WIP Oddworld - The only SurvivalRPG/Hero Siege/Aos/Boss Arena map!


~Choco Coronet~ Omnomnom
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Oddworld - has nothing to do with Abe

The Story:

While on a regular Militia patrol, you and your friends were sucked into a vortex. After the journey through the twisting nether, you found yourself in a strange place, in another world.

The Map:

The map is supposed to be played by 4-6 players. The players are all in a team, trying to survive from the start. The idea was, since many map types are common today, to make a one shot map that tries to compile everything into one. There is a story progression, and several types of maps are compiled in the story.

The Idea:

It mostly came from playing Pokemon Pearl and visiting Snowpoint city. The actual map has nothing to do with Pokemon, but a man in Snowpoint city said: We have nothing! That's what makes us so special. Which is why i took a bunch of already done ideas and converted them into a single map.

The Map (continued):

The map is divided into four parts:

The Hero Siege (or Survival) Part:

This is the first part of the game. When you enter the game you will have one non-choose able hero. This will be the Militia. It can fight, but it's kinda bad really. When you enter the game, you will have time to compensate for lag or anything else, as the game doesn't start until you move down to explore. Here you will meet a Paladin who has been wounded, and he will tell you about what's going on. And then leave, leaving you to defend yourselves as best as you can against a horde of oncoming demons. The demons vary from lowly hell hounds to relatively strong Rage Demons. Since your fighting skills are at least okay, you will be able to survive the first couple of waves without much difficulty (hopefully). However, when Nightmares come, it will start being a challenge and a fight to survive. Luckily the Paladin can help you and train you to become one of the three other starting heroes: A knight (tank), a Priest (duh? healer), and a Paladin (support/damage). With your newfound abilities you should be able to turn the tide of the battle and maybe even reach the Demon Lord.

When you face the Demon Lord you should be careful, he can be really nasty to take on, but hopefully you can do it!

The Aos Part (second part) (IN DEVELOPMENT):

If and when you defeat the Demon Lord you will free some prisoners. They will explain to you what the situation is ahead.

This is 3 AI (4 if you count the boss) against you're team. All the AI heroes have been done now. You will face:
The Silver Assassin:
Fast hero that can blink from and into combat. Has critical strike and evasion and hits very quickly. If he gets to the healer or mage, they are probably going down in a few hits so keep your eye on him.
The Warlock:
A slow moving spellcaster. One of the Elite Warlocks, he presents a threat to anyone. He can hex, turning you into a pig. He can also cast curse which will sap 10 of all of your attributes for some time as well as make you miss on 40% of your attacks. He also has a pretty nasty chain fireball that stuns and deals damage. Finally, if you damage him, he will sap some of your mana.
The Pit Lord:
A relatively slow hero, with incredible power. Has the highest hit points of all AI heroes (twice as high as the Silver Assassin) and hits even harder, but slower. If he manages he can pummel you dealing heavy damage and stunning you. His attacks catch all the units around the main unit, cleaving them for 40% of the damage he deals. He also has a chance to release shockwaves when he hits, dealing 70 damage to units in a line.

The boss still isn't made, she will be made in the following versions.

There are four prisoners:

Tinker Yzarc who will make robot goblins to fight the demon orc armies (a.k.a your creeps)

Blacksmiths Cranky & Wiz who will make weapons and armor for you (These do not require gold, but rather when an enemy unit dies, it may drop salvagable metal scraps which you can use to purchase weapons and armor)

Chief Engineer Ralts will make towers when you conquer certain points on the path towards the next demon boss. He will need an escort when he does this, or he will die. However, the towers are a boost in keeping the demon orcs away from your base.

Transmuter Jinx who will transform you into new heroes. This is basically when the heroes get split into more heroes, and you will have a pick of 10 more heroes, that are mages, rogues and warriors and others.

Once you beat the Succubuss a new area of the map will open and this part will be over.

The Boss Battles Part (part three):

This is a very small arena type area, where you will face the guardian of the Demon who controls this realm. He will summon several bosses and finally fight you himself. This part is about tactics, disabling the bosses and survival. After you have beaten them all the final part of the map is revealed.

The Madworld (part four):

This part i am still figuring out. In any case, it will be a closed off area (once you enter, you can not leave) and you will technically constantly fight the Demon. However, you may be hexed randomly, and a lot of random effects will take place here. Also i hope i'll be able to terrain this part well, to represent the crazyness ^^

Well, now that i described the map, i will also mention some more or less important details:

-You may not die in this game - Death=Game Over. Maybe i'll add an ankh as an item, but i am determined to make it a hard game.
-The map itself is still small, weighing 218kb. Some icons may be added later on, hopefully it won't be too big ^^
-The heroes have 6 abilities. You start with 1 base ability that levels up every 5 levels (automatic). You will have 5 more learn able abilities. Three of these will be on level one, one is on level 5 and the ultimate is on level 10.
-There are certain abilities that will malfunction when you test this map alone. These will be militia abilities, as they are dependent on research (remember, you can only have 1 hero in the real game, and consider your first hero that hero, the other ones are just help).

Now onto testing:

I am done with the first part, and half of the second part. Any and all feedback is highly welcome. I MEAN anything. From a Spelling error to overpowered heroes to bugs to suggestions to too hard/too easy. I would also like it (if it's possible) for the game to actually be played with 4-6 people, however, i understand that this may be quite difficult to do. Hence i have something for you testers:

-ally command.
This will create 5 more militia for you to have. Even if you have 2 people on LAN it would be helpful as i never tested the game in multiplayer. However, the game is supposed to be beaten by 6 players. It may prove rather difficult with 4 players so be careful.
-skip command.
If you're playing alone and want to skip the Hero Siege part (it gets boring when you play it a lot), you can type -skip. You will get 5 heroes all at level 8 and 1/2 and the Demon Lord will be defeated, triggering the next part of the map. Don't use it if you're playing multiplayer, it will mess up the game.

For now the game is endless, i want you guys to be able to test the AoS part for any bugs issues with heroes etc..

The map has to be opened from Warcraft 3 (sorry).

The map is attached below, have fun, look at the credits, and post back here with any comments and have fun playing ^^

(for you rep addicts, all constructive criticism will be rewarded with rep ^^)

New Changelog ->
Changelog for Oddworld:
Version 0.07->0.08

Bug Fixes:
Chief Engineer Ralts now works on a timer. His orders should now never be interupted (used waits before). This means that the base defence tower will now always be built (rare instances where he wouldn't take any action).
Fixed the buff icon for amplify damage.
Fixed Buff for Full Plate, it's now red.
The Knight can no longer Counter the Warlock Hero.
Build time for Ralts' Orc Smashing Base Guarding tower decreased by 5.
If Chief Engineer Ralts dies and then a tower dies, he will no longer display text as if he was still alive.
The Warlock's mass firebolt ability will no longer firebolt the primary target twice.
Tempest is now set to be learnable from level 10 with 5 level skips, as originally intended to (was level 5 with 3 level skips)
Fixed a bug where the AI would get stuck in one place and refuse to move.

Gameplay Fixes:
Increased the minimum damage of the Silver assassin by 1.
Bakresh has lost 15 base damage and 300 base hitpoints, gaining 15 strength instead.
Because of the addition of the Pit lord hero, the enemy heroes had their levels reduced to 12.
In addition the Ai heroes base stats and stat progression has been lowered.
Changed the Amount of mana drain from Warlock's Spirit Drain. Now it drains 60% of the damage dealt, instead of 100%.
Metal scrap drops increased dramatically. Grunts now have 66% chance instead of 40 to drop scraps, and they will never drop +1 metal scraps anymore (+2 and higher). Raiders have a 50% chance to drop scraps (up from 33%) and Kodos have a 40% chance to drop scraps (up from 33%). Warlocks remain unchanged.
Increased Experience Gain Rate by 5%.
The Smithy is no longer invulnerable.
Changed Light boots from +60 movespeed and 4 agility to +60 movespeed and 10% evasion.
Increased cost of Light Boots from 9 to 11 scraps.
Cooldown of Searing Flames reduced to 2 seconds from 3.5 seconds.

Holy Ground is no longer a channeled ability. Otherwise it is unchanged.
Bless weapons attack speed bonus has been increased from 5/10/15/20/25 to 7/13/18/23/28%.
Peace of Mind will no longer activate if Peace of Mind is already active on the priest.
Reduced the Damage of Holy Nova from 60/135/210/285/360 to 60/120/180/240/300.
Reduced the Mana cost of Holy Nova from 120/145/165/185/220 to 130 constant.
Reduced the Cooldown of Holy Nova from 12 to 10 seconds.

Mixed Redemption and Devotion of light into one skill:
Old Redemption - 2 mana, lower damage per hit, chance to convert.
Old Devotion of Light - When the paladin does convert, the spirits are controlable and can heal and have perma imollation at later levels. Also added mana regeneration.

New Redemption - Constant 20% less damage. 7/8/9/10/11% chance per level to convert. No mana cost. At levels 3 and 4 spirits have lesser heal, at level 5 spirits have greater heal.

Vengeance: New Skill for Paladin.
Auto-Cast (or not) Skill that adds the fury of the spirits into each of the paladins hits.
Deals 3-6/6-9/9-12/12-15/15-18 fire damage 1-8/16/24/32/40 lightning damage and 3/6/9/12/15 holy damage. Holy damage is pure.

Other Changes:
Added a revive text when the AI heroes revive.
Lowered the height of some hills/cliffs.
Changed the icon of Light Boots.
Added Running shoes, an item that increases movement speed by 95.
Added a new ability for the Smithy that will swap between Armor and Weapon Smithies.
Added 3 new Heavy Weapons in the weapon Smithy: A Great Axe that increases damage and reduces the armor of the enemy. A Great Sword which increases damage and gives 12% chance to do 1.7x the normal damage. A great maul which increases damage and adds a 10% chance to deal 30 bonus damage and stun the opponent for 1.4 seconds.
All 3 items have an attack speed penalty, Great Maul lowers AS by 10% and Great Sword and Axe by 5%.

New Hero for the Ai: Pit Lord!

Brutal Hero capable of dealing immense damage. Has Pummel which will stun your hero and really hurt, as well as cleave (40%). Don't let the nasty warlocks cast bloodlust on him, cause with that increase in attack speed he becomes a killing machine.
The pit lord is also capable of sending out shockwaves due to his enormous power, he has a 15% chance to do so when he attacks, the shockwave dealing 70 damage.
Old Changelog->
Changelog for Oddworld:
Version 0.06b->0.07

Bug Fixes:
Fixed the bug with Chief Engineer Ralts and building of Towers. If another tower falls during his building time he will continue his orders until he returns to base, and then go ahead and build another tower, instead of canceling his orders if two towers fall in the same time (or if one tower is being built while the other one falls).
Fixed the bug with Hero Upgrading. It will now FINALLY properly set the level of the base ability of heroes when you upgrade to different heroes.
Fixed a bug with the Static Instability skill, it added 1 less charge then it was supposed to.
Fixed the bug where Chief Engineer Ralts will decide not to make a defensive tower for the base.
Fixed the Tooltip for the Elemental Bending Buff.
Fixed a bug where the Elementalists Static Instability would not level at all.

Gameplay Fixes:
Decreased Attack Cooldown of Elementalist by .25.
Increased the base damage of the Elementalist by 3.
Increased the Max Damage of the elementailst by 3.
Base movespeed of the Knight increased by 15.
Base movespeed of the Elementalist increased by 10.
Base movespeed of the Paladin increased by 10.
Damage of the paladin changed from 1d12 to 2d10, meaning the minimum damage of the paladin increased by 1 and maximum damage by 8.
Increased exp gain rate by 2%.
Greater Rage demons hit points up to 280 from 270 and Lesser Rage demon hit points up to 220 from 215.
The drop rate of metal scraps from grunts has been increased to 40% from 33%. The drop rate from kodo's and raiders is increased to 33% from 25%.
Smithy build time decreased from 110 to 100.

Other Changes:
Added two portals for the hero siege part, so that the units seem like their spawning from somewhere.
Changed the model of the Warlock hero to Drak'thul. It fits better with the orcs, and the model is a lot smoother i feel.
Fixed a couple of triggers to make them less laggy.


Added 4 new Helms - Studded Helm for moderate protection and a bonus in agility, Plate Helm for heavy protection and a bonus in strength, Steel Woven Hood for light protection and bonus to mana regeneration and Combat helm for good protection, bonuses to strength and agility and the ability to critical strike.
Added 1 new Armor - Steel Woven Mantle for light protection, increase in intelligence, increase in mana regeneration and mana capacity.
Added 2 new Boots - Light Boots that increase your movement speed and agility and Plated Boots that increase your armor and strength.

Added a new hero!

Tormentor - An intelligence based hero that focuses on bursts of Point Blank AoE damage. Has high intelligence, moderate strength and low agility.
Abilities - Amplify damage -> Amplifies damage of the target unit, increasing all damage it takes by 3/6/9/12/15%. Base Ability
Nightmare -> Puts target unit and nearby units to sleep. While the units are sleeping they take 30 damage per second and lose 15 mana per second. Lasts 3/4/5/6/7 seconds on heroes and double that on units.
Horror -> A point blank AoE spell that deals 65/105/145/185/225 damage. However, if it hits a unit that's sleeping (under nightmare) it will deal double damage.
Blood Mana -> Sacrifices 12% of its max hitpoints and gains it as mana. Furthermore gains increased mana regeneration after the spell is used for some time.
Hatred -> Whenever the Tormentor gets hit he will take 20/40/60/80/100% of that damage and store it. This damage is released periodically every 5 seconds onto all the surrounding units.
Echoes -> Increases the AoE of sleep by 50 per level. Creates another Horror when horror is cast, at the same level as Echoes (e.g if you cast level 4 horror and you have level 1 echoes, you will effectively cast a level 4 horror and a level 1 horror) this does not deal bonus damage to nightmared units. Increases the duration of mana regeneration after blood mana was used by 2 seconds per level, and increases the damage stored by hatred by 10% per level. Also gives 10/20/30/40/50% melee damage return.

Previous map views = 9
Map Views all time = 59


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Working on a Map
Reaction score
This idea is pretty unique. A 4-In-1 Map.

However, the Survival Part seems extremely difficult. I wasn't able to test it properly, but defending alone took a long time. The number of spawns also seem overwhelming, and could eliminate a Militia once the player gets surrounded, and that doesn't sound too difficult to achieve, with the massive amount of units.

The paladin seems to be a weird hero. I understand that his second skill will summon a spirit, but only if you learned the third skill, right? The second skill seem to trigger off damage, since I was able to get some spirits by burning them with the Immolation item. That is rather weird. Personally, I believe the 2nd skill could do with some changes. Levelling it seems to be useless, except for the 5 damage. The only thing that actually makes the effect of the second skill stronger seems to be the third skill, rather than the second.

Finally, his Aura (+damage + attack speed) doesn't seem very helpful. The thing is, there are no fighter heroes at the beginning, with the exception of possibly the Paladin himself. Therefore, I find the aura unfitting for an early-game skill.

Good luck, this project has potential :)


~Choco Coronet~ Omnomnom
Reaction score
This idea is pretty unique. A 4-In-1 Map.

However, the Survival Part seems extremely difficult. I wasn't able to test it properly, but defending alone took a long time. The number of spawns also seem overwhelming, and could eliminate a Militia once the player gets surrounded, and that doesn't sound too difficult to achieve, with the massive amount of units.

I was aware of this, but thank you very much for pointing it out again. Due to my playing the map over and over (to check for bugs x) ) i had forgotten it's difficult to do so when you're playing for the first time. I will look into making the first part (the part with the militia easier)

The paladin seems to be a weird hero. I understand that his second skill will summon a spirit, but only if you learned the third skill, right? The second skill seem to trigger off damage, since I was able to get some spirits by burning them with the Immolation item. That is rather weird. Personally, I believe the 2nd skill could do with some changes. Levelling it seems to be useless, except for the 5 damage. The only thing that actually makes the effect of the second skill stronger seems to be the third skill, rather than the second.

That's almost correct ^^ I was afraid of this skill since it's on the verge of being overpowered if i just tweak it a bit.

The skill does the following (for clarification):

It reduces the damage of the hero, but it gives the hero a flat 7% chance to kill an opponent. The third skill improves this chance by 1 per level, and the spirits that remain you get to control. The spirits have heal and immolation (the immolation levels with the second skill). I'll see if i can make it even more appealing to take the second skill ^^

Oh and thanks a lot for that bug you mentioned, i'll fix that ^^

Finally, his Aura (+damage + attack speed) doesn't seem very helpful. The thing is, there are no fighter heroes at the beginning, with the exception of possibly the Paladin himself. Therefore, I find the aura unfitting for an early-game skill.

Did you actually make it to level 10? I had a rough time myself >.<
But, i understand your point, there are no fighter heroes and two paladins would just override each others auras. But once you reach level 10 or are close to it, you should be done with killing the Demon Lord (first one). It wasn't meant to be in the early game, but if more people find this a problem, i will look into changing the skill or tweaking the values ^^

Thanks a LOT for the input! I look forward to seeing more comments from everyone!


~Choco Coronet~ Omnomnom
Reaction score
A new version of the map is up, and i uploaded some screenshots. They don't show much of the game really, but they are there anyway. Changelog and screenshots in the first post ^^


~Choco Coronet~ Omnomnom
Reaction score
Update! First thread has been updated with screenshots of the new hero, as well as the changelog and the new map version x)

Check it out, see what you think, comment back ^^

And this time i'm letting you play as much as you want, but know that everything past the First Part (that is, after the AoS part begins) is very pre-alpha even and not done. However, i had a wish to make a new hero so go ahead and test him out in the AoS part ^^

Also note there may still be some bugs with the new hero, or slight problems at least. I wanted to update this sooner but my computer was being a bit of a pain and i didn't get to test him out completely >.<


Be better than you were yesterday :D
Reaction score
It's really impossible to win in single player, I think you should fix the difficult depending on the count of players.

Improve your terrain, I can see red everywhere.


~Choco Coronet~ Omnomnom
Reaction score
Well it's kind of supposed to be a demon plane (hence the red). I don't see how i can make the red go away? Any suggestions?

I never intended it to be a single player map, especially because of the ending parts (The boss battles and the final boss) you shouldn't even attempt on making it single player. It's a multiplayer map, for 4-6 people:
The map is supposed to be played by 4-6 players.
I would also like it (if it's possible) for the game to actually be played with 4-6 people, however, i understand that this may be quite difficult to do. Hence i have something for you testers:

-ally command.
This will create 5 more militia for you to have. Even if you have 2 people on LAN it would be helpful as i never tested the game in multiplayer. However, the game is supposed to be beaten by 6 players. It may prove rather difficult with 4 players so be careful.

That's why i added that command, so that you can ''test'' the game in a way, if multiplayer is not an option. Just type in -ally and you'll have 5 more heroes to work with ^^

Thanks for the comments, i want to get more feedback on the terrain though, like how can i improve the terrain ^^


~Choco Coronet~ Omnomnom
Reaction score
Edit: Decided on going with the new style, expect some new terrain or a full terrain next map update, along with some minor bug fixes and hopefully new content ^^


~Choco Coronet~ Omnomnom
Reaction score
Update! New Version of Oddworld is out!

Check out the Hefty Changelog in the First Thread, some highlights:

Redone the terrain, Improved AI, balance fixes (mostly Knight), new items and more! Elementalist is now a fully playable hero! (hopefully)

Also updated the screenshots with the new terrain! Enjoy, play, comment ^^


~Choco Coronet~ Omnomnom
Reaction score
An update bump. Right now i'm struggling with the AI of the heroes (especially the new one) so progress is slow. Besides the new hero there isn't much more content nor bug fixes as i haven't received any comments (and i'm focused on making the AI work somehow).

I have fixed the AoS spawns (finally, even though they were supposed to be fixed in the last version). Now everything runs normally ^^

More comments please ^^


~Choco Coronet~ Omnomnom
Reaction score
I see you remade some of teh terrain... looks better now :cool:

Yep, not perfect but better ^^

Also, my computer was broken in the last...5 days, so no progress was made >.< I won't be abandoning this project, but the AoS part may be changed a bit, as the AI needs a lot of work ^^


~Choco Coronet~ Omnomnom
Reaction score
A new version is up!

This version i believe is stable enough to be tested properly ^^

Fixed the mostly bugged AI and the bugged spawns (i thought i fixed them in the last version, but they still bugged), and added a -skip command if you're testing it in single player so that you can skip the hero siege part and go directly to the aos part. You will get 5 heroes at level 8 and 1/2 which should be what you would earn in the Hero Siege part as well. Comments and constructive criticism is very much appreciated !


New Member
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Tested new version , it is balanced , spells are like eyecandyes for me . Anyway i see the demon spawn is straight in the goblin's base ,so if you and the other players will get in the goblin's base it will be like the demons spawn out of nowhere...i suggest you adding a portal or something on where the demons spawn . :)


~Choco Coronet~ Omnomnom
Reaction score
Tested new version , it is balanced , spells are like eyecandyes for me . Anyway i see the demon spawn is straight in the goblin's base ,so if you and the other players will get in the goblin's base it will be like the demons spawn out of nowhere...i suggest you adding a portal or something on where the demons spawn . :)

Thanks for your positive feedback ^^

And yeah, i'll add some sort of a portal for the demons, it does look kinda silly now ^^


New Member
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No problem , i love testing cool maps... ;)
EDIT: Hurry up with new version...Cannot wait :] this is just so cool ... the effects , the spells ... everything


~Choco Coronet~ Omnomnom
Reaction score
No problem , i love testing cool maps... ;)
EDIT: Hurry up with new version...Cannot wait :] this is just so cool ... the effects , the spells ... everything


Little update: New version is in progress, expect a new hero next update, as well as some new items for spellcasters ^^
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