Request your GUI spells here!

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Snow Leopard
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Glenphir you should probably add that people should look at the spells already requested before asking for new ones.

Also, how goes progress on finding attachement space?


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Glenphir you should probably add that people should look at the spells already requested before asking for new ones.

Also, how goes progress on finding attachement space?

Hmm, well it is possible to have the 2nd and 3rd post deleted so that I can attach 15 more files. But expanding it is impossible.


I am back with Chocolate (:
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Please help to me do do this spell I have been working on for weeks:

What's it is supposed to do, is, once the spell is casted, the caster will rise to 500 flying height, where it will then create a unit. The unit and the caster will then come down together, but the unit will move towards the target while it is coming down.

The unit has a custom model, which I will implement myself, so just select any unit you want to.

After the unit touches the target, the target will be frozen for 4 seconds and will have the "Frost Nova" effect.

So basically, these are the stages:
- Caster rises up -> Caster creates unit -> Caster floats straight down + Unit floats down towards target enemy -> When caster reaches ground, the unit reaches the ground thereby "crashing" into the enemy target -> Freezes enemy target for 4 seconds

I would like it in MUI :)
Thanks much!

Btw, call this "Frozen Dragon".

Pardon me for making a new post, but I know an edit on that post is not going to catch anyone's attention, so I created a new post.

Basically, I have already made quite a bit of this spell, its just that it's not working the way it should be. This is the bit I've done:

  • hitsu shikai
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Soten ni zase, Hyorinmaru! (Hitsugaya)
    • Actions
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • hitsu_shikai_caster_count Equal to 8000
        • Then - Actions
          • Set hitsu_shikai_caster_count = 1
        • Else - Actions
          • Set hitsu_shikai_caster_count = (hitsu_shikai_caster_count + 1)
      • Set hitsu_shikai_caster[hitsu_shikai_caster_count] = (Triggering unit)
      • Set hitsu_shikai_target[hitsu_shikai_caster_count] = (Target unit of ability being cast)
      • Sound - Play SotenNisaseHyorinmaru <gen> at 100.00% volume, attached to hitsu_shikai_caster[hitsu_shikai_caster_count]
      • Unit - Set hitsu_shikai_caster[hitsu_shikai_caster_count] acquisition range to 0.00
      • Set hitsu_shikai_casterUpCheck[hitsu_shikai_caster_count] = True

  • hitsu shikai caster up
    • Events
      • Time - Every 0.01 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • For each (Integer A) from 1 to hitsu_shikai_caster_count, do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • And - All (Conditions) are true
                • Conditions
                  • hitsu_shikai_casterUpCheck[(Integer A)] Equal to True
                  • (Unit-type of hitsu_shikai_caster[(Integer A)]) Equal to Hitsugaya Toshiro
            • Then - Actions
              • Animation - Change hitsu_shikai_caster[(Integer A)] flying height to ((Current flying height of hitsu_shikai_caster[(Integer A)]) + 5.00) at 0.00
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • If - Conditions
                  • (Current flying height of hitsu_shikai_caster[(Integer A)]) Greater than or equal to 500.00
                • Then - Actions
                  • Set hitsu_shikai_casterUpCheck[(Integer A)] = False
                  • Set hitsu_shikai_caster_loc = (Position of hitsu_shikai_caster[(Integer A)])
                  • Unit - Create 1 hitsu_shikai_dragon for (Owner of hitsu_shikai_caster[(Integer A)]) at hitsu_shikai_caster_loc facing Default building facing degrees
                  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_hitsu_shikai_caster_loc)
                  • Set hitsu_shikai_dragon[(Integer A)] = (Last created unit)
                  • Animation - Change hitsu_shikai_dragon[(Integer A)] flying height to (Current flying height of hitsu_shikai_caster[(Integer A)]) at 0.00
                  • Unit - Make hitsu_shikai_dragon[(Integer A)] face hitsu_shikai_target[(Integer A)] over 0.00 seconds
                  • Set hitsu_shikai_dragon_loc = (Position of hitsu_shikai_dragon[(Integer A)])
                  • Set hitsu_shikai_target_loc = (Position of hitsu_shikai_target[(Integer A)])
                  • Set hitsu_shikai_dragon_periodicM[(Integer A)] = ((Distance between hitsu_shikai_dragon_loc and hitsu_shikai_target_loc) / 500.00)
                  • Set hitsu_shikai_casterDownCheck[(Integer A)] = True
                • Else - Actions
            • Else - Actions

  • hitsu shikai caster down
    • Events
      • Time - Every 0.01 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • For each (Integer A) from 1 to hitsu_shikai_caster_count, do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • And - All (Conditions) are true
                • Conditions
                  • hitsu_shikai_casterDownCheck[(Integer A)] Equal to True
                  • (Unit-type of hitsu_shikai_caster[(Integer A)]) Equal to Hitsugaya Toshiro
                  • (Unit-type of hitsu_shikai_dragon[(Integer A)]) Equal to hitsu_shikai_dragon
            • Then - Actions
              • Animation - Change hitsu_shikai_caster[(Integer A)] flying height to ((Current flying height of hitsu_shikai_caster[(Integer A)]) - 5.00) at 0.00
              • Animation - Change hitsu_shikai_dragon[(Integer A)] flying height to ((Current flying height of hitsu_shikai_caster[(Integer A)]) - 5.00) at 0.00
              • Set hitsu_shikai_dragon_Dloc = (hitsu_shikai_dragon_loc offset by hitsu_shikai_dragon_periodicM[(Integer A)] towards (Angle from hitsu_shikai_dragon_loc to hitsu_shikai_target_loc) degrees)
              • Unit - Move hitsu_shikai_dragon[(Integer A)] instantly to hitsu_shikai_dragon_Dloc
              • call RemoveLocation(udg_hitsu_shikai_dragon_loc)
              • Set hitsu_shikai_dragon_loc = Position of hitsu_shikai_dragon[(Integer A)]
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • If - Conditions
                  • (Current flying height of hitsu_shikai_dragon[(Integer A)]) Less than or equal to 0.00
                • Then - Actions
                  • Set hitsu_shikai_casterDownCheck[(Integer A)] = False
                  • Unit - Kill hitsu_shikai_dragon[(Integer A)]
                  • Unit - Set hitsu_shikai_caster[hitsu_shikai_caster_count] acquisition range to (Default acquisition range of hitsu_shikai_caster[(Integer A)])
                  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_hitsu_shikai_dragon_Dloc)
                  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_hitsu_shikai_dragon_loc)
                  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_hitsu_shikai_caster_loc)
                  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_hitsu_shikai_target_loc)
                • Else - Actions
            • Else - Actions

The thing that is not working is for some reason, the unit doesn't die.

Don't get me wrong.
The reason why I posted this on a request thread when I've already done 90% of it myself, was because I have been working on this spell for days, and I'm really fed up that it doesn't work to the extent where I thought of abandoning it. Thus, asking someone to do it for me is a last resort.

Thanks so much!


Snow Leopard
Reaction score
Well then the options are (As I see it):

1) Delete the next 2-3-4-5 posts depending on how many attachements you get.
2) Make a new thread JUST for the attachements (with you having around 10 posts in a row obviously)
3) As the people who made the 2nd and 3rd posts etc to host the attachements for you.

--Might not be possible---
1) Increase attachement limit.
2) Slip new posts belonging to you in the middle.

These are all the things that I can think of right now.
The choice is upto you.


Super Moderator
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Just make a thread called "Please do not post." And upload there, then make a second post as you need it.


Reaction score
i got problem right i after i copied maliken spell triggers in my map.

I says:
Line 326:Expected a reserved type or handle.
:::::VarAsString_Real udg_GDD_Event = null
group udg_HZUnitGroup = null
group udg_HZCheckGroup = null
real udg_HZRealASValue = 0
real udg_HZRealDivider = 0
integer array udg_GDD__Integers
trigger array udg_GDD__TriggerArray
unit array udg_GDD__UnitArray
group udg_GDD__LeftMapGroup = null

and much more errors.
Can u help me fix it if i attacht my map here?


Reaction score
Completed the spells Poisonous Trap, Stealth Through, Ghostly Aura and Spiritual Essence requested by NeuroToxin. Check the first post for the demo map.


Reaction score
i got problem right i after i copied maliken spell triggers in my map.

I says:
Line 326:Expected a reserved type or handle.
:::::VarAsString_Real udg_GDD_Event = null
group udg_HZUnitGroup = null
group udg_HZCheckGroup = null
real udg_HZRealASValue = 0
real udg_HZRealDivider = 0
integer array udg_GDD__Integers
trigger array udg_GDD__TriggerArray
unit array udg_GDD__UnitArray
group udg_GDD__LeftMapGroup = null

and much more errors.
Can u help me fix it if i attacht my map here?

Ah, I think it's due to the GDD system. Your version is way too old. Maybe get an update or something?

Completed the spell Snipe requested by The-Shadows. Check the first post for the demo map.

Completed the spell Toss requested by dewouter99. Check the first post for the demo map.


New Member
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Heres 2 spell request by me.

<First Spell>
Spell Name: Incendinary Grenade
Description: Hurls a grenade to a targetted area. Upon impact, it explodes, releasing a huge amount of heat to nearby units. This intense amount of heat causes units to take damage over a period of 7 seconds.

Clarify: The grenade explodes *Upon Impact*, but does not bounce.

<Second Spell>
Spell Name: Multi Grenade Launcher
Description: Hurls multiple grenades at a targetted area in a short period of 3 seconds. Upon impact, the grenades explode, dealing tremendous amount of damage to enemy units. The damage of the 6 grenades depends on the level of the Frag grenade.

Clarify: Same for this, the grenade explodes *Upon Impact*. However, is it possible to make a trigger so that the grenades launched are based on a skill? Like for example, I have a skill called frag grenade. At level 3, the frag grenade deals 500 damage. So if I have the skill, Multi Grenade Launcher, and I use it, it will deal 500 damage x 6 grenades (if the Multi Grenade Launcher fires 6 grenades).

Thanks alot!


Godspeed to the sound of the pounding
Reaction score
Completed the spells Poisonous Trap, Stealth Through, Ghostly Aura and Spiritual Essence requested by NeuroToxin. Check the first post for the demo map.
Your triggers for Spiritual Essence are way more complicated than necessary. This is all you need:
  • Spiritual Essense Trigger
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Finishes casting an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to SEAbilityMain
    • Actions
      • Hero - Modify Strength of (Triggering unit): Add (Integer(((Real((Strength of (Triggering unit) (Include bonuses)))) x 1.20)))
      • Hero - Modify Agility of (Triggering unit): Add (Agility of (Triggering unit) (Include bonuses))
      • Hero - Modify Intelligence of (Triggering unit): Add (Integer(((Real((Intelligence of (Triggering unit) (Include bonuses)))) x 1.50)))

(Finishes casting will only run if the spell ends without being interrupted.)


Reaction score
Your triggers for Spiritual Essence are way more complicated than necessary. This is all you need:
  • Spiritual Essense Trigger
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Finishes casting an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to SEAbilityMain
    • Actions
      • Hero - Modify Strength of (Triggering unit): Add (Integer(((Real((Strength of (Triggering unit) (Include bonuses)))) x 1.20)))
      • Hero - Modify Agility of (Triggering unit): Add (Agility of (Triggering unit) (Include bonuses))
      • Hero - Modify Intelligence of (Triggering unit): Add (Integer(((Real((Intelligence of (Triggering unit) (Include bonuses)))) x 1.50)))

(Finishes casting will only run if the spell ends without being interrupted.)

Noted. Re-uploaded the modified demo map in the first post.


Reaction score
Ah, I think it's due to the GDD system. Your version is way too old. Maybe get an update or something?

Okay, then i try to use the latest version.
I'm curious of u coz you create those spell without hashtable.
Therefore, i dont know how to use hashtable.
Tell me the technique without hashtable.

EDIT:I need my map done before end of this month.


Godspeed to the sound of the pounding
Reaction score
i got problem right i after i copied maliken spell triggers in my map.

Can u help me fix it
You need to copy GDD (with the variable creator trigger) into your map before you copy the spell triggers, or the variables won't be automatically created correctly.

I should make a note of this in the GDD readme...


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They are still not obligated to do your spells, so you'll just have to wait for them to do it.

Erm, do you know wat am i talking?
- i'm not talking about spells but trigger. therefore, my friends are waiting for my map.
So i need the map to be fix as soon as possible.
Omg, about tht GDD, meaning-i need to copy GDD 1st before i copy the spells trigger?
Omfg- it affected the others triggers. -.-


Godspeed to the sound of the pounding
Reaction score
Omg, about tht GDD, meaning-i need to copy GDD 1st before i copy the spells trigger?
Omfg- it affected the others triggers. -.-
Yeah. :( The variable GDD_Event doesn't get created correctly otherwise. If you don't want to copy everything over again, change the variable GDD_Event to be a Real, and then fix the events for whichever triggers get disabled by the change to use that variable again.


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Yeah. :( The variable GDD_Event doesn't get created correctly otherwise. If you don't want to copy everything over again, change the variable GDD_Event to be a Real, and then fix the events for whichever triggers get disabled by the change to use that variable again.

1- in my map, completly all of my triggers are disable right now.
2- i'm so fedup now due after i copied the Maliken spells.[i tought i can finish the map by now]but it cause alot of errors.

So you are saying that, i have to disable all my trigger & change the Variable?

btw, i'm using 1.21b version to edit my map.

Can we chat? Chat more details.
Add me in msn if you got, : [email protected]


Godspeed to the sound of the pounding
Reaction score
So you are saying that, i have to disable all my trigger & change the Variable?
No, when you edit GDD_Event to be a real (you know how to edit variables right? It's the X icon in the trigger editor), the WE will automatically disable any triggers that use that event...but since you saved, everything got disabled. Once you change that variable, you can re-enable all the triggers, but the Maliken triggers that use GDD will need their events edited - Enchanted Flames, Life Essence, and Possession should have the event Game - GDD_Event becomes Equal to 0.00

Sorry for the trouble, I didn't know you had to copy GDD first until now. :(

Can we chat?
Forum PM sent.


New Member
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Here's my try at Mjolnir. Issue should be fixed now. Note to self: it's easier to recycle X/Y coordinates than points.

Also, you didn't specify anything about the bonus damage. Currently it's permanent (maxed at +999 damage... if you can somehow hit 50 heroes with it) until you cast the spell again, at which point it'll take on the new bonus.


Is back. Probably.
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Hey. Finished(ish) Jetpack...but there are a few bugs that someone else could look at.

Firstly, credit to the two other spells to NoobImbaPro even though he seems to have forgotten to give good tooltips.
Secondly, the jump mechanic I've used is taken from Paladon's Jump from theHive.

I've edited the original jump to give nice fiery effects at the feet of the caster when jumping instead of this odd halo-ey effect.

The bugs:
1) I've set up triggers such that a dummy is created and stuns all nearby units using a custom storm bolt. For some reason it doesn't work and I have no idea why.

2) The special effects of the initial explosion seem to not work even when included in the effects-caster section in the object editor.

Thanks to anyone who takes a peek. Jump (Jet Pack) is MUI and leakless.

View attachment 34518

As glenphir said the hidden bomb needs to attach to a unit. The jetpack looks great though :thup:

EDIT: fixed the stun problem.

another spell request :p

Spratz creates 15 nanobots to steal the very life force out of an enemy unit using advanced goblin technology. The nanobots (clockwerk model) will run at the target unit and steal health. It will then return to Spratz and transfer the health.

level 1) nanobots steal 10hp each, 300 movement speed
level 2) nanobots steal 20hp each, 400 movement speed
level 3) nanobots steal 30hp each, 500 movement speed

NOTE* nanobots are invulnerable, unselectable, and slighty transparent.

Thank you spell making team!
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