Snippet String2PlayerColoredString


Old World Ghost
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The player array is only used once on Init, since updates have been made. Which means that it should be removed.


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Ok then...

library PlayerColors initializer Init

//                                 *//PlayerColoredString\\*                                     //
//                                 *//Made by , Komaqtion\\*                                      //
//                                                                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//                                        Purpose:                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//             ¤ This snippet is supposed to help people to, with ease, convert                  //
//               a string to use a desired player's own color!                                   //
//                                                                                               //
//                                         Usage:                                                //
//                                                                                               //
//             ¤ To use this snippet, simply type "call PlayerColoredString(playerid, string)"   //
//               where "string" is the string you want to colorize, and "playerid"               //
//               is the player number of the player, whose color you wan to use.                 //
//               Note: This uses JASS' player number range, meaning that                         //
//               Player 1(Red)'s number is 0, and Player 2(Blue)'s number is 1,                  //
//               and so on...                                                                    //
//               You can also get only the players color-string for own usage...                 //
//               This is accomplished by using the function "GetPlayerColorString"               //
//               which takes the player to get the string, or you can also use                   //
//               the GetPlayerColorStringById function, which takes the player's                 //
//               Id, or number instead <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" />                                                        //
//                                                                                               //                                                                                //
//                                    Requirements:                                              //
//                                                                                               //
//             ¤ This snippet&#039;s only requirement is vJASS compilement, which is                  //
//               easiest achieved by downloading JASS Newgen Pack, at                            //
//               <a href="" class="link link--internal"></a>                          //
//               You&#039;ll also have to update JASS Helper to the latest version...                 //
//                                                                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//                                        Credits:                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//             ¤ Azlier, for helpong me out alot with several bugfixes and tweaking !            //
//               Jesus4Lyf, for also helping me out alot ! <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" />                                    //
//                                                                                               //
//               And credits, if you use this that is, is not needed to give me                  //
//               though it&#039;s always welcome <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite2" alt=";)" title="Wink    ;)" loading="lazy" data-shortname=";)" />                                                   //
//                                                                                               //

        private string array PlayerColor
        private string array PlayerColorString
        private constant string EndString = &quot;|r&quot;
    function PlayerColoredString takes integer playerId, string s returns string
        return PlayerColor[playerId] + s + EndString
    function GetPlayerColorString takes player p returns string
        return PlayerColor[GetPlayerId(p)]
    function GetPlayerColorStringById takes integer playerId returns string
        return PlayerColor[playerId]
    private function OnColorChange takes player whichplayer, playercolor color returns nothing
        set PlayerColor[GetPlayerId(whichplayer)] = PlayerColorString[GetHandleId(color)]
    hook SetPlayerColor OnColorChange
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = 15
        set PlayerColorString[0] = &quot;|c00ff0202&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[1] = &quot;|c000041ff&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[2] = &quot;|c001be5b8&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[3] = &quot;|c00530080&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[4] = &quot;|c00fffc00&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[5] = &quot;|c00fe890d&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[6] = &quot;|c001fbf00&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[7] = &quot;|c00e45aaf&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[8] = &quot;|c00949596&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[9] = &quot;|c007dbef1&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[10] = &quot;|c000f6145&quot;
        set PlayerColorString[11] = &quot;|c004d2903&quot;
            exitwhen i &lt; 0
            set PlayerColor<i> = PlayerColorString[GetHandleId(GetPlayerColor(Player(i)))]
            set i = i - 1


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BumP... I really want to extend this with even more features !
So, please come with suggestions, and I'll try to make them as good as I can ! :D:D

(Even if this is going to be graveyard'ed, I really want to test my skills with this ! ;))


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BumP... I really want to extend this with even more features !
So, please come with suggestions, and I'll try to make them as good as I can ! :D:D

(Even if this is going to be graveyard'ed, I really want to test my skills with this ! ;))

How many features could this possibly have? How about related functions?


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Could have a tint text tag with player colour function? :)

(Off memory text tags can be tinted with integers.)

Hmm... Can't say I quite get what you're saying there... :S
You mean that like takes x , y, player, string and returns texttag ? :S

How many features could this possibly have? How about related functions?

Well, what related functions would you wish to see here ? :eek:


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Ok, well the "text tag colour native thing" looks like this:
native SetTextTagColor takes texttag t, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing

So, how would I go about using "|c00ff0202" kind of colors, to using integer red,green,blue stuff ? :S

Or, should I do this you mean ? :
    function PlayerColoredTextTag takes texttag tag, integer playerId, string s returns nothing
        call SetTextTagText( tag, PlayerColor[playerId] + s + EndString, 10. )


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Oh, ok...
I've never worked with that kind of color code before...
Though I've seen it be used, and I know that ARGB uses it :D

Though, how am I supposed to split my colors into those ? :S

Could I do something like this ? :S

    function PlayerColoredTextTag takes integer playerId, integer alpha, texttag tag returns nothing
        call SetTextTagColor( tag, 0x SubString( PlayerColor[playerId], 5, 6 ), 0x SubString( PlayerColor[playerId], 7, 8 ), 0x SubString( PlayerColor[playerId], 9, 10 ), alpha )

Though, that gives me a syntax error :(


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Ok, are you sure it won't work the same way ? :S
(I don't have WE here, as I'm at school atm... So can't test it :()


Old World Ghost
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You should keep separate red, green, and blue integer arrays for each player. It is the most efficient method.

Like so:
set PlayerColorString[0] = &quot;|c00ff0202&quot;
set Red[0] = 0xff
set Green[0] = 0x02
set Blue[0] = 0x02


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Ok, looks like this now:
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = 11
        set PlayerColorString[0] = &quot;|c00ff0202&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0xff
        set Green[0] = 0x02
        set Blue[0] = 0x02
        set PlayerColorString[1] = &quot;|c000041ff&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x00
        set Green[0] = 0x41
        set Blue[0] = 0xff
        set PlayerColorString[2] = &quot;|c001be5b8&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x1b
        set Green[0] = 0xe5
        set Blue[0] = 0xb8
        set PlayerColorString[3] = &quot;|c00530080&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x53
        set Green[0] = 0x00
        set Blue[0] = 0x80
        set PlayerColorString[4] = &quot;|c00fffc00&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0xff
        set Green[0] = 0xfc
        set Blue[0] = 0x00
        set PlayerColorString[5] = &quot;|c00fe890d&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0xfe
        set Green[0] = 0x89
        set Blue[0] = 0x0d
        set PlayerColorString[6] = &quot;|c001fbf00&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x1f
        set Green[0] = 0xbf
        set Blue[0] = 0x00
        set PlayerColorString[7] = &quot;|c00e45aaf&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0xe4
        set Green[0] = 0x5a
        set Blue[0] = 0xaf
        set PlayerColorString[8] = &quot;|c00949596&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x94
        set Green[0] = 0x95
        set Blue[0] = 0x96
        set PlayerColorString[9] = &quot;|c007dbef1&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x7d
        set Green[0] = 0xbe
        set Blue[0] = 0xf1
        set PlayerColorString[10] = &quot;|c000f6145&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x0f
        set Green[0] = 0x61
        set Blue[0] = 0x45
        set PlayerColorString[11] = &quot;|c004d2903&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x4d
        set Green[0] = 0x29
        set Blue[0] = 0x03
            exitwhen i &lt; 0
            set PlayerColor<i> = PlayerColorString[GetHandleId(GetPlayerColor(Player(i)))]
            set i = i - 1

Though won't I somehow have to change those, the way I change the PlayerColor variable ? :S


Old World Ghost
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You have to treat them like the PlayerColor variable, yes.

It should also be noted that you're OVERWRITING THE 0 INDEX EVERY TIME.

This texttag business also brings up a question: do [lJASS]SetTextTagColor[/lJASS] and color codes mix? Does one overwrite the other? Huh.


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Yeah, that could be a good thing to test XD

And I did that now, but I used this (Which is supposed to set it's color to red, I hope) but it turned brown :(

  • Init
    • Events
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Set TempPoint = (Center of Region 1 &lt;gen&gt;)
      • Floating Text - Create floating text that reads Region 1! at TempPoint with Z offset 0.00, using font size 15.00, color (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%), and 0.00% transparency
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_TempPoint)
      • Set TempPoint = (Center of Region 2 &lt;gen&gt;)
      • Floating Text - Create floating text that reads Region 2! at TempPoint with Z offset 0.00, using font size 15.00, color (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%), and 0.00% transparency
      • Custom script: call PlayerColoredTextTag( 100, 0, GetLastCreatedTextTag())
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_TempPoint)

library PlayerColors initializer Init

//                                 *//PlayerColoredString\\*                                     //
//                                 *//Made by , Komaqtion\\*                                      //
//                                                                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//                                        Purpose:                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//             ¤ This snippet is supposed to help people to, with ease, convert                  //
//               a string to use a desired player&#039;s own color!                                   //
//                                                                                               //
//                                         Usage:                                                //
//                                                                                               //
//             ¤ To use this snippet, simply type &quot;call PlayerColoredString(playerid, string)&quot;   //
//               where &quot;string&quot; is the string you want to colorize, and &quot;playerid&quot;               //
//               is the player number of the player, whose color you wan to use.                 //
//               Note: This uses JASS&#039; player number range, meaning that                         //
//               Player 1(Red)&#039;s number is 0, and Player 2(Blue)&#039;s number is 1,                  //
//               and so on...                                                                    //
//               You can also get only the players color-string for own usage...                 //
//               This is accomplished by using the function &quot;GetPlayerColorString&quot;               //
//               which takes the player to get the string, or you can also use                   //
//               the GetPlayerColorStringById function, which takes the player&#039;s                 //
//               Id, or number instead <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" />                                                        //
//                                                                                               //
//                                    Requirements:                                              //
//                                                                                               //
//             ¤ This snippet&#039;s only requirement is vJASS compilement, which is                  //
//               easiest achieved by downloading JASS Newgen Pack, at                            //
//               <a href="" class="link link--internal"></a>                          //
//               You&#039;ll also have to update JASS Helper to the latest version...                 //
//                                                                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//                                        Credits:                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//             ¤ Azlier, for helpong me out alot with several bugfixes and tweaking !            //
//               Jesus4Lyf, for also helping me out alot ! <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" />                                    //
//                                                                                               //
//               And credits, if you use this that is, is not needed to give me                  //
//               though it&#039;s always welcome <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite2" alt=";)" title="Wink    ;)" loading="lazy" data-shortname=";)" />                                                   //
//                                                                                               //

        private string array PlayerColor
        private string array PlayerColorString
        private integer array Red
        private integer array Green
        private integer array Blue
        private constant string EndString = &quot;|r&quot;
    function PlayerColoredString takes integer playerId, string s returns string
        return PlayerColor[playerId] + s + EndString
    function PlayerColoredTextTag takes integer alpha, integer playerId, texttag tag returns nothing
        call SetTextTagColor( tag, Red[playerId], Green[playerId], Blue[playerId], alpha )
    function GetPlayerColorString takes player p returns string
        return PlayerColor[GetPlayerId(p)]
    function GetPlayerColorStringById takes integer playerId returns string
        return PlayerColor[playerId]
    private function OnColorChange takes player whichplayer, playercolor color returns nothing
        set PlayerColor[GetPlayerId(whichplayer)] = PlayerColorString[GetHandleId(color)]
    hook SetPlayerColor OnColorChange
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = 11
        set PlayerColorString[0] = &quot;|c00ff0202&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0xff
        set Green[0] = 0x02
        set Blue[0] = 0x02
        set PlayerColorString[1] = &quot;|c000041ff&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x00
        set Green[0] = 0x41
        set Blue[0] = 0xff
        set PlayerColorString[2] = &quot;|c001be5b8&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x1b
        set Green[0] = 0xe5
        set Blue[0] = 0xb8
        set PlayerColorString[3] = &quot;|c00530080&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x53
        set Green[0] = 0x00
        set Blue[0] = 0x80
        set PlayerColorString[4] = &quot;|c00fffc00&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0xff
        set Green[0] = 0xfc
        set Blue[0] = 0x00
        set PlayerColorString[5] = &quot;|c00fe890d&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0xfe
        set Green[0] = 0x89
        set Blue[0] = 0x0d
        set PlayerColorString[6] = &quot;|c001fbf00&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x1f
        set Green[0] = 0xbf
        set Blue[0] = 0x00
        set PlayerColorString[7] = &quot;|c00e45aaf&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0xe4
        set Green[0] = 0x5a
        set Blue[0] = 0xaf
        set PlayerColorString[8] = &quot;|c00949596&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x94
        set Green[0] = 0x95
        set Blue[0] = 0x96
        set PlayerColorString[9] = &quot;|c007dbef1&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x7d
        set Green[0] = 0xbe
        set Blue[0] = 0xf1
        set PlayerColorString[10] = &quot;|c000f6145&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x0f
        set Green[0] = 0x61
        set Blue[0] = 0x45
        set PlayerColorString[11] = &quot;|c004d2903&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x4d
        set Green[0] = 0x29
        set Blue[0] = 0x03
            exitwhen i &lt; 0
            set PlayerColor<i> = PlayerColorString[GetHandleId(GetPlayerColor(Player(i)))]
            set i = i - 1

Btw... What are the colorcodes for Neutral Hostile/Passive (And maybe Victim and Extra) ?


Old World Ghost
Reaction score
Read my second to last post again.

[ljass]function PlayerColoredTextTag takes integer alpha, integer playerId, texttag tag returns nothing[/ljass] should take a player, no? A ById function should to take an integer.


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library PlayerColors initializer Init

//                                 *//PlayerColoredString\\*                                     //
//                                 *//Made by , Komaqtion\\*                                      //
//                                                                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//                                        Purpose:                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//             ¤ This snippet is supposed to help people to, with ease, convert                  //
//               a string to use a desired player&#039;s own color!                                   //
//                                                                                               //
//                                         Usage:                                                //
//                                                                                               //
//             ¤ To use this snippet, simply type &quot;call PlayerColoredString(playerid, string)&quot;   //
//               where &quot;string&quot; is the string you want to colorize, and &quot;playerid&quot;               //
//               is the player number of the player, whose color you wan to use.                 //
//               Note: This uses JASS&#039; player number range, meaning that                         //
//               Player 1(Red)&#039;s number is 0, and Player 2(Blue)&#039;s number is 1,                  //
//               and so on...                                                                    //
//               You can also get only the players color-string for own usage...                 //
//               This is accomplished by using the function &quot;GetPlayerColorString&quot;               //
//               which takes the player to get the string, or you can also use                   //
//               the GetPlayerColorStringById function, which takes the player&#039;s                 //
//               Id, or number instead <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" />                                                        //
//                                                                                               //
//                                    Requirements:                                              //
//                                                                                               //
//             ¤ This snippet&#039;s only requirement is vJASS compilement, which is                  //
//               easiest achieved by downloading JASS Newgen Pack, at                            //
//               <a href="" class="link link--internal"></a>                          //
//               You&#039;ll also have to update JASS Helper to the latest version...                 //
//                                                                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//                                        Credits:                                               //
//                                                                                               //
//             ¤ Azlier, for helpong me out alot with several bugfixes and tweaking !            //
//               Jesus4Lyf, for also helping me out alot ! <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite8" alt=":D" title="Big Grin    :D" loading="lazy" data-shortname=":D" />                                    //
//                                                                                               //
//               And credits, if you use this that is, is not needed to give me                  //
//               though it&#039;s always welcome <img src="" class="smilie smilie--sprite smilie--sprite2" alt=";)" title="Wink    ;)" loading="lazy" data-shortname=";)" />                                                   //
//                                                                                               //

        private string array PlayerColor
        private string array PlayerColorString
        private integer array Red
        private integer array Green
        private integer array Blue
        private constant string EndString = &quot;|r&quot;
    function PlayerColoredString takes integer playerId, string s returns string
        return PlayerColor[playerId] + s + EndString
    function PlayerColoredTextTag takes integer alpha, player p, texttag tag returns nothing
        call SetTextTagColor( tag, Red[GetPlayerId(p)], Green[GetPlayerId(p)], Blue[GetPlayerId(p)], alpha )
    function PlayerColoredTextTagById takes integer alpha, integer playerId, texttag tag returns nothing
        call SetTextTagColor( tag, Red[playerId], Green[playerId], Blue[playerId], alpha )
    function GetPlayerColorString takes player p returns string
        return PlayerColor[GetPlayerId(p)]
    function GetPlayerColorStringById takes integer playerId returns string
        return PlayerColor[playerId]
    private function OnColorChange takes player whichplayer, playercolor color returns nothing
        set PlayerColor[GetPlayerId(whichplayer)] = PlayerColorString[GetHandleId(color)]
    hook SetPlayerColor OnColorChange
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = 11
        set PlayerColorString[0] = &quot;|c00ff0202&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0xff
        set Green[0] = 0x02
        set Blue[0] = 0x02
        set PlayerColorString[1] = &quot;|c000041ff&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x00
        set Green[0] = 0x41
        set Blue[0] = 0xff
        set PlayerColorString[2] = &quot;|c001be5b8&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x1b
        set Green[0] = 0xe5
        set Blue[0] = 0xb8
        set PlayerColorString[3] = &quot;|c00530080&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x53
        set Green[0] = 0x00
        set Blue[0] = 0x80
        set PlayerColorString[4] = &quot;|c00fffc00&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0xff
        set Green[0] = 0xfc
        set Blue[0] = 0x00
        set PlayerColorString[5] = &quot;|c00fe890d&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0xfe
        set Green[0] = 0x89
        set Blue[0] = 0x0d
        set PlayerColorString[6] = &quot;|c001fbf00&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x1f
        set Green[0] = 0xbf
        set Blue[0] = 0x00
        set PlayerColorString[7] = &quot;|c00e45aaf&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0xe4
        set Green[0] = 0x5a
        set Blue[0] = 0xaf
        set PlayerColorString[8] = &quot;|c00949596&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x94
        set Green[0] = 0x95
        set Blue[0] = 0x96
        set PlayerColorString[9] = &quot;|c007dbef1&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x7d
        set Green[0] = 0xbe
        set Blue[0] = 0xf1
        set PlayerColorString[10] = &quot;|c000f6145&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x0f
        set Green[0] = 0x61
        set Blue[0] = 0x45
        set PlayerColorString[11] = &quot;|c004d2903&quot;
        set Red[0] = 0x4d
        set Green[0] = 0x29
        set Blue[0] = 0x03
            exitwhen i &lt; 0
            set PlayerColor<i> = PlayerColorString[GetHandleId(GetPlayerColor(Player(i)))]
            set i = i - 1

Happy ? :p:p
(Just kidding, thanks ! :D)

And I don't really understand what you mean with that post :S
What index am I overwriting ? :S
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