Search results

  1. CrazyWolf

    Making a unitdo the same animation as another one

    Hello everyone. Could anyone help me find a way to make a unit copy the animation of another unit? For example we have 2 footmen and we want both to do same animation at the same time.Meaning when one footman starts walking the other footman plays the walking animation when the footman is...
  2. CrazyWolf

    Item Compination Causes Lag

    Hi everyone I found somewhere this system for combining items.It works fine but whenever i pick up an item or create one for the first time i lag.Is there a problem with the trigger or i just have to make a unit pick up all the items on the beggining of the game? Note that there are 45...
  3. CrazyWolf

    Help with server split caused by custom script.

    Hi everyone. I made a spell using help from Aceheart and Doom-angel. Although the spell works, after testing the map i realized that the custom scripts i have been given caused server splits on multiplayer. After searching i found this. That explained a lot but the problem is that i have...
  4. CrazyWolf

    Problem with fire attachments.

    Hi everyone i have a problem with fire attachments. In a spell (i dont know if it matters but the spell is berserk) i attach some special attachments of fire to every attachment point of a unit.The fires come out when the unit activates the ability but when it attacks the fires dissappear!I...
  5. CrazyWolf

    Increase xp gained when killing a unit

    Hi everyone. My map is a dota style map. My problem is that creeps give only 12 expierence to heroes when killed but i want to give more.I ve based my creeps to several units but they all give around 12 expierence.What field in the object editor can change the exp gained from a unit or how...
  6. CrazyWolf

    Turn a unit to certain degrees

    Hello everyone. Is there any way to turn a unit to certain degrees? I dont want it to face certain degrees but turn the whole model. For example if i want to turn a unit upside down(180 degrees) is there any way? I want to make it through triggers and NOT through JASS. Ty
  7. CrazyWolf

    How can I make corpses stay on the ground after death?

    Hi everyone.This is my question; In my map whenever a hero dies,he dissipates after playing its death animation.What i want to be done is make his corpse decay staying in the ground waiting for his revival.Also i would like to make his corpse clickable.I would really need some help here cuz...
  8. CrazyWolf

    Prison Spell help

    Hi guys. I want to create a spell where rocks will rise from the ground forming a circle trapping inside the target unit for X seconds.So what i particularly want to do is learn how to make the stones rise in a circular form.I ve read the tutorial about dynamic effects and basic shaping but i...
  9. CrazyWolf

    Help with absolute darkness spell

    Hi everyone What i want to do is all players except the owner of the unit that casts absolute darkness,my spell,to see black masks on their screen.I ve tried this but black mask would appear even in the owner of the casting unit.I need some help.How can i do it? Absolute Darkness Events...
  10. CrazyWolf

    Negative fields problem

    Hi everyone i have a problem. For a couple of weeks i could put negative numbers into the fields of damage or bonus armor,move speed etc in spells.But now something has changed and the numbers cant go lower than 0.Please i need help.
  11. CrazyWolf

    How can i make a hero glow?

    Hi everyone. Is there any way to make a hero glow in light? (e.g attachments or triggers)
  12. CrazyWolf

    Autocast summon spirit beasts or feral spirit

    Hi everyone. I want to make a unit have an autocast feral spirit or summon spirit beasts ability.Can someone help me? Someone told me i can give a unit an autocast ability and then feral spirit ability and give them the same order string i dont know if this works but even if it works i need an...
  13. CrazyWolf

    Shrink spell

    Hi everyone i want to make a shrink spell. In a few words i want to make a spell that when casted the casting unit becomes so small that is really hard to be selected. thats all thnx for the help. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
  14. CrazyWolf

    Questions about preloading.

    Hi everyone I have read the topics; Reducing lag and Memory leaking but i dont understand some things and i hope you can help me; 1.How exactly do i preload units?I mean when my map starts i must create them at map initialization or after 1 sec from the moment the game starts with the...
  15. CrazyWolf

    help with fear spell

    Hi everyone i want to make a spell named fear and its purpose is to instill fear to a unit and make it unable to attack but also cause it to move around in fear while it can receive damage from its enemies. I tried to do that by adding the ability Tornado Wander(tornado) into the unit but its...
  16. CrazyWolf

    Hero icons on a multiboard.

    Hello everyone! In my map i have made a multiboard where i put the name of each player and i want next to every player's name to be shown an icon of the hero each player possesses.How can i do that?I ve tried everything.:banghead: Is there any trigger that allows me to do so? P.S If u dont...
  17. CrazyWolf

    Creep spawning lag problem.

    Hello everyone. I i am making a map and although it is ready it lags a lot!After many testings i finally reach the conclusion that its all fault of the creep spawning. Every x seconds i create some creeps and order the to move/attack to a srecific area from both sides(like DotA). Plz...
  18. CrazyWolf

    Help with the loading screen

    I want to make a loading screen but the editor help doesnt say how to do it in my case. I have found a .jpg image and i want to make it my loading screen.How the hell do i do it???I ve tried all programs even the one mentioned in editor tutorial.What should i do? If that can help u that's...
  19. CrazyWolf

    Need help with a cinematic

    In my map i have made a cinematic where like in every cinematic i disable user control in the beginning of the cinematic and after it i enable user control.But during the cinematic i pause all units and unpause them after that for particular reasons. When the cinematic is over my heros have...
  20. CrazyWolf

    Demonic footprints on a hero

    I know it may sound funny and weird but is there any way to make a hero have illidan's footprints(u know the fire which stays behing illidan when he walks...)?In the game they are called demonic footprints(doodads). :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: