Spell Fusion Orbs


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GoGo-Boy aka Na_Dann_Ma_GoGo presents: Fusion Orbs

vJASS: Yes.
MUI: Yes.
Laggless: Yes.
Leakless: Think so.

Requires: NewGen Editor, HSAS Credits to PandaMine
The really nice testmap was made by Tinki3 and then a little bit edited by me to suit this certain spell testing.
I use the special dummy model which is made by Vexorian. This is to avoid the unnecessary use of multiple dummy units.

Purpose of it? Having a spell with a very, very cool movement which is totally configurable! Don't believe me? Test it!

The hero launches one fire and one ice orb that fly towards the targeted location. The orbs rotate around each other until they have reached a certain distance from which on they'll start to slow down and gain fly height to afterwards smash down with full power and explode on impact. The enemy units take damage duo to the heat and are frozen because of the cold provided by the ice. If the distance between the caster and the targeted location isn't sufficent, the orbs will explode with minor effects.
Range - 1500
Level 1 - 130 damage and 3 sec freeze
Level 2 - 190 damage and 4.5 sec freeze
Level 3 - 250 damage and 6 sec freeze

Fly Around (doesn't show it's real coolness ;) ):
Explosion (that screenshot was kinda good I would say :O) :

Wanna see the code.. don't you?:

// Fusion Orbs by GoGo-Boy aka Na_Dann_Ma_GoGo ------- Credits to tinki3 for testmap, PandaMine for his HSAS and Anitarf for some help considering the orbs rotation

// this is necessary for the use of HSAS 
library HSASintroduction
//! runtextmacro HSAS_Static("Fusion","32760","")

scope Fusionorbs initializer InitTrig


//======================== RAW DATAS =========================================\\  
    private constant integer DUMMY_ID = 'u001' // the Raw Id of the dummy unit (must have the dummy.mdl model file!!!![look at import manager])
    private constant integer SPELL_ID = 'A000' // the Raw Id of the dummy spell
    private constant integer ROOT_ID = 'A002' // the Raw Id of the entangle spell (to "freeze" the units)
//========================= MODEL / EFFECT PATHS =================================================\\      
    private constant string ICE_PATH = "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\FrostBolt\\FrostBoltMissile.mdl" // model path for the icy orb model
    private constant string FIRE_PATH = "Abilities\\Weapons\\LordofFlameMissile\\LordofFlameMissile.mdl" // model path of the fireorb model
    private constant string ICE_EXPLODE = "Abilities\\Weapons\\FrostWyrmMissile\\FrostWyrmMissile.mdl" // explosion effect
    private constant string FIRE_EXPLODE = "Abilities\\Weapons\\PhoenixMissile\\Phoenix_Missile_mini.mdl" // ""  ""
    private constant string FIRE_EXPLODE2 = "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Incinerate\\FireLordDeathExplode.mdl"  // ""  ""
//=========================== SIZE OF BOTH ORBS + EXPLOSION SIZE + FLY HEIGHT OF BOTH ORBS =========================================================\\  
    private constant real CYCLES_PER_SEC = 1 // the time in seconds a orbs need to fullify a rotation
    private constant real FIRE_ORB_SIZE = 1.2 // size of the fire orb
    private constant real ICE_ORB_SIZE = 1.5 // size of the ice orb
    private constant real EXPLODE_SIZE = 3.5 // size for the explosion effects
    private constant real FLY_HEIGHT = 70 // fly height of both orbs
//============================== Damage Configurations ===========================   
    private constant attacktype ATTACK_TYPE = ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS
    private constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE = DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC
    private constant weapontype WEAPON_TYPE = WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS

//============================== DIFFERENT SPEED VALUES ==========================================\\      
    private constant real SLIDE_PERIOD = 0.03 // timer movement period [do not choose values below 0.025 (because it'll make no difference but is more intensive) or over 0.04 (won't be smooth enough anymore)
    private constant real DISTANCE = 60 // distance between both orbs (here 80... the " /2 " has other purposes :
    private constant real VELOCITY = 700 // amount of distance moved each second! 
//================================== DAMAGE AND FREEZE AOE ON IMPACT =======================================\\      
    private constant real EXPLODE_AOE = 300  // AOE in which enemy units get frozen and damaged
    private constant real BASE_FIRE_DAMAGE = 130  // base damage
    private constant real LEVEL_FIRE_DAMAGE = 60 // damage per level [total of 190 at level 2 for example]
//===================================DISTANCES OF THE FINAL MOVEMENT===================\\    
    private constant real SLOW_DOWN_DIST = 150 // amount of distance during which the orbs slow down [setting it to zero or less looks so cool <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite2" alt=";)" title="Wink    ;)" loading="lazy" data-shortname=";)" /> ]
    private constant real SPEED_UP_DIST = 250  // amount of distance during which the orbs speed up
                 // warning --- the sum of SLOW_DOWN_DIST and SPEED_UP_DIST must be unequal to zero!!
    private constant real MAX_RISE_UP_HEIGHT = 200 // amount of height difference the orbs reach during the slow down phase
    private constant real MAX_SIDE_DISTANCE = 150 // amount of distance the orbs slide to the sides on slow down phase
    private constant real MODEL_ADJUSTMENT = 35 // this is to get both models on the correct position... in that case the fire orb would be a bit behind without that adjustment
//============================== GLOBAL PLAYER VARIABLE FOR FILTERING ===========================   
    private player PLAYER 
//=================================== MOSTLY PHYSICAL MOVEMENT CALCULATIONS - DO NOT TOUCH! ElSE YOU MIGHT DIE ==================\\  
    private constant real PI_HALF = 1.5708
    private constant real PI_DOUBLE = 2 * bj_PI
    private constant real FINAL_DISTANCE = SLOW_DOWN_DIST + SPEED_UP_DIST 
    private constant real FINAL_TIME = FINAL_DISTANCE / VELOCITY
    private constant real SLOW_DOWN_TIME = FINAL_TIME * 1.5 / 3
    private constant real SPEED_UP_TIME = FINAL_TIME * 1.5 / 3   
    private constant real SPEED_UP_SPEED = (NEG_ACCELERATION * 2 * SLOW_DOWN_TIME + VELOCITY) 


// filterfunction to filter out the units that will take damage and get frozen
// add an extra    &quot;if ..... then &quot; and for sure an &quot;endif&quot; afterwards...
private function FilterVictims takes nothing returns boolean
    local unit u = GetFilterUnit()
        if IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) != true then
            if IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE) != true then
                if GetWidgetLife(u) &gt; 0 then
                    if IsUnitEnemy(u,PLAYER) then
                        set u = null
                        return true
    set u = null
        return false
private struct Fusion
    real level
    unit caster
    real caster_x
    real caster_y
    unit ice  
    real ice_x
    real ice_y
    unit fire
    real fire_x    
    real fire_y
    real ice_height
    real fire_height
    player owner
    effect fire_model 
    effect ice_model
    real facing
    real time =SLIDE_PERIOD
    real max_time = 0
    real rotation_adjustment
    real speed_up_time = SLIDE_PERIOD
    real slow_down_time = SLIDE_PERIOD
    boolean enough_range = false
    boolean checked = false
    boolean fall = false
    static method create takes nothing returns Fusion
        local Fusion f = Fusion.allocate()        
        local location loc = GetSpellTargetLoc()
        local real loc_x
        local real loc_y 
        local real move
        local unit caster = GetTriggerUnit()
        local real cast_x = GetUnitX(caster)
        local real cast_y = GetUnitY(caster)
        set f.caster = caster
        set loc_x = GetLocationX(loc) - cast_x
        set loc_y = GetLocationY(loc) - cast_y
        set f.owner = GetTriggerPlayer()
        set f.level = I2R(GetUnitAbilityLevel(f.caster,SPELL_ID))
        set f.facing = Atan2(loc_y,loc_x)
        set f.caster_x = cast_x + 40 * Cos(f.facing)
        set f.caster_y = cast_y + 40 * Sin(f.facing)
        set f.max_time = SquareRoot(loc_y * loc_y + loc_x * loc_x) / VELOCITY
        if f.max_time &gt; FINAL_TIME then
            set f.enough_range = true
            set f.rotation_adjustment = (1-((f.max_time - FINAL_TIME) - R2I(f.max_time - FINAL_TIME))) * PI_DOUBLE
            set f.max_time = f.max_time - FINAL_TIME
        set f.ice = CreateUnit(f.owner,DUMMY_ID,f.caster_x,f.caster_y, bj_RADTODEG * f.facing)
        set f.ice_model = AddSpecialEffectTarget(ICE_PATH,f.ice,&quot;origin&quot;)            
        call SetUnitScale(f.ice,ICE_ORB_SIZE,ICE_ORB_SIZE,ICE_ORB_SIZE)
        set f.fire = CreateUnit(f.owner,DUMMY_ID,f.caster_x,f.caster_y, bj_RADTODEG * f.facing)
        set f.fire_model = AddSpecialEffectTarget(FIRE_PATH,f.fire,&quot;origin&quot;)
        call SetUnitScale(f.fire,FIRE_ORB_SIZE,FIRE_ORB_SIZE,FIRE_ORB_SIZE) 
        call RemoveLocation(loc)
        set caster = null
        set loc = null
        return f
    method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
        local real x = GetUnitX(.ice)
        local real y = GetUnitY(.ice)
        local unit u = CreateUnit(.owner,DUMMY_ID,x,y,0)
        local unit u2 = CreateUnit(.owner,DUMMY_ID,x,y,0)
        local unit victim
        local unit dummy
        local real damage
        local integer rootlevel
        local group g = CreateGroup()
        call SetUnitScale(u2,EXPLODE_SIZE / 2,EXPLODE_SIZE / 2,EXPLODE_SIZE / 2)
        call KillUnit(.fire)
        call KillUnit(.ice)
        call KillUnit(u)
        call KillUnit(u2)
        call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(ICE_EXPLODE,u2,&quot;origin&quot;))
        call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(FIRE_EXPLODE,u,&quot;origin&quot;))
        call DestroyEffect(.fire_model)
        call DestroyEffect(.ice_model)
        if .enough_range == true then
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(FIRE_EXPLODE2,u2,&quot;origin&quot;))
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(ICE_EXPLODE,u,&quot;origin&quot;))
            set damage = BASE_FIRE_DAMAGE + LEVEL_FIRE_DAMAGE * (.level - 1)
            set rootlevel = R2I(.level)
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(ICE_EXPLODE,u2,&quot;origin&quot;))
            set damage = (BASE_FIRE_DAMAGE + LEVEL_FIRE_DAMAGE * (.level -1 )) / 2
            set rootlevel = 1
        set PLAYER = .owner
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g,x,y,EXPLODE_AOE,Filter(function FilterVictims))        
            set victim = FirstOfGroup(g)
            exitwhen victim == null
            call GroupRemoveUnit(g,victim)
            set dummy = CreateUnit(.owner,DUMMY_ID,x,y,0)
            call UnitApplyTimedLife(dummy,&#039;BTLF&#039;,1)
            call UnitAddAbility(dummy,ROOT_ID)
            call SetUnitAbilityLevel(dummy,ROOT_ID,rootlevel)
            call IssueTargetOrder(dummy,&quot;entanglingroots&quot;,victim)
            call UnitDamageTarget(.caster,victim,damage,false,false,ATTACK_TYPE,DAMAGE_TYPE,WEAPON_TYPE)
        call DestroyGroup(g)
        set g = null
        set dummy = null
        set u = null
        set u2 = null
        set .caster = null
        set .fire = null
        set .ice = null
        set .fire_model = null
        set .ice_model = null
        set .owner = null

private function Callback takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
local Fusion f = GetAttachedStructFusion(t)
local real dx
local real dy
local real dz

if f.time &lt;= f.max_time then
    // for the following I thank Anitarf for his help
    set dz = DISTANCE  * Sin(PI_DOUBLE * f.time * CYCLES_PER_SEC + f.rotation_adjustment)
    set dy = DISTANCE  * Cos(PI_DOUBLE * f.time * CYCLES_PER_SEC + f.rotation_adjustment) 

    set dx = dy * Cos(f.facing + PI_HALF) 
    set dy = dy * Sin(f.facing + PI_HALF)

    call SetUnitFlyHeight(f.ice,FLY_HEIGHT + DISTANCE + dz,0)
    call SetUnitX(f.ice, f.caster_x + VELOCITY * f.time * Cos(f.facing) + dx)
    call SetUnitY(f.ice, f.caster_y + VELOCITY * f.time * Sin(f.facing) + dy)
    call SetUnitFlyHeight(f.fire, FLY_HEIGHT + DISTANCE - dz,0)
    call SetUnitX(f.fire, f.caster_x + MODEL_ADJUSTMENT * Cos(f.facing) + VELOCITY * f.time * Cos(f.facing) - dx)
    call SetUnitY(f.fire, f.caster_y + MODEL_ADJUSTMENT * Sin(f.facing) + VELOCITY * f.time * Sin(f.facing) - dy)
    set f.time = f.time + SLIDE_PERIOD
    set t = null
elseif f.slow_down_time &lt;= FINAL_TIME and f.enough_range == true then
    if f.checked == false then
        set f.ice_x = GetUnitX(f.ice)
        set f.ice_y = GetUnitY(f.ice)
        set f.fire_x = GetUnitX(f.fire)
        set f.fire_y = GetUnitY(f.fire)
        set f.ice_height = GetUnitFlyHeight(f.ice)
        set f.fire_height = GetUnitFlyHeight(f.fire)
        set f.checked = true
    if f.slow_down_time &lt;= SLOW_DOWN_TIME then
        call SetUnitX(f.ice,f.ice_x + ((VELOCITY * f.slow_down_time + NEG_ACCELERATION * (f.slow_down_time * f.slow_down_time)) * Cos(f.facing)) + SIDE_ACCELERATION * (f.slow_down_time*f.slow_down_time) * Cos(f.facing + PI_HALF))
        call SetUnitY(f.ice,f.ice_y + ((VELOCITY * f.slow_down_time + NEG_ACCELERATION * (f.slow_down_time * f.slow_down_time)) * Sin(f.facing)) + SIDE_ACCELERATION * (f.slow_down_time*f.slow_down_time) * Sin(f.facing + PI_HALF))
        call SetUnitX(f.fire,f.fire_x + ((VELOCITY * f.slow_down_time + NEG_ACCELERATION * (f.slow_down_time * f.slow_down_time)) * Cos(f.facing)) + SIDE_ACCELERATION * (f.slow_down_time*f.slow_down_time) * Cos(f.facing - PI_HALF))
        call SetUnitY(f.fire,f.fire_y + ((VELOCITY * f.slow_down_time + NEG_ACCELERATION * (f.slow_down_time * f.slow_down_time)) * Sin(f.facing)) + SIDE_ACCELERATION * (f.slow_down_time*f.slow_down_time) * Sin(f.facing - PI_HALF))
        call SetUnitFlyHeight(f.ice,f.ice_height + RISE_UP_ACCELERATION * (f.slow_down_time * f.slow_down_time),0)
        call SetUnitFlyHeight(f.fire,f.fire_height + RISE_UP_ACCELERATION * (f.slow_down_time * f.slow_down_time),0)
        set f.slow_down_time = f.slow_down_time + SLIDE_PERIOD        
    elseif f.speed_up_time &lt;= SPEED_UP_TIME then
        if f.fall == false then
            set f.ice_x = GetUnitX(f.ice)
            set f.ice_y = GetUnitY(f.ice)
            set f.fire_x = GetUnitX(f.fire)
            set f.fire_y = GetUnitY(f.fire)
            set f.ice_height =  GetUnitFlyHeight(f.ice)
            set f.fire_height = GetUnitFlyHeight(f.fire)
            set f.fall = true
        call SetUnitX(f.ice,f.ice_x + ((SPEED_UP_SPEED * f.speed_up_time + POS_ACCELERATION * (f.speed_up_time * f.speed_up_time)) * Cos(f.facing)) + NEG_SIDE_ACCELERATION * (f.speed_up_time*f.speed_up_time) * Cos(f.facing + PI_HALF))
        call SetUnitY(f.ice,f.ice_y + ((SPEED_UP_SPEED * f.speed_up_time + POS_ACCELERATION * (f.speed_up_time * f.speed_up_time)) * Sin(f.facing)) + NEG_SIDE_ACCELERATION * (f.speed_up_time*f.speed_up_time) * Sin(f.facing + PI_HALF))
        call SetUnitX(f.fire,f.fire_x + ((SPEED_UP_SPEED * f.speed_up_time + POS_ACCELERATION * (f.speed_up_time * f.speed_up_time)) * Cos(f.facing)) + NEG_SIDE_ACCELERATION * (f.speed_up_time*f.speed_up_time) * Cos(f.facing - PI_HALF))
        call SetUnitY(f.fire,f.fire_y + ((SPEED_UP_SPEED * f.speed_up_time + POS_ACCELERATION * (f.speed_up_time * f.speed_up_time)) * Sin(f.facing)) + NEG_SIDE_ACCELERATION * (f.speed_up_time*f.speed_up_time) * Sin(f.facing - PI_HALF))
        call SetUnitFlyHeight(f.ice, f.ice_height + FALL_DOWN_ACCELERATION * (f.speed_up_time * f.speed_up_time),0) 
        call SetUnitFlyHeight(f.fire,f.fire_height + FALL_DOWN_ACCELERATION * (f.speed_up_time * f.speed_up_time),0)
        set f.speed_up_time = f.speed_up_time + SLIDE_PERIOD
        set t = null
        call PauseTimer(t)
        call DestroyTimer(t)
        call f.destroy()
        set t = null
    call PauseTimer(t)
    call DestroyTimer(t)
    call f.destroy()
    set t = null
private function Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
    return GetSpellAbilityId() == SPELL_ID

private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local Fusion f = Fusion.create()
    local timer t = CreateTimer()
    call AttachStructFusion(t,f)
    call TimerStart(t,SLIDE_PERIOD,true,function Callback)
    set t = null

private function InitTrig takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger trig = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(trig,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
    call TriggerAddCondition(trig,Condition(function Conditions))
    call TriggerAddAction(trig,function Actions)


I updated the spell code but not the map itself yet. Will re-upload it after some other changes.

The reason I use a second dummy ability (entangle) to freeze the units is that it greatly reduces the amount of code AND provides a buff (hence making it disspellable) + making it really MUI in such a way, that the new freeze duration will override the old... as it is with entangle.
You better don't base the main dummy ability (something with a target location) of something, that can be cast anywhere, and hence outside the map because I did not add a function that checks whether everything is in playable map area. But I based my dummy ability on shockwave which can't target areas outside the map AND I've read on campaigns.net, that the next patch fixes the crashes through "SetUnitX()/Y()".
Implantation instructions can be read above the trigger in the map.


Mai 12 - Release
           Aug 13 - Update

Give Credits to either GoGo-Boy or Na_Dann_Ma_GoGo if you use this spell in your map.

Have fun with testing and please give feedback!


  • Fusion Orbs.w3x
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I dislike this ultra long lines provided by ands... and I will probably never change my stile for longer filters.


Super Moderator
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From the screenshots it looks very good, a good piece of eye-candy :D


REP: Respect, Envy, Prosperity?
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Can't really say anything but I love it. The movement looks extremly good, keep up the good work.


Super Moderator
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Just tested it (took your advice) and I agree. The movement is brilliant. GJ :)


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Thanks : )
I'll probably add some other spells based on this one. Different orbs and different on impact effects.


Reaction score
Awesome spell and great coding. But I have one question, how come you can't spam cast? :p

The spell prevents it from casting until the first spell is finished. :( (Unless you type -spam and do it with more than one unit)


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I based the dummy spell on shockwave. When you don't move after casting you can't cast again... that's hardcoded. However when you move shortly after casting you can immediately recast it. I didn't really know what to base it off >_<... and was to lazy when I recognized that^^.

By the way, does someone knows a perfect dummy ability for ranged stuff? Something without any AOE stun, summon, effect etc.? I've tried severals... but all got different disadvantages.


Back for now.
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This is a very cool spell. The concept is very good.

I have a few issues though...

The movement forumulas seem overly complicated, but after reading through the code, its seems neessary to have them so thats not major. Its just that the movement could have been simpler if it didnt involve the explosions and animations near the end.

The movement is nice, but it doesnt seem very fluent. Its hard to explain, but it is kind of like the problem i had with my similar spell. The orbs, instead of spiralling cleanly, seem to move forward, then cross over quickly... Told you its hard to explain :p

Also how bout using Channel for the spell.

Other than that, this spell is very, very cool :) good work!


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The formulas are simple those for distance with a certain start velocity.
d = Vo * t + 0.5a*t^2
I got 3 of them. One for height, one for side, and one for the forward movement.

You're absolutely right that this spell could be BY FAR more simple with only the rotation movement.. but I actually made this spell for these acceleration stuff and it took me ages to realize what I thought of :D

About the influent movement... I dunno. It should rotate with the same speed at all positions if I'm not mistaken. But gonna have a second look at it.

Thanks for feedback :)

Edit: Actually the orbs must rotate correctly because they fly forward with always the same speed while (independent of this forward movement) rotating with as well always the same speed either right or left and gaining or losing the exact height. But I'll watch it closely at replay function now^^.

Edit2: I recognized what I should improve here. At the moment I got no real circular rotation movement but rather a "rhomb" (if that's the correct English word^^). I might try to find the correct formula for that one today or in future >_<

Edit3: In case I find such a circular formula I should be able to greatly reduce the scrip size.


Back for now.
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A few suggestions...

Make your damage group (group g in your onDestroy method) a global and use GroupClear() instead of destroy group... I read that using DestroyGroup() is bad, maybe from vex but don't quote me on it.

You forgot to pause your timer before you destroy it.

Maybe add attachment points to globals... makes it easier for everyone.

Also you do not remove or kill your dummy unit that casts entangling roots.


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Okay fixed the timer and added expiration timer to the dummy entangle casters.

I do not use a global group for the onDestroy method. It is really unnecessary to have a global for 1 single group action. If it was in the callback function I would do that...I even used a global but removed it.
And I don't think there's something really bad about destroying groups. It's rather not as good as using one global that you never need to destroy. But I assume the main thought on this is, that you can use the same global in your MAP. But creating an extra group variable, even if it is only a single group action in the whole spell, is nonsense I would say.

Ahh and I don't add attachment points to the globals since the ones on the dummy unit wouldn't make any real sense to be changed and having the entangle-like effect somewhere else than origin will most likely never look good : P.

I do not want to add masses of unnecessary globals just to make everything configurable. If it was my own map, I could have a proper use of globals but not here.

Thanks for help. I'll +Rep if I can.
Edit: can't : D


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Oh that came unexpected fast oO
Thanks, although as I wrote in the "Notes" I didn't update the map yet, because I'm probably going to change a whole bunch soon. If it takes too long I'll do it soon though.


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The movement is now really a circular motion and hence looks by far better. Aside of that I made code improvements and got rid off about 70 lines of code.


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Naturally, if the author wishes for this spell to be approved again it will need an update!
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