Search results

  1. Soulshadow

    Exponents in JASS, halp!

    Okay, I'm trying to learn some basic JASS, starting with mathematical expressions. I got so far that to do addition subtraction multiplication and division you simply use the keys that refer to those expressions (+,-,*,/ respectfully). However, (^) does not seem to work for powers. Here's an...
  2. Soulshadow

    LAN issues.

    The problem lies within your firewalls. You need to make sure you disable or port forward not only external firewalls (i.e. McAfee, Norton, etc.) and your native firewall located under Control Panel > Security > Windows Firewall.
  3. Soulshadow

    Hi Small Problem

    Shockwave does not target units. You are going to need to generate a rect of the area covered by the spell and pick every unit in the group.
  4. Soulshadow

    Tauren Spearthrower ability ideas

    :P Odin's spear, I think it's like Gungnir or something.
  5. Soulshadow


    Trying to think of a way to reset the aura and keep the ability MUI! So far, I have two spells: The first is Adrenaline Rush, this is the dummy aura used so I can use 'has buff' as a condition. The second is Adrenaline Counter, this is an aura with 17 levels. The first level grants no...
  6. Soulshadow


    Well I tried using a dummy unit with an expiration timer and a varied version of endurance aura that was set to the level of the ability but that's not working because then I get an ugly endurance aura buff.. going to just edit the skill to something I can do lol.
  7. Soulshadow


    I'm trying to figure out how to code Bristleback's ultimate in GUI... I don't understand how it's possible to stack a buff without using every spell in the arsenal. Anyone have any ideas? Doh! Sorry. -_- I play too much DotA. Basically, it's a stacking AS/MS buff that is gained everytime...
  8. Soulshadow

    Searching the Forums

    Am I the only one that has noticed that in order to do a simple forum search, you need to have a degree in rocket science to figure out the letters/numbers in the anti-robot picture?
  9. Soulshadow

    Spell: Paralytic Strikes

    I've been trying to code this spell in GUI but it's very difficult to say the least, I was wondering if anyone was bored enough to help me out, perhaps in JASS or something. I really want the spell to look nice (No ticker abilities that show up and clog the spell pane, and not an orb effect that...
  10. Soulshadow

    Broken DISBTN Icons?

    DOH! I put in \DisabledCommandButtons\ lol. Thanks!
  11. Soulshadow

    Broken DISBTN Icons?

    This is mine, I'm having the same problem.
  12. Soulshadow

    Green icons after use and if you click the Menu

    I'm also quite curious as to how you link a BTN with a DISBTN. I've created both icons from scratch, and imported them into the map. I'm still getting the green square.. There has to be some way to associate them?
  13. Soulshadow

    Map Downloads, But Doesnt Start Correctly

    Data Cap On, the largest map you are able to host is 4mb. :( That is your issue.
  14. Soulshadow

    Red Water

    I'm trying to make the water red in only a certain area? I'd like to know if that's possible via triggers.
  15. Soulshadow


    Yeaaaah, you aren't really helping and I'm not sure you know what you're saying. Let me rephrase my question, how do I disable a spellbook?
  16. Soulshadow


    They can, they simply share spells. That is not the problem. I need to make the spellbook not visable in the user interface (i.e. the only way to access the second spellbook is via the first.)
  17. Soulshadow


    I have two spells. One is "Stone Powers" - This is a semi-empty spellbook used to house the spells granted by 'equipping' magic stones. Inside the Stone Powers spellbook is an ability called "Equip Stone" After casting Equip Stone, a dummy item morphs into the real deal, and grants the...
  18. Soulshadow

    What is best option for making the best aos?

    Well, instead of asking us "what are the best options," ask yourself, "what is currently the most played/enjoyed AoS" If you can't find that out for yourself after looking at the custom game list for half a second, ya gots a problem. :D 4 Things That Make A Map "Good" 1.) Simplicity...
  19. Soulshadow

    Mass Forked Lightning

    Umm.. Have you tried checking the spell itself? As in, going into the Object Editor, finding Forkedlightningx, and checking if it has a cooldown? The dummy cannot cast the spell if it is on cooldown.
  20. Soulshadow

    Trigger String Order

    This is my trigger for a spell that heals nearby allies and steals mana from nearby enemies. My question is, will the strings run in order that they are listed or will it attempt to run them all at once, screwing the whole thing up? Revelation Events Unit - A unit Starts the...