RPG Aftermath: Survival


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Aftermath: Survival

Aftermath: Survival will be a co-op zombie survival RPG inspired by the fallout series.

Unlike other zombie survival maps, or even other RPGs/ORPGs on battle.net this map will actually be an RPG, there will be a story, quests and secrets. While this game doesn't feature a save/load code, it will be more of an role-playing game than many other maps.

Many of the quests will be dynamic. For example, one quest chain could have you working for a drug dealer. He may want you to take out a rival. Instead you could inform the rival, and work for him.

9+ Classes, 16 Skills, 15+ Traits, 30+ different weapons.

Game play:
The goal is to restore order to the land by completing the main quest chain.

Twelve players will be able to play at once through creative use of the neutral players.

All classes will be able to heal and revive, so no one player is "forced" or stuck to having to play the healer.

There are 9 planned classes. Each class will have 5 unique skills, stat growth, base stats, and starting "general skills." The classes represent
your profession before the zombie apocalypse, and how you use the skills you had before the world ended, in the new one.

Doctor - Combat/Buffer - your knowledge of chemicals lets you buff your self to become a killing machine.

Hunter - Long range Combat/Survival - You spent most of your time in the backwoods of Wyoming hunting deer.

Marksman - Long range Combat/Scout - Served in the armed forces as a sniper

Berserker - Melee/short range combat - You don't care that the world ended, your just here to tear shit up.

Physicist - Combat/Disabling caster - You use your scientific skills to construct unique devices and weapons, for example Hadron blast knocks enemies back and slows them.

Hacker - Combat/Offensive caster - Your skills as a slacker hacker let you hack into the now uncontrolled military satellites to rain death from above with ion cannons and orbital bombardments.

Mechanical Engineer - Combat/Defensive Structures - Construct structures, fire missiles and use explosives.

C.E.O - Combat/Buffer - You know how to organize and rally people.

Marine - Combat/Survival - You are disciplined and skilled with many weapons.

General skills:
There are 16 planned "general" skills
Repair - Lets you repair things and improves the health of structures/mech units you control.
First Aid - Lets you heal allies.
Assist - Lets you revive allies.
Science - Lets you hack computers for abilities or information. Also lets you take control of robots and defense stations.
Sneak - Lets you become hidden from NPCs or enemies.
Scrounge - Searches for items.
Steal - Steals gold from NPCs, with a chance to get caught.
Barter - Less gold than steal but no danger.
Sprint - Increases your move speed. Your sprint speed decreases as you sprint and takes time to return.
Charisma - Lets you have NPC followers.
Small Guns - Pistols and the like
Large Guns - Rifles
Heavy Weapons - Rocket Launchers, Mini Guns and such
Advanced Weapons - Plasma weaponry / other weird stuff
Melee Weapons - Chain Swords, Super sledge
Fist Weapons - stuff like brass knuckles/power fists

These will be upgrades that increase things like move speed, your chance to get addicted to drugs or your chance to get injured.

Each time you level up you will get to pick 1 trait, general skill and hero skill. This will allow for many different play-throughs and builds with different classes.

For example as a physicist I could focus on maxing science and charisma so I could have an army of robots and soldiers supported by my reality warping skills.

Or I could max traits that increase the effectiveness of drugs, focus on maxing a gun skill, and use the physicists high intelligence growth to equip with powerful items and drugs and become a 1 man killing machine.

I have 30 weapons planned. Each weapon aside from having unique stats also has an ability. There will be the requisite weapons like rocket launchers, sniper rifles and shotguns, but there will also be weapons like the scorcher/freezer or the electro-rifle.

Randomized shops: Shops will be assigned weapons and items semi randomly based on a tier system.

Lots and lots of other items, ranging from frag grenades, to pulse grenades, to mini nukes, as well as items like force fields, scopes for guns or different kinds of armor.

I am going to be using a unique stat system, agility gives a % bonus damage to ranged weapons, strength to melee. Intelligence allows you to use more advanced weapons.

Quests, Story and NPCs:
A unique MUI quest log system that doesn't rely on having a quest for each player for each quest, or 1 quest entry for all the players.

NPCs both allied and enemy will be intelligent and interesting. For example, you could use sneak to enter the council chamber of a city, and spy on the city leaders( There will be 3 of them) as they plan to sell out the city to raiders. You could then confront them about it or lead citizens to throw out the council. Or you could just kill them.

Named NPCs will have different conversations based on the current status of things. Taking the example of the council above, if one of them dies the other two will surely mention it (But who killed him is really the important question, was it you? was it an assassin from an enemy city? was it political revolutionaries?) and after a short while the citizens may elect a new council member.

A large portion of the story and background behind the zombie apocalypse. Focusing on two competing companies, Altair-Corp and Necro-Corp. As you play through the game you may slowly discover the source of the sinister state of things.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Hey, legacy, it's me! :D Wait, I've already talked to you here before... nevermind, go on WC, :D.

Sounds cool. I thought it was going to be like Fallout when I saw the name, and I was right! :)

How many players it it?



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Its up to 12 players.

Windexisback. Those are nice models but they don't really fit my map as:
Most of it is in a rural setting + my map already uses the wc3 scale for houses and such.

I'm going to upload some screens later to night.


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Some screen shots:

The menu currently open is my skills menu. The weapon I have equipped are power fists which are high damage slow attacking weapons. The + Damage I have is the contribution from my strength.

This is the first town which we are defending:

The team killing some zombies. I am using the scorcher, a fast attacking flame gun.

We are defending the south town from a Goliath, one of the toughest enemies to kill.

I've also added and completed a vehicle system. It allows you to ride in different vehicles for more mobility or fire power.


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Terrain is kind of meh, but I suppose this will end up being nice. Looks cool anyways.

I guess since it's within the beta stage or whatever it may be in, you've got time to revamp the terrain because it's really unappealing at the moment D:.

~Agrias, :(


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Yeah, the terrain looks plain, but the gameplay looks awesome. :)

That... loading screen picture thing looks sick btw.

Sent you a PM.



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I've finished everything described in the initial post.

Current stuff I am planning to do:

I've also decided to make my map save/load as that was pretty much requested by everyone who's tested the map. Enemies spawned will scale with the levels of the players. Max level will be 75 with a sharp drop in XP rate past level 50. This means you get a total of 750 trait points for traits, and can master up to 6 general skills ( they have a max rank of 20.) You will not be able to max all your hero skills as those each have a level of 20 and there are 5 of them. However, characters will be able to branch into other professions. When they do so they retain traits and general skills, but start again at level 1. However they will get half as many trait points and general skill as they level up. These classes will not be more powerful than their previous stages, simply different.

Classes will branch into other through methods that are thematically appropriate. Some methods will be harder than other. Current plans for this are:

Doctor -> Chemist ( Self Buffs) by completing both the science and drug quest chains.
Doctor -> Surgeon (Healing/Support) by healing enough people.
Soldier -> Marine (Survival Skills) simply by heading to the military base camp.
CEO -> Hero (Supporting Buffs/Summons) by completing enough quests.
Berserker -> Slayer (Focus on short ranged combat) with enough kills w/ ranged weapons.
Berserker -> Barbarian (Focus on melee combat) with enough kills w/ melee weapons.
Physicist -> High Energy Physicist (Focused on disabling enemies) by find a person. This person will be hidden behind a wall objects which can only be moved the Physicists' Hadron Wave skills.

Not sure about the other classes. Contemplating removing marksman and making that stem from either soldier or hunter.

Secondary quests will now add additional rewards. For example, as you complete the drug quest chain, the quest giver will sell drugs, as you do the science quest chain, the scientist will set up robots and other tech to protect the town.

To the main quest there will be 4-5 stages each with 4-5 quests. When player 1 loads a hero, he can choose to start at any stage at or below the one he saved in. These stages will drastically alter the world and the enemies you face. The stages will require a drastic increase in skill and will be similar to difficulty settings found in other games.


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I was just wondering if some of you could give some tips as to how to improve my terrain. An important thing to note though is that the game play requires that there be wide open areas, so I can't use many things that block line of sight.

Some examples of an open area:


Shot at 2009-04-02

This is an example of what I consider to be a dense forest, I don't want to whole map to be like this. Most of it should be wide/open.

Shot at 2009-04-02

Any tips to make the open areas look nicer would be appreciated.
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More doodads, such as shrubs, flowers, logs..

Better terrain variation, your terrain clashes bad.

You also only have little spots of different terrain, over one big grass terrain.


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if you need any help i can help you terrain the map. I've played nearly all the Fallout games, including the Van Beru or what ever its called - the canelled Fallout 3 that was never released (don't ask how i got it) - so if you need any extra help with the other stuff im here.

If you need help just PM me or post it here, i will check back.

At the moment the terrain is a bit basic. Your dense forest is very sparse, there should be a lot more trees. Perhaps adding a fallen log or two could help spice a bit up. Include different tile's here and there unless its a tended field. If it's the wilderness then at least add some dirt.

I like the story line, has a bit of story leading - or what ever its called - where one action effects another choice or the game goes down a different path. Thats, i guess what fallout's mostely about.

So this game is about defending places against zombies? Do these zombies carry a plague, why are there grass fields if they do or is it something else.

Well what ever it is, you keep me on the edge of my seat to find out more about this rpg.


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I was just wondering if some of you could give some tips as to how to improve my terrain. An important thing to note though is that the game play requires that there be wide open areas, so I can't use many things that block line of sight.

Some examples of an open area:


Shot at 2009-04-02

This is an example of what I consider to be a dense forest, I don't want to whole map to be like this. Most of it should be wide/open.

Shot at 2009-04-02

Any tips to make the open areas look nicer would be appreciated.


A). Height variation. Use the bump and lower tools to make some variance. The world isn't totally flat.

B). It doesn't have to be dense to be detailed. More vegetation would be nice.

C). The towns are supremely bland. If you ask me, a square of tile surrounded by buildings is not a 'town'. Add different houses, pathways (cobble path is fun), taverns, shops, doodads.

D). If this is a zombie apocalypse it sure doesn't look like it. More of an idyllic countryside with quaint towns. Maybe I missed them or something, but where are the ruined towns/cities, where are the overly-dramatic piles of corpses? You get my point. It doesn't look like the aftermath of much of anything.

While the terrain may not look great, your gameplay looks immensely fun, and I'm excited to try it out.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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Again, stop repeating people. I'm sure the first person to talk about the terrain is enough. :rolleyes:

D). If this is a zombie apocalypse it sure doesn't look like it. More of an idyllic countryside with quaint towns. Maybe I missed them or something, but where are the ruined towns/cities, where are the overly-dramatic piles of corpses? You get my point. It doesn't look like the aftermath of much of anything.
Stereotype! :D



S.P.D Smoke Pot Daily, Legalize It!
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Sorry vine but I have to agree with Dakho this terrain is well, I wont repeat it, but I've played fallout 3 and what not. If this game is going to be like that, the terrain should also. If there was a nuklear(can't spell lol.) Explosion then the radiation would harm plant life, meaning trees grass flowers would all die. It would also vaporize the buildings meaning old cities would be giant piles of rubble. Where are all the dirt? The rocks? The destroyed things? The earth wouln't be that green if there was a nuklear explosion. Those are just some thoughts on how to improve the terrain.

But the game seems very fun! I hope this turns out well, best of luck to you.


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I appreciate the extra comments, more info never hurts (For example I shall be redoing/fixing up the towns today which was something that didn't come up till the third post.)

However as to the apocalyptic sense of it, the game currently takes place in the country side. The only "city" is a large research facility in the top right that has been converted to refuge. The falloutness of it comes in the free form skill/trait system and your ability to interact with the quests and the world.

I am currently working on adding more quests ( there are only 3 quest lines right now) and attempting to bring life to the world. I'll try and post a large update/maybe the map if I can get enough work done this weekend.

I am also working on redesigning the doctor class as currently he is very skill point hungry.


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So I've added a lot of things since I last updated.

You can now craft items, there are over 150 items total. I've also added more guns, there are now over 30, as well as craft able guns.

I've added more quests.

I've also redesigned the hero skill system(this was just regular hero style) and meshed it with normal skill system(the guns/repair/science and such I made earlier)

For example, leveling up repair not only increases repair health, vehicle health, structure health, but also unlocks and improves engineer skills. Science gives access to physics, first aid, to medical ect...

Now any class can get access to any skill. So a soldier can get physicist skills and a doctor can get hunter skills.

The map is currently 256/256, but I've planned out and terrained parts of the rest (480x480)

My next plan is to remake stealth. Currently stealth is just wind walk.
I am going to create a new stealth system that will give bonus to stealing, and depend on line of sight of other units/players your location and time of day. Then I will add in a lot of secrets (such as I've already done for science) to be found through stealth, such as actions NPCs take when they believe no one is looking.
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