Athelor ORPG (New one)

The Big S

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\_Athelor ORPG_/​

What is Athelor ORPG?

The world of Athelor is a massive continent filled with danger, exploration, magic, legend, and adventure. It is inhabited by elves, humans, trolls, orcs, small critters, dragons, and almost every mythical creature you can imagine.

The concept of Athelor ORPG was actually started over 4 years ago. Over the years I had been looking for a way to put the world I made into a game played by multiple people - Well, until I get enough programming skills to make my own MMORPG (lol :p), I have been creating it in World Editor.


Athelor is an open role playing game designed for up to eight players. There are many different classes and races to choose from, each with their own unique abilities to use in and out of combat. In Athelor, you embark on daring quests taking you all over the lands, usually with great rewards. There are many different things to do, allowing hours and hours of non-stop gameplay that will keep you entertained.

Features In Depth

Over 20 Fully Unique Classes

Tired of an RPG being out for about a week before there is a "FOTM" class that is the best at everything? Say goodbye to that! Athelor ORPG has over 20 fully unique classes, each giving a different contribution to groups and parties of players. In addition, some classes are best used with other players. For example, the Cleric is a healing support class. A cleric fighting an elite boss alone would get pounded. However, a cleric healing a tank who is fighting an elite boss would do much better. The classes have been designed for every kind of support: DPS, Healing, Debuffs, Buffs, Tanking, and more.

Detailed Quest System

The quest system in Athelor ORPG will most likely gain alot of popularity. In Athelor, you don't just mindlessly go around killing and farming enemies for experience. Sure, you could, but why would you want to when you can do over 40 quests yielding often great rewards? All of the quests are multi-instanceable, meaning that if you get a quest, ONLY you will get the quest!

Helpful Commands

In order to make the game's interface more easier to use, there are a number of commands that the player can type to see things. For instance, if a player is wondering where everyone is, they can simply type "-who." In an instant, the name, level, class, and location of all players is displayed to the typing player.

Detailed Terraining

Athelor is ment to be a world of magnificence and beauty, so you can expect to see some detailed terraining go into play. Buildings will be proportioned to the creatures and people, and forests will actually seem foresty (Is that even a word? ;))

Abilities, Abilities, Abilities!

One of the most important features of Athelor ORPG are the unique abilities for each class. Each class will have 12 abilities, each advancable (See "Feats") based on where YOU want to go with your character. These abilities will be fine tailored and 100% unique, meaning no Generic made spells like "Blizzard" or "Heal".


Personally, this is my favorite part of Athelor ORPG. Feats are available to every class in Athelor. They can improve skills, or improve attributes and other things. Each class will get the regular feats plus two class specific feats that can be advanced. Feats can be improved with Feat Points, which your character gains every level. Each consecutive level of a feat will cost more Feat Points, so be careful where you distribute them!

Generic Feats For All Classes:

Heightened Senses - Improves the Dexterity of your character by 3 per rank.
Heightened Mind - Improves the Intellect of your character by 3 per rank.
Heightened Physik - Improves the Strength of your character by 3 per rank.

Example Class Specific Feat for Crusader:

Leadership - Improves the Crusader's ability to inspire and lead others in battle. (Improves all "Leadership" related Crusader skills by one level)

As you can see, there is really no limit to how much you can customize your character in the game. Hopefully, this will lead to alot of diversity in the game.

Grammar and Accuracy

One thing you can count on is that not only will the game mechanics of Athelor ORPG be superb, but also the storyline, ability and item descriptions, Quest descriptions, and other text will be error free and look professional. There will also be alot of colored text that is easy on the eyes, making the game colorful and not dull and white.

Monsters and Creatures

Thanks to whoever made the simple respawn trigger that stores all creeps into an array at the beginning of the game, creatures will respawn in their STARTING location, and will still drop items once they respawn.


Not much to say here. There are different levels of items of course - Uncommon, Rare, Mythic, Legendary, with the latter ones being increasingly harder to find.

PvP or PvE? Both!

So, you've attained the level of 60 Pyromancer. You've completed alot of quests already, and have hardcore gear. The game is probably getting a bit boring for you, right?

Athelor ORPG will be released as two maps. One being the actual game, and the other being a PvP game arena. In the PvP "arena", you will be able to load in your character and combat other players' characters in many different PvP scenarios, such as Capture the Flag, Deathmatch, and some unique ones. You will NOT be able to create characters in the PvP arena, only load them in. You will not receive experience in the arena, but you can win PvP gear and rewards for winning and/or participating in the games

Game Status

Athelor ORPG is being heavily worked on, but lets face it - It's a big game! Progress is looking very successful, and many of the classes already have alot of abilities working 100%. Some of the first areas have been completed as well as a good deal of items.

Overall, Athelor ORPG will take a while to complete, but there will be testing phases along the way! Every so often there will be tests available to people that have signed up for the closed beta and possibly alpha testing.


Official Forums (Testing signups are here, but you must register and it helps to remain at least a little active)

Official Webiste (Coming Soon)

Sneak Peak - Map of the Avhel Forest Region (rough outline of the terrain)


Thank you for reading, and if you have any questions feel free to ask! (There are alot of other features, but I only listed the biggies :p)


I have the right to remain silent.
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sounds pretty superb, do you really think you can make this?

(btw, i also have always had an idea of my own mmorpg, but like you dont have (enough) programming knowledge, and then wow came out, and half of the ideas in wow were the same as mine... i hated that, but i still got my own mmorpg idea, with some changed things to make it look like i didnt took it from wow... i had it earlier:mad:... but ah well... anyways... good luck)

are you going to fit this entire ORPG in a small 256/256 map?


Diversity enchants
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I like it even very much. You are going to right way with your ORPG. But unfortunately your requirements on PC (Very many doodads and epic map size ?) disables many people like me to play it. There are been some of most known (O)RPGs but all they load forever and mostly you will get disconnected from that kind of maps even when you would like to play it. Idea and description sounds very good. I hope you would keep in mind older PC while doing your map (Try to stay on fast map loading and don' t place mindlesly doodads just there would be some.) Try to make your map texts not too colorful and I had in my mind a way to play cinematics where you don' t need to hurry up to read all the text while afraiding it dissapears just highlight each letter to green (Bright Green) and so people know when text ends. I suggest you check out Dwarf Campaign (Google for it.) it is heavenly made maps what could be a waypost to your ORPG. I mean it has fast loading, nice terrain with doodads (See they don' t flood to get effect, they just creat athmosphere of it what is most important.) and characters- no comment, just too good to be true.

The Heleper provides bretty good forum (This thread for your project.). Here mostly people see your work I would suggest you to come with your project to this thread if your forum ever should die. It would be personal web page about map and this thread.
I have had dream of doing my own RPG too, like real one. So I see you have thought on it much what even more proves you are on right track. Warcraft World Editor lets you to enchant maps to totaly new level, try to use these advantages to turn Warcraft into your dream ORPG.
Read our tutorials and ask help from our World Editor Help Zone if you need some. Don' t forget to use forum "search" function, it helps alot.


seems incredible, but will u load ur character between games or will u have to recreate it?


You can change this now in User CP.
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sounds pretty superb, do you really think you can make this?

(btw, i also have always had an idea of my own mmorpg, but like you dont have (enough) programming knowledge, and then wow came out, and half of the ideas in wow were the same as mine... i hated that, but i still got my own mmorpg idea, with some changed things to make it look like i didnt took it from wow... i had it earlier:mad:... but ah well... anyways... good luck)

are you going to fit this entire ORPG in a small 256/256 map?

lol you can program?

The Big S

New Member
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Hey guys.

Thanks for the comments and suggestions on the map.

At quauhtli
- 256 x 256 map size can be large as long as you just don't over do it on zone sizing and stuff. :)

- And yes, I definately think I can do it, and I will do it. :D Sometimes I get carried away on testing it and play for upwards of 30 minutes o_O

At Sooda

- I will definately keep in mind the older PC's; my goal is to make the game look good but still run smooth. Plus with ORPGs you can't afford to make the terrain look 100% real like you could in a smaller campaign map.

- By text color and such I mean that, for example, on skills, the amounts of damage will be outlined kind of like in guildwars. For example (This is a skill taken directly from the game.)

Rally Banner - Rank 1 [R]

The Crusader places a patriotic banner on the ground rallying nearby allied characters, increasing their damage by 3.

- I do enjoy the helper forums alot. I only made my own forum so that if the game ever became a hit, people could access basic information about the game and such more easily.

At Jarwan

- I probably should have mentioned this; Of course there will be a save/load code system. :p So no, you will not have to recreate your character (unless you want to make a new one)


And if u have a hero then create a new one, can u choose one of them to load or will it load the last created one?


If your planning on making this with 20 classes and a save load command you deffinetly shouldnt make your map 256 x 256 the map will be wayyy to small.

I hope this map doesnt turn into a Juliens RPG it was great but it died fast ;(

The Big S

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I've heard that anything larger than 256x256 lags horribly for people, or I would make it something like 400x400 :confused:


for me 256x256 only lags in WE when u zoom out as much as posible, else it uses to run fine(except when there are too many trees)


I have the right to remain silent.
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with WEU you can make the map as big as you want using WEU Enhancer.
I repeat. DO NOT DO THIS
This will lag your game down very much! Warcraft games are not supposed to be bigger (although I do secretly wish they could:eek:), if you do they will really lag your game for you and all the other players down.

Good Luck with your map! if you need any ideas or somethign I'm sure everyone has lots of em (and dont forget to search, I swear there are 10 billion stuff out there that no one uses...)

The Big S

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Bump, i wanna see this map done :<

So do I and alot of others :p

I encourage anyone interested in the game to really check out the forums - As a guest you can view (and post in) almost all of the forums. You can read up about alot of cool features, and possibly even get involved in some early alpha testing! :)


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Seems like a huge project, and Im afraid that it might get over the 4mb Battle.Net limit :( Though I hope not! Lovely ideas, and I want to help as much as I can in it :D

The Big S

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It IS a pretty large project. However, I am confident that it will not exceed 3 megabytes. Firstly, this is because I am not using ANY custom imports. Also, much of the game is done through triggers, and triggers generally do not take a huge amount of space. Yes, all of the custom items and objects will take their toll, as well as the 256x256 map that will be fully terrained, but I am still confident that it will come out alright. :)

The Big S

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I am pleased to announce that Athelor ORPG Publish 2: A Land in Need will be available for play at the end of this week. (Possibly sooner)

I have been allowing the class correspondents on the forums to play the game although it is still being developed. What I have been doing is releasing the latest versions of Athelor ORPG weekly, allowing them to test the game and see if it is something they would be into.

Now, yes, the game is still pretty much in "Alpha". Only two zones have been completed so far, as well as one instance and only 2-3 skills per class (With the exception of 5 skills for Assassin and Crusader). However, even with so little done, many players found it still to be exciting and addicting.

With Publish 2 (I call the MAJOR updates with new content and such Publishes), I will be opening Athelor ORPG up to ALL interested people who have signed up on the game's forums. All I ask is that you understand that:

1.) It is still pretty much in Alpha stages; there will be bugs, probably many.
2.) While I try to fix everything quickly and accurately, please do not get mad if I can't do it immediately.
3.) Saving/Loading will not be enabled for the moment, as the game is updated so frequently that the codes constantly change. Just use the single player and save your game.
4.) Do NOT host the game on Battle.Net please! I do not want this game to be leaked when it is not even finished.
5.) If you find a bug, please report it on the forums so that I can fix it and make the game better :)


Current classes at this stage of the game include:

Arcanist - 1 Skill; Currently bugged [Being fixed]
Hydromancer - 2 Skills; working fine, defensive damage dealer. (Debuffer)
Cleric - 3 Skills; working fine, defensive healer (Healer)
Warrior - 4 Skills; working fine, defense damage taker (Tank)
Crusader - 5 Skills; working fine, defensive group support (Buffer)
Hunter - 3 Skills; working fine, offensive ranged support (DPS)
Pyromancer - 2 Skills; working fine, offensive damage dealer (DPS)
Assassin - 5 Skills; working fine, offensive damage dealer (DPS)
Zealot - 0 Skills; Not bugged, but currently worthless.
Blacksmith - 1 Skill; Can create iron items and mine (Crafter)


At official launch there will be over 20 classes, with 12 skills each.

So anyone who has been wondering about the game, you're invited to try it next week! Just register on the site at and keep watching the "Game Downloads" section for Publish 2!
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