System DPS - Damage Per Second


Also known as azwraith_ftL.
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Damage Per Second System v2.5

A system that allows you to damage a unit every second for a specific duration. Has a normal and an extended function. If the target does not recieve the assigned buff in 5 seconds, DPS that was called is canceled. This will not screw in any way the instant appliement of a buff (such as frost nova). The system checks every .1 seconds if the target has that buff. If it does then everything works normally. I think 5 seconds is fair enough for some spells to travel and apply the buff (such as Acid Bomb). Thanks to Cohadar for this tip. If you want to stop the damaging then just remove the buff from the target. DPS stops if the target has the buff dispelled, too.

Test map includes Frost Nova and Acid Bomb test.
Requires: JASS NewGen, ABCT v1.2


//        Damage Per Second System by cr4xzZz v2.5
//      - Creating dps spells or other same stuff the easy way
//      - Save you time from repeating the same timer/loop method over and over
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//      call DPS_Start(which damager, which target, damage (NOT dps!), duration, buff raw code, show effect or not (true or false) )
//      call DPS_StartEx(which damager, which target, damage (NOT dps!), duration, buff raw code, attack type, damage type, string effect, attachment point, show effect or not (true or false) ) 
//          * As you can see you can use a normal function and an extended function. 
//            The extended function has more arguments to add. If you are still confused 
//            how to use it I'll explain a bit more with the functions' arguments.
//      whichUnit - the unit which will damage something
//      whichTarg - the target that is going to be damaged
//      whichDmg - the full damage dealt for the specific period (NOT the damage per second)
//          * damage per second is calculated by the system
//      whichDur - the duration of the damaging
//      whichBuff - the buff that the target has to have it so it can be damaged
//          * if the target does not have that buff the damaging will stop
//      whichAttackType - the attack type used for damaging
//      whichDamageType - the damage type used for damaging
//      whichFx - the special effect string
//      whichPoint - where the effect will be attached (head, chest, etc.)
//      whichBool - should an effect be shown? MUST be true or false
//          * if the boolean flag is true then the special effect WILL appear
//          * if the boolean flag is false then the special effect WON'T appear
//      - If you want to stop the buff damaging then remove the 
//        buff you assigned with the Buff functions from the target unit
//      - If the target does not recieve the buff in 5 seconds from 
//        calling Buff/BuffEx then the function is cancelled
//      The non-extended function uses some arguments from the system's configuration menu.
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//      When you start one of the functions a periodic timer 
//      will run for 5 seconds, checking each .1 seconds if 
//      the target has the specific buff you chose. This is 
//      used because some spells have a missile to travel
//      before the buff actually appears. 5 seconds should be enough 
//      for a missile to travel and hit a unit.Remember that this
//      system works only for a single unit. If the unit recieves the buff
//      instantly or in the 5 seconds the DPS starts. These 5 seconds 
//      can be increased/decreased but it's recommended to
//      keep them this way.
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//  PROS:
//      - Easy to use
//      - A lot customizeable (has extended functions)
//      - Won't mess up with other systems
//      - Stackable damage (not like slow poison)
//  CONS:
//      - A bit difficult to use
//      - Requires another system to work
//      - Stackable damage (not like slow poison)
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//      - Copy the ABCT system if you don't have them
//      - Create a trigger named DPS
//      - Convert it to custom text and replace the text with this one
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//      - Cohadar for ABCT and some help
//      - 0zaru and ~GaLs~ for some help

library DPS uses ABCT

    private constant real INTERVAL = 1.
    private constant real CHECK_PERIOD = 0.1
    private constant attacktype ATTACK = ATTACK_TYPE_MAGIC
    private constant damagetype DAMAGE = DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC
    private constant string EFFECT = "Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\FeralSpirit\\feralspirittarget.mdl"
    private constant string POINT = "chest"

private struct Config
    unit cast
    unit targ
    real dps
    integer ticks
    string effe
    string point
    attacktype attack
    damagetype damage
    integer buffz
    boolean check
    integer temp = 0

    static method create takes unit whichUnit, unit whichTarg, real whichDmg, real whichDur, integer whichBuff, attacktype whichAttackType, damagetype whichDamageType, string whichFx, string whichPoint, boolean whichBool returns Config
        local Config store = Config.allocate()
        set store.cast = whichUnit
        set store.targ = whichTarg
        set store.dps = ((whichDmg / whichDur) * INTERVAL)
        set store.effe = whichFx
        set store.point = whichPoint
        set store.attack = whichAttackType
        set store.damage = whichDamageType
        set store.buffz = whichBuff
        set store.check = whichBool
        set store.ticks = R2I(whichDur)
        return store

private function DPZ takes nothing returns boolean
    local Config store = ABCT_GetData()
    if GetWidgetLife(store.targ) >= 0.405 and GetUnitAbilityLevel(store.targ, store.buffz) > 0 and store.ticks > 0 then
        call UnitDamageTarget(store.cast, store.targ, store.dps, true, true, store.attack, store.damage, null)
        if store.check == true then 
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(store.effe, store.targ, store.point))
        call store.destroy()
        //call BJDebugMsg("|cffffcc00[DPS]Message|r - Dps stops")
        return true
    set store.ticks = store.ticks - 1
    return false

private function Check takes nothing returns boolean
    local Config store = ABCT_GetData()
    if GetUnitAbilityLevel(store.targ, store.buffz) > 0 then
        call ABCT_Start(function DPZ, store, INTERVAL)
        //call BJDebugMsg("|cffffcc00[DPS]Message|r - Dps starts")
        return true
    set store.temp = store.temp + 1
    if store.temp > 50 then //10 checks in a second (0.1 period) for 4 seconds
        call store.destroy()
        //call BJDebugMsg("|cffffcc00[DPS]Message|r - Dps cancelled")
        return true
    return false

public function StartEx takes unit whichUnit, unit whichTarg, real whichDmg, real whichDur, integer whichBuff, attacktype whichAttackType, damagetype whichDamageType, string whichFx, string whichPoint, boolean whichBool returns nothing
    local Config store = Config.create(whichUnit, whichTarg, whichDmg, whichDur, whichBuff, whichAttackType, whichDamageType, whichFx, whichPoint, whichBool)
    call ABCT_Start(function Check, store, CHECK_PERIOD)

public function Start takes unit whichUnit, unit whichTarg, real whichDmg, real whichDur, integer whichBuff, boolean whichBool returns nothing
    local Config store = Config.create(whichUnit, whichTarg, whichDmg, whichDur, whichBuff, ATTACK, DAMAGE, EFFECT, POINT, whichBool)
    call ABCT_Start(function Check, store, CHECK_PERIOD)

//        End of Damage Per Second System

Previous Version:

//        Damage Per Second System by cr4xzZz v2.4
//      - Creating dps spells or other same stuff the easy way
//      - Save you time from repeating the same timer/loop method over and over
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//      call DPS_Start(which damager, which target, damage (NOT dps!), duration, show effect or not (true or false) )
//      call DPS_StartEx(which damager, which target, damage (NOT dps!), duration, attack type, damage type, string effect, attachment point, show effect or not (true or false) ) 
//      call DPS_Buff(which damager, which target, damage (NOT dps!), duration, buff raw code, show effect or not (true or false) )
//      call DPS_BuffEx(which damager, which target, damage (NOT dps!), duration, buff raw code, attack type, damage type, string effect, attachment point, show effect or not (true or false) )
//          * As you can see you can use a normal function and an extended function. The extended function 
//            has more arguments to add. If you are still confused how to use it I'll explain a bit more with
//            the functions' arguments.
//          * Every time the unit is damaged you can choose if you want a effect to be shown or not
//      whichUnit - the unit which will damage something
//      whichTarg - the target that is going to be damaged
//      whichDmg - the full damage dealt for the specific period (NOT the damage per second)
//          * damage per second is calculated by the system
//      whichDur - the duration of the damaging
//      whichBuff - the buff that the target has to have it so it can be damaged
//          * if the target does not have that buff the damaging will stop (only for DPS_Buff and DPS_BuffEx functions)
//      whichAttackType - the attack type used for damaging
//      whichDamageType - the damage type used for damaging
//      whichFx - the special effect string
//      whichPoint - where the effect will be attached (head, chest, etc.)
//      whichBool - should an effect be shown? MUST be true or false
//          * if the boolean flag is true then the special effect WILL appear
//          * if the boolean flag is false then the special effect WON'T appear
//      If you want to stop the buff damaging then remove the buff you assigned with the Buff functions from the target unit
//      If you want to stop the normal Start/StartEx function then use:
//      call DPS_Stop(whichTarg)     /unit argument/
//          - This stops all DPS_Start and DPS_StartEx functions used on that unit
//      If you want to increase the duration of the damaging then use:
//      call DPS_IncreaseDur(whichDur)     /integer argument/
//          - This works only for DPS_Start and DPS_StartEx !!
//      The non-extended functions uses some arguments from the system's configuration menu.
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//  PROS:
//      - Easy to use
//      - A lot customizeable (has extended functions)
//      - Won't mess up with other systems
//      - Stackable damage (not like slow poison)
//  CONS:
//      - A bit difficult to use
//      - Requires another system to work
//      - Stackable damage (not like slow poison)
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//      - Copy the ABCT and PUI systems if you don't have them
//      - Create a trigger named DPS
//      - Convert it to custom text and replace the text with this one
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//      - Cohadar for ABCT, PUI and some help
//      - 0zaru and ~GaLs~ for some help

library DPS uses ABCT, PUI

    private constant real INTERVAL = 1.
    private constant attacktype ATTACK = ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL
    private constant damagetype DAMAGE = DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC
    private constant string EFFECT = "Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\FeralSpirit\\feralspirittarget.mdl"
    private constant string POINT = "chest"
    private integer array PUI_TICKS 

private struct Config
    unit cast
    unit targ
    real dps
    integer ticks
    string effe
    string point
    attacktype attack
    damagetype damage
    integer buffz
    boolean check

    static method create takes unit whichUnit, unit whichTarg, real whichDmg, real whichDur, integer whichBuff, attacktype whichAttackType, damagetype whichDamageType, string whichFx, string whichPoint, boolean whichBool returns Config
        local Config store = Config.allocate()
        set store.cast = whichUnit
        set store.targ = whichTarg
        set store.dps = ((whichDmg / whichDur) * INTERVAL)
        set store.effe = whichFx
        set store.point = whichPoint
        set store.attack = whichAttackType
        set store.damage = whichDamageType
        set store.buffz = whichBuff
        set store.check = whichBool
        set store.ticks = R2I(whichDur)
        return store

private function CheckDPS takes nothing returns boolean
    local Config store = ABCT_GetData()
    if GetWidgetLife(store.targ) >= 0.405 and GetUnitAbilityLevel(store.targ, store.buffz) > 0 and store.ticks > 0 then
        call UnitDamageTarget(store.cast, store.targ, store.dps, true, true, store.attack, store.damage, null)
        if store.check == true then
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(store.effe, store.targ, store.point))
        call store.destroy()
        //call BJDebugMsg("|cffffcc00[DPS]Message|r - Dps stops")
        return true
    set store.ticks = store.ticks - 1
    return false

private function NormalDPS takes nothing returns boolean
    local Config store = ABCT_GetData()
    local integer pui = GetUnitIndex(store.targ)
    if GetWidgetLife(store.targ) >= 0.405 and PUI_TICKS[pui] > 0 then
        call UnitDamageTarget(store.cast, store.targ, store.dps, true, true, store.attack, store.damage, null)
        if store.check == true then
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(store.effe, store.targ, store.point))
        call store.destroy()
        //call BJDebugMsg("|cffffcc00[DPS]Message|r - Dps stops")
        return true
    set PUI_TICKS[pui] = PUI_TICKS[pui] - 1
    return false

public function Stop takes unit whichTarg returns nothing
    local integer pui = GetUnitIndex(whichTarg)
    if PUI_TICKS[pui] <= 0 then
        call BJDebugMsg("|cffffcc00[DPS]Error|r - Cannot stop DPS for unit that has no DPS_Start/DPS_StartEx")
        set PUI_TICKS[pui] = 0

public function IncreaseDur takes unit whichTarg, real whichDur returns nothing
    local integer pui = GetUnitIndex(whichTarg)
    local integer inc = R2I(whichDur)
    if PUI_TICKS[pui] <= 0 then
        call BJDebugMsg("|cffffcc00[DPS]Error|r - Cannot increase duration for a unit with no DPS_Start/DPS_StartEx")
        set PUI_TICKS[pui] = PUI_TICKS[pui] + inc

public function BuffEx takes unit whichUnit, unit whichTarg, real whichDmg, real whichDur, integer whichBuff, attacktype whichAttackType, damagetype whichDamageType, string whichFx, string whichPoint, boolean whichBool returns nothing
    local Config store = Config.create(whichUnit, whichTarg, whichDmg, whichDur, whichBuff, whichAttackType, whichDamageType, whichFx, whichPoint, whichBool)
    call ABCT_Start(function CheckDPS, store, INTERVAL) 
    //call BJDebugMsg("|cffffcc00[DPS]Message|r - Dps starts")

public function Buff takes unit whichUnit, unit whichTarg, real whichDmg, real whichDur, integer whichBuff, boolean whichBool returns nothing
    call DPS_BuffEx(whichUnit, whichTarg, whichDmg, whichDur, whichBuff, ATTACK, DAMAGE, EFFECT, POINT, whichBool)

public function StartEx takes unit whichUnit, unit whichTarg, real whichDmg, real whichDur, attacktype whichAttackType, damagetype whichDamageType, string whichFx, string whichPoint, boolean whichBool returns nothing       
    local Config store = Config.create(whichUnit, whichTarg, whichDmg, whichDur, 0, whichAttackType, whichDamageType, whichFx, whichPoint, whichBool)
    local integer pui = GetUnitIndex(store.targ)
    set PUI_TICKS[pui] = PUI_TICKS[pui] + R2I(whichDur / INTERVAL)
    call ABCT_Start(function NormalDPS, store, INTERVAL)
    //call BJDebugMsg("|cffffcc00[DPS]Message|r - Dps starts")

public function Start takes unit whichUnit, unit whichTarg, real whichDmg, real whichDur, boolean whichBool returns nothing
    call DPS_StartEx(whichUnit, whichTarg, whichDmg, whichDur, ATTACK, DAMAGE, EFFECT, POINT, whichBool)

//        End of Damage Per Second System


v1.0 - First release
v1.1 - Shortened code and removed buff check. Added extended function
v1.2 - Added stop and increase duration functions which require a target (refer only on a target from dps)
v2.0 - Fixed increase and stop functions
v2.1 - Minor code fixes
v2.2 - Added buff check again
v2.3 - Simplified a little. Removed non-buff check function and left it with a buff check one
v2.4 - Added normal dps again (non-buff check) (omg..). Returned Stop and Increase Duration functions. Uses ABCT and PUI
v2.5 - Removed non-buff check (again.. omg wtf!). Uses only ABCT. Now, if the target does not recieve the assigned buff in 
         5 seconds, DPS is canceled. This is because some spells have a missile to travel before they apply a buff (thanks,
         Cohadar, for this tip).


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† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
Reaction score
How should we stop it when emergency happens? zz... I don't want to get tide up by the Duration and cant stop it manually.

In my oppinion, why are you making such easy system to so complicated?

Just create a unit group, then add x unit to the unit group when start function in called.
Then remove the x unit from then unit group when cancel function is called.

Then, the system should be ran by only 1 timer. Every one second pick every unit in that unit group and damage that unit.


Also known as azwraith_ftL.
Reaction score
Small fixes. Added How to use instructions in map.

> How should we stop it when emergency happens?
Well... I don't know how to make that... :/

> Just create a unit group, then add x unit to the unit group when start function in called.

Yeah, but how am I going to check when each unit has to be damaged with a buff?


Learning vJASS ;)
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If you don't like that..
Well simple have a trigger that detect those emergencys, and destroy the struct..

Also the time interval should be a function argument, not a global..

The same i think with attack types and damage types. Also I suggest making a short-code function and a complete one(The short-code can use constant.. (Ex function (Extended) should be used when you want to modify things))

>Yeah, but how am I going to check when each unit has to be damaged with a buff?

That is quite unnecesary, because the user can use his own detection of the buff in his triggers.


Also known as azwraith_ftL.
Reaction score
> Also the time interval should be a function argument, not a global..
You mean a constant function?

> That is quite unnecesary, because the user can use his own detection of the buff in his triggers.
Probably... I'll start working on it right away

If I wanna make an extended function what other arguments should I add? I think it's long enough to put everything you want


Learning vJASS ;)
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>You mean a constant function?
No. I mean a function argument (takes integer a (For example..))

>This would be the extended, the another one should include constant inside (Like attack_types etc)


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
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>>If you don't like that..
If I don't like it, I'd rather made my own system.

>>You mean a constant function?
I think he means the time interval should be independant? No idea.

But if he means constant function, then it is totally false. You are using vJass, not Jass. Why the hell you want to make a constant function for non-independant constant value?

>>I'll start working on it right away
On what?

>>If I wanna make an extended function what other arguments should I add?
Extended function?! Whats that? ==
Too much arguements will just make user confuse, just made some required arguements for it is fair enough.
Just like the current one.


Learning vJASS ;)
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>If I don't like it, I'd rather made my own system.
It was for cr4xzZz. Comenting about what you wrote.


Also known as azwraith_ftL.
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Why the hell should I change the timer interval? It's a damage per second system, not a periodic damage system. ;)

> Extended function?! Whats that? ==
More arguments to the function.
Like native MoveLightning and native MoveLightningEx (I think Cohadar noted that somewhere).

Yesterday I made a new update but didn't have time to post it... Gonna check what I did and fix if something needs fixing. Still need a tip how to make the Stop function...

EDIT: New version


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
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I bet you need PUI (Perfect Unit Indexing) to create a stop function in your condition.

-Create a integer array global, then set the struct to the integer variable arraying the unit id gotten by the PUI.

Then when stop function is called, destroy the struct indexed by the unit id.


Also known as azwraith_ftL.
Reaction score
Well... Never used PUI before. I hope I can get it to work :\
*calls Cohadar for help*
I'll start experimenting right away X_X

EDIT: Ok, read Cohadar's tutorial on PUI and I think nothing got into my brain... Still, I made the stop function but when I activate it in-game it gives me a list of errors:
ERROR: PUI - Index requested for null unit
ERROR: PUI - Index requested for null unit

//yes, repeats twice
Double free of type: dpssys__init


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
Reaction score
The error shows up when you call StartDps or StopDps?

It seems likely you are getting an index from a null unit.


Also known as azwraith_ftL.
Reaction score
> The error shows up when you call StartDps or StopDps?
> It seems likely you are getting an index from a null unit.
Mm, yes... The problem is that I don't know how to fix it :/ Maybe I don't set correctly the target's index?
     static method Take takes unit targ returns init
        local integer pui = GetUnitIndex(targ)
        if .STUFF[pui] == null then
            set .STUFF[pui] = init.allocate()
        return .STUFF[pui]

I guess the problem should be here..


Learning vJASS ;)
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I think that PUI was made so the struct doesn't needed to be destroyed, or maybe It musn't be destroyed.


Also known as azwraith_ftL.
Reaction score
> I think that PUI was made so the struct doesn't needed to be destroyed, or maybe It musn't be destroyed.
Yeah, it is recycled from PUI. But wasn't sure if I have to remove onDestroy method... So, should I ?


master of fugue
Reaction score
How should we stop it when emergency happens? zz... I don't want to get tide up by the Duration and cant stop it manually.

In my oppinion, why are you making such easy system to so complicated?

Just create a unit group, then add x unit to the unit group when start function in called.
Then remove the x unit from then unit group when cancel function is called.

Then, the system should be ran by only 1 timer. Every one second pick every unit in that unit group and damage that unit.

Removing buff check was a bad move IMHO.
Buff checks are cool, use them more often.
Among other things they enable you to manually stop the dps and even to do so with default dispel abilities.

Unit groups + dps = I2H type errors.

This kind of systems contrary to the popular belief cannot be run on a single timer. (I already discussed this in the TT thread)

You should also avoid using PUI with structs when ever you can.
In this case particular you only need to attach ticks to unit.
So you need a global array for ticks:

    private integer array PUI_ticks

(Remove the ticks from struct and use only global array one)

private function Dps takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer tempTimer = GetExpiredTimer()
    local init info = GetTimerStructA(tempTimer)
    local integer pui = GetUnitIndex(info.cast)
    if PUI_ticks[pui] <= 0 then
        call info.destroy()
        set PUI_ticks[pui] = PUI_ticks[pui] - 1
        call UnitDamageTarget(info.cast, info.targ, info.dps, true, false, ATTACK, DAMAGE, null)
        call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(info.effe, info.targ, info.point))
    set tempTimer = null

simple as that.

Q: Why it was necessary to attach ticks to unit?
A: because if for example you have poisoned one unit and the poison lasts 30 sec,
but after 15 sec you poison it again how long should the poison last?
Well the solution is to add the new tick value to the old ticks so the poison lasts 15+45 sec as it should

In case someone did not get it how to manually stop the dps on a unit:
    set PUI_ticks[GetUnitIndex(whichUnit)]=0


Also known as azwraith_ftL.
Reaction score
I had a dream last night that I'm gonna fix it... But that doesn't happen in real life >,< Yesterday I did what you said, Cohadar. Now I'm gonna fix some thingies and I'll post it here ..
Thanks a lot for your help <3<3

EDIT: Made it. Stop function doesn't work >,< It refers only on target because I save PUI on targets. And maybe IncreaseDps doesn't work (haven't tested yet).
library dpssys uses ABC, PUI

    private constant real TIMER_INTERVAL = 1.
    private constant attacktype ATTACKT = ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL
    private constant damagetype DAMAGET = DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC
    private constant string EFFECT = &quot;Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\FeralSpirit\\feralspirittarget.mdl&quot;
    private constant string ATTACHMENT_POINT = &quot;chest&quot;
    private integer array PUI_TICKS

private struct config
    unit cast
    unit targ
    real dps
    string effe
    string point
    attacktype attack
    damagetype damage
    timer time = CreateTimer()

    static method save takes unit whichUnit, unit whichTarg, real whichDmg, real whichDur, attacktype whichAttackType, damagetype whichDamageType, string whichFx, string whichPoint returns config
        local config store = config.allocate()
        set store.cast = whichUnit
        set store.targ = whichTarg
        set store.dps = ((whichDmg / whichDur) * TIMER_INTERVAL)
        set store.effe = whichFx
        set store.point = whichPoint
        set store.attack = whichAttackType
        set store.damage = whichDamageType
        call SetTimerStructA(store.time, store)
        return store
    method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
        call ClearTimerStructA(.time)
        call PauseTimer(.time)
        call DestroyTimer(.time)

function StopDps takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
    local integer pui = GetUnitIndex(whichUnit)
    set PUI_TICKS[pui] = 0

function IncreaseDps takes unit whichUnit, integer whichInteger returns nothing
    local integer pui = GetUnitIndex(whichUnit)
    local integer increase = whichInteger
    set PUI_TICKS[pui] = PUI_TICKS[pui] + increase

private function Dps takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer tempTimer = GetExpiredTimer()
    local config store = GetTimerStructA(tempTimer)
    local integer pui = GetUnitIndex(store.targ)
    if PUI_TICKS[pui] &lt;= 0  then
        call store.destroy()
        if PUI_TICKS[pui] &gt; 0 then
            set PUI_TICKS[pui] = PUI_TICKS[pui] - 1
        if GetUnitState(store.targ, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) &gt;= 0.405 then
            call UnitDamageTarget(store.cast, store.targ, store.dps, true, false, store.attack, store.damage, null)
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(store.effe, store.targ, store.point))
            call store.destroy()
    set tempTimer = null

function StartDpsEx takes unit whichUnit, unit whichTarg, real whichDmg, real whichDur, attacktype whichAttackType, damagetype whichDamageType, string whichFx, string whichPoint returns nothing
    local config store =, whichTarg, whichDmg, whichDur, whichAttackType, whichDamageType, whichFx, whichPoint)
     set PUI_TICKS[GetUnitIndex(store.targ)] = PUI_TICKS[GetUnitIndex(store.targ)] + R2I(whichDur)
    call TimerStart(store.time, TIMER_INTERVAL, true, function Dps)

function StartDps takes unit whichUnit, unit whichTarg, real whichDmg, real whichDur returns nothing
    call StartDpsEx(whichUnit, whichTarg, whichDmg, whichDur, ATTACKT, DAMAGET, EFFECT, ATTACHMENT_POINT)



master of fugue
Reaction score

Seriously, starting your structs with lowercase would get you fired in any programming company within of 5 minutes of someone noticing you do it.

save ??? wtf is save? Use create keyword.

This can be improved: (terrible algorithm)

    if PUI_TICKS[pui] &lt;= 0  then
        call store.destroy()
        if PUI_TICKS[pui] &gt; 0 then
            set PUI_TICKS[pui] = PUI_TICKS[pui] - 1


private function Dps takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer tempTimer = GetExpiredTimer()
    local config store = GetTimerStructA(tempTimer)
    local integer pui = GetUnitIndex(store.targ)

    set PUI_TICKS[pui] = PUI_TICKS[pui] - 1
    if PUI_TICKS[pui] &lt;= 0  then
        call store.destroy()
        if GetUnitState(store.targ, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) &gt;= 0.405 then
            call UnitDamageTarget(store.cast, store.targ, store.dps, true, false, store.attack, store.damage, null)
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(store.effe, store.targ, store.point))
            call store.destroy()
    set tempTimer = null

Btw StopDps will work now.


Also known as azwraith_ftL.
Reaction score
Ok, ok, sorry, bash me no more! :/ *fixing*
EDIT: New version... Still not sure StopDps and IncreaseDps works >,<
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  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    Hmm, how do I change my signature?
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    Signatures can be edit in your account profile. As for the old stuffs, I'm thinking it's because Blizzard is now under Microsoft, and because of Microsoft Xbox going the way it is, it's dreadful.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am not big on the recipes I am just promoting them - I use the site as a practice place promoting stuff
  • Monovertex Monovertex:
    @tom_mai78101 I must be blind. If I go on my profile I don't see any area to edit the signature; If I go to account details (settings) I don't see any signature area either.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    You can get there if you click the bell icon (alerts) and choose preferences from the bottom, signature will be in the menu on the left there
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I think I need to split the Sci/Tech news forum into 2 one for Science and one for Tech but I am hating all the moving of posts I would have to do
  • The Helper The Helper:
    What is up Old Mountain Shadow?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Happy Thursday!
  • Varine Varine:
    Crazy how much 3d printing has come in the last few years. Sad that it's not as easily modifiable though
  • Varine Varine:
    I bought an Ender 3 during the pandemic and tinkered with it all the time. Just bought a Sovol, not as easy. I'm trying to make it use a different nozzle because I have a fuck ton of Volcanos, and they use what is basically a modified volcano that is just a smidge longer, and almost every part on this thing needs to be redone to make it work
  • Varine Varine:
    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
  • Varine Varine:
    So, 2.5mm longer. But the thing that measures the bed is about 1.5mm above the nozzle, so if I swap it with a volcano then I'm 1mm behind it. So cool, new bracket to swap that, but THEN the fan shroud to direct air at the part is ALSO going to be .5mm to low, and so I need to redo that, but by doing that it is a little bit off where it should be blowing and it's throwing it at the heating block instead of the part, and fuck man
  • Varine Varine:
    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
  • Varine Varine:
    Can't just buy a new heatblock, you need to get a whole hotend - so block, heater cartridge, thermistor, heatbreak, and nozzle. And they put this fucking paste in there so I can't take the thermistor or cartridge out with any ease, that's 30 dollars. Or you can get the whole extrudor with the direct driver AND that heatblock for like 50, but you still can't get any of it to come apart
  • Varine Varine:
    Partsbuilt has individual parts I found but they're expensive. I think I can get bits swapped around and make this work with generic shit though
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Heard Houston got hit pretty bad by storms last night. Hope all is well with TH.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Power back on finally - all is good here no damage
    Happy Friday!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    New recipe is another summer dessert Berry and Peach Cheesecake -
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I think we need to add something to the bottom of the front page that shows the Headline News forum that has a link to go to the News Forum Index so people can see there is more news. Do you guys see what I am saying, lets say you read all the articles on the front page and you get to the end and it just ends, no kind of link for MOAR!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Happy Wednesday!

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