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  1. J

    General The Hobbit confirmed - Peter Jackson, New Line Cinema, and MGM

    Hell yes I'd do, just pass me the amount of money Jackson used to elude dimwitted nutsuckers to take his "masterpiece" seriously, and I'd put the money on better use by creating guinness world record by burning record breaking pile of LoTr copies... That book alone is at least questionable...
  2. J

    US News US passes tighter gun control law

    Yeah, guns make you safe. Just ignore the studies that show that you're most likely just to cause harm to yourself with gun in the house than to protect. People like Uber are either completely ignorant to facts that have been cleared out in nations like US, that door swings both ways. While...
  3. J

    General The Hobbit confirmed - Peter Jackson, New Line Cinema, and MGM

    Peter Jackson ? The honorable Lord Jackson ?! The same guy who produced movies of dubious quality like Flying killer piranhas and Bad taste ? The same gentleman who masterfully portrayed cult classic like LotR ? C'mon you fantasy geeks admit it ! Jackson turned whole LotR into a beautiful...
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    World Paris police tear down tents for homeless

    Civil disobidience = still disobidience
  5. J

    World US says it has right to kidnap British citizens

    Uhh... ok so I make following arguements: What US takes as war is mostly blind bombing of what-if targets ( guided weapons with misguided men ) then after the so-called targed is rubble full of horrified women, children, crippled soldiers US runs into act with armor. And even after this...
  6. J

    Boy who refused treatment on religious grounds dies

    And other victim of religious brainwashing. See this is the reason I claim that kids should be taken away from their piece of shit work parents, for at least until they are old and educated enough to decide themselves what to believe in.
  7. J

    World US says it has right to kidnap British citizens

    Fun to be the worlds only super power isnt it? Well it might be hard for USA to say, cuz they are right now below € in economy, Europe has deeper pockets now and no way near the gigantic debts that US has. And if US thinks they can freely harras EU they should do recheck on the muscle, cuz...
  8. J

    Weird Kershaw Co. man cuts off his own arm

    Don't have right over your own death ? I couldn't disagree more. Every man has the right to decide his own fate, and for whatever reason it is no one has a thing to say to it. For whatever reason it is, you are free to end your own life when you see fit, if you got what it takes. Of course...
  9. J

    Weird Girl nearly loses sight in eye-gouging exorcism, says report

    I know some admins ( who shall remain nameless ) will give me flogging for this one but I still stand my ground; Wouldn't it be far more better for the poor thing if social security officials took her away from fucked up family like that ? I mean losing eyesight over some ritual performed by...
  10. J

    Weird Kershaw Co. man cuts off his own arm

    Takes some serious balls to pull that kind of shit off, I bet 90% ( or more ) of us would have just died in that fire crying like pansies. Anyone calling this badass coward can freely try it any day, like just cutting up yourself, say just to disconnect tendons. See if you can do that and then...
  11. J

    US News War costs could total $1.6 trillion by 2009, panel estimates

    I wonder when average american's education level breaks the point where they understand what their government is doing to them. Civil War is a good thing, clears out the bad blood and all that
  12. J

    Any ideas how to change Bounty art from Gold to Lumber ?

    Oh Bugger... it worked fine, except the goddamned green numbers of +whatever is shown to everyone.. I know I'm being picky but is there any gizmo to make the "bountyart" of green digits shown only to the player who gains the bounty ?
  13. J

    Finland's School Massacre

    Please do, after I do a shoot-up at my work when my mom accidentally puts wrong type of cheese in my lunch sandwich. And I even take it up a notch when I do my Emo suicide stunt I blast myself in the gut and die off crying in hospital suffering atrocious pain for days to come. I'm sorry...
  14. J

    Finland's School Massacre

    Well we ( finnish) have one of the world's lowest violence crime rates. This kind of incident is extremely rare and unlikely here, and thats one of the reasons it got so hyped. And I've read few news from across the world and many of them either exaggerated it grossly or made it look like...
  15. J

    Jehovah's Witness mother dies after refusing blood transfusion

    So tolerating religious views that are pro-racis, pro-death, pro-violence is acceptable here ? Good, next time toss me swast.. oops sry. You one there is already forum where pro-biblical nutcases can run amok. The 4chan...
  16. J

    Weird Boy hires hitman to kill parents after grounding denies PlayStation, TV

    The little shit just haven't got his share of fist. Kids who don't fear their parents enough grow up like that. If I'd ever hear my kid tried to do something like that I'd beat seven shades of shit out of them for months to come
  17. J

    Any ideas how to change Bounty art from Gold to Lumber ?

    So basically, how to chance the bounty art from yellow ( Gold ) to green ( Lumber ) ? To be more specific, the game doesn't show the art of say +2 lumber bounty when you kill enemy unit, even though the amount is added to the killing players lumber amount.
  18. J

    Weird Watch out youtube, Gods coming for you!

    So if I want to amuse myself with adult people affected by shitty imaginary crap and feel my eyes meld out, I don't have to go to watch LARP games while pouring acid into my eyeballs ?
  19. J

    Westboro Baptist Church ordered to pay $10.9 million for funeral protest

    You can't reason with those religious fuck-ups, I say kill them all, or at least take away some of their citizenship rights, as these people are obviously severely mentally impaired and not capable of thinking for themselves.