(Leak and Lag) Is this trigger ok?


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hi all and thanks in advance for your help and comment.
i am an average or basic triggerer since i can't use Jass, and i am not very familiar with memory used by trigger, so i would like to check with you all if these trigger are ok, or if there is a way to improve them....

please i don't know how to put the trigger tag to make it more lisible, so can a moderator do it for me and explain mle how to do it too. ^^
edit: i figured it out so no need to teach me how to put the trigge tag :p
  • trigger
    • Events
      • Temps - Elapsed game time is 1.00 seconds
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Set Center_point = (Center of Lake <gen>)
      • Set X = (X of Center_point)
      • Set Y = (Y of Center_point)
      • For each (Integer A) from 1 to 181, do (Actions)
        • Boucle - Actions
          • Wait 0.01 seconds
          • Set Y = (Y - 128.00)
          • Set X = (X of Center_point)
          • For each (Integer B) from 1 to 181, do (Actions)
            • Boucle - Actions
              • Set X = (X + 128.00)
              • Set Temp_point = (Point(X, Y))
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • Si - Conditions
                  • (Terrain type at Temp_point) = Ashenvale - Touffes d'herbe
                • Alors - Actions
                  • Set MountainN = (MountainN + 1)
                  • Environnement - Create a 0.01 second Permanent crater deformation at Temp_point with radius 128.00 and depth -128.00
                  • Environnement - Change terrain type at Temp_point to Summer de Lordaeron - Rochers using variation -1 in an area of size 1 and shape Square
                  • Destructible - Create a Obstacle chemin (Sol) (Grand) at Temp_point facing (Random angle) with scale 1.00 and variation 0
                  • Set Mountain[MountainN] = (Point((X of Temp_point), (Y of Temp_point)))
                • Sinon - Actions
                  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    • Si - Conditions
                      • (Terrain type at Temp_point) = Summer de Lordaeron - Terre
                    • Alors - Actions
                      • Set MountainN = (MountainN + 1)
                      • Environnement - Create a 0.01 second Permanent crater deformation at Temp_point with radius 128.00 and depth -384.00
                      • Environnement - Change terrain type at Temp_point to Summer de Lordaeron - Rochers using variation -1 in an area of size 1 and shape Square
                      • Destructible - Create a Obstacle chemin (Sol) (Grand) at Temp_point facing (Random angle) with scale 1.00 and variation 0
                      • Set Mountain[MountainN] = (Point((X of Temp_point), (Y of Temp_point)))
                    • Sinon - Actions
                      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                        • Si - Conditions
                          • (Terrain type at Temp_point) Egal Ã_ Ashenvale - Vignes
                        • Alors - Actions
                          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                            • Si - Conditions
                              • (Random integer number between 1 and 10) <= 3
                            • Alors - Actions
                              • Set TreeN = (TreeN + 1)
                              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                                • Si - Conditions
                                  • (Random integer number between 1 and 3) = 1
                                • Alors - Actions
                                  • Destructible - Create a Mur d'arbres de ville automnale at Temp_point facing (Random angle) with scale 1.00 and variation 0
                                  • Set Tree1[TreeN] = (Last created destructible)
                                  • Destructible - Masquer Tree1[TreeN]
                                  • Destructible - Create a Mur d'arbres de ville snow at Temp_point facing (Random angle) with scale 1.00 and variation 0
                                  • Set Tree2[TreeN] = (Last created destructible)
                                  • Destructible - Masquer Tree2[TreeN]
                                  • Destructible - Create a Mur d'arbres de ville Summer at Temp_point facing (Random angle) with scale 1.00 and variation 0
                                  • Set Tree0[TreeN] = (Last created destructible)
                                • Sinon - Actions
                                  • Destructible - Create a Mur d'arbre automne at Temp_point facing (Random angle) with scale 1.00 and variation 0
                                  • Set Tree1[TreeN] = (Last created destructible)
                                  • Destructible - Masquer Tree1[TreeN]
                                  • Destructible - Create a Mur d'arbre Snow at Temp_point facing (Random angle) with scale 1.00 and variation 0
                                  • Set Tree2[TreeN] = (Last created destructible)
                                  • Destructible - Masquer Tree2[TreeN]
                                  • Destructible - Create a Mur d'arbres Summer at Temp_point facing (Random angle) with scale 1.00 and variation 0
                                  • Set Tree0[TreeN] = (Last created destructible)
                            • Sinon - Actions
                              • Environnement - Change terrain type at Temp_point to Summer de Lordaeron - Herbe using variation -1 in an area of size 1 and shape Square
                        • Sinon - Actions
                          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                            • Si - Conditions
                              • (Terrain type at Temp_point) Egal Ã_ Ruines englouties - Sable
                            • Alors - Actions
                              • Set SandN = (SandN + 1)
                              • Set Sand[SandN] = (Point((X of Temp_point), (Y of Temp_point)))
                            • Sinon - Actions
                              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                                • Si - Conditions
                                  • (Terrain type at Temp_point) = Ruines englouties - Terre herbeuse
                                • Alors - Actions
                                  • Set WaterN = (WaterN + 1)
                                  • Environnement - Create a 0.01 second Permanent crater deformation at Temp_point with radius 128.00 and depth 64.00
                                  • Destructible - Create a Obstacle chemin (Sol) (Grand) at Temp_point facing (Random angle) with scale 1.00 and variation 0
                                  • Set PathBlocker[WaterN] = (Last created destructible)
                                  • Set Water[WaterN] = (Point((X of Temp_point), (Y of Temp_point)))
                                • Sinon - Actions
              • Custom script: call RemoveLocation( udg_Temp_point )

Ok i will post trigger one at a time, but i will explain first the goal of these trigger so you can help me more efficiently.
this trigger run the whole map ((160x160) square by square, and detect the terrain type, store the sand terrain type into a point variable (shallow water), the grassy sand same (deep water), the summer lorderon dirt and ashenvale moss same (mountain), create randomly tree (2 chance out of 10) in the ashenvale vigne terrain and store each tree into a destructible variable (tree0,1,2) and hide them to show only summer tree. it also add pathblocker in the mountain and deep water and put the water blocker into a destructible variable (pathbloker)

it take something like 16 or 22 second to run through the whole map. so first is this trigger ok, or is it bad?

i write the following trigger down: (here is a bug, some of the terrain and tree doesn't change only the upper map to 2/3 are updated, but the lower map doesn't update tree and terrain) someone can help fix this??

when the season change it run this trigger:
  • Winter
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Set Temp_point = (Point(-512.00, 0.00))
      • Environnement - Change terrain type at Temp_point to Hiver de Lordaeron - Falaise Snow using variation -1 in an area of size 91 and shape square
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation( udg_Temp_point )
      • Trigger - Run Winter loop <gen> (checking conditions)

  • Winter loop
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Set TempN = 0
      • For each (Integer A) from 1 to 3000, do (Actions)
        • Boucle - Actions
          • Set TempN = (TempN + 1)
          • If (TempN > WaterN) then do (Do nothing) else do (Trigger - Run Winter water <gen> (checking conditions))
          • If (TempN > SandN) then do (Do nothing) else do (Trigger - Run Winter sand <gen> (checking conditions))
          • If (TempN > TreeN) then do (Do nothing) else do (Trigger - Run Tree snow <gen> (checking conditions))
          • If (TempN > MountainN) then do (Do nothing) else do (Trigger - Run Mountain <gen> (checking conditions))

  • Winter sand
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Environnement - Create a 0.01 second Permanent crater deformation at Sand[TempN] with radius 128.00 and depth -64.00
      • Environnement - Change terrain type at Sand[TempN] to Glacier d'Icecrown - Glace using variation -1 in an area of size 1 and shape square

  • Winter water
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Environnement - Create a 0.01 second Permanent crater deformation at Water[TempN] with radius 128.00 and depth -128.00
      • Environnement - Change terrain type at Water[TempN] to Glacier d'Icecrown - Glace sombre using variation -1 in an area of size 1 and shape Square
      • Destructible - Kill PathBlocker[TempN]

  • Tree snow
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Set Temp_point = (Position of Tree0[TempN])
      • Destructible - Masquer Tree0[TempN]
      • Destructible - Masquer Tree1[TempN]
      • Destructible - Montrer Tree2[TempN]
      • Environnement - Change terrain type at Temp_point to Ashenvale - Vignes using variation -1 in an area of size 1 and shape Square
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation( udg_Temp_point )

  • Mountain
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Environnement - Change terrain type at Mountain[TempN] to Eté de Lordaeron - Rochers using variation -1 in an area of size 1 and shape Square


Visitor (Welcome to the Jungle, Baby!)
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LOLOLOLOLOLOL for this long....................................... trigger. Ur coding quite good.


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Hmm, every second those actions r spawned... Every second u show text messages etc, hmm i dunno, i think it will cause lags. Myb there r leaks, too tired to look @ the 1km code. Why do u use a wait? My advise is, separate those actions into many triggers. Btw can u explain what is this trigger for, myb we can construct it another way

For each (Integer A) from 1 to 181, do (Actions)
This is very much, it will cause lags 4 sure...


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the first trigger run only once at start of game and the text display only once at the end of the trigger ( if integer A 181 and integer 181) display text.
so it show only once the text

ps the first part i might slow down a bit but i don't think it really lag, the real issue is when the season change, while testing there is a little freeze or lag period, i am not sure if it is my imagination or because the whole terrain change, but i am affraid that online with slow computer it may desync....

when season change: i hide all tree from map and show all tree back but in there winter form, at same time i paste all the map snow, and then i replace the snow on mountain to rock, the snow on river to ice and on deep water to ice dark... i don't know if it is well triggered or if i should put some wait or do it differently, i have no idea how to detect lag or to detect memory used by trigger....


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Bump ^^

hum not much comment....
so i guess the trigger don't need to be perfected, or maybe my explaination aren't good enough?

anyway i would like to ask something more:

1) what is the max number for an integer in gui (to avoid lag or bug)?

2) what is the number max of destructible to be in game in a map (not lagging or creating problem) ?

3) what happen when u use the hide/show destructible, is the hidden destructible still in the memory but not in game anymore?
if that is so last question:

4) if i have 3000 destructible of 3 types wich mean i create 6000 destructible hidden and 3000 visible in order to make my replace tree trigger, i replace all 3000 tree by next 3000 tree and hide the first one this trigger occure once every 15 min or so.
is it better to have 9000 destructible (6000 hidden, 3000 visible)?
or better to have 3000 tree and remove them and create 3000 new destructible at position of old one?

in term of memory leak or lag wich one is better?


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hum not much comment....
so i guess the trigger don't need to be perfected, or maybe my explaination aren't good enough?

anyway i would like to ask something more:

1) what is the max number for an integer in gui (to avoid lag or bug)?

2) what is the number max of destructible to be in game in a map (not lagging or creating problem) ?

3) what happen when u use the hide/show destructible, is the hidden destructible still in the memory but not in game anymore?
if that is so last question:

4) if i have 3000 destructible of 3 types wich mean i create 6000 destructible hidden and 3000 visible in order to make my replace tree trigger, i replace all 3000 tree by next 3000 tree and hide the first one this trigger occure once every 15 min or so.
is it better to have 9000 destructible (6000 hidden, 3000 visible)?
or better to have 3000 tree and remove them and create 3000 new destructible at position of old one?

in term of memory leak or lag wich one is better?

1. Far more than you could ever need. What matters isn't the integer, it's what you do with it. Looping no actions 200 times won't take much memory, but looping a "create unit" action 200 times might lag a bit.
2. That probably also varies depending on destructible polycount and how much players interact with them.
3. I think it's in the memory.
4. Didn't understand this, I blame fever.


Visitor (Welcome to the Jungle, Baby!)
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Whoa, I am mad when you are trying to make those kinda crazy thingy. About your fourth question, default world editor had limit the number of destrubtible on a map, so use JNGP to overcome it.


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thank for your time

Well kingkingyyk3, i don't have problem with the We because i create all the destructible tree in Game at map start...

Sajberhippie sorry not to be precise, so i add this:

what happen when u create 6100+ tree(loarderon summer) hide them, then create 6100+ tree(loarderon fall) hide them, then create 6100+ tree(loarderon snow) (not hide)....

and then use a loop that for each integer from 1 to 6100+ action:
hide tree(snow)
show tree(summer)

(in game memory 18300 tree, but the changing is fast) doest it take a lot of memory?

on the other hand i could do create 6100+ tree set position of last created destructible to Point(x)

and then use loop for each integer from 1 to 6100+
remove tree(snow)
create destructible tree(summer) at Point(integerA)
set last created destructible = tree

(only 6100+ tree, but removing / creating might lag or use lot of memory at once...?

EDIT : (bump)
I added an edit at the top page, my trigger seems to bug because the loop is too high maybe, can i request some help?
thanks in advance ^^

Ok i solved it on my own, it look like it really was the integerA loop was too high, so i cut the loop into loop of 2000, because it seem that 2000 or less is the safe loop number for my trigger
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