Tutorial Beginners Guide to World Editor


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Squlls Guide to World Editor

Note before you read this tutorial it is for the newest newest begginers to world editor.. it does not explain the trigger editor or any advanced thing in high detail.

Creating a new map

first of all we need to create a new map!!
so at the top left of the world edtior click on file then new map,
click on the size of the map and if it isnt 64x64 make it 64x64, just use the tileset that it is allready on (loaredan Summer) and mabye change the "intial tile" to dark gree (hey i think grass looks better then dirt :p)
now with that done lets get into the fun stuff

Things u need to know about the object editor
first of all the important thing that i see some people complain about you CAN NOT use a unit to make a hero, you have to base it off a orginal hero

now that we know that.. lets create a unit so hit "F6" and that will open up the object editor then press ctrl+shift+N to open up the custom unit creator
now we want a basic unit, so click on the icon that looks like a footman and name it "test unit"

if your saying hey i dont like the footman model!! right now.. well lets change it then?

go to
"Art - Model File" and you will see it is footman, double click on it and then choose what you wish (= congratulations you have learned how to change a unit/structure/heros model!

the icon is still a footman? but your model is a archer, eek! that dosent make sense does it? well lets change the icon then, so we need to goto..
"Art - Icon - Game interface" which is located ABOVE "Art - Model File" now double click on this and you can change the icon of the unit (=

want to change the unit's size?
find "Art - Scaling Value" and change it to a higher number then it is and it will grow!!

So.. you want a dark unit? well lets change the tinting colours then shall we?
"Art Tinting Colour"
and u will see that there are 3 fields, red, green and blue so your thinking wheres the dark colour?! well actually all you have to do is double click on all the fields (one at a time) and change the value to 0 after you have done this open up the paleete editor (not in object editor) by pressing U then click on "Melee" next to human and change "Melee" to "custom" and if you have done all these steps correct you will see your unit there, so click on it and then click on the map and there it will be, a dark coloured model of your choice!! congratulations you have learned the basics of "Art" (=

so.. you want to create a l33t unit? well scroll down to "combat" and lets boost this units damage (=

"Combat - Attack 1 - Cooldown" this makes your unit attack faster or slower change the value to a LOWER number to make it attack faster and HIGHER to make it attack slower

"Combat - Attack 1 - Attack type" change this to give your unit different attack types (i will explain this in further detail later on)

"Combat - Attack 1 - Damage base" this value is your units base damage.

"Combat - Attack 1 - Damage number of dice" what this unique option does is change your units base damage to explain that more clearly i will give a example, so if i had 20 damage base and 1 damage number of dice my unit would do 21-20 damage not 20, because i added a dice now if i change this next option..
"Combat - Attack 1 - Damage Sides of Dice" so if i changed this value to lets say 2 my new damage would be 21-22, get it now?

so "number of dice" changes the first damage of the unit and "sides of dice" changes the second damage value of the unit

now lets change what this unit can attack
"Combat - Attack 1 - Targets" change it so that it can attack trees.. so i would click on "Tree" and it would have the box next to it ticked, after i have done this i click ok and ta duh! now my unit can attack trees.. but not Air units!! so lets make its "Attack 2" attack air!

Scroll down furthur then "Combat - Attack 2 - blah blah" until you see
"Combat - Attacks enabled" this will say "attack 1 only" at the moment but we want both attacks enabled!! so lets change it to "both"
now both attacks will be enabled (= but attack 2 dosent do anything yet.. so lets change it!

find "Combat - Attack 2 - Targets" you will see it has nothing, because normally a footman dosent have a second attack lets add "air" and "enemy" to it's targets do this now

so it can attack air now.. but it cant damage them!

so change "Combat - Attack 2 - Weapon type" to "Missle splash"

now go to "Combat - Attack 2 - Area of effect" and change all the values under Area of Effect to 150

lets make its second attack ranged.. go to "Combat - Attack 2 - Range" and change it to 700

now we need to change its Acquisition Range which is under "Combat Acquistion Range" which is above "combat - Attack 1" change it's value from 500 to 700 so now it will actually have 700 range

lets go back down to "Combat - Attack 2"
and change its damage, cooldown, and attack type

so to change its attack type goto "Combat - Attack 2 - Attack type" lets change it to chaos

changing its damage and cooldown i have explained above.

lets change the units defence.. goto "Combat - Defense Base" and change its value if you want to increase its defense

now lets make this unit have increased resitence so change its "Combat - Defense type" to fortified or some nice armor (=

"Combat - Defense Upgrade" this value is used to upgrade the units armor so if it's 2, when i upgrade using the human armor upgrade (because thats what upgrade it uses, will explain more later) it will have its armor increased by 2.


"Movement - Height" you units "Movement - Type has to be flying for this otherwise it wont work, so what this does is change the units flying height so if it was 0 it would be on the land and if it was 500 it would be up in the air, expriment with this to find a good value for a perfect height

"Movement - Speed base" this changes how fast your unit is

"Movement - Speed maximum" this changes what your max unit's speed is, if the value is 0 it wont have a max speed

"Movement - Speed minimum" this changes what your unit's minimum speed is, if the value is 0 it wont have a minimum speed

"Movement - turn rate" this changes how fast your unit can turn

"Movement - Type" this changes your unit's movement type eg if it was flying the unit would fly (but you have to change the unit's "movement height" if it is foot the unit will walk if it is hover the unit will hover.. etc

so... your units sound dosent match is model?
well lets make it so it does!!

"Sound - Unit Sound Set" change this to change your units sound

this i will explain in furthur detail for heros but for now i will only explain the unit part

"Stats - Build time" this changes how fast a structure can train this unit.

"Stats - Can Flee" if this is "false" the unit will not be able to flee if it is "true" the unit will be able to flee

"Stats - Food Cost" this changes how much food this unit uses

"Stats - Food Produced" this changes how much food the unit produces

"Stats - Gold Bounty Awarded" if you enable bounty for normal units using triggers (will explain later) this is how much gold the enemy will get if it kills this unit

"Stats - Gold Bounty Awarded number of dice" say if the base gold bounty awarded was 20 and this was 6, it would mean that when this unit is killed the killer could get anywhere between 20-26 gold

"Stats - Gold Bounty Awarded sides of dice" basically the same as number of dice

"Stats - Gold Cost" this changes how much gold the unit will cost when being trained from a building

"Stats - Hide minimap display" if this is "False" the unit will appear on the minimap if it is "true" the unit will not appear on the minimap

This is a WIP (Work in progress) many MANY more things will be added
==========-------Resevered Spot-------==========

Triggers Guide

Lets look at this step by step..

Triggers what are they meant to do?
triggers were made by Blizzard to do advanced things, eg create a unit once 50 seconds has passed, make custom spells, revive units. quests a whole lot of things!
there are two languages in the trigger editor
GUI=Graphic User Interface
JASS=(well i cant really say much about this i havnt learnt it o_O)
Important note
Events events are the key to triggers, what they do is spark the trigger - kind of like turning a light on, turning the switch turns on the action of turning on the light :p

Conditions conditions makes sure that it the event doesnt go wild.. eg if i did the event like this
Event - Unit starts the effect of a abillity
and then i put no conditions? then the action would activate for every abillity! now i wouldnt want that would i :p

Actions actions is what the Trigger ACTUALLY does so their the effect you can say

first of all lets create a basic trigger, lets make a unit appear in the middle of a map after 30 seconds.
Create Unit
Events: Time Elasped = 30 seconds
Unit - Create 1 Footman for Player 1 (Red) at (Center of (Playable map area)) facing Default building facing degrees

So basically what this did is after 30 seconds of the game had elasped it created 1 footman for player red at the center of the map.

Now lets try a simple hero choosing system
first of all using my little section above create a unit called "hero chooser" make sure that it cant do anything other then move and make sure that it cant fly -_-
now create a little section on your map and place the "hero chooser" there
now find "Circle of power" (unit pallete - Netural passive/Netural/Campaign)
and create a "Circle of power medium"
now place a hero of any kind behind the "circle of power medium"
Create a region on the circle of power medium by going into the "reigon pallete"
now the triggers..

Hero enters region
        Unit - A unit enters Choose hero region <gen>
        (Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to Wisp
        Unit - Create 1 Blood Mage for (Owner of (Entering unit)) at (Center of (Playable map area)) facing Default building facing (270.0) degrees
        Unit - Remove (Entering unit) from the game
        Camera - Pan camera for (Owner of (Entering unit)) to (Center of (Playable map area)) over 0.00 seconds

So basically what this is doing is if a unit enters a region and the unit is a wisp (hero chooser) then it will create 1 blood mage (hero) at the center of the map (can change this by adding another region) for the owner of the entering unit
then it removes the entering unit so you cant go and choose another hero or get multiple of this hero
and then it moves your screen to where the hero was created
pretty cool huh?

Lets make a very simple hero revive trigger
Player 3
        Unit - A unit Dies
        ((Dying unit) is A Hero) Equal to True
        (Owner of (Dying unit)) Equal to Player 3 (Teal)
        Wait 40.00 seconds
        Hero - Instantly revive (Dying unit) at (Center of Alliance Revive and Shop <gen>), Show revival graphics
        Unit - Set mana of (Dying unit) to 100.00%
        Camera - Pan camera for (Owner of (Dying unit)) to (Center of Alliance Revive and Shop <gen>) over 0.00 seconds
so when a unit dies, it makes sure that the unit is a hero and that the unit belongs to player 3
then it waits 40 seconds
and then it revives the hero at its respective area
also settings its mana to 100%
and positions the camera for player 3 to where the hero is revived (=

Now.. lets create a basic AOS(Dota) like trigger to spawn units and then send them to the enemy base
Scourage Mid
        Time - Every 50 seconds of the game
        Unit - Create 3 Ghoul for Player 7 (Green) at (Center of Scourage middle spawn <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
        Wait 0.01 seconds
        Unit - Create 1 Necromancer for Player 7 (Green) at (Center of Scourage middle spawn <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
        Wait 0.01 seconds
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in Scourage middle spawn <gen>) and do (Unit - Order (Picked unit) to Attack-Move To (Center of Middle of map <gen>))

So what this is doing is every 50 seconds it sparks the trigger,
and what the trigger actually does is create 3 ghouls and 1 necromancer and then it orders them to attack move to the center of the map (well center of middle lane :p)
if your asking now why send them to the center of the middle lane? instead of the enemies base, it's because if i ordered them straight to the enemies base they might cut through trees and stuff instead of following the middle lane.. so we will have to create another trigger so when they enter the middle region it sends them to the enemy base
it goes like this..

Scourage mid
        Unit - A unit enters Middle of map <gen>
        (Owner of (Entering unit)) Equal to Player 7 (Green)
        Unit - Order (Entering unit) to Attack-Move To (Center of Alliance base <gen>)
So when the unit enters the middle of the middle lane it makes sure that it belongs to player 7 (green) and then it orders it to attack move to the enemies base
not to hard eh?

Lets make a simple timer, not for anything, but lets just make a timer first of all you have to create 2 variables
so while your in the trigger editor hit Ctrl+B
this will open the variable editor, now press Ctrl+N to create a new variable name it anything you want so you can remember its a timer
and then set the variable type as "Timer" now repeat this process with another variable but have the variable type "Timerwindow"
        Time - Elapsed game time is 1.00 seconds
        Countdown Timer - Start Timervariable as a One-shot timer that will expire in 60.00 seconds
        Countdown Timer - Create a timer window for (Last started timer) with title Timer!
        Set Timerwindowvariable = (Last created timer window)
        Countdown Timer - Show Timerwindowvariable
        Wait 60.00 seconds
        Countdown Timer - Destroy Timerwindowvariable
So after 1 second of the game has passed this trigger creates a timer with a title of Timer!
then it sets timerwindow as a variable (will explain why at the end) and then it shows the timerwindow to everyone
and after 60 seconds it destroys the variable (aka the timerwindow)

The reason for setting the timerwindow as a variable is because if we have multiple timers and then we go "Countdown timer - Destory last created timer" it might destroy another timer, but if we go "countdown timer - Destroy timerwindowvariable" it will destroy the right timerwindow because the variable has been set to that timerwindow

Create a simple map and add three different timers
one timer lasts 40 seconds
second timer lasts 60 seconds
and the last timer lasts 80 seconds
first timer is created 1 second into the game
second timer is created 2 seconds into the gme
third timer is created 3 seconds into the game
see if you can make sure that all these timers are created right so they are destroyed at the right times instead of the first timer ending but the third one being destroyed!!
haha yea i need to spell check it a bit, will add some more stuff later just have to go in like 5 minutes :p
before you read this tutorial it is for the newest newest begginers to world editor.. it does not explain the trigger editor or any advanced thing in high detail.

Why not that is what most newbies need help on. Not making new heroes or making melee maps. They need help with things such as making a unit spawn, reviving a dead hero, different ways to select heroes, things of that nature. You might help a few people out with the kind of stuff i'm assuming you're going to put in but the majority need trigger help.
hmm ok but im not gonna go to advanced into triggers like i said.. but mabye a bit more then i thought otherwise it would defy the point of my tut a bit :p
Mmm...methinks this "tutorial" wont be useful. I might be wrong though. Otherwise its a waste of your time. There's already some pretty complete tutorials about this in the Index.
well.. we will see :p i might explain a bit more clearly then some tutorials.. i dunno i just felt like doing this

dont make me feel like its a waste of time :mad: :banghead: :(
It was not a waste of time. Write Tutorials about whatever you want if you think you can explain it better, differently, whatever. We much appreciate people posting Tutorials here. Thanks for helping!
I am pretty sure that the combat damage part is wrong, I think you add base to a die roll, and the die roll is decided by the number of sides and number of die.
well.. we will see :p i might explain a bit more clearly then some tutorials.. i dunno i just felt like doing this

dont make me feel like its a waste of time :mad: :banghead: :(

Sorry.:) Keep doing it! I do appreciate you helping out and writing tutorials is a good way of doing that.
Nice bit about the triggers. I know nothing about triggers, so that helped.

You might want to format it around later, there are a couple sentences without capital letters and the like.

Other than that, so far, fairly good tutorial.
Thanks man I took time to do all the stuff you wrote about and it really helped because I was actually a new beginner and thats who you wrote it for. Sorry you had to take crap for this but I really apreciate it :)
Can you add some more information on abilities? Very nice work.:thup:
Yes, if you are making a tutorial and trying to example so another can learn from it, at least fix your grammar (or don't make the mistake ;)). It makes it more professional and easier to read.

My personal feelings is that this is like one of those "For Dummies" books (which can sometimes be very useful o_O) and to me is kind of useless, and probably to a lot of other people, too. But there are some people that need this, so it's worth your time. :thup:
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    News portal has been retired. Main page of site goes to Headline News forum now
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    I am working on getting access to the old news portal under a different URL for those that would rather use that for news before we get a different news view.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Easily done
  • The Helper The Helper:
    https://www.thehelper.net/pages/news/ is a link to the old news portal - i will integrate it into the interface somewhere when i figure it out
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Need to try something
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Hopefully this won't cause problems.
  • Ghan Ghan:
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I have converted the Headline News forum to an Article type forum. It will now show the top 20 threads with more detail of each thread.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    See how we like that.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do not see a way to go past the 1st page of posts on the forum though
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It is OK though for the main page to open up on the forum in the view it was before. As long as the portal has its own URL so it can be viewed that way I do want to try it as a regular forum view for a while
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Yeah I'm not sure what the deal is with the pagination.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    It SHOULD be there so I think it might just be an artifact of having an older style.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I switched it to a "Standard" article forum. This will show the thread list like normal, but the threads themselves will have the first post set up above the rest of the "comments"
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I don't really get that article forum but I think it is because I have never really seen it used on a multi post thread
  • Ghan Ghan:
    RpNation makes more use of it right now as an example: https://www.rpnation.com/news/
  • The Helper The Helper:
  • The Helper The Helper:
    What do you think Tom?
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    I will have to get used to this.
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    The latest news feed looks good

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