still needs a good damage detection system.
should also use a decent random number system since the editors build in random is not known to be the brightest star on the nightsky.
Accname said:we do not know how much damage the attack will deal since it hasnt landed so far and we cannot use any event response for it.
Ashlebede said:Constant damage factor
Accname said:for every units whichs "combat - attack point" value is not equal to 0.00 this event can glitch if the player is mass issueing his unit to attack a target. because the event will fire each time the unit is "trying" to hit the enemy, a.k.a. "attacking". and you can order to attack => event firing, before attack is done order to attack => event is firing.
this can be done without waiting for any attack cooldown which gives us incredible attack speed + critical strike = imbalanced hero of hell.
and i doubt you could call an ability critical strike if it would deal constant damage