Sheep Tag


Vox Populi
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Hello people! If you didn't know, GosuSheep is making a new Sheep Tag. I have finally started to run low on ideas. So I wanted to know if you have any ideas for the new Sheep Tag. I will tell you if your idea was already mentiond. Please don't post to tell me how much you hate Sheep Tag or his maps, becuase to tell you the truth, I don't care. I will give credit for whoever told me the idea. I will think over each idea, and decide if it is a good one. I will tell you if I am telling Gosu the idea or not. Please give me ideas!!!!!

Edit: Sorry to tell you, but no, there are not going to be any buildings that can build other sheep. The game is soposed to be each player gets a sheep, not many sheep. Wolves will be impossible to kill.
I would like to see some trainable sheep units. Here are some ideas:


Decoy sheep: put the wolves off of your trail.
Spy sheep: watch what the sneaky canines are up to.
Warrior sheep: uses a ranged frost attack to slow the wolves down and tag dead sheep.
Medic sheep: Heals units and repairs buildings incredibly quickly.
(Late game) Kamikaze sheep: Self-destructs to deal 1/3 of a wolf's health in damage. Kill a wolf and his player loses.
(Late game) Mage sheep: Has a couple stunning/hindering spells, as well as a self-teleport and invisibility.

Lets not forget those adorable pooches:

Chrono-elixir: Speeds the imbiber up significantly for a short period of time (move and attack)
Ghost boots: activate to turn invisible for a short period (wind walk)
(Late game) Sheep scrambler: fry the brains of the sheep minions to convert them to your side (ranged ability).


Quote of the day: "Yog float like butterfly, Yog sting like bee, Yog tough, Yog smart, and best of all, Yog ME!"
Thank you for replying. First off, wolves will never die, the game is about the only tag in which the attackers arn't soposed to die. If sheep get enough gold, and are able to build units, the game is over. I do how ever, like the ghost boots, good idea. I will tell Gosu about this one. Thank you.
Cool Idea!!

You know what would be really fun? Some cool new terrain and new types of hiding spots for the sheep. And for the wolves a command to kill nearby farms in the sheep spirit area, because when 3-4 sheeps start to mass farms... its basically a sign for wolves to leave. ;)
how about...

make sheep able to change to air form. where they are slowed and lose half their hp which cannot be restored? ((sheep have no hp regen in other words)and this is also saying that these are version with weird terrain)lol cos i dont know what maps gosu sheep made XD

and also...

make all buidings get destroyed and the sheep disappears for 30 secs? (change time to whatever is balanced) to make the wolves think they've killed you =D.... u think a spirit should appear for the time u disappear?

what about....

layers farms? when killed they become weaker farms which just die after the last layer of cuz... (really expensive i hope)

maybe even...

aura farms which slow both you and wolves BUT no other buildings cant be built near it?

last idea...

sheep can summon a bunch of farms... and he will automatically teleport to the middle of those farms? but there is no hole for neither you nor the wolves? (really long cooldown) how will this help you? in this bunch of farms there is the aura farm...(the one which slows both you and wolf) so both of you will be slowed but u can destroy one farm and quicly run b4 he catches you... (dunno how long these farms should last)

hope at least one of my ideas will be taken in.. =D
How about after so many saves you gain different abilities. (about 5 saves) First you get a speed aura so your faster. (10 saves) Second you get an increase in gold (gold sheep :) ) Third (I don't know about 15 saves) You get the blink ability.

Woah! I came up with a funny one. (If you use a winter location which has never been done, guess it could work else.) Let the dog's be able to write their name in the snow. Maybe by using floating text or something, and if a sheep enters the infected area they instantly dash to water to wash it off. (makes the sheep change direction giving the wolves an edge and it would add a diff strategy besides just chaseing them everywhere.)
Okay, I should have said this in the start, but the game is ment to mainly challange the sheep. Most the time, when ever I play, it is a 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5, or 6v6. It is actually very hard for sheep players that don't have much skill. This is also one of the tags in which wolves are soposed to run FASTER than the sheep. At 10 saves, sheep turn to black sheep, which give them more damage, life(I belive this is in the older versions like Reborn), and speed. The sheep arn't soposed to really have any abilitys besides to build, and true sight(so they can see invisible wolves coming up on them). This is not a RotS type map, it is actually BEFORE RotS, but it is being redun. The main thing I would like to hear is new items. If you didn't know, the wolves get two item shops. They both only hold about 5-7 items(havn't counted). So that means we need more items. For who hasn't played Gosu's maps(which is unlikly), they do have strang looking terrain. He has already changed some aspects, as in the bottem right doesn't have any trees, but there are still places for a sheep to "tree hug". Although, shephards can kill trees with a Tree Bomber. The top right was changed from being pointless to an area with a clifish thing that you can walk up on, instead of being a hill.... It also has I belive trees. Anyways, please stop asking me to sugest adding abilitys.... It is based on how skilled the sheep is, not how to use abilitys, or who has the best abilitys....... Thank you for your imput though, I am going to sugest another terrain change, and a possibility of your ideas.
You could have a potion that when drank by the wolf turns him into a (some flying thing that can attack :D ) but only lasts for a short period of time. This would make it a ton harder for sheep and massing wouldn't work everytime. (If this map even allows massing.)

Another item could be. . . A potion (yeah two in a row) that the wolf throws and where ever it lands it breaks open and a gas cloud forms. It last for like 5 seconds and would slow both wolves and sheep.

Lastly an item that creates a shade. The shade lasts 3 minutes and is able to be seen by both the wolves and sheep. It gives vision for the wolf and is a better scout. (Might want to have a way to be able to kill them.)

Hope these ideas are of help. :)
Massing is of course allowed, the is the main skill in Sheep Tag. What do you mean by this:
mon-e said:
Another item could be. . . A potion (yeah two in a row) that the wolf throws and where ever it lands it breaks open and a gas cloud forms. It last for like 5 seconds and would slow both wolves and sheep
Do you mean like the skill acid bomb? If not, you just made me think of it. Lol. Could be a potion thing that deals damage over time in a wide spread of area. Slowing for Sheep would be good, but not for shephard. Like I said, these maps are ment to challenge the Sheep.
You can't make it to over balanced and sheeps have to be a complete expert to survive more then one second, and If it is just a challenge for sheep no one, no one, will want to be a wolf. (even less then they do now)
You could make it so that when three sheep or more are in close range of eachother, they get a slight movement speed bonus aura. You know how they say safety is better in numbers. You could give the wolves this also.
mon-e said:
You can't make it to over balanced and sheeps have to be a complete expert to survive more then one second, and If it is just a challenge for sheep no one, no one, will want to be a wolf. (even less then they do now)
I do not completly under stand what you mean by this.... Most people don't complain about shephard anymore. They don't know if they are going to be one because teams are random. It is a 6v6. Why would no one want to be shephard because it is hard for sheep....? You don't make much sence... Lol. To over balanced for who? One expert sheep can win. Expert>Pro to let you know. I can almost with stand 6 shephards for a long time. Gosu can do them for a long time to...
Azylaminaz said:
I do not completly under stand what you mean by this.... Most people don't complain about shephard anymore. They don't know if they are going to be one because teams are random. It is a 6v6. Why would no one want to be shephard because it is hard for sheep....? You don't make much sence... Lol. To over balanced for who? One expert sheep can win. Expert>Pro to let you know. I can almost with stand 6 shephards for a long time. Gosu can do them for a long time to...

Ok, what I meant is if there is no challenge for the wolf then it would be no fun for the player, people already hate being wolf enough, and if they get it at start and don't like it they might leave. (that kind of stuff happens all the time now, I don't know about sheep tag games though)

On the same note if it is to hard for sheep people would end up not likeing that as well. What I meant by "expert" was the people who love sheep and only play sheep tag.

I know no sheep tag (at least that I have played) made it to hard for sheep, but you said "the game is ment to mainly challange the sheep" so I thought you would make it really hard and average or below players wouldn't have a chance.

Sorry maybe I should have been clearer. :eek:
I do not do the balencing, but it is pretty balenced. The thing is, when a pro. plays with 11 newbs, and it is a six versus six, most the time the five newbs on the pro.'s team win. When playing Sheep Tag, it is best that people play with people that are there standards. It is like school, you do not stick someone that can do collage math in a 4th grade class....

Today, I played a six versus six, then five versus six. I was on the five team. Me and my two other friends just massed. We ended up lasting about 15 min, of course I was last standing. I even had nine saves. Of course it was challenging when there were six wolves chopping down my base, but I still was able to survive for a long time. I have beaten a game when it was one wolf(me) vs eight sheep. I went one to another. That shows that you do not put pro.s and newbs together and it would be fair.
Tell gosu to get rid of, switch. Screwing with sheep or sheps ruins the game. What needs to be done with it is that morons who play rots need to not come to real st. RotS is not st........... i have played st since the original map. almost 4 years now. Back then if u ran out of farms you would get taken down by a sheep in 30 seconds. Now on the actual game.

Like i said no more switch......

Well while im not a fan of terrain changes. It needs to be done. But not to the extent of completely changing the map.

Adding abilities would turn it into Ultimate st. So definitly not that. But some new ideas on items and such. would be nice.

More stuff as soon as i think of it.......
And on a further note. on the post above mine and the original poster.

This game is way balanced. And the reason why people dont like wolf is because it is TO chalenging. People hate it, people cant stand to be shep for one reason and one reason only. Sheep is just easier and you have more to do. But without wolf there is no sheep. PEople out there need to realize a real player. Any real player can wolf as well as sheep. there are just as many things u can do with wolf that sheep can do. I.E image jump. golem jump. cutting. alot of strategy. decoys.

EX. Ok here is an example of a very good strategy to get a sheep.

Say there are 1 sheep left with 3 wisps. Now the usual job for people who are dead is to say were the wolfs are to the last remaining sheep. What you can do as a wolf is buy an invisibility pot and a golem. While a golem is really not needed. its helps. But what u can do. Use images u should have urself and one image. go invisible with yourself and run the image around making sure not to attack buildings. or it will give u away. Stay out of sight until the sheep runs out of farms to either save or build and cut him off. they will think that ur over there while ur right in front of them. Im not gonna say i invented this trick. But i am positive i made this trick famous.
Woot! A smart person! Lol. Anyways, almost all pros would vote to get rid of switch, but switch is actually a good way to do a lot of testing, and learning. I think it was mainly added so people could have some fun in an INHOUSE(friends only) game, not a public.. I algree, RotS is totaly not Sheep Tag. This is what I said about RotS a while back, "RotS is like people who have 1 life, and have a billion damage". On RotS, it is either you win, or lose. There is not the thing of "comming close". I decided to play RotS yesterday. It was eight Sheep versus two shephards(my team).... Of course, sence I was their, we owned them in less than three min..... Then, after that, I was a Sheep. It was eight versus four, and of course, we owned them. You put a pro in a game with a bunch of newbs, he wins... Lol. My point is, the game should be challening for both, a newb, and a pro. When the game is not challenging, there is no point....... What server do you play on, Nautilus? And that trick of making an image then buying an invis potion was made by either Gosu or Rival, don't remember, lol.
HAHA sorry funny. I play on U.S west. And no lol i did invent it gosu knows me i am just as famous as gosu or rival. I just dont play on ft. Anymore. How old of a st player are u? i quit wc3 that is proly y u have never seen me before. But ask gosu about me and he can tell you.
Actaully, I have been playing Sheep Sence the very first versions, the ones where you can jump over the wall. I just didn't get into clans or anything for a while, and when I did, it wasn't aFc or anything. I just started with the clans over a month ago. I think I have played with you before. The account I play on is GoldenRock. I might have meet you on my other accounts though. GoldenSheep, GoldenSheepSSA, GoldenSaint, GoldenCynosure, Sheep-Tag, and others. I said that Gosu or Rival invented it because I saw Gosu do it a long time ago. So I thought he invented it, my mistake.
LOL jump over the wall. First version of st was made by a person named star.
My accs are Nautilus HellThrall Apoc ElderSheep Elric Onslaught Genosis.Hell But yeah i quit wc3 like i said so i really cant talk much. I have no idea how bad i am anymore. i miss all of my friends from wc3 and all but. i lpay other games now.
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    See how we like that.
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    I do not see a way to go past the 1st page of posts on the forum though
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    Yeah I'm not sure what the deal is with the pagination.
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    It SHOULD be there so I think it might just be an artifact of having an older style.
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    I don't really get that article forum but I think it is because I have never really seen it used on a multi post thread
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    What do you think Tom?
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    I will have to get used to this.
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