing may be hard to make, but I'm sure we could make it, and it would be great fun.

After a while, once the players level up enough, they can train to become one of the classes, for example a knight, or a lord, or a builder, or a hunter, etc. Each hero would be better at different things, like a brawler's abilities would help him kil other things, but a lord would have abilities that make the people happier, or richer. (a knight would be a mix of the two) After they evolve like this, they leave their original town (we could have a cinematic, where the town is ovverrun or something), with some followers, (some villagers and milita, or something) and go to build their own city. Then the players would do similar to what they did in the original town, but instead of working together, they work alone or with just a few other players. (we would allow the players to ally with full control, and if they did they would share resources)

The attacks would continue, but the main focus of the game would be building up your cities, and fighting or allying the others.

Seems very cool, i like it!!! :)

Only one thing...I find an importance in magnifying the competitional parts of the game - i'd like to add;
A)A timer for time pressure.
B)Bosses or special events occuring now and then, say earthquakes, rodent infection, vampire in town or whatever.
C)Teams; 6v6, 4v4v4, 2v2v2v2v2v2, FFA:
D)The goals have to be very clear and let's make (like) the first map wich don't have grammatical errors the size of my fist all over ;):D:) no, but you know, it's important with proper english, clearly stated goals, perhaps a little step-by-step guide on how to get started in the quest log and such.
E)The need to exit your village! Say, we have a map, epic size. In it there is a total of 20 towns, 18 of wich are captured by the bad guys. Imagine you split the map in the middle, top to bottom, leaving 2 tall and not very wide, separate maps on each side. On the left, a team of 6 players. On the right, a team of 6 players. Let's say theese two halves that form an epic sized map are identical, exept for the player colours, basically. Let's say the first town (the one you start with) is in the far north. The farther south you get, the stronger the enemies. This will make the roles of defender and invader switch, whilst adding a heroes-of-might-and-magic kind of touche to it, whilst still, in a distant way, resembling risk. And you'll probably want to fight with your hero on ground level, adding a very personal tone to the map, whilst you are conquering on a global scale. You win by, e.g.
-capturing the last town in the bottom south first.
-capturing something before the timer expires
or, my favourite: In the bottom south map on each side there is a portal, wich leads to the other side, so if you're on the left and goes through your portal, you end up on the identical right side and vice versa. This way you get to level up, quest, learn the game, bond, and so on before you take on the most interactive and stimulating enemy of all; the other player(s). We could, as time goes by, include (more than the portal) Airships, Boats, Mountain Passes, secret tunnel creation and so on. The possibilities are immense!!! THIS is what i would consider a revolutionary concept!!! Just imagining it right in front of me makes me shiver, almost...It's friggin moving :rolleyes: :shades: :D :) ;)


NEDM said:
Seems very cool, i like it!!! :)

Only one thing...I find an importance in magnifying the competitional parts of the game - i'd like to add;
A)A timer for time pressure.
B)Bosses or special events occuring now and then, say earthquakes, rodent infection, vampire in town or whatever.
C)Teams; 6v6, 4v4v4, 2v2v2v2v2v2, FFA:
D)The goals have to be very clear and let's make (like) the first map wich don't have grammatical errors the size of my fist all over ;):D:) no, but you know, it's important with proper english, clearly stated goals, perhaps a little step-by-step guide on how to get started in the quest log and such.
E)The need to exit your village! Say, we have a map, epic size. In it there is a total of 20 towns, 18 of wich are captured by the bad guys. Imagine you split the map in the middle, top to bottom, leaving 2 tall and not very wide, separate maps on each side. On the left, a team of 6 players. On the right, a team of 6 players. Let's say theese two halves that form an epic sized map are identical, exept for the player colours, basically. Let's say the first town (the one you start with) is in the far north. The farther south you get, the stronger the enemies. This will make the roles of defender and invader switch, whilst adding a heroes-of-might-and-magic kind of touche to it, whilst still, in a distant way, resembling risk. And you'll probably want to fight with your hero on ground level, adding a very personal tone to the map, whilst you are conquering on a global scale. You win by, e.g.
-capturing the last town in the bottom south first.
-capturing something before the timer expires
or, my favourite: In the bottom south map on each side there is a portal, wich leads to the other side, so if you're on the left and goes through your portal, you end up on the identical right side and vice versa. This way you get to level up, quest, learn the game, bond, and so on before you take on the most interactive and stimulating enemy of all; the other player(s). We could, as time goes by, include (more than the portal) Airships, Boats, Mountain Passes, secret tunnel creation and so on. The possibilities are immense!!! THIS is what i would consider a revolutionary concept!!! Just imagining it right in front of me makes me shiver, almost...It's friggin moving :rolleyes: :shades: :D :) ;)

I also like it but I think it needs to be simpler, or jsut more easyly layed out,

for example the building up of the village, at lest make only defined areas, where you could build houses, or bars, and also add map blips and instructions to help new players, also this sounds like it will start slow, maybe mix it up a bit and add attacking monsters, that attack the village
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