Gears of War!! Big Project.!


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Gears of War!! Big Project.! NEED YOU!

Hello my fellow friends of the helper. I have been thinking about this project on the side of the project im doing at the moment. The project is Gears of War. And I am asking any one out there that has played Gears of War, and has some experience with world edit. To join me in the making of this game.

The game: The game will consist of 12 locations to chose from to battle(more later) which will be either chosen by host or voted among every one. While choosing the battle field you will be able to see them, kind of like elimination tournament. The fight will be between the good(Delta Squad) and the bad (Locust Horde) A tournament type game, but will be in 3rd person not a bird eye view like elimination tournament. It will be manly the same theme as elimination tournament. The guns will be picked but, can run out of ammo and have to be reloaded. Guns also lay around the ground. Many ways to win in this game.

There will be a vote on if it is a deathmatch, Caputer the flag, Team Deathmatch, Hunter(and more later versions) So pretty much like a shooting tournament game.

Need: This is going to be a big project and I will need help heres where it will need to be.
Battle Field Designers:Gravedigger, and WhoIsJG
Gun Sounds Gun looks, shoots:Jackal
3 Trigger People:snipe108
Beta Testersx3:rorekk
Model Creator:_______
Abilities Creator:Mabey Gals...(special abilities like crawl sprint duck)
Combiner:WorldofDeath(I will combine the maps to one and the models, then will be sent to the abilites creator which will then send to trigger number one)
Manger1: WorldofDeath
Loading Screen Creator:TwilightSunder
I don’t think I missed anything. Please join the project!!!

If I accept you for the job do start!

Depth of Project: Frist the diffrent battle fields must be made:

Battle Fields: The battle fields will vary, each one with there own unique way to fight. 10 of them will be taken from maps off of Gears of War:

Canals:Doing by me (by far my favorite map)Here below is a picture of what the Map looks like. Although the creator that makes this level to chose does have to include the bridges he just leaves it as a plat form that just drops or a ramp.

Clock Tower: Here below is a picture of what the map looks like. This map is manly based off duck and cover. Snipers are weak as shotguns destroy.

Escalation: Worked on by WhoIsJG Here below is a picture of what the map looks like. This map is just run cover and shot. Kind of good for a sniper.

Fuel Deport: Here below is a picture of what the map looks like. I my self have never played here so not much to say.


Mansion: Will be the biggest map. and can exceed the limit of size.

Mausoleum: Worked on by Grave Also a big map and can exceed the limit of size.

Roof Top:

Tyro Station:

How things fall in:
First the maps must all be done and together.
During the time of these maps being done the units models and gun models should be done.
Those will be combined together. Then the person making the units will put names together with the models and names on the guns. In addition, what damage he thinks shall fit well for the guns. Then after this is done the trigger person will be put to the test. Making triggers for the vote system and the selected map system while incorporating the gun system which Gravedigger and jackal had said. While putting in a movement trigger. Then after completed will be sent to another trigger person to touch up any lose ends. And then be sent to me to finish up which will by then hopefully have a loading screen.!

Credit: Im not a dick I know who deserver’s credit and I know how hard it is to do the things I ask for. Credit will be received greatly

Please guys i think this could become on of the top of the line maps. But i cant do it alone. Come Join the team!

I can use the help in any area unless it is full if it says full in that area then i dont need help there.


Are you plannig on making this actually going to play a lot like Gears of War? If so, I'd be willing to be the combiner, a trigger person, and create a battlefield (altough I'm not that good at terraining). It would also be cool if you had someone work on the UI, to make it work better for a game like this. You could also make an animated model for aiming. When you aim your gun at someone it will turn red. The camera follows your character. You have a fire ability that makes your gun fire as well as a take cover ability that makes you take cover, and an aim ability that is fire, but it fires wherever you point the aiming reticule. It could be very possible to make it a lot like Gears of War. I won't be able to start helping you right away. If you send me the stuff I should be able to start by August 23rd though.


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Well, I'll be honest. I have never played Gears of War, let alone seen a screenshot of it. What I do know however, is it is a gun game.

Well, here is some stuff that you may find useful.

Custom made Sniper Rifle with a scope for extreme range shooting. Zoom in at enemies from longer distances and snipe them.

Third Person Movement and View. Lets you view your hero in third person view rather than a bird's eye view. Can also make your hero move using the arrow keys.


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Okay i will give you more info as i get closer, i need like a week to sketch what it will look like. But i want it to be some what like Gears of War. Kinda like the 360 live on warcraft 3. I think that would really make wc3 fun, to have a real shoting game on there to play. I wil work on a layout of what should be done and repost it in the frist post. It would be great if you guys would help. I hope to have a beta of something by end of december if all goes well and we have a big group to work on the project.

Custom made Sniper Rifle with a scope for extreme range shooting. Zoom in at enemies from longer distances and snipe them.
That is great but, is it possible for you to make the scoop move while in it. Without the unit moveing?


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I will mange the project, and will also work on the triggers. Im at the moment if this project starts i will make a website for it.


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I my self have decided to put the project together(map Levels). As it will be simpler easyer for every one. At the top i posted what the levels will be like. If the levels can be created to about 96 by 96 should be able to fit all in. Once the completion of the levels are done, another guy hopefull will have one will be completing the models of the units. While a gun makes the models of the guns. By the time thats done should have that incoparted into the project then on to the triggers. I will leave a list at top.


I could make a level, then if everyone sends me all the stuff, add it to the level. That way I could have everything setup correctly (weapon pickups, stuff you can take cover behind, etc.)


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mm... ya know if you make this map its going to be a lag whore for most people.... wc3 isn't really the best at up close gaming...


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
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aw...what is this?
A campaigns? Aos map? TD def map?

expect that i dont even know Gears of War is....please be explain what it is...
If you need my help, i would be the spell maker...

Before that, please answer my question


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This is more of a shooting game. Have you ever played elimination tourny for wc3.

Kinda like halo if youve played that. Heres a clip of what its about.

the player is half retarded but it kinda what its like. Of course i wont be able to get it at 100% like this du. But i want something that will be enjoyble. And show that it was really worked on.

"mm... ya know if you make this map its going to be a lag whore for most people.... wc3 isn't really the best at up close gaming..."

It could it could not be, its not going to be that bad. Its not like theres going to be 10000 units a 100000 triggers or a 10000 new coustom spells. Nor much inported things.

"aw...what is this?
A campaigns? Aos map? TD def map?

expect that i dont even know Gears of War is....please be explain what it is...
If you need my help, i would be the spell maker...

Before that, please answer my question"

I could use u ase a spell maker but.... if your good at triggering i could use that. If you want to do the spells that is fine. I do need some one ill put you down for that. I will post to you when i need you to make the spells. Hopefully ill have some one that can model the guys. But i can tell you what i need done for the spells.

"I could make a level, then if everyone sends me all the stuff, add it to the level. That way I could have everything setup correctly (weapon pickups, stuff you can take cover behind, etc.)"

Just make the level. I or some one else will make the weapons and put them in. Just put things to cover by. Like a invuble create or something. After all the levels are made then i will worry about the weapons.

Thanks guy!


hey id like to b a triggerer or manager im pretty good at triggering :p


"I could make a level, then if everyone sends me all the stuff, add it to the level. That way I could have everything setup correctly (weapon pickups, stuff you can take cover behind, etc.)"

Just make the level. I or some one else will make the weapons and put them in. Just put things to cover by. Like a invuble create or something. After all the levels are made then i will worry about the weapons.

Thanks guy!

What I was trying to say is, if I'm going to be the battlefield designer, then I might as well be the combiner too. All the stuff, weapons, triggers, etc., is going to have to be imported into the battlefield anyways. Also, I'm pretty good with tirggers, so I could put in many of the triggers myself. Also, why would you make two of the battlefields bigger then the max size, because then you can't play multiplayer anyways. Also it would be pretty cool if you could have someone make bots for this. My favorite map is Mausoleum, I'll try to setup the basic terrain for it today, then I'll make Canals next, but that map would take forever to make in wc3 because of all the water and bridges and everything.


I've played a ton of Gears and would love to make one of the maps for this.

If no one has picked it yet Escalation is one of my favorite maps and would be fun to do in WC3.

Let me know.


I've played a ton of Gears and would love to make one of the maps for this.

If no one has picked it yet Escalation is one of my favorite maps and would be fun to do in WC3.

Let me know.

Escalation would probably be one of the hardest to make, but it is one of the better maps, I don't anyone would mind if you made it. Also, worldofdeath, why not get Raven Down instead of Rooftoops.


Not sure if you have covered this yet but I dont think using standard sized models for the COGs and Locust is a good idea. If this is going to be a third person game like Gears the terrain will be ugly that close up. I think you should pick a scale value for everyone to work off of.

For example if the Gunner model was to be used a scale value of 4 would be much better. Then the model will fill as much of the screen as they do in Gears and the terrain will look less fuzzy and more to scale.

This will of course result in the need for larger maps (larger than 96x96) but I think its necessary and will make for a better game.


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hey id like to b a triggerer or manager im pretty good at triggering :p

I could use you as a trigger. Are you advance in it like jass?
What I was trying to say is, if I'm going to be the battlefield designer, then I might as well be the combiner too. All the stuff, weapons, triggers, etc., is going to have to be imported into the battlefield anyways. Also, I'm pretty good with tirggers, so I could put in many of the triggers myself. Also, why would you make two of the battlefields bigger then the max size, because then you can't play multiplayer anyways. Also it would be pretty cool if you could have someone make bots for this. My favorite map is Mausoleum, I'll try to setup the basic terrain for it today, then I'll make Canals next, but that map would take forever to make in wc3 because of all the water and bridges and everything.
Okay i see what your geting at but, im thinking if the maps are made frist. (all of them) then we can start inploying the guns and stuff. Bec im still looking for some one that can model for me. The guns and the models of the guys and it dosnt even have to be alot just a model for good and one for bad. But have the colour on there arm or something. I may do some research and see if i can get some on to do this. But if any one can please step up.

I've played a ton of Gears and would love to make one of the maps for this.

If no one has picked it yet Escalation is one of my favorite maps and would be fun to do in WC3.

Let me know.
If you can do it then your in. But it will be hard.
Escalation would probably be one of the hardest to make, but it is one of the better maps, I don't anyone would mind if you made it. Also, worldofdeath, why not get Raven Down instead of Rooftoops.

If you could get a pictuer layout of Raven Down then add it and ill add it to the list.
Not sure if you have covered this yet but I dont think using standard sized models for the COGs and Locust is a good idea. If this is going to be a third person game like Gears the terrain will be ugly that close up. I think you should pick a scale value for everyone to work off of.

For example if the Gunner model was to be used a scale value of 4 would be much better. Then the model will fill as much of the screen as they do in Gears and the terrain will look less fuzzy and more to scale.

This will of course result in the need for larger maps (larger than 96x96) but I think its necessary and will make for a better game.

Im still trying to figuer how im going to work that out. But your right the maps should be bigger you think 128 will be good. Theres going to be like 12 maps to chose so, i dont want the game that big.

I will try to find a guy for the modeling give me till sat. Umm i can use more triggers. I my self will work on a map. But i will probley be done last been busy lately.

I will do Canals so leave that to me unless its been started.


You up for spell creator. They will need to be triggerd but i need models frist.
You in?
Thanks man.


Once map is completed either post here or send one to me and grave. And or if its grave send me a copy. To see whats going on. Sound good?


If the model scale is going to be increased on player models than any map work to date will have to be re-done. Thats why we need to answer to that.


I could use you as a trigger. Are you advance in it like jass?

Okay i see what your geting at but, im thinking if the maps are made frist. (all of them) then we can start inploying the guns and stuff. Bec im still looking for some one that can model for me. The guns and the models of the guys and it dosnt even have to be alot just a model for good and one for bad. But have the colour on there arm or something. I may do some research and see if i can get some on to do this. But if any one can please step up.

If you can do it then your in. But it will be hard.

If you could get a pictuer layout of Raven Down then add it and ill add it to the list.

Im still trying to figuer how im going to work that out. But your right the maps should be bigger you think 128 will be good. Theres going to be like 12 maps to chose so, i dont want the game that big.

I will try to find a guy for the modeling give me till sat. Umm i can use more triggers. I my self will work on a map. But i will probley be done last been busy lately.

I will do Canals so leave that to me unless its been started.


You up for spell creator. They will need to be triggerd but i need models frist.
You in?
Thanks man.


Once map is completed either post here or send one to me and grave. And or if its grave send me a copy. To see whats going on. Sound good?

I already have a system setup that I am going to add to this that allows for third person shooters. I am going to have to modify it for a Gears of War map. I also have a system that could be used to vote for the mode. Once I add both of these, most of the triggering will be done, as I have already added the movement system by VIRUS_OF_MADNESS. Whats would be needed is the sprint, duck, and maybe a jump ability setup. Escalation created by WhoisJG, animated models for the weapons with projectiles, (lancer also needs a spell slam where it does a chainsaw attack), models for the Cog and Locust Horde need to be created, an aiming reticule and a scope need to be created, a custom UI, loading screen and minimap preview, and some maps could be created by worldofDeath or WhoisJG. I will create Mausoleum, then Raven Down, War Machine, Fuel Depot, Gridlock, one of the new maps, Tyro Station, then the other new map.
worldofDeath will create Canals (be sure to put in the water and everything, it is possible). Although I know how to put multiple maps into one, and have done it myself, I don't think it's a good idea for this project, instead they will be done as 12 copys of the same map with different terrain. Also some maps will support more then 8 players, for example, Mausoleum will support 10, and Canals and Raven Down will support 12. I have played Raven Down and War Machine many times, so I can make them without a picture.
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