Other Orbiting Battle


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Complete Remake!!!

New Systems!!!

WASD Tap UI: Uses the W-A-S-D keys to maneuver your hero.
W and S controls your speed
A and D controls what direction you will fly in
Unfortuently because theres no real method of holding, it was either tap or toggle, toggle would make it so theres less human interface and thus makeing it extreamly boreing

New Collision detection system!
The new system should make the game be more computer friendly because it shortens the code on all the bullets.
Unfortuently its still in GUI <srry jass fans T.T>

Click based combat: Right click to shoot in that direction, if you click close to your ship, then you will fire your primary, far fro myour ship and youll use your secondary.

truthally im just porting aviation wars over and adding a new thing to it <mostly for responiveness and w/o the power of WEU>

one more thing, ill be useing WC3 icons and WC3 models so the filesize is small

anything thats not mentioned, just assume its being remade into somethign sutable for the game or scrapped <like the goblin merchant of doom>

To do
WASD System (completed)
Bullet movement (completed)
Collision (compleated)
Targeting (New Method Testing!) (compeated)

of for all you tons of heros fans out there, this game is not for you. You have ONE frame, that ONE frame is customizable to fit your needs. I will allow the player to create their heros, not make premade ones. <course there will be a limitation on their free customizations>

PlayroomV1 released!
Start it from your world editor, it only has support for red, the rest has not been placed yet

Your punching bag is player 2, shoot him to your heart's content, he will try to run away. If he dies then he will instantly respawn in the middle when you push esc

WASD as stated before is finsihed, because of the lack of upps your craft will move at the slow ass rate of 200ms, you can change this in the unit editor by odifieing the hero's Agi

L is to shoot, i based it off of warstomp so it playss the attack animation, i kept the icon because atm im too lazy to change it

Playroom v2 release! Dl is on this post and last post!

New systems

Click based attacks
-Homeing missle
-Missle <to acess this change the units in the secondary or primary weapon variables>
-Naval battles + collsions
-Hull system
-Multiplayer compatable <for the most part>

Here comes a new challanger!
Flying Machine, SCRAPPED
Variety of naval ships <to be implimented> <only model is differnt, the rest are clones>

have fun!


  • PlayRoomv1.w3x
    33.3 KB · Views: 238
  • Aviaton wars.w3x
    49.6 KB · Views: 216


Administrator - Servers are fun
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Wait. Why aren't you using the old thread? Isn't this the same thing? I see no point in this thread if that's the case.


The Finglonger
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Close the other one, this one has a better (real) map name and a LOT more details on the map.

PS: When will a test version come out, because I liked this map :p


Administrator - Servers are fun
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> this one has a better (real) map name and a LOT more details on the map.

The name can be changed. Details can be added. The responses on the other thread are harder to replace.


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Homeing Lasers: Deals the same damage as the photon cannon, but it now homes onto the target

Weapon types should be different.
Missiles: Slow move speed, often homing, high damage, slow moving at start but speeds up

Guns/Projectiles: Fast moving, but slow enough that you can miss. Medium damage and high fire rate.

Lasers: Instant attack, low damage, long range and very accurate


In need of sleep
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>As promised when i get a new name i would make a new topic... so here it is

i made a promis to the ppl on the other threads that i would make a new thread.. so i did, it was suggested with this post http://www.thehelper.net/forums/showpost.php?p=513061&postcount=36 and my response http://www.thehelper.net/forums/showpost.php?p=513065&postcount=37

so i only fulfilled a promis, close the old one... most of the suggestions there ive alredy implemented

Response to post 5

Missles, not implemented yet <still working on skills> <will have higher AoE>

Guns: Alredy fast moveing, they only appear from the drone attacks <very inacurrate> <also deals random damage>

Lasers: Starts with slow speed, over time the speed increses <only applies for lazer skills>

<btw the dame damage, i meant in reals, meaning each bullet deals the same ammount as a photon cannon bullet will (1x your int)>

Range in this game is determaned by the movement speed of the projectile + how lon the bullet lasts, also note that AGI increses projectile speed (for most of them)

the normal gun fires a normal shot, the plasma cannon has the same propoties, only its shot in a random direction (like a shotgun)

Edit: Released a protected demo of my map, took out big imports to save space

This is not finished, i have not finished tooltip/text this is just a preview of what skills will come <note its bug infested, i know im working on them this is just a demo... ive kept you guys waiting too long>


In need of sleep
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funny, i post a new version and only one person gives feedback, windex, via PM

i multiplayer tested a wile ago, the new star system and drone system has been removed untill i fix the lagg that it makes


In need of sleep
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update: put the star system back in, starts are now more vibrant and less dull looking

locked camera angle


In need of sleep
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Update: New skill finished, missle barrage
Missle Barrage:
Heros: Galatica
Effects: Barrages the area infront of Galatica with missles, the missles will deal <int * .1> damage
Side notes: If your ship is fast enough, this ability may harm / kill you, this ability is based off of Starcraft's Valkarie's Attack, bombarding a large area dealing low damage

taken that noone but me posts here now, i doubt anyone finds this project intresting anymore.... oh well....


In need of sleep
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so nobody really cares about this project, oh well.. im gona take a week vacation then, im goign to a chuch camp tomarrow


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I'm not sure if its my system but it lagged like hell 10 minutes into the game. Anyways, love the concept.


In need of sleep
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yea... im working to fix the lagg, it happens because of too many unit spawns (the bullets) so im basically recodeing everything to use less units

New attack systems finished

Modified the Attack system for the assult drones, they now shoot in a random area around you (it looks like your being bombarded with sparks now XD)

New skill modified, I replaced the missle bombardment with cluster missles, the old skill will lagg older computers (it dropped my fps by 10 in single player, immagin that on battle.net), like the assult drones, on impact the missles will then blow up random areas within a small radius at an extramly rapid rate (dont worry, no extra units reqired, so there wont be as much lagg)

Hopefully i will finish some items, mostly comsumeables sold in your base, im planning to make the following

Missle pack (charge / stackable) <homeing variant>: Fires off a missle at your target <acts like the homeing lasers>, comes in a pack of 5, must be manualy fired (meaning you click and only one comes out, this item will have a .1 second cooldown to prevent spamming) <i will be editing some models, to be specific, the death animation for the cluster rockets, i dont want blown up ground in space -_->

Missle pack (charge / stackable) <cluster>: Same as above, only it acts like the new skill (and has longer cd)

Missle pack (charge / stackable) <AoE> : Fires a missle that will deal AoE damage, The closer you are to the impact zone, the more damage you will take

Overdrive (ability / perma) <item> : Same effects as ram, only now you will deal damage to yourself <roughly 20 dps>

Energy Overdrive (Charged / Stackable): Over drives your mana regeneration, you will take damage from this <roughly 20dps>

Unknown Program: An unknown program, you do not know what it dose.
Several things may happen.....
1. You infect their computer with a virus (same effect as hacking)
2. The program backfires on you, and you get infected with a virus (same effect as hacking)
3. The program goes rampant and infects both your computers (same effect as hacking)
4. The program is corrupt (nothing happens)
5. The program corrupts your targeting systems (you cannot fire, and your target is reverted back to you)
6. The program steals gold from your target (roughly 10%-25%)

Armor Plates <charged / Stackable>: Reduction of damage by point, on damage reduces a counter on the item, makeing the item less effecent (aka a durability system) <the item has hp, so higher damage = more damg to durability, makeing the item weaker>

Radar <ability / perm>: Pings the location of all moveing objects in the playing area, this will display the moveing objects player color (is used as a anticloak) this effect will last for 15 seconds

master maste

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Ok a few problems to me:

-mass lagg after a few minutes (mind you this computers a few years old, but somethings leaking there)
-something does not look right with the stars
-could not seem to shoot the enemy (could just be me :))
-could not find out how to increase my shields in any part of the game except when you choose your ship
-how do I get to the other side of the asteroid shop?

other than that its awesome :)


In need of sleep
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alright im gona be gone in a few hours so im gona make this my last post for a week

Ill run a leak check when i get back (and figure out how to clean up BJs)

yea... the old stars are just whisps tinted different colors, i changed that so that their buffs, only really really small (youll see the color and a speck, but its noticeable)

Im going to add hit triggers to the drones when i get back (around 500 hp each)

increseing your sheilds, if you mean your hp then you didnt buy the tomes at the start of the game (i put in the new stat system because the stat growth of the old one was too steep) <the tomes are the top 3 icons on the hero selector>

get to the other side of the astroid shop? what do you mean? theres only one thing in there so far, and thats the shop inside... to get there you just ram in

The lagg is most likely from the old bullet system, the dones creates too many bullets, thats why i fixed them... well yesterday XD

yea... im trying to steamline everything (again -_-) and im trying to fix a bug with the options <sometimes the options dont spawns, i might make the skill castable as a debugger>


In need of sleep
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im back, ima get back to work now, post your suggestions now (anything would do) before i finish polishing and releasing the next alpha (i really need ppl to multiplayer test, even tho i know skills are imba, but since i have no b-net on my work computer i cant tell if it laggs or not cuz its single player)


In need of sleep
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In need of help

I'm in need of a person who is familiar with skinning

What i need is for someone to gray scale the image attached and keep its alpha layer

The reason i am asking this is because i do not have and cannot afford the programs required to do this.

The skin is for a new hero i am adding, she will be the command ship that was suggested by windex via PM

This ship is available to ONE player on the team

The Command Ship
Class: Command ship
Specialty: Plasma shields <.5 damage per mp>, Extra Stats, Passive stat growth, Armor Aura, True Sight

Crystal Generator: Increased Energy regeneration to all allies around it.

Homing Laser Barrage: Fires 5 lasers at target, each level increases damage

Focused Laser: Fires a laser in a line forward, this pierces the target.

Options: Creates options, these options will use skills when the Command ship uses skills. These options also have a passive Laser effect that makes it shoot anything that comes close to it.

Command ship's stats before custom.
Base hp: 1000
Base mp: 500
Str: 50 +1 per level
Agi: 20 +.10 per level
Int: 125 +4 per level

The ship itself requires 35 gold, meaning you have less points to customize your ship with.

To destroy this ship will require the entire team, this ship cannot dock with bases / shops and after the stats are customized it's inventory will be replaced with various items that will manage its performance

Inventory Commands:

Activate engines: When activated, the ship will begin moving, this will set mp regeneration to normal

Deactivate engines: When activated, the ship will stop moving, this will greatly enhance mp regeneration, this will also render your ship invisible. When your engines are deactivated, All skills except for engine commands are unusable.

Speed +: When activated, it will drain your mp for speed boost, this cannot be activated when speed - is activated, requires engines to be activated

Speed -: When activated, it will regenerate for mp, but your speed will decrease, this cannot be activated when speed + is activated, requires engines to be activated

Repair Hull: This ability will restore hp to the command ship, it will also cost gold proportional to how much hp is healed.

Repair Targets Hull:This ability will restore hp to the command ship's Target, it will also cost gold proportional to how much hp is healed. This can only target allies.

The Command Ship only has one life, once its taken down, it cannot be rebuilt / revived.

If the command ship is destroyed, it will spawn another hero for the player who was using the ship. The players gold and level will reset, and the ship is transported into the base, it will retain its stat growth from the command ship <the custom stat growth not custom>. Unlike the command ship, this ship is WEAKER then the other ships. The abilities for this ship has not been thought of yet, but its chances against a command ship is equal to a snowballs chance in hell. This ship will also suffer from no inventory.


In need of sleep
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im currently working on putting in all these ideas, ill have to work with the art (aka models and skins) that i currently have, even tho they dont quite fit

most of my ideas comes from the time i spend playing the FF series and the SNES... oooh the good old days @.@

then comes the ideas form my extreamly small fan/support base, consisting of so far 4 ppl -_-

windex for example gave the idea for a super ship that is limited one per team

Chovynz reminded me of my old aviation wars, which spawned my inventory management system, and i might as well tack on a weapons inventory system for the players too (course, changeing weps will reqire you to be in the base, no commandships cannot use differnt weapons, the same goes for the commnd ships weak version)

Tim. from wc3campaings hatched the idea that became my movment base <i took the idea from his map, pirates,>

The many arade games i play that fuel my passion for fast paced wc3 gameing <they seem fast pace in singleplayer, i hope it gets more hecktic in multiplayer>

and masta, you along with Chovynz where the biggest insperation to me, with your inital idea of orbiting bases, and space ship combat, i never thought it could be done on warcraft, but you guys did it (Altho i didnt like the many menus to actualy shoot someting, but thats a personal prefference) from the map you distributed for everyone to add, i took the spaceship model (tweeked it so there are no ribbons) made by MC and the space tile, which Chovynz is trying to reproduce.... because he has not responded... i dont think he had much luck -_-

holy crap.. its friken 1am >.<

oh well...


Galatica is has bin converted into a flying missle pods, its new skills are

Inital: Boost (as always)

Homeing Missles (replacement for photon cannon): Same as Homeing Lasers, but has higher AoE, units farther away take less damg

Missle Barrage: Fires Missle Canisters, on hit or randomly, it will explode dealing damge is a high AoE (more times you get hit, the more damg you will take)

Defensive Matrix (same as b4): same

Emp shockwave (same, ulti): This skill now drains by point to balance for command ships, i dont want them being taken out single handedly b/c they cant keep their sheilds up, its still stat based tho

Ideas in need of opinion!

Shuld i import my Construction system from my older map avation wars where inventory space is used for upgrades?

The system will cover the following...
Increse of stats (uses 3 slots) <this will reqire a new level system.. might add more gameplay>
Help menu (uses 1 slot)

Atk +
Hp +

New Features.....
Hp Heal that will cost gold instead of waiting
Unknown 6th slot feature, might not be used, might be a universal skill... who knows! <really, not even i know atm>


In need of sleep
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im actualy helping another person make hero skills for his map, my map is takeing a break (my head hurts from trying to figure out how to do stuff for my map atm)

the problem right now its not as much as ppl not dling the map <as in pub> but the lack of people intrested in this project on this fourm

you and choves had it easy with a huge fanbase from the start, the two of you had a ton of support, me on the other hand, i only have you now, chovez is nowhere to be found (most likely helping you out), im getting depressed, its as if all my hard work is being ignored. im just gona upload a open unprotected version, if anyone where to try to steal it, they would only steal an incompleat game.
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