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  1. C

    Can't add units to unit group

    I am modifying a spell from one of the spellpacks (Simple Spell Pack) called Ion Canon. Originally, the spell would deal variable damage since each dummy unit in the beam can inflict aoe damage but I am just modifying it so that the beam only hits each unit once. I'm doing this by tracking...
  2. C

    Command Aura-based Icon Position

    I have an ability based off Command Aura (ID: ACac) and the "Art - Button Position" isn't working. The research icon position is fine but once I learned it, it's supposed to show up in the bottom left spot (X: 0, Y: 2) but it appears in the third bottom spot (X: 2, Y: 2). I have other abilities...
  3. C

    Flag Wars [Beta]

    Flag Wars [Beta] Last Version: v0.92 - 02/19/10 View the changelog Website: Forums: Overview Flag Wars is a unique twist on the classic Capture-the-Flag genre. With a synergistic combination of player classes, flag return, capture points and...
  4. C

    Stun doesn't interrupt channeling

    I have an ability based off Channel such that the caster channels for a certain duration of time and if he successfully channels the whole duration, an event occurs. Now, here's my dilemma. When a hero is channeling this ability, whenever he is hit by a stun, he doesn't stop channeling... he...
  5. C

    Wand of Illusion and Hero Icons

    I have a triggered ability that creates a dummy unit, gives it an item based on Wand of Illusion and uses that item on the hero casting the ability. Unfortunately, this causes multiple hero icons to appear on the top left corner of the game. How can I stop that? (Hopefully it's an easy solution...
  6. C

    Setting Unit and Player Groups

    Simple question: When I set TempUnitGroup = SomeOtherUnitGroup and when I set TempPlayerForce = SomeOtherPlayerForce, does it make a copy of the Unit/Player Group or does the Temp variable just point to the same group as the original variable does? In other words, if I set a temp group = an...
  7. C

    -random tutorial is broken My -random command is exactly the same as the one given in that tutorial. The tutorial claims that with this command, the same hero will not be randomed more than once. Well... that's not true. It's possible to random the same hero more...
  8. C

    Feedback Ability

    For the Feedback ability, there's a "Damage Ratio" field which defaults to 1.00 (which is 100%). So if it burns 60 mana, it'll deal 60 damage as well. My question is: Does that mean the unit ONLY deals 60 damage, or 60 damage on top of his regular attack? I set my Damage Ratio to 0.00 so...
  9. C

    Problem: Destroying Sound

    I'm using the BUTCHER.WAV ("Ahhh... fresh meat") sound from the editor. I've enabled "Use as Sound" and everything is fine. I'm playing the sound in a trigger in response to an event. If I don't destroy the sound, it works fine. The sound plays, I can hear it, everything is great. Actions...
  10. C

    Arena Runestrike, a team-based strategy game

    Runestrike (soon to be in beta) Backstory Centuries ago, the kingdom of Eragard was a peaceful place to inhabit. Back then, magic and sorcery was in its youth and few knew of its potency. As the years passed, users of this magic grew in their power and began sharing their knowledge with those...
  11. C

    2 abilities based on the same spell

    can a hero have 2 abilities that are based on the same spell? for example, one of my heroes has 2 abilities that are based on "carrion swarm" and both are 100% triggered. if each spell is the only spell that the hero knows, they work fine. but once the hero learns both spells, only the first...
  12. C

    checking if an integer is even

    how can i check if an integer is even or odd? i was going to use the modulus (%) operator but it seems that there is no modulus operator. maybe there is and i couldn't find it? or maybe there's a really easy way that i'm overlooking. any help would be greatly appreciated.