Quadrant Conflict


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Hello TH.net, it's been a long time. A long time indeed. I have returned to you with another project in the works. I dropped my other one because I got frustrated with it, maybe I'll go back later. But any who, to the now!

Map Name: Quadrant Conflict
Map Size: 256x256
Players: 8 (4 Per Team)
File Size: 2.82MB
Progress Bars
Terrain [||||||||||] 100%
Triggers [||||||||||] 50%
Units [||||||||||] Unknown
Abilities [||||||||||] Unknown
Unknown Race [||||||||||] 10%

June 6th, 2008
-[Added]Transitional effect to get rid of the clumps on planets. (Thanks to WindexIsBack)
-[Added]Several upgrades and abilities. The tech tree still has plenty to go.
-[Working On]Fixing a huge lag problem. After 2 minutes of gameplay something is leaking causing some sluggish behavior. I am looking into this and trying to find what is causing it.

May 24, 2008
-[Added]A secret force, won't tell you much about them, but they like free stuff.
-[Added]Planet for new force.
-[Added]All flagships now require an explorer to be piloting them or else all enabled items become disabled(by all I mean the engines).
-[Working]Abilities for Explorer and Flagships, once again to improve their use during late game.
-[Fixed] No pilot not allowing engines enabled, ever.
-[Added] Nuclear Reactor Cores now generate fuel over time. This gives them a much better use for Gas Turbines as the other only means of gaining fuel is to purchase barrels of it.
-[Removed] Music files. No need for them.

May 22, 2008
-[Changed] Explorer is now the ONLY unit that can capture points on planets. The planets still need to be rid of enemy forces to do so.
-[Fixed] You may now only have 1 Flagship at any given time. Before none of the ships were "heroes" in the constants.
-[Working] I am finding ways to make the Flagships and Explorers more important later game. I already did this for explorer by making him the only unit able to capture points. I may make the Flagships the only unit able of carrying a Explorer, and later on require an explorer to pilot.

May 19th, 2008
Not a huge update, but I like to keep track of my progress.
-All units and buildings have been re-sized to smaller sizes to allow better colonization of planets and army production and management.
-New units and buildings have been added.
-Ore refinery added to increase income, must be built near an ore deposit.
-Terrain changes
-Added asteroids, can be harvested for ore...if you can keep up!

Known Bugs:
June 5th 2008
-Selling your flagship will not allow you to buy a new one.
-A few UI issues.
-Upgrades doing the wrong things.
Not much, but I better put them here before I forget.

Each player starts on a random planet with some resources already handy. To begin, the players technology will be vastly limited to Gas Turbines and Nuclear Reactors. The only ship that can be purchased will be the Freighter, a resource gathering flagship.

Once you have equipped your Flagship with an engine and a Reactor(optional, but very helpful) you will need to find an Ore Deposit. Once located the Freighter can use an ability it is given by default that will create one Harvester Droid which if you didn't guess will gather the resources for you.

The Harvester Droids are the only things able to collect resources and your Flagship (and later on, Space Station) will be the only thing capable of receiving the resources and turning them into currency. Also, at the local Junk Yard (located on every starter planet) you may purchase more Harvester Droids (you only need one really, until later when your Space Station is not close to the Deposits) and Construction Droids.

The Construction Droids are able to build your empire on any planet, so long as your team is in control of that planet, else the building will be destroyed and no resources will be refunded. Some buildings may be built in space, but must remain close to the planet, else BOOM.

As you advance in research and technology you will be able to construct a fleet and train ground forces for your army. At first, your fleet will be equipped with Gas Turbines so their movement will be very slow. Unlike your flagship however they do not rely on fuel for movement. They will however still require energy for their weapons and shields. As you may guess, once the energy has depleted in any ship, its shields will shut down and any energy based weaponry will be disabled until it is able to recharge itself.

Subsystems are very important to any flagship. Without them you not be able to move, use shields, fire weapons (except for one exception) or recharge your reactors. There are Engines, Reactor Cores, Shields, Weapons, and Hulls. Each must be activated before they will take effect (weapons must be manually activated each time you wish to fire). For example, your ship will not move until one or more of its engine subsystems are online and will not regenerate energy until the Reactor Cores are activated.

Current Available Sub-Systems:
Gas Turbine
Impulse Drive
Anti-Matter Propulsion
Basic Hull
Nuclear Reactor Core
Warp Core - Enables Warp Travel for your Flagship.
Anti-Matter Core
Dark Matter Core
Photon Torpedoes
Barrel of Gas - When activated, provides 50 units of fuel for your flagship.

Building an Empire
Ok so you have the resources, and you have the Droids. Now it's time to start an empire! When building an empire, your main hub won't be located on the planet, instead it will be in space. That's right, a Space Station! This station is able to construct more droids and act as a resource drop off point. It will allow you research some technologies and eventually grant you the means to build on the planets themselves. Once you can build on a planet, you will be able to train all your ground forces and finish researching. Eventually you'll be able to construct your own Dry Dock, but this isn't the same as the normal one. Instead of providing you with a flagship, it will allow you to construct your fleet to transport soldiers, and wage battles in space. Of course your flagship will still be the pinnacle of your fleet as it can do things your other ships can not. If a planet has already been captured by an enemy, you will require two things. 1, your flagship to capture the point and 2, the planet to be rid of any hostile forces. Otherwise it will remain in enemy control and the benefits they get from that planet will remain theirs. It is often a good idea to choose one planet as your main and build defenses up for it and expand later as it is easier to fortify one than many.

Everyone loves features. At the moment however there aren't really that many.
Sub-Systems - Sub-systems are items that go into the ships inventory, once activated they provide a bonus until later deactivated.
Fuel Consumption - As your flagship moves there are two types of fuel for it to consume depending on the type of engine equipped. A Gas Turbine for instance will require Gas, and an Impulse Drive will require energy. If you have both energy and fuel based engines equipped it will drain them both. 2 Gas Turbines drain 2 times more fuel than one, 2 Impulse Drives drain 2 times more than one, simple.
Building in Orbit - Not sure what to call this feature as it only does one simple thing. Any building that can be built in space can only be built within a certain range of a planet. Moons are hard to build on due to their small size and lack of gravity, though it is still possible.

So far the only customization going on are the ships and a couple buildings. I have taken the liberty of editing a couple textures however since a couple seemed really plain, and one I thought could go with better team coloring. You'll see this best on the Dry dock owned by a player. Since it is owned by Neutral Passive at the beginning you can't tell very well, but once you build your own you'll see a huge difference. Also, the Freighters texture was very flat so I gave it some depth. I may edit the others as well but for now they will be left alone.

Example of an improved skin:


WindexIsBack - Provided the model of the transition between planets and space.

Post retyped for organization. Horray!
The terrain transition between the space terrain and the grass/dirt looks really, really ugly. I suggest finding some way to fix that.

Otherwise, seems pretty cool. Good luck :D.
There is no way to fix it. I don't know anything about texturing terrain and I don't want to use doodads all over the place just for that.

Oh is it against any rules to modify textures? I've modified a few units and buildings to make them look less crappy, do i need to ask the original makers or does it matter since I'm only using it for this?
There is no way to fix it. I don't know anything about texturing terrain and I don't want to use doodads all over the place just for that.

What about making planets as hills, so that it looks like you just can't see the rest of the planet because the sphere just curves out of sight? Of course, I'd imagine that's dependent on how your tiles are meshing together - I don't know what you're using for your space. Or what if you make the space water and then put a black filter over it? You can make islands pretty much circular with smoothing.

I'm sure you've thought about it more than I have, but maybe there's something useful in that.
Woah, this seems really cool. I like the idea of having land and space. :thup:
Well once you get into testing stages i'd love to be a tester, theres only a few mentionable space conquest maps that arnt all about massing a whole bunch of ships, and I found that most of them get really tedious when you need to stop more then two players from conquering 20+ planets... This looks promising:thup:
I'm having some trouble with a trigger. It is supposed to destroy any building being built farther than a set distance from the "planets". I'm doing this by checking if the terrain 800 units away in a radius of 360 degrees is space or land. If its all space than it's supposed to destroy. If not, then it remains. This is the code. Right now it's destroying it every time, no matter where it is. And if I change the 1 to a zero in the last spot, it never destroys them.

Nevermind, I fixed it. I just had to reset the "buildpoint" back to zero.
Not a huge update, but I like to keep track of my progress.
-All units and buildings have been re-sized to smaller sizes to allow better colonization of planets and army production and management.
-New units and buildings have been added (this will happen alot so I don't know why its important)
-Ore refinery added to increase income, must be built near an ore deposit.
-Terrain changes
-Added asteroids, can be harvested for ore...if you can keep up!
the ship model u use in the example, is it originally blue? or just the picture blue.

anyway, i quite like the look of texture u modify, could i use it? (i dunno mod texture)

is the blackhole using sun model being turn into dark colour?

suggestion: make ship slower, give them tactical jump :p

main cannon require! 1 hit ko all ships :D <<<-------(ignore this)

is cool, glad to see more space fighting and empire building map.
the ship model u use in the example, is it originally blue? or just the picture blue.

anyway, i quite like the look of texture u modify, could i use it? (i dunno mod texture)

is the blackhole using sun model being turn into dark colour?

suggestion: make ship slower, give them tactical jump :p

main cannon require! 1 hit ko all ships :D <<<-------(ignore this)

is cool, glad to see more space fighting and empire building map.

I would release it, but I would have to contact the original creator his/her permission first. Otherwise it could mean trouble. It should be okay that I use it though since I modified it and am using it for myself anyways. And yes the original ship is blue, though I couldn't be bothered to get a better screenshot of it than what I provided.

The blackhole is the blackhole model, the sun was actually based on this afterwards by the same maker.

I have already made the ships slower, very much so that it is REQUIRED for them to upgrade speed if they want to effectively invade an enemy planet.

1 Hit KO? Nah, I think i'll stick to the S.U.P.E.R (Super Uber Powerful Eraser Round) gun. A secret so secret and uber, I don't even know about it! (By the way, Uber is super so really, is a S.S.P.E.R XD)

I thought so too, after playing Galactic Conquest and Space Command I thought to myself. These need more strategy involved, more feel for flagships and the society that makes them. I should give this a try! So I did, and I am. The strategy mentioned won't be much for a while, I intend to make abilities for specific ships and units that will turn the tide in any battle, but still be able to be countered itself.

I actually kind of regret posting this so soon. The more I think about this map the more I want to add to it making it really hard to decide what would be a good release version. I know for certain the first release however will have all of the basics (base construction, fleets, ground forces, capture points, etc). Everything else will probably come afterwards, such as bug fixes and balance changes.

Question for the masses!
Do you guys want any kind of leaderboards? I personally don't see much use, but if you can convince me I can try to make them. Just keep in mind most leader boards I have ever made failed me.
May 24, 2008 Update
-[Added]A secret force, won't tell you much about them, but they like free stuff.
-[Added]Planet for new force.
-[Added]All flagships now require an explorer to be piloting them or else all enabled items become disabled(by all I mean the engines).
-[Working]Abilities for Explorer and Flagships, once again to improve their use during late game.

-[Fixed] No pilot not allowing engines enabled, ever.
-[Added] Nuclear Reactor Cores now generate fuel over time. This gives them a much better use for Gas Turbines as the other only means of gaining fuel is to purchase barrels of it.

No one replied about leaderboards, so untill I find a use for them they will remain out. Also, don't be afraid to tell me what you would like to see in/out this. I am entirely open to any views (so long as those views aren't non-sense).
Nice. Sounds really awesome. It really sounds like it's going to be great. I'd love to test when the beta stage comes up.
lol, canadian pride :)

1st of all, i dont know wheres the test map to dl, mind telling?
2nd, leaderboard is essential for a good map, try make 1 when u got the time,
3rd, the line in between space and planet is too obvious and ugly, maybe you should put something to cover the ulgy straight line?

thats all atm

1)There is no test map available for download just yet. I need to finalize the tech trees and such first before I deam it playable.
2)What would you recommend be put into the leaderboard?
3)Someone already mentioned its ugliness and I considered doing something about it, but I don't know what would work without making it look more ugly just having random things around the planet like that. I'll play around with it though.

Did some messing around, how does this look? Tried to make it look like an atmosphere of sorts.
it look quite interesting, but if u do that to all other planet, it really could cause lagness

for a basic Lboard, kills, number of units, planets, defence tower....

you may also add in, tech level, overall scores

even sort the name in accordance every x second,
Sorry folks, it's indeed been a while. Unfortunately I have no update at all, if I do I don't remember what it would be. I've been really busy with school lately along with other projects so I haven't had time for this. I'm just letting you all know i'm not going to let it die and that I'm still wanting it to be completed. I may have some progress for you by the weekend or during, but no promises.
1)Did some messing around, how does this look? Tried to make it look like an atmosphere of sorts.

This looks definitely better but it's not the best solution either. Maybe you could request something you imagine in the request forum or request it here.

But like i said: this looks definitely better
Well i'm not sure what I would even request. Something atmospheric sure, but would that mean wall, cloud. It could be anything I suppose. I'll post up a request soon.

WindexIsBack gave me some help, this is the turn out:
There are a few messy spots on there, but otherwise it's good. Better than the other one. :thup:
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  • The Helper The Helper:
    News portal has been retired. Main page of site goes to Headline News forum now
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am working on getting access to the old news portal under a different URL for those that would rather use that for news before we get a different news view.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Easily done
  • The Helper The Helper:
    https://www.thehelper.net/pages/news/ is a link to the old news portal - i will integrate it into the interface somewhere when i figure it out
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Need to try something
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Hopefully this won't cause problems.
  • Ghan Ghan:
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I have converted the Headline News forum to an Article type forum. It will now show the top 20 threads with more detail of each thread.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    See how we like that.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do not see a way to go past the 1st page of posts on the forum though
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It is OK though for the main page to open up on the forum in the view it was before. As long as the portal has its own URL so it can be viewed that way I do want to try it as a regular forum view for a while
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Yeah I'm not sure what the deal is with the pagination.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    It SHOULD be there so I think it might just be an artifact of having an older style.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I switched it to a "Standard" article forum. This will show the thread list like normal, but the threads themselves will have the first post set up above the rest of the "comments"
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I don't really get that article forum but I think it is because I have never really seen it used on a multi post thread
  • Ghan Ghan:
    RpNation makes more use of it right now as an example: https://www.rpnation.com/news/
  • The Helper The Helper:
  • The Helper The Helper:
    What do you think Tom?
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    I will have to get used to this.
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    The latest news feed looks good
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I would like to see it again like Ghan had it the first time with pagination though - without the pagination that view will not work but with pagination it just might...
  • The Helper The Helper:
    This drink recipe I have had more than a few times back in the day! Mind Eraser https://www.thehelper.net/threads/cocktail-mind-eraser.194720/

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