[Need]Hero - Ideas


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Both ideas are very original and neat! I would +rep if I could.

Though, sjakie's idea with catapult.. I am no sure I can make catapult as hero. That would look stupid. :D No offense, try to find an alternative model for this hero.


Cookie Be Awesome!
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Awwww, I based him completely around his model. I thought meat wagons as heroes would be instant win.:p


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Awwww, I based him completely around his model. I thought meat wagons as heroes would be instant win.:p
Ooh, if you don't mind I'd like to base a hero on your concept, it's very neat, a meat wagon hero never crossed my mind.


Cookie Be Awesome!
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For now, the concept is for Furby. If he decides not to used it, Id say: knock yourself out. ;)


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Well, I am good with it if he wants to use it. I don't think I will use hero with Meat Wagon model, but if so, I'll use same abilities or edited little and with another model.


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Some hero ideas I posted in another thread.

Gnoll Warden -

Passive - Gnoll Mace (No damage but increased stun with knock back).
Castable - The Hunter (Wind walk that only works near the hill).
Castable - Crude Trap - When a unit walks over an area that this has been cast on, the unit takes damage and is stunned.
Ultimate - Mindless Rage - When a enemy unit is on the his teams side, he deals more damage and receives less, when the warden is on the enemies side his movement and attack speed increases.


Voodoo Lord
Passive - Voodoo Aura - Enemy units loose a small percentage of health when attacking nearby allies (Like 1 - 3 %) and nearby allies gain 5/10/15 health per attack.
Castable - Serpent Circle - Creates a circle of serpent wards that deal little damage but can trap enemy units
Castable - Zombie Powder - Sprinkles an area with powder dealing minor damage, but if a unit dies under this effect, it becomes a mindless zombie for the Voodoo Lord
Ultimate - (I can't think of a name) - Increases the damage of the serpent wards. Increases the life lost of the Voodoo Aura as well as the life gained. Increases the AOE of Zombie Powder.


Ogre Warlord
Passive - ME STRONG! - Give a bonus to his strength.
Castable - ME SMASH! - Charges an attack then runs to a unit and hits it, stunning and dealing damage
Castable - ME STOMP! - A % chance to deal damage in an area.
Ultimate - ME KILL! - Slams a unit with a large knock back dealing lots of damage. If the unit contacts any other units, they are knocked back as well, but take only minor damage.


Legendary Black Dragon
Castable - Flame Blast - Ignites a unit dealing damage over time. If a unit was caught with in 100 range of the blast it takes extra damage and burns longer.
Passive - Heart of a Dragon - When the Black Dragon is near death he becomes invulnerable for a few seconds.
Castable Vomit - Covers a unit in vomit, decreasing it's move speed and attack speed, as well as giving it a chance to miss. This unit leaves a trail of vomit behind him, if it is ignited, the entire trail ignites.
Ultimate - Spawn welps - Spawns a red green and blue welp, each with special abilities. Red ignites units it his, blue has frost breath green has slow poison.


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Thank you Tru_Power22!

Most of your ideas are real cool! Me likes dragon the most! I'm sure I'll implement this hero, it'll be pwnage. :)



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Frost Naga

Name: Dorathea


Frost Ward: Dorathea summnos a Frost Ward at target location slowing nearby units that comes with range and give them Frost Buff

Level 1: 500 Range 10% slow
Level 2: 750 Range 10% slow
Level 3: 1000 Range 10% slow

Frozen Soul: The soul in Dorathea leaps out at nearby target and chilling it and then bounce to nearby targets before returning to the body. If striked target are affected by Frost Buff they will also be frozed for some time. A unit can only be striked once.

Level 1: 80 Dmg, 3 Bounce, (0.5 Frezee)
Level 2: 140 Dmg, 5 Bounce, (1 Frezee)
Level 3: 200 Dmg, 7 Bounce, (1.5 Frezee)

Ice Shield: Dorathea channels chilling power creates a Ice Shiled at target blocking all damage for a small ammounts of attacks

Level 1: Blocks 2 Attacks
Level 2: Blocks 4 Attacks
Level 3: Blocks 6 Attacks

Frost Arrows (Ultimate)

once a while the Frost Naga gets a chance to fire a Frost arrow
slowing it for some time. Frost Arrows will have greater effect if target is affected by Frost Buff

Level 1: Every 8 Attack 50% chance to cast, 5% slow(10% if target has Frost Buff)

Level 2: Every 6 Attack 60% chance to cast,10% slow( 15% if target has Frost Buff)

Level 3: Every 4 Attack 70% chance to cast,15 Slow(20% if target has Frost Buff)


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Me likes your hero Pot. I kinda' don't like passive ultimates but life is a change and I will need heroes of every type. :D


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Hero Name
Puppet Master

Primary Attribute: Intelligence (great)
Strength (moderate), Agility (very low)
Atk Range 600
Armor(base): 0-3

First spell.
Puppeteer's Hold
The Puppet Master ties up a target enemy with puppet strings. The strings slow down the enemy's attack speed and restrain movement.

Action Target
Type Enemy Units
Type: Magic
Range: 500
Radius: 400
Cast Time: 1.7 Seconds
Mana Cost: 115 / 140 / 165 / 205
Cooldown: 14.0 Seconds
Required Level: 1 / 3 / 5 / 7
Applies Puppeteer's Hold to target for 3 / 3.75 / 4.5 / 5.25 seconds. Target is constantly pushed toward the position he was at when Puppeteer's Hold was applied. If the target moves too far from this location, it will be forced back to the original position.
Status Effect
-10 / -15 / -20 / -25 Attack Speed

Puppet Show
The Puppet Master enslaves an enemy unit as his Puppet. The target is driven crazy and will attack the nearest unit, be it friend or foe.

Action Target
Type Enemy Units
Type: Magic
Range: 700
Radius: 250 / 300 / 350 / 400
Cast Time: 1.7 Seconds
Mana Cost: 125 / 140 / 155 / 170
Cooldown: 30.0 / 28.0 / 26.0 / 24.0 Seconds
Required Level: 1 / 3 / 5 / 7
Applies Craze Puppet to target for 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 seconds. If target comes within a 250 / 300 / 350 / 400 radius of any unit while Craze Puppet is active, it will be forced to attack that target until Crazy Puppet wears off.
Craze Puppet Effects
Forced to attack closest unit in a 250 / 300 / 350 / 400 radius

Imbuing his attack with his magical Puppet Strings, the Puppet Master is able to increase his base damage and unleash devastating attacks that damage multiple enemies.

Action Passive
6 / 12 / 18 / 24% Base Damage
Required Level: 1 / 3 / 5 / 7
On Attack
On every 5th attack, attacks do 125 / 150 / 175 / 200% normal damage and apply 25 / 50 / 70 / 100% splash damage in radius of 200.

Voodoo Puppet
The Puppet Master imbues the essence of a target enemy in his Puppet. The Puppet can then be attacked by the Puppet Master or any of his allies. The puppet takes increased damage, and transfers damage taken to the target as Magic damage.

Action Target
Type Enemy Units
Type: SuperiorMagic
Range: 600
Cast Time: 1.7 Seconds
Mana Cost: 150 / 200 / 250
Cooldown: 150.0 Seconds
Required Level: 6 / 11 / 16
Spawns a Puppet near self that is linked to target.

Any damage taken by the Puppet is transferred in full to the target as Magic damage, regardless of the Puppet's remaining health.

The Puppet has a maximum health of 450 / 700 / 950 and takes 160 / 180 / 210% damage.

Lasts until target gets more than 1500 units away from spawned Puppet, or until Puppet is killed.


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I'm sorry NoobImbaPro, but I don't want to copy Heroes of Newerth even if that's not warcraft 3. :) Maybe later... maybe.. but I'm sure I won't make same hero as in HoN. Thanks anyway.


Cookie Be Awesome!
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I'm sorry NoobImbaPro, but I don't want to copy Heroes of Newerth even if that's not warcraft 3. :) Maybe later... maybe.. but I'm sure I won't make same hero as in HoN. Thanks anyway.

And you said MY puppet master was a ripp-off?:p


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ok HoN is not on warcraft so many ppl will like the idea of the puppeteer because is the most interesting and the spell triggers will make you sharp your mind because they are too difficult.


Cookie Be Awesome!
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Name: Gravedigger
Proper Name: Flatnose
Model File: Kobold Geomancer
Attack Range: 100 (Melee)
Strength = High
Agility = Medium
Intelligence = Low


Massive Burial (Active, no target, channeling)
The Gravedigger generates a sinkhole beneath him and slowly starts drawing all nearby enemies into it. Once caught in the flow of earth, enemies will be rendered unable to move and drown as they are slowly dragged towards Flatsnout.

Level 1 - Deals 30 damage per second. Lasts up to 3 seconds.
Level 2 - Deals 40 damage per second. Lasts up to 3.7 seconds.
Level 3 - Deals 50 damage per second. Lasts up to 4.4 seconds.
Level 4 - Deals 60 damage per second. Lasts up to 5 seconds.

Manacost: 140/140/140/140 mana
Cooldown: 38/36/34/32 seconds
Casting Time: Instant/instant/instant/instant
Casting Range: 300/350/400/450 radius
Dragging Speed: 100/100/100/100 units of distance per second


Funeral Rite (Active, no target)
The Gravedigger preforms a funeral rite and casts a dark curse over nearby enemies. They take increased damage, of which a portion is sent to Flatsnout by means of regeneration. If the enemies die under this effect, Flatsnout takes credit for their funeral from the deities and is blessed with additional maximum health.

Level 1 - Enemies take 10% additional damage for 4 seconds. 5% of their damage taken is transferred to the Gravedigger. Killing a creep under this effect grants the gravedigger +0.5 maximum health, whilst a hero will give 5.
Level 2 - Enemies take 15% additional damage for 4 seconds. 10% of their damage taken is transferred to the Gravedigger. Killing a creep under this effect grants the gravedigger +1 maximum health, whilst a hero will give 10.
Level 3 - Enemies take 20% additional damage for 5 seconds. 15% of their damage taken is transferred to the Gravedigger. Killing a creep under this effect grants the gravedigger +1.5 maximum health, whilst a hero will give 15.
Level 4 - Enemies take 25% additional damage for 5 seconds. 20% of their damage taken is transferred to the Gravedigger. Killing a creep under this effect grants the gravedigger +2 maximum health, whilst a hero will give 20.

Manacost: 120/140/160/180 mana
Cooldown: 36/34/32/30 seconds
Casting Time: Instant/instant/instant/instant
Casting Range: 350/350/350/350 radius


Overpowering Pickaxe (Passive)
Using his vitality and strength, Flatnose overpowered his opponents and deals their difference in life force as bonus damage. Does not apply if the opponent has more health than Flatnose.

Level 1 - Deals 10% of the difference in current health as bonus damage.
Level 2 - Deals 15% of the difference in current health as bonus damage.
Level 3 - Deals 20% of the difference in current health as bonus damage.
Level 4 - Deals 25% of the difference in current health as bonus damage.

Manacost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Casting Time: N/A
Casting Range: N/S


Catastrophe (Active, no target)
The Gravedigger slams the ground and triggers a massive shockwave, stunning nearby enemies, followed by a wave of earth that consumes
them. They are heavily damaged and trapped into the earth, after which they slowly crawl out and regain their movement.

Level 1 - Deals 250 damage. Stuns for 1 second after which movement is regained over 3 seconds.
Level 2 - Deals 350 damage. Stuns for 1 second after which movement is regained over 4 seconds.
Level 3 - Deals 450 damage. Stuns for 1 second after which movement is regained over 5 seconds.

Manacost: 180/200/220 mana
Cooldown: 80/70/60 seconds
Casting Time: Instant/Instant/Instant
Casting Range: 450/450/450 radius

The Gravedigger functions well alone and in teams. He has this slight lack of mana you might want to make up with one magic item, as well as he is craving for cleaving. Its thus best to buy him both these when playing him.

-Massive Burial is a killer. Drag enemies towards towers or your allies, disabling them all and allowing the tower or your buddies to destroy them. Best of all is that they will all be close enough for Funeral Rite and Catastrophe by the end of this skill. Follow this up with overpowering pickaxe and -possibly- cleaving, and youll have a monstrous combo. Be careful however not to miss any nearby enemies. You are very vulnerable during this skill and have no other skills to cover you while channeling. The only protection you might have is Funeral Rite, which can heal you as Mass Burial damages the victims.

-Funeral Rite is preformed in combination with all your others skills or simply used during farming to boost your health. It is required to make Overpowering Pickaxe kick ass, after all. After using Mass Burial however, you are sure of a perfect hit with this skill. Followed up by Catastrophe, it deals additional damage, you gain a lot of health, and you will have all the survivors trapped.

-Overpowering Pickaxe seems simple, but plays an important role in this hero. It is seemingly useless at the start of a fight, but will allow you to last-hit virtually anything with ease. Eventually, you will probably have by far more health than your agility and intelligence opponents and deal permanent great damage against them as well. Combine this with cleaving when attacking the weakest enemy after Mass Burial to deal impressive damage against larger groups.

-Catastrophe is a boring skill, yet vital. Its AOE brutally tears any nearby enemy apart, especially with Funeral Rite active. It allows you to last-hit heroes but, more important, every creep in a large group, to gain large amounts of health at once. At least as important is the stun and slow of this skill. Gravedigger has little chasing potential and can seize his chance to slay near-death opponents with his Overpowering Pickaxe before they fully regain their movement, giving him health to become stronger in return.


Current occupation: News poster
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Cool one sjakie's this one is really pure originality, never heard of hero like that. Though, his ulti is kinda.. how to say it.. it's nothing very interesting, so if you come up with better idea just edit.. if you don't then don't worry. :)
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