Wanna contribute to a map?

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i dont play dota either, so i didnt know there was already an ability for it ill htink of a new ability of a confusing hero real quick:

Ability for Confounding Hero:
Teleports the (your hero here =D) a short distance, and leaves an illusion in either the teleported area, or the original area of the (your hero here =D)

also i iwll think of some cool items to:

Orb of Endurance:
adds x health and y armor to the possesing hero

Winged Shoes:
increases the movement speed of the hero by x % and also gives the possesing hero the windwalk ability

Poisoned Gauntlets:
Add slow poisonto the attack of the possesing hero. attacks also deal 4 poison damage per second.

Necklace of Supiriority
Enhances the possesing hero's natural abilities by adding 10 bonus points to strength, agility, and intelligence.

Satanic Cloak:
Increases attack rate by x % and gives vampyric aura to the possesing unit

Legendary Sword, couterpart of Frostmourn Gives Chaos damage, adds x damage, and y % attack speed to the possesing units atttack

Orb of Flames:
adds bonus fire splash damage to the heros attack, also grants the ability to cast flamebolt

there are a few items i jus thought up, and just incase in advance, any1 can use them, and i honestly dont care if you give me credit for it, there just items and abilities lol


Ex TH Member
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SD_Ryoko said:
Tempting. Trying to keep the imports down, I lost a lot of space bringing in the castle texture. Maybe if it was really needed, I'll keep you in mind. Got a sample? :)

Lets combine some mage ideas.

Lightning ward: Lightning attack, attacks & zaps random baddies.
Orb of chaos: Same concept, only floating, and green goo, that poisions?

And some kind of spell, where objects move from one side to the other.

I've seen it twice.

-The mage in ROTG (rebirth of the guardians) had stars
-Tinker in dota, and its the goblins

But I don't know yet how they did it.

What do you mean exactly? I'm trying to comprehend :banghead:


Cocktails anyone?
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Maybe a eye candy spell that creates a dome of the Death Coil effects around the necro, then shoots them out in an awesome way?

Maybe a spell for the Rogue that when she hits an enemy, multiple arrows fly out and split from the target, hurting anybody in the way?

DM Cross

You want to see a magic trick?
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Why not try the ol' 'Corpse Explosion' spell, from D2? I always thought that was pretty awesome, and I've never seen that done in a WC3 map before, so it'd be pretty interesting.


Ex TH Member
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Corpse Explosion? You mean like you make a corpse into a mine or something? Because that's one of the spells in EotA. Cast on a nearby corpse (for some dumb reason you can't select the corpse via the cursor thing, so I suppose there's a reason for that) and it will turn into a explosive corpse. Then, there's a trigger or two of sorts that upon an enemy stepping nearby, the corpse explodes x seconds later doing area damage.

DM Cross

You want to see a magic trick?
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Apparently it HAS been done :D i just haven't seen it yet, but yeah, i just thought it would be cool...you could probably do something else though, hell, make a corpse with an aura...do SOMETHING with all them bones! ;)


Both the corpse explosion idea and the ability where the hero summons and illusion and goes invisible at the same time are in a fairly old version of Eota which i happen to have, so they have been around. Another thing from Eota i really like, is there is a hero with 0 mana regen, but naturally has an ability that turns corpses into mana. So thats what you do with all those skellies :) . More unique ways to play heros like that would be fun.

For a hero i had an idea of a giant robot that uses technical moves. His ultimate would likely be a nuclear missle strike, and the message "Nuclear launch detected" would come on the screen to warn players, just like in StarCraft (btw this would probably only be necessary if it was player vs player). He would also create force fields that would dissipate after a time or after a certain amount of damage.

Rinpun you are blowing my mind with these crazy long descriptions, if there is a game like that i would greatly like to play it.


SD_Ryoko said:
And some kind of spell, where objects move from one side to the other.

I've seen it twice.

-The mage in ROTG (rebirth of the guardians) had stars
-Tinker in dota, and its the goblins

But I don't know yet how they did it.

If you are refering to march of the machines in dota (ive never played ROTG), then im pretty sure they just used stampede but changed the unit which was thrown across the screen.


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Marksman said:
Rinpun you are blowing my mind with these crazy long descriptions, if there is a game like that i would greatly like to play it.

Sorry, I think big and I'm incredibly long-winded :)

In fact, if I really wanted to, I could try to find some way of extending this discussion to where it is a paragraph. Actually, that's what I'm doing now :D

Also, as far as I know, this ISN'T Hero vs. Hero. Still, a robot with nuclear missiles would be hecka sweet if modeled and blah correctly. Launch one into a group of enemies and watch later as they all are either dead or on the ground writhing in pain. He'd have to make it fair though by leaving some nuclear clouds that suck the hero's hp away as they walk through them, so as to not overuse the spell (also taking into the account the high cooldown of all Ultimate abilities).


Ultra Cool Member
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I'll keep this somewhat short.

I need to finish the terrain before I can encorporate heroes and monsters. This is going to move a little faster, now that I have beat the WC3 '2 unit tall' wall height limit.

Whats sad is, I have 5 incredible rooms, but I really need like....30?

I greatly apreciate all ideas and comments.

Also, looking through ideas about mages

New Astral Mage should have the 'astral form' etheral ability, and I'll give the necro something different.


I have only 5 words for yah

Specialized mounts for each class.

Use your imagination from there :cool:


About them mages, i had an idea for a pretty cool mage. Any of you who have played Magic:The Gathering will see that this is basically a blue mage.

Voidmage-a mage who specializes in disruption and manipulation.

Blink-(i think you know what this does by now)

Control Magic-gains permanent control of a unit, uncastable on heros, ancients, etc. etc.

Combust Mana- voidmage sets a units mana aflame, dealing damage to them and draining mana over time

Counterspell-Voidmage counters any spell. Basically you could give each spell like a 0.1 casting time, and make this an autocast spell that shoots a 1 damage shot at enemy that interrupts spell stunning for like .1 second, that casts whenever an enemy casts a spell. Example:
level 1:costs full cost of countered spell, 700 range
level 2:costs 3/4 cost of countered spell, 1000 range
level 3:costs 1/2 cost of countered spell, 1250 range

heres one that would play VERY uniquely

Doppleganger-shapeshifting hero, would have very good stats.

Clone-Dopplegangers only ability, clone lets Doppelganger assume the form of any non-hero unit, gaining their abilities, range, attack types, hp, etc. I'd say let the clone forms keep doppels stats, but give hp and damage bonuses depending on the unit copied. There will undoubtedly be many unique and powerful monsters to copy.

Also i had an idea for an area (time to get long winded like Rinpun)
A vast forest extends as far as the eye can see, and there is an opening into the trees. As the heros enter, the forest is thick, but in the less thick parts, there is a path clearly defined. Make it so it seems like the heros can wander off the path, but will be herded back to the main trail anyway. There will still be trees on the path, just less thick, not so many that you can't see clearly. Enemies hide in copses of trees, trolls or wildkins or forest elementals. As the heros draw toward the center of the forest, the path grows wilder and twistier and the trees grow taler (a variety of trees will look very cool). Also the ground slowly grows higher.
When the heros reach the top ( not a mountain, more like a small plateau) There is a humble pedastal with a red glowing gem in the center, and a thick ring of trees prevents wandering. Both exits are sealed by thorns as the heros enter the grove. When a hero takes the Gem, called the Ruby of Azurien, the screen shakes and a boss comes out of the ground.

Grandar is a slightly larger version of an ancient of war. He uses spells such as force of nature and entangling roots. Grandar has a large amount of hp, but the heros just keep hacking at him. When he is almost dead, Grandar tears a path throught the far briars and runs through the forest. The other way is sealed, so the heros have no choice but to charge on after Grandar. As they hurry along the path, copses of trees explode into treants ready to fight. Wildkins charge out of the trees to bar the heros path. An opening in the trees reveals the edge of the forest approaching. The heros are almost there when suddenly Grandar leaps out of the forest. Then he begins to grow in size, growing 10 times bigger than usual, too big for our heros to hit. He uses an entangling roots spell to hold all heros except the one with the Ruby of Azurien, who activates the ruby and grows as large as Grandar. Then ensues a one-on-one battle of the titans, high over the forest. If possible, imagine how sweet it would be to make it so the combatants would run through the forest, possibly crushing trees under foot. Grandar dodges deeper into the forest while the hero pursues, when he is almost dead, Grandar unleashes his most powerful attack which turns vast amounts of trees into a giant treant. When Grandar finally is defeated he explodes in a blast of white light and the screen shakes before going black. When the hero with the gem comes to, he is standing just outside the ravaged forest with the other heros, who continue their quest. The Ruby of Azurien would then grant the avatar ability throughout the game.

Yeah, and perhaps Grandar could return in Ethereal Form later in the game, that would be a fun fight, especially if you hired spellscsters to aid you and there were grandars mages of his own to counter those spellcasters. Just a crazy thought.


Ultra Cool Member
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LOL this is too funny.

At one point, I had 11 dopplegangers. See avatar. I also had 4 foil meddling mage... like the ones your describing :) And uh....bout 3000 other cards. And uh.... a granite gargoyle and a 'Nightmare' tatoos.

BUT ANYWAY! Some good ideas I like.

Voidmage... like a spell breaker...maybe counter spells, and steal buffs. Maybe deflection type skills. Interesting.

Doppleganger won't happen. You cant 'switch' models for a unit.

You could DUPLICATE the unit, but then you won't be a hero, and you can't BECOME a hero through triggers (I have thought this idea through before)


New Member
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For the Astral Mage or whatever, make Pheonix bomb ;), basically the pheonix egg is a bomb... but after its timer ends it explodes and does X damage.(Special effects and things can be put with it also).

BrokenX - - -


General Iroh - Dragon of the West
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I need to finish the terrain before I can encorporate heroes and monsters. This is going to move a little faster, now that I have beat the WC3 '2 unit tall' wall height limit.

Out of curiosity, how did you do this? I always thought it was unavoidable.

Shadowy Fear

I have returned
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Iv been reading your posts and i just got a good idea for a level / room / whatever :p if you havent already thought of it. You could have (not very original but ;) ) Storm Peak or something like that; here is what would likely be in it if you include it in your map.

Overall: It would obviously take place on a mountain or ridge or whatever, with the 'theme' being a lightning ( i DID read the post where you said lightning was overplayed but hey :D) magic - abused mountain (used as a quest to get from one place to the other) , where you spar with lightning elementals, soldiers, etc. as you travel up the mountain. You could also have periodic lightning strike the pathway, steep places where you could fall off, take damage, and have to go back up to where you where. There could be 'lightning barriers' with some cool special effect, that would block your ascent until you found and killed the lightning mages.
As you get farther up the mountain, the lightning gets worse, and periodic gusts of wind could blow rocks into the path, into you, through you, etc, and youd have to dodge them to stay alive. Also, the periodic lightning would get worse, and possible stun you (and maybe your enemies) and damage you.
When you get near the summit, there would be an uber lightning lizard as a boss, but he would have a verson of lightning shield around him. To remove his shield, you would have to destroy the lightning magic channelers, located around the battle area, which would very inconviently be located across a chasm or lightning or abyss, etc. To get to the lightning channelers, you would need to activate a series of beacons by getting the lightning lizard to attack you and miss and hit the beacons. Once the beacons for each channeler were activated, you could use some sort of special effect and destroy them, then create an energy bridge to one of the channelers. Each time a channeler was destroyed, you could weaken the effects on the lightning lizard. Of course, hes huge, huge enough to swipe at you with his tail, and can also, aside from his lightning attack, call down various sorts of lightning spells or storm spells upon you. Once half of the channelers were destroyed, he would slam his tail into the mountain in fury, and a ton of rocks would come down upon you and your team. Youd still have to activate the rest of the channelers, but have to dodge the rocks as well. Once all of the channelers were destroyed, use some cool effect on the lightning lizard and remove his lightning shield permanently. Then he would start using all sorts of lightning spells, and could even devour one of your heros. After he reached 0 hp, hed zap the rocks on the mountainside, create a path up, then bellow and collapse. After running up the mountainside, a final area boss ould come into view; a lightning temple. It would start out with various lightning barriers around it, and surprise surprise youd have to kill more lightning channelers to get to it. It would be pretty weak physcially, but with a high regeneration rate and the ability to summon lightning elementals, as well as repair the lightning barriers and channelers. Finally, after razing the temple, it would implode with a final flash of lightning, and in its place would be the key to the next area, potral, whatever.

PHEW! My hands hurt . . . well anyway thats my idea for a level. I think it would be interesting if you had a hero or ability that could do, perhaps, a move called "Demonic Pact" where you would call down an invulnearable demon, but when smmoned YOU would have decreased armor, decreased hp maximum, and slowly lose hp through the demons evil influence. If you died while still channeling the demon spell, then the demon would lose its invulnearablity but become neutral hostile or whatever. It would also be interesting if you had a spell that would focus in magik energies around the caster in a huge shield, then EXPLODE them outwards with such force that enemies within the 300 range would be utterly blasted apart, and units in a radiating circle would be damaged heavily. Finally, an interesting TOB skill for the dwarven battlerager is something like 'out with a bang'. Whenever the dwarf hero died, he set off explosives that would damage everyone near him, like the sappers death or mine explode or whatever. Im not sure if you plan to have revives in your map, but if by some rare chance you dont this could be like life insurance to the heros team :D. Thats all I can think of for now, thanks for reading my ranting . . . .
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