Recent content by Paladin

  1. P

    Smoke grenade ability

    k thanks for all the help. i did forget to mention in the original post was that i didn't want the cloud to be casted by whoever threw the grenade. just wanted it to be thrown and for the cloud to keep going. but i went with the locust unit in the middle of the cloud and having him with an aura...
  2. P

    Smoke grenade ability

    hi, im making a map where a unit can throw a smoke grenade. i already have it so it creates the cloud and deletes it over x seconds, but what is the easiest way to make it so if any unit is in the cloud, they move 25% slower?
  3. P

    Loading Screen Image

    How do you get it so that you can see the other players loading the map (when they are finished loading they have a green bar) but also have a small image somewhere on the screen? Like Metastasis, if you've ever played that...
  4. P

    White colored wisps?

    Is it possible to make a white-colored wisp?:nuts:
  5. P


    It has to be in a trigger; I was too slow to mention that.
  6. P


    In a body of water, can you raise the terrain somehow to create an island? If so, what is the action? It has to be in a trigger.
  7. P

    Units - Collisions

    Well, as always :D I figured it out by myself... But thank you to all who helped me [+Rep TO ALL :shades: :eek:]
  8. P

    Units - Collisions

    Well, ok; I have put this trigger in: Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units of type Neutrality) and do (Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units owned by Player 1 (Red) of type Neutrality ( Invisible )) and do (If ((Distance between (Position of (Picked unit)) and (Position of (Picked unit)))...
  9. P

    Units - Collisions

    No, that doesn't work in any way I tried; and if you remove all the pathing blockers near the player who is joining a war, it lags for probably 10 seconds. :banghead: Let's stay away from pathing blockers...
  10. P

    Units - Collisions

    They must be visible and able to be removed.
  11. P

    Units - Collisions

    I have a bunch of neutrality-marker units that block off units if the player is neutral in a war, but you can walk past the neutrality-markers... I am sure they work as a building, but there are a whole bunch of them; over the limits... So can anybody help me make neutrality-markers not...
  12. P

    Cluster Rockets/Ability

    Umm... That's the problem; I am not good with triggers like that when they include multiple units and players.
  13. P

    Cluster Rockets/Ability

    9,999,999 Rockets First of all: It only allows 100 (You can hold down shift, however) Second of all: That would launch an unbelievably large amount of rockets in a matter of seconds. Edit: I did post in the original question that if there was no way to make the ability last forever...
  14. P

    Cluster Rockets/Ability

    Well, the ability does not have a duration. It uses the amount of missiles that you put into it. I am using three.
  15. P

    Cluster Rockets/Ability

    Here's the question: is it possible to make a non-trigger-based cluster rocket ability so that it never ends until the unit is given another order? If no, then how do you make a trigger-based cluster rockets ability that never ends? Note: Multiple units will have the ability! Also, this is...